Source code for pyart.retrieve.vad

Retrieval of VADs from a radar object.


import warnings

import numpy as np

from ..config import get_field_name
from ..core import HorizontalWindProfile

[docs]def vad_michelson(radar, vel_field=None, z_want=None, gatefilter=None): """ Velocity azimuth display. Creates a VAD object containing U Wind, V Wind and height that can then be used to plot and produce the velocity azimuth display. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Radar object used. vel_field : string, optional Velocity field to use for VAD calculation. z_want : array, optional Heights for where to sample vads from. None will result in np.linespace(0, 10000, 100). gatefilter : GateFilter, optional A GateFilter indicating radar gates that should be excluded from the import vad calculation. Returns ------- vad : HorizontalWindProfile A velocity azimuth display object containing height, speed, direction, u_wind, v_wind from a radar object. References ---------- Michelson, D. B., Andersson, T., Koistinen, J., Collier, C. G., Riedl, J., Szturc, J., Gjertsen, U., Nielsen, A. and Overgaard, S. (2000) BALTEX Radar Data Centre Products and their Methodologies. In SMHI Reports. Meteorology and Climatology. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrkoping. """ warnings.warn("vad_michelson function is currently having issues, " "working on a fix. Please use vad_browning in the meantime. " "See issue #992 for more details: " "") speeds = [] angles = [] heights = [] # Pulling z data from radar z_gate_data = radar.gate_z['data'] # Setting parameters if z_want is None: z_want = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100) # Parse field parameters if vel_field is None: radar.check_field_exists('velocity') vel_field = get_field_name('velocity') # Selecting what velocity data to use based on gatefilter if gatefilter is not None: velocities = gatefilter.gate_excluded, radar.fields[vel_field]['data']) else: velocities = radar.fields[vel_field]['data'] # Getting radar sweep index values for i in range(len(radar.sweep_start_ray_index['data'])): index_start = radar.sweep_start_ray_index['data'][i] index_end = radar.sweep_end_ray_index['data'][i] if not (index_end - index_start) % 2 == 0: index_end = index_end - 1 used_velocities = velocities[index_start:index_end] azimuth = radar.azimuth['data'][index_start:index_end] elevation = radar.fixed_angle['data'][i] # Calculating speed and angle speed, angle = _vad_calculation_m( used_velocities, azimuth, elevation) print('max height', z_gate_data[index_start, :].max(), 'meters') # Filling empty arrays with data speeds.append(speed) angles.append(angle) heights.append(z_gate_data[index_start, :]) # Combining arrays and sorting speed_array = np.concatenate(speeds) angle_array = np.concatenate(angles) height_array = np.concatenate(heights) arg_order = height_array.argsort() speed_ordered = speed_array[arg_order] height_ordered = height_array[arg_order] angle_ordered = angle_array[arg_order] # Calculating U and V wind u_ordered, v_ordered = _sd_to_uv(speed_ordered, angle_ordered) u_mean = _interval_mean(u_ordered, height_ordered, z_want) v_mean = _interval_mean(v_ordered, height_ordered, z_want) vad = HorizontalWindProfile.from_u_and_v( z_want, u_mean, v_mean) return vad
def _vad_calculation_m(velocity_field, azimuth, elevation): """ Calculates VAD for a scan, returns speed and angle outdic = vad_algorithm(velocity_field, azimuth, elevation) velocity_field is a 2D array, azimuth is a 1D array, elevation is a number. All in degrees, m outdic contains speed and angle. """ # Creating array with radar velocity data nrays, nbins = velocity_field.shape nrays2 = nrays // 2 velocity_count =, nbins, 2)) velocity_count[:, :, 0] = velocity_field[0:nrays2, :] velocity_count[:, :, 1] = velocity_field[nrays2:, :] # Converting from degress to radians sinaz = np.sin(np.deg2rad(azimuth)) cosaz = np.cos(np.deg2rad(azimuth)) # Masking array and testing for nan values sumv =, 2) vals = np.isnan(sumv) vals2 = np.vstack((vals, vals)) # Summing non-nan data and creating new array with summed data count = np.sum(np.isnan(sumv) == False, 0) count = np.float64(count) u_m = np.array([np.nansum(sumv, 0) // (2 * count)]) # Creating 0 value arrays cminusu_mcos = np.zeros((nrays, nbins)) cminusu_msin = np.zeros((nrays, nbins)) sincos = np.zeros((nrays, nbins)) sin2 = np.zeros((nrays, nbins)) cos2 = np.zeros((nrays, nbins)) # Summing all sin and cos and setting select entires to nan for i in range(nbins): cminusu_mcos[:, i] = cosaz * (velocity_field[:, i] - u_m[:, i]) cminusu_msin[:, i] = sinaz * (velocity_field[:, i] - u_m[:, i]) sincos[:, i] = sinaz * cosaz sin2[:, i] = sinaz**2 cos2[:, i] = cosaz**2 cminusu_mcos[vals2] = np.nan cminusu_msin[vals2] = np.nan sincos[vals2] = np.nan sin2[vals2] = np.nan cos2[vals2] = np.nan sumcminu_mcos = np.nansum(cminusu_mcos, 0) sumcminu_msin = np.nansum(cminusu_msin, 0) sumsincos = np.nansum(sincos, 0) sumsin2 = np.nansum(sin2, 0) sumcos2 = np.nansum(cos2, 0) # Calculating speed and angle values b_value = (sumcminu_mcos - (sumsincos*sumcminu_msin / sumsin2)) / ( sumcos2 - (sumsincos**2) / sumsin2) a_value = (sumcminu_msin - b_value*sumsincos) / sumsin2 speed = np.sqrt(a_value**2 + b_value**2) / np.cos( np.deg2rad(elevation)) angle = np.arctan2(a_value, b_value) return speed, angle def _interval_mean(data, current_z, wanted_z): """ Find the mean of data indexed by current_z at wanted_z on intervals wanted_z+/- delta wanted_z. """ delta = wanted_z[1] - wanted_z[0] pos_lower = [np.argsort((current_z - ( wanted_z[i] - delta / 2.0))**2)[0] for i in range(len(wanted_z))] pos_upper = [np.argsort((current_z - ( wanted_z[i] + delta / 2.0))**2)[0] for i in range(len(wanted_z))] mean_values = np.array([data[pos_lower[i]:pos_upper[i]].mean() for i in range(len(pos_upper))]) return mean_values def _sd_to_uv(speed, direction): """ Takes speed and direction to create u_mean and v_mean. """ return (np.sin(direction) * speed), (np.cos(direction) * speed)
[docs]def vad_browning( radar, velocity, z_want=None, valid_ray_min=16, gatefilter=None, window=2, weight='equal'): """ Velocity azimuth display. Note: This code uses only one sweep. Before using the velocity_azimuth_display function, use, for example: one_sweep_radar = radar.extract_sweeps([0]) Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Radar object used. velocity : string Velocity field to use for VAD calculation. Other Parameters ---------------- z_want : array Array of desired heights to be sampled for the vad calculation. valid_ray_min : int Amount of rays required to include that level in the VAD calculation. gatefilter : GateFilter A GateFilter indicating radar gates that should be excluded when from the import vad calculation. window : int Value to use for window when determining new values in the _Averag1D function. weight : string A string to indicate weighting method to use. 'equal' for equal weighting when interpolating or 'idw' for inverse distribution squared weighting for interpolating. Default is 'equal'. Returns ------- height : array Heights in meters above sea level at which horizontal winds were sampled. speed : array Horizontal wind speed in meters per second at each height. direction : array Horizontal wind direction in degrees at each height. u_wind : array U-wind mean in meters per second. v_wind : array V-wind mean in meters per second. Reference ---------- K. A. Browning and R. Wexler, 1968: The Determination of Kinematic Properties of a Wind Field Using Doppler Radar. J. Appl. Meteor., 7, 105–113 """ velocities = radar.fields[velocity]['data'] if gatefilter is not None: velocities = gatefilter.gate_excluded, velocities) azimuths = radar.azimuth['data'][:] elevation = radar.fixed_angle['data'][0] u_wind, v_wind = _vad_calculation_b(velocities, azimuths, elevation, valid_ray_min) bad = np.logical_or(np.isnan(u_wind), np.isnan(v_wind)) good_u_wind = u_wind[~bad] good_v_wind = v_wind[~bad] radar_height = radar.gate_z['data'][0] good_height = radar_height[~bad] if z_want is None: z_want = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)[:50] try: print('max height', np.max(good_height), ' meters') print('min height', np.min(good_height), ' meters') except ValueError: raise ValueError('Not enough data in this radar sweep ' \ 'for a vad calculation.') u_interp = _Average1D(good_height, good_u_wind, z_want[1] - z_want[0] / window, weight) v_interp = _Average1D(good_height, good_v_wind, z_want[1] - z_want[0] / window, weight) u_wanted = u_interp(z_want) v_wanted = v_interp(z_want) u_wanted =, 99999.) v_wanted =, 99999.) vad = HorizontalWindProfile.from_u_and_v( z_want, u_wanted, v_wanted) return vad
def _vad_calculation_b(velocities, azimuths, elevation, valid_ray_min): """ Calculates VAD for a scan and returns u_mean and v_mean. velocities is a 2D array, azimuths is a 1D array, elevation is a number. Note: We need to solve: Ax = b where: A = [sum_sin_squared_az, sum_sin_cos_az ] = [a, b] [sum_sin_cos_az, sum_cos_squared_az] [c, d] b = [sum_sin_vel_dev] = [b_1] [sum_cos_vel_dev] [b_2] The solution to this is: x = A-1 * b A-1 is: 1 [ d, -b ] --- * [ -c, a ] |A| and the determinate, det is: det = a*d - b*c Therefore the elements of x are: x_1 = (d* b_1 + -b * b_2) / det = (d*b_1 - b*b_2) / det x_2 = (-c * b_1 + a * b_2) / det = (a*b_2 - c*b_1) / det """ velocities = velocities.filled(np.nan) shape = velocities.shape _, nbins = velocities.shape invalid = np.isnan(velocities) valid_rays_per_gate = np.sum(~np.isnan(velocities), axis=0) too_few_valid_rays = valid_rays_per_gate < valid_ray_min invalid[:, too_few_valid_rays] = True sin_az = np.sin(np.deg2rad(azimuths)) cos_az = np.cos(np.deg2rad(azimuths)) sin_az = np.repeat(sin_az, nbins).reshape(shape) cos_az = np.repeat(cos_az, nbins).reshape(shape) sin_az[invalid] = np.nan cos_az[invalid] = np.nan mean_velocity_per_gate = np.nanmean(velocities, axis=0).reshape(1, -1) velocity_deviation = velocities - mean_velocity_per_gate sum_cos_vel_dev = np.nansum(cos_az * velocity_deviation, axis=0) sum_sin_vel_dev = np.nansum(sin_az * velocity_deviation, axis=0) sum_sin_cos_az = np.nansum(sin_az * cos_az, axis=0) sum_sin_squared_az = np.nansum(sin_az**2, axis=0) sum_cos_squared_az = np.nansum(cos_az**2, axis=0) # The A matrix a = sum_sin_squared_az b = sum_sin_cos_az c = sum_sin_cos_az d = sum_cos_squared_az # The b vector b_1 = sum_sin_vel_dev b_2 = sum_cos_vel_dev # solve for the x vector determinant = a*d - b*c x_1 = (d*b_1 - b*b_2) / determinant x_2 = (a*b_2 - c*b_1) / determinant # calculate horizontal components of winds elevation_scale = 1 / np.cos(np.deg2rad(elevation)) u_mean = x_1 * elevation_scale v_mean = x_2 * elevation_scale return u_mean, v_mean def _inverse_dist_squared(dist): """ Obtaining distance weights by using distance weighting interpolation, using the inverse distance-squared relationship. """ weights = 1 / (dist * dist) weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 99999. return weights class _Average1D(object): """ Used to find the nearest gate height and horizontal wind value with respect to the user's desired height. """ def __init__(self, x, y, window, weight, fill_value=99999.): sort_idx = np.argsort(x) self.x_sorted = x[sort_idx] self.y_sorted = y[sort_idx] self.window = window self.fill_value = fill_value if weight == 'equal': self.weight_func = lambda x: None elif weight == 'idw': self.weight_func = _inverse_dist_squared elif callable(weight): self.weight_func = weight else: raise ValueError("Invalid weight argument:", weight) def __call__(self, x_new, window=None): if window is None: window = self.window y_new = np.zeros_like(x_new, dtype=self.y_sorted.dtype) for i, center in enumerate(x_new): bottom = center - window top = center + window start = np.searchsorted(self.x_sorted, bottom) stop = np.searchsorted(self.x_sorted, top) x_in_window = self.x_sorted[start:stop] y_in_window = self.y_sorted[start:stop] if len(x_in_window) == 0: y_new[i] = self.fill_value else: distances = x_in_window - center weights = self.weight_func(distances) y_new[i] = np.average(y_in_window, weights=weights) return y_new