Source code for pyart.config

Py-ART configuration.


import os
import traceback
import warnings

# the path to the default configuration file
_dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(_dirname, "")

[docs]def load_config(filename=None): """ Load a Py-ART configuration from a config file. The default values for a number of Py-ART parameters and metadata is controlled by a single Python configuration file. An self-descriping example of this file can be found in the Py-ART source directory named ****. These defaults can modified by setting the environmental variable `PYART_CONFIG` to point to a new configuration file. If this variable is not set then the settings contained in the **** file are used. The code the configuration file is executed as-is with full permission, this may present a security issue, do not load un-trusted configuration files. The recommended method for changing these defaults is for users to copy this file into their home directory, rename it to, make any changes, and adjust their login scripts to set the PYART_CONFIG environmental variable to point to in their home directory. Py-ART's configuration can also be modified within a script or shell session using this function, the modification will last until a the end of the script/session or until a new configuration is loaded. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of configuration file. If None the default configuration file is loaded from the Py-ART source code directory. """ if filename is None: filename = _DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE # these are private since they should not be accessed by users or other # modules, use the get_ functions. global _DEFAULT_METADATA global _FILE_SPECIFIC_METADATA global _FIELD_MAPPINGS global _FILL_VALUE global _DEFAULT_FIELD_NAMES global _DEFAULT_FIELD_COLORMAP global _DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMITS try: from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location spec = spec_from_file_location("metadata_config", filename) # assert spec is not None cfile = module_from_spec(spec) # assert spec.loader is not None spec.loader.exec_module(cfile) except ImportError: import imp cfile = imp.load_source("metadata_config", filename) _DEFAULT_METADATA = cfile.DEFAULT_METADATA _FILE_SPECIFIC_METADATA = cfile.FILE_SPECIFIC_METADATA _FIELD_MAPPINGS = cfile.FIELD_MAPPINGS _FILL_VALUE = cfile.FILL_VALUE _DEFAULT_FIELD_NAMES = cfile.DEFAULT_FIELD_NAMES # These last two are optional try: _DEFAULT_FIELD_COLORMAP = cfile.DEFAULT_FIELD_COLORMAP _DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMITS = cfile.DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMITS except: pass return
# load the configuration from the enviromental parameter if it is set # if the load fails issue a warning and load the default config. _config_file = os.environ.get("PYART_CONFIG") if _config_file is None: load_config(_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) else: try: load_config(_config_file) except: msg = ( "\nLoading configuration from PYART_CONFIG enviromental " "variable failed:" "\n--- START IGNORED TRACEBACK --- \n" + traceback.format_exc() + "\n --- END IGNORED TRACEBACK ---" "\nLoading default configuration" ) warnings.warn(msg) load_config(_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
[docs]def get_metadata(p): """ Return a dictionary of metadata for a given parameter, p. An empty dictionary will be returned in no metadata dictionary exists for parameter p. """ if p in _DEFAULT_METADATA: return _DEFAULT_METADATA[p].copy() else: return {}
[docs]def get_fillvalue(): """ Return the current fill value. """ return _FILL_VALUE
[docs]def get_field_name(field): """ Return the field name from the configuration file for a given field. """ return str(_DEFAULT_FIELD_NAMES[field])
[docs]def get_field_colormap(field): """ Return the colormap name from the configuration file for a field name. """ if field in _DEFAULT_FIELD_COLORMAP: return _DEFAULT_FIELD_COLORMAP[field] else: import matplotlib # Use the default matplotlib colormap return matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap("Spectral_r").name
[docs]def get_field_limits(field, container=None, selection=0): """ Return the data limits from the configuration file for a given field, radar and sweep. Parameters ---------- field : str Field name. container : Radar, Grid or None, optional This is an optional parameter that will be use to get informations related to the field, like for instace nyquist velocity. selection : int, optional Selection of the data in the container, case container is a Radar this is the sweep to be considered. Returns ------- vmin, vmax: 2-tuplet of float Minimun and Maximun teorical value for field, if field is not in the configuration file returns (None, None). """ if field in _DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMITS: limits = _DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMITS[field] if callable(limits): limits = limits(container, selection) return limits else: return None, None
[docs]def get_field_mapping(filetype): """ Return a copy of the default field mapping for a given file type. Parameters ---------- filetype : str Filetype to return field mappings for. Returns ------- field_mappings : dict Dictionary mapping field names from one type to another. """ return _FIELD_MAPPINGS[filetype].copy()
[docs]class FileMetadata: """ A class for accessing metadata needed when reading files. Parameters ---------- filetype: str Type of file being read. field_names : dict Dictionary mapping file field names to radar fields names. additional_metadata : dict of dicts Additional metadata to use during read. file_field_names : bool True to keep the field names in the file. exclude_fields : list of strings Fields to exclude during readings. include_fields : list of strings Fields to include during readings. """ def __init__( self, filetype, field_names=None, additional_metadata=None, file_field_names=False, exclude_fields=None, include_fields=None, ): """ Initialize. """ # parse filetype parameter if filetype in _FILE_SPECIFIC_METADATA: self._file_specific_metadata = _FILE_SPECIFIC_METADATA[filetype] else: self._file_specific_metadata = {} # parse additional_metadata if additional_metadata is None: self._additional_metadata = {} else: self._additional_metadata = additional_metadata # parse field_names and file_field_names if file_field_names: self._field_names = None elif field_names is None and filetype in _FIELD_MAPPINGS: # if filetype is missing there is no mapping self._field_names = _FIELD_MAPPINGS[filetype] else: self._field_names = field_names # parse exclude_fields if exclude_fields is None: self._exclude_fields = [] else: self._exclude_fields = exclude_fields if include_fields is None: self._include_fields = None else: self._include_fields = include_fields
[docs] def get_metadata(self, p): """ Retrieve metadata for a parameter `p`. Parameters ---------- p : str Parameter to retrieve metadata for. Returns ------- dic : dict Dictionary of metadata for the parameter. """ # additional_metadata is queued first if p in self._additional_metadata: return self._additional_metadata[p].copy() # then the file specific metadata elif p in self._file_specific_metadata: return self._file_specific_metadata[p].copy() # and finally the default metadata elif p in _DEFAULT_METADATA: return _DEFAULT_METADATA[p].copy() # return a empty dict if the parameter is in none of the above else: return {}
[docs] def __call__(self, p): """ Retrieve metadata for parameter `p`. """ return self.get_metadata(p)
[docs] def get_field_name(self, file_field_name): """ Return the name radar field for a given file field name Parameters ---------- file_field_name : str Field name in file being read. Returns ------- field_name : str or None Field name in radar object fields dictionary, None indicated that the field should not be included. """ if self._field_names is None: field_name = file_field_name elif file_field_name in self._field_names: field_name = self._field_names[file_field_name] else: return None # field is not mapped if field_name in self._exclude_fields: return None # field is excluded elif self._include_fields is not None: if field_name not in self._include_fields: return None else: return field_name else: return field_name