Source code for pyart.aux_io.rainbow_wrl

Routines for reading RAINBOW files (Used by SELEX) using the wradlib library


# specific modules for this function
import os

    import wradlib  # noqa

    # `read_rainbow` as of wradlib version 1.0.0
        from import read_Rainbow as read_rainbow
    except ImportError:
        from import read_rainbow

import datetime

import numpy as np

from ..config import FileMetadata, get_fillvalue
from ..core.radar import Radar
from ..exceptions import MissingOptionalDependency
from import _test_arguments, make_time_unit_str

    "W": "spectrum_width",
    "Wv": "spectrum_width_vv",  # non standard name
    "Wu": "unfiltered_spectrum_width",  # non standard name
    "Wvu": "unfiltered_spectrum_width_vv",  # non standard name
    "V": "velocity",
    "Vv": "velocity_vv",  # non standard name
    "Vu": "unfiltered_velocity",  # non standard name
    "Vvu": "unfiltered_velocity_vv",  # non standard name
    "dBZ": "reflectivity",
    "dBZv": "reflectivity_vv",  # non standard name
    "dBuZ": "unfiltered_reflectivity",  # non standard name
    "dBuZv": "unfiltered_reflectivity_vv",  # non standard name
    "ZDR": "differential_reflectivity",
    "ZDRu": "unfiltered_differential_reflectivity",  # non standard name
    "RhoHV": "cross_correlation_ratio",
    "RhoHVu": "unfiltered_cross_correlation_ratio",  # non standard name
    "PhiDP": "differential_phase",
    "uPhiDP": "uncorrected_differential_phase",  # non standard name
    "uPhiDPu": "uncorrected_unfiltered_differential_phase",  # non standard name
    "KDP": "specific_differential_phase",
    "uKDP": "uncorrected_specific_differential_phase",  # non standard name
    "uKDPu": "uncorrected_unfiltered_specific_differential_phase",  # non standard name
    "SQI": "signal_quality_index",  # non standard name
    "SQIv": "signal_quality_index_vv",  # non standard name
    "SQIu": "unfiltered_signal_quality_index",  # non standard name
    "SQIvu": "unfiltered_signal_quality_index_vv",  # non standard name
    "TEMP": "temperature",  # non standard name
    "ISO0": "iso0",  # non standard name

[docs] def read_rainbow_wrl( filename, field_names=None, additional_metadata=None, file_field_names=False, exclude_fields=None, include_fields=None, **kwargs ): """ Read a RAINBOW file. This routine has been tested to read rainbow5 files version 5.22.3, 5.34.16 and 5.35.1. Since the rainbow file format is evolving constantly there is no guaranty that it can work with other versions. If necessary, the user should adapt to code according to its own file version and raise an issue upstream. Data types read by this routine: Reflectivity: dBZ, dBuZ, dBZv, dBuZv Velocity: V, Vu, Vv, Vvu Spectrum width: W, Wu, Wv, Wvu Differential reflectivity: ZDR, ZDRu Co-polar correlation coefficient: RhoHV, RhoHVu Co-polar differential phase: PhiDP, uPhiDP, uPhiDPu Specific differential phase: KDP, uKDP, uKDPu Signal quality parameters: SQI, SQIu, SQIv, SQIvu Temperature: TEMP Position of the range bin respect to the ISO0: ISO0 Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the RAINBOW file to read. field_names : dict, optional Dictionary mapping RAINBOW field names to radar field names. If a data type found in the file does not appear in this dictionary or has a value of None it will not be placed in the radar.fields dictionary. A value of None, the default, will use the mapping defined in the Py-ART configuration file. additional_metadata : dict of dicts, optional Dictionary of dictionaries to retrieve metadata during this read. This metadata is not used during any successive file reads unless explicitly included. A value of None, the default, will not introduct any addition metadata and the file specific or default metadata as specified by the Py-ART configuration file will be used. file_field_names : bool, optional True to use the MDV data type names for the field names. If this case the field_names parameter is ignored. The field dictionary will likely only have a 'data' key, unless the fields are defined in `additional_metadata`. exclude_fields : list or None, optional List of fields to exclude from the radar object. This is applied after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. Set to None to include all fields specified by include_fields. include_fields : list or None, optional List of fields to include from the radar object. This is applied after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. Set to None to include all fields not specified by exclude_fields. Returns ------- radar : Radar Radar object containing data from RAINBOW file. """ # check that wradlib is available if not _WRADLIB_AVAILABLE: raise MissingOptionalDependency( "wradlib is required to use read_rainbow_wrl but is not installed" ) # test for non empty kwargs _test_arguments(kwargs) # check if it is the right file. Open it and read it bfile = os.path.basename(filename) supported_file = ( bfile.endswith(".vol") or bfile.endswith(".azi") or bfile.endswith(".ele") ) if not supported_file: raise ValueError( "Only data files with extension .vol, .azi or .ele are supported" ) # create metadata retrieval object if field_names is None: field_names = RAINBOW_FIELD_NAMES filemetadata = FileMetadata( "RAINBOW", field_names, additional_metadata, file_field_names, exclude_fields, include_fields, ) rbf = read_rainbow(filename, loaddata=True) # check the number of slices nslices = int(rbf["volume"]["scan"]["pargroup"]["numele"]) if nslices > 1: single_slice = False common_slice_info = rbf["volume"]["scan"]["slice"][0] else: single_slice = True common_slice_info = rbf["volume"]["scan"]["slice"] # check the data type # all slices should have the same data type datatype = common_slice_info["slicedata"]["rawdata"]["@type"] field_name = filemetadata.get_field_name(datatype) if field_name is None: raise ValueError("Field Name Unknown") # get definitions from filemetadata class latitude = filemetadata("latitude") longitude = filemetadata("longitude") altitude = filemetadata("altitude") metadata = filemetadata("metadata") sweep_start_ray_index = filemetadata("sweep_start_ray_index") sweep_end_ray_index = filemetadata("sweep_end_ray_index") sweep_number = filemetadata("sweep_number") sweep_mode = filemetadata("sweep_mode") fixed_angle = filemetadata("fixed_angle") elevation = filemetadata("elevation") _range = filemetadata("range") azimuth = filemetadata("azimuth") _time = filemetadata("time") field_dic = filemetadata(field_name) # other metadata frequency = filemetadata("frequency") # get general file information # position and radar frequency if "sensorinfo" in rbf["volume"].keys(): latitude["data"] = np.array( [rbf["volume"]["sensorinfo"]["lat"]], dtype="float64" ) longitude["data"] = np.array( [rbf["volume"]["sensorinfo"]["lon"]], dtype="float64" ) altitude["data"] = np.array( [rbf["volume"]["sensorinfo"]["alt"]], dtype="float64" ) frequency["data"] = np.array( [3e8 / float(rbf["volume"]["sensorinfo"]["wavelen"])], dtype="float64" ) elif "radarinfo" in rbf["volume"].keys(): latitude["data"] = np.array( [rbf["volume"]["radarinfo"]["@lat"]], dtype="float64" ) longitude["data"] = np.array( [rbf["volume"]["radarinfo"]["@lon"]], dtype="float64" ) altitude["data"] = np.array( [rbf["volume"]["radarinfo"]["@alt"]], dtype="float64" ) frequency["data"] = np.array( [3e8 / float(rbf["volume"]["radarinfo"]["wavelen"])], dtype="float64" ) # antenna speed if "antspeed" in common_slice_info: ant_speed = float(common_slice_info["antspeed"]) else: ant_speed = 10.0 print( "WARNING: Unable to read antenna speed. Default value of " + str(ant_speed) + " deg/s will be used" ) # angle step angle_step = float(common_slice_info["anglestep"]) # sweep_number (is the sweep index) sweep_number["data"] = np.arange(nslices, dtype="int32") # get number of rays and number of range bins per sweep rays_per_sweep = np.empty(nslices, dtype="int32") if single_slice: rays_per_sweep[0] = int(common_slice_info["slicedata"]["rawdata"]["@rays"]) maxbin = int(common_slice_info["slicedata"]["rawdata"]["@bins"]) ssri = np.array([0], dtype="int32") seri = np.array([rays_per_sweep[0] - 1], dtype="int32") else: # number of range bins per ray in sweep nbins_sweep = np.empty(nslices, dtype="int32") for i in range(nslices): slice_info = rbf["volume"]["scan"]["slice"][i] # number of rays per sweep rays_per_sweep[i] = int(slice_info["slicedata"]["rawdata"]["@rays"]) # number of range bins per ray in sweep nbins_sweep[i] = int(slice_info["slicedata"]["rawdata"]["@bins"]) # all sweeps have to have the same number of range bins if any(nbins_sweep != nbins_sweep[0]): # raise ValueError("number of range bins changes between sweeps") print( "WARNING: number of range bins changes between sweeps " + "max number of bins will be used" ) maxbin = nbins_sweep.max() ssri = np.cumsum(np.append([0], rays_per_sweep[:-1])).astype("int32") seri = np.cumsum(rays_per_sweep).astype("int32") - 1 # total number of rays and sweep start ray index and end total_rays = sum(rays_per_sweep) sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = ssri sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = seri # range if not single_slice: # all sweeps have to have the same range resolution for i in range(nslices): slice_info = rbf["volume"]["scan"]["slice"][i] if slice_info["rangestep"] != common_slice_info["rangestep"]: raise ValueError("range resolution changes between sweeps") r_res = float(common_slice_info["rangestep"]) * 1000.0 if "start_range" in common_slice_info.keys(): start_range = float(common_slice_info["start_range"]) * 1000.0 else: start_range = 0.0 _range["data"] = np.linspace( start_range + r_res / 2.0, float(maxbin - 1.0) * r_res + r_res / 2.0, maxbin ).astype("float32") _range["meters_between_gates"] = r_res _range["meters_to_center_of_first_gate"] = _range["data"][0] # containers for data t_fixed_angle = np.empty(nslices, dtype="float64") moving_angle = np.empty(total_rays, dtype="float64") static_angle = np.empty(total_rays, dtype="float64") time_data = np.empty(total_rays, dtype="float64") fdata = (total_rays, maxbin), dtype="float32", fill_value=get_fillvalue() ) # read data from file if bfile.endswith(".vol") or bfile.endswith(".azi"): scan_type = "ppi" sweep_mode["data"] = np.array(nslices * ["azimuth_surveillance"]) else: scan_type = "rhi" sweep_mode["data"] = np.array(["elevation_surveillance"]) # read data from file: for i in range(nslices): if single_slice: slice_info = common_slice_info else: slice_info = rbf["volume"]["scan"]["slice"][i] # fixed angle t_fixed_angle[i] = float(slice_info["posangle"]) # fixed angle (repeated for each ray) static_angle[ssri[i] : seri[i] + 1] = t_fixed_angle[i] # moving angle moving_angle[ssri[i] : seri[i] + 1], angle_start, angle_stop = _get_angle( slice_info["slicedata"]["rayinfo"], angle_step=angle_step, scan_type=scan_type, ) # time time_data[ssri[i] : seri[i] + 1], sweep_start_epoch = _get_time( slice_info["slicedata"]["@date"], slice_info["slicedata"]["@time"], angle_start[0], angle_stop[-1], angle_step, rays_per_sweep[i], ant_speed, scan_type=scan_type, ) if i == 0: volume_start_epoch = sweep_start_epoch + 0.0 start_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(volume_start_epoch) # data fdata[ssri[i] : seri[i] + 1, :] = _get_data( slice_info["slicedata"]["rawdata"], rays_per_sweep[i], nbins_sweep[i], maxbin, ) if bfile.endswith(".vol") or bfile.endswith(".azi"): azimuth["data"] = moving_angle elevation["data"] = static_angle else: azimuth["data"] = static_angle elevation["data"] = moving_angle fixed_angle["data"] = t_fixed_angle _time["data"] = time_data - volume_start_epoch _time["units"] = make_time_unit_str(start_time) # fields fields = {} # create field dictionary field_dic["_FillValue"] = get_fillvalue() field_dic["data"] = fdata fields[field_name] = field_dic # metadata # metadata['instrument_name'] = radar_id # instrument_parameters instrument_parameters = dict() instrument_parameters.update({"frequency": frequency}) return Radar( _time, _range, fields, metadata, scan_type, latitude, longitude, altitude, sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index, sweep_end_ray_index, azimuth, elevation, instrument_parameters=instrument_parameters, )
def _get_angle(ray_info, angle_step=None, scan_type="ppi"): """ obtains the ray angle start, stop and center Parameters ---------- ray_info : dictionary of dictionaries contains the ray info angle_step : float Optional. The angle step. Used in case there is no information of angle stop. Otherwise ignored. scan_type : str Default ppi. scan_type. Either ppi or rhi. Returns ------- moving_angle : numpy array the central point of the angle [Deg] angle_start : the starting point of the angle [Deg] angle_stop : the end point of the angle [Deg] """ bin_to_deg = 360.0 / 65536.0 def _extract_angles(data): angle = np.array(data * bin_to_deg, dtype="float64") if scan_type == "rhi": ind = (angle > 225.0).nonzero() angle[ind] -= 360.0 return angle try: angle_start = _extract_angles(ray_info["data"]) if angle_step is None: raise ValueError("Unknown angle step") angle_stop = angle_start + angle_step except TypeError: angle_start = _extract_angles(ray_info[0]["data"]) angle_stop = _extract_angles(ray_info[1]["data"]) moving_angle = np.angle( (np.exp(1.0j * np.deg2rad(angle_start)) + np.exp(1.0j * np.deg2rad(angle_stop))) / 2.0, deg=True, ) moving_angle[moving_angle < 0.0] += 360.0 # [0, 360] return moving_angle, angle_start, angle_stop def _get_data(rawdata, nrays, nbins, maxbin): """ Obtains the raw data Parameters ---------- rawdata : dictionary of dictionaries contains the raw data information nrays : int Number of rays in sweep nbins : int Number of bins in ray Returns ------- data : numpy array the data """ databin = rawdata["data"] datamin = float(rawdata["@min"]) datamax = float(rawdata["@max"]) datadepth = float(rawdata["@depth"]) datatype = rawdata["@type"] data = np.array( datamin + databin * (datamax - datamin) / 2**datadepth, dtype="float32" ) # fill invalid data with fill value mask = databin == 0 data[mask.nonzero()] = get_fillvalue() # put phidp data in the range [-180, 180] if (datatype == "PhiDP") or (datatype == "uPhiDP") or (datatype == "uPhiDPu"): is_above_180 = data > 180.0 data[is_above_180.nonzero()] -= 360.0 data = np.reshape(data, [nrays, nbins]) mask = np.reshape(mask, [nrays, nbins]) data_tmp = np.full((nrays, maxbin), get_fillvalue()) data_tmp[:nrays, :nbins] = data mask_tmp = np.full((nrays, maxbin), True) mask_tmp[:nrays, :nbins] = mask masked_data =, mask=mask_tmp, fill_value=get_fillvalue()) return masked_data def _get_time( date_sweep, time_sweep, first_angle_start, last_angle_stop, angle_step, nrays, ant_speed, scan_type="ppi", ): """ Computes the time at the center of each ray Parameters ---------- date_sweep, time_sweep : str the date and time of the sweep first_angle_start : float The starting point of the first angle in the sweep last_angle_stop : float The end point of the last angle in the sweep nrays : int Number of rays in sweep ant_speed : float antenna speed [deg/s] scan_type : str Default ppi. scan_type. Either ppi or rhi. Returns ------- time_data : numpy array the time of each ray sweep_start_epoch : float sweep start time in seconds since 1.1.1970 """ datetime_sweep = datetime.datetime.strptime( date_sweep + " " + time_sweep, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) sweep_start_epoch = (datetime_sweep - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() if scan_type == "ppi": if (last_angle_stop > first_angle_start) and ( (last_angle_stop - first_angle_start) / nrays > angle_step ): sweep_duration = (last_angle_stop - first_angle_start) / ant_speed else: sweep_duration = (last_angle_stop + 360.0 - first_angle_start) / ant_speed else: if last_angle_stop > first_angle_start: sweep_duration = (last_angle_stop - first_angle_start) / ant_speed else: sweep_duration = (first_angle_start - last_angle_stop) / ant_speed time_angle = sweep_duration / nrays sweep_end_epoch = sweep_start_epoch + sweep_duration time_data = np.linspace( sweep_start_epoch + time_angle / 2.0, sweep_end_epoch - time_angle / 2.0, num=nrays, ) return time_data, sweep_start_epoch