{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# The Py-ART Radar object and indexing" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# The Py-ART radar object has functions and attributes that allow for a more\n", "# in depth look of the data and the radar object." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "## You are using the Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART), an open source\n", "## library for working with weather radar data. Py-ART is partly\n", "## supported by the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Atmospheric\n", "## Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility, an Office of\n", "## Science user facility.\n", "##\n", "## If you use this software to prepare a publication, please cite:\n", "##\n", "## JJ Helmus and SM Collis, JORS 2016, doi: 10.5334/jors.119\n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Import needed modules\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import pyart" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Load the radar file\n", "radar = pyart.io.read(\"KATX20130717_195021_V06\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "altitude:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tlong_name: Altitude\n", "\tstandard_name: Altitude\n", "\tunits: meters\n", "\tpositive: up\n", "altitude_agl: None\n", "antenna_transition: None\n", "azimuth:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tunits: degrees\n", "\tstandard_name: beam_azimuth_angle\n", "\tlong_name: azimuth_angle_from_true_north\n", "\taxis: radial_azimuth_coordinate\n", "\tcomment: Azimuth of antenna relative to true north\n", "elevation:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tunits: degrees\n", "\tstandard_name: beam_elevation_angle\n", "\tlong_name: elevation_angle_from_horizontal_plane\n", "\taxis: radial_elevation_coordinate\n", "\tcomment: Elevation of antenna relative to the horizontal plane\n", "fields:\n", "\tdifferential_reflectivity:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: dB\n", "\t\tstandard_name: log_differential_reflectivity_hv\n", "\t\tlong_name: log_differential_reflectivity_hv\n", "\t\tvalid_max: 7.9375\n", "\t\tvalid_min: -7.875\n", "\t\tcoordinates: elevation azimuth range\n", "\t\t_FillValue: -9999.0\n", "\tdifferential_phase:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: degrees\n", "\t\tstandard_name: differential_phase_hv\n", "\t\tlong_name: differential_phase_hv\n", "\t\tvalid_max: 360.0\n", "\t\tvalid_min: 0.0\n", "\t\tcoordinates: elevation azimuth range\n", "\t\t_FillValue: -9999.0\n", "\treflectivity:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: dBZ\n", "\t\tstandard_name: equivalent_reflectivity_factor\n", "\t\tlong_name: Reflectivity\n", "\t\tvalid_max: 94.5\n", "\t\tvalid_min: -32.0\n", "\t\tcoordinates: elevation azimuth range\n", "\t\t_FillValue: -9999.0\n", "\tcross_correlation_ratio:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: ratio\n", "\t\tstandard_name: cross_correlation_ratio_hv\n", "\t\tlong_name: Cross correlation_ratio (RHOHV)\n", "\t\tvalid_max: 1.0\n", "\t\tvalid_min: 0.0\n", "\t\tcoordinates: elevation azimuth range\n", "\t\t_FillValue: -9999.0\n", "\tspectrum_width:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: meters_per_second\n", "\t\tstandard_name: doppler_spectrum_width\n", "\t\tlong_name: Spectrum Width\n", "\t\tvalid_max: 63.0\n", "\t\tvalid_min: -63.5\n", "\t\tcoordinates: elevation azimuth range\n", "\t\t_FillValue: -9999.0\n", "\tvelocity:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: meters_per_second\n", "\t\tstandard_name: radial_velocity_of_scatterers_away_from_instrument\n", "\t\tlong_name: Mean doppler Velocity\n", "\t\tvalid_max: 95.0\n", "\t\tvalid_min: -95.0\n", "\t\tcoordinates: elevation azimuth range\n", "\t\t_FillValue: -9999.0\n", "fixed_angle:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tlong_name: Target angle for sweep\n", "\tunits: degrees\n", "\tstandard_name: target_fixed_angle\n", "instrument_parameters:\n", "\tunambiguous_range:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: meters\n", "\t\tcomments: Unambiguous range\n", "\t\tmeta_group: instrument_parameters\n", "\t\tlong_name: Unambiguous range\n", "\tnyquist_velocity:\n", "\t\tdata: \n", "\t\tunits: meters_per_second\n", "\t\tcomments: Unambiguous velocity\n", "\t\tmeta_group: instrument_parameters\n", "\t\tlong_name: Nyquist velocity\n", "latitude:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tlong_name: Latitude\n", "\tstandard_name: Latitude\n", "\tunits: degrees_north\n", "longitude:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tlong_name: Longitude\n", "\tstandard_name: Longitude\n", "\tunits: degrees_east\n", "nsweeps: 16\n", "ngates: 1832\n", "nrays: 7200\n", "radar_calibration: None\n", "range:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tunits: meters\n", "\tstandard_name: projection_range_coordinate\n", "\tlong_name: range_to_measurement_volume\n", "\taxis: radial_range_coordinate\n", "\tspacing_is_constant: true\n", "\tcomment: Coordinate variable for range. Range to center of each bin.\n", "\tmeters_to_center_of_first_gate: 2125.0\n", "\tmeters_between_gates: 250.0\n", "scan_rate: None\n", "scan_type: ppi\n", "sweep_end_ray_index:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tlong_name: Index of last ray in sweep, 0-based\n", "\tunits: count\n", "sweep_mode:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tunits: unitless\n", "\tstandard_name: sweep_mode\n", "\tlong_name: Sweep mode\n", "\tcomment: Options are: \"sector\", \"coplane\", \"rhi\", \"vertical_pointing\", \"idle\", \"azimuth_surveillance\", \"elevation_surveillance\", \"sunscan\", \"pointing\", \"manual_ppi\", \"manual_rhi\"\n", "sweep_number:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tunits: count\n", "\tstandard_name: sweep_number\n", "\tlong_name: Sweep number\n", "sweep_start_ray_index:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tlong_name: Index of first ray in sweep, 0-based\n", "\tunits: count\n", "target_scan_rate: None\n", "time:\n", "\tdata: \n", "\tunits: seconds since 2013-07-17T19:50:21Z\n", "\tstandard_name: time\n", "\tlong_name: time_in_seconds_since_volume_start\n", "\tcalendar: gregorian\n", "\tcomment: Coordinate variable for time. Time at the center of each ray, in fractional seconds since the global variable time_coverage_start\n", "metadata:\n", "\tConventions: CF/Radial instrument_parameters\n", "\tversion: 1.3\n", "\ttitle: \n", "\tinstitution: \n", "\treferences: \n", "\tsource: \n", "\thistory: \n", "\tcomment: \n", "\tinstrument_name: KATX\n", "\toriginal_container: NEXRAD Level II\n", "\tvcp_pattern: 11\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# For a detailed print of the Py-ART radar object, use radar.info()\n", "radar.info()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'units': 'degrees',\n", " 'standard_name': 'beam_elevation_angle',\n", " 'long_name': 'elevation_angle_from_horizontal_plane',\n", " 'axis': 'radial_elevation_coordinate',\n", " 'comment': 'Elevation of antenna relative to the horizontal plane',\n", " 'data': array([ 0.7470703, 0.7196045, 0.6893921, ..., 19.511719 , 19.511719 ,\n", " 19.511719 ], dtype=float32)}" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# Let's view the elevation parameter. Py-ART stores all fields as 2D masked arrays\n", "# of dimensions (number of rays) x (number of gates). Therefore, as the elevation can change with\n", "# each ray, the data in the elevation array is a 1D array of dimension (number of rays)\n", "radar.elevation" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375\n", " 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375 0.52734375]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# If we just want the elevations of one sweep, we can use the get_slice() function\n", "# of the Radar object to just get the elevations from one slice.\n", "sweep_1 = radar.get_slice(1)\n", "print(radar.elevation['data'][sweep_1])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'units': 'dBZ',\n", " 'standard_name': 'equivalent_reflectivity_factor',\n", " 'long_name': 'Reflectivity',\n", " 'valid_max': 94.5,\n", " 'valid_min': -32.0,\n", " 'coordinates': 'elevation azimuth range',\n", " '_FillValue': -9999.0,\n", " 'data': masked_array(\n", " data=[[10.5, 7.5, --, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [9.5, --, --, ..., --, --, --],\n", " ...,\n", " [-10.5, -15.0, -9.5, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [-14.0, -13.5, -13.5, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [-11.0, -15.0, 0.5, ..., --, --, --]],\n", " mask=[[False, False, True, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [False, True, True, ..., True, True, True],\n", " ...,\n", " [False, False, False, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [False, False, False, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [False, False, False, ..., True, True, True]],\n", " fill_value=1e+20,\n", " dtype=float32)}" ] }, "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# All of the radar fields are stored in a dictionary called radar.fields. This dictionary\n", "# contains entries that correspond to the field names in the file.\n", "radar.fields['reflectivity']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "masked_array(\n", " data=[[10.5, 7.5, --, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [9.5, --, --, ..., --, --, --],\n", " ...,\n", " [-10.5, -15.0, -9.5, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [-14.0, -13.5, -13.5, ..., --, --, --],\n", " [-11.0, -15.0, 0.5, ..., --, --, --]],\n", " mask=[[False, False, True, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [False, True, True, ..., True, True, True],\n", " ...,\n", " [False, False, False, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [False, False, False, ..., True, True, True],\n", " [False, False, False, ..., True, True, True]],\n", " fill_value=1e+20,\n", " dtype=float32)" ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# This shows entries such as the data itself, coordinates, long name, and units. You can\n", "# access the array with the reflectivity data itself using radar.fields['reflectivity']['data'].\n", "# This is stored as a 2D masked array with dimensions (number of rays) x (number of gates)\n", "radar.fields['reflectivity']['data']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[[10.5 7.5 -- ... -- -- --]\n", " [-- -- -- ... -- -- --]\n", " [9.5 -- -- ... -- -- --]\n", " ...\n", " [-- 6.0 11.0 ... -- -- --]\n", " [-- -- -- ... -- -- --]\n", " [-- -- -- ... -- -- --]]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# If you just want the data from one slice, you can get the indicies for the\n", "# slice using radar.get_slice()\n", "slice_indices = radar.get_slice(0)\n", "print(radar.fields['reflectivity']['data'][slice_indices])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[-2.9066728410400056, -3.478547577741713, -6.587792083929423, -6.871031288639269, -10.971692217963673, -11.830616390843327, -12.108188248095756, -12.483419908190385, -12.88976917057903, -11.852766685681688, -12.410455582269897, -12.66444787446138, -12.997862391449566, -13.172098402018502, -13.489752513534416, -13.712565619531706]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# You can also iterate over each slice by using radar.iter_slice() This example\n", "# returns the mean reflectivity of each sweep.\n", "reflectivity = [radar.fields['reflectivity']['data'][x].mean() for x in radar.iter_slice()]\n", "print(reflectivity)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "array([ 8.81, 8.81, 8.81, ..., 32.33, 32.33, 32.33], dtype=float32)" ] }, "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# You can also view the important radar instrument parameters. One commonly used parameter\n", "# is the nyquist velocity, which is the maximum magnitude of the velocity the radar is\n", "# capable of recording before a phenomena known as aliasing occurs.\n", "radar.instrument_parameters['nyquist_velocity']['data']" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.2" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }