Source code for pyart.core.radar

A general central radial scanning (or dwelling) instrument class.


import copy
import sys

import numpy as np

from ..config import get_metadata
from ..lazydict import LazyLoadDict
from .transforms import antenna_vectors_to_cartesian, cartesian_to_geographic

[docs]class Radar: """ A class for storing antenna coordinate radar data. The structure of the Radar class is based on the CF/Radial Data file format. Global attributes and variables (section 4.1 and 4.3) are represented as a dictionary in the metadata attribute. Other required and optional variables are represented as dictionaries in a attribute with the same name as the variable in the CF/Radial standard. When a optional attribute not present the attribute has a value of None. The data for a given variable is stored in the dictionary under the 'data' key. Moment field data is stored as a dictionary of dictionaries in the fields attribute. Sub-convention variables are stored as a dictionary of dictionaries under the meta_group attribute. Refer to the attribute section for information on the parameters. Attributes ---------- time : dict Time at the center of each ray. range : dict Range to the center of each gate (bin). fields : dict of dicts Moment fields. metadata : dict Metadata describing the instrument and data. scan_type : str Type of scan, one of 'ppi', 'rhi', 'sector' or 'other'. If the scan volume contains multiple sweep modes this should be 'other'. latitude : dict Latitude of the instrument. longitude : dict Longitude of the instrument. altitude : dict Altitude of the instrument, above sea level. altitude_agl : dict or None Altitude of the instrument above ground level. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter not available. sweep_number : dict The number of the sweep in the volume scan, 0-based. sweep_mode : dict Sweep mode for each mode in the volume scan. fixed_angle : dict Target angle for thr sweep. Azimuth angle in RHI modes, elevation angle in all other modes. sweep_start_ray_index : dict Index of the first ray in each sweep relative to the start of the volume, 0-based. sweep_end_ray_index : dict Index of the last ray in each sweep relative to the start of the volume, 0-based. rays_per_sweep : LazyLoadDict Number of rays in each sweep. The data key of this attribute is create upon first access from the data in the sweep_start_ray_index and sweep_end_ray_index attributes. If the sweep locations needs to be modified, do this prior to accessing this attribute or use :py:func:`init_rays_per_sweep` to reset the attribute. target_scan_rate : dict or None Intended scan rate for each sweep. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available. rays_are_indexed : dict or None Indication of whether ray angles are indexed to a regular grid in each sweep. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating ray angle spacing is not determined. ray_angle_res : dict or None If rays_are_indexed is not None, this provides the angular resolution of the grid. If not provided or available this attribute is set to None. azimuth : dict Azimuth of antenna, relative to true North. Azimuth angles are recommended to be expressed in the range of [0, 360], but other representations are not forbidden. elevation : dict Elevation of antenna, relative to the horizontal plane. Elevation angles are recommended to be expressed in the range of [-180, 180], but other representations are not forbidden. gate_x, gate_y, gate_z : LazyLoadDict Location of each gate in a Cartesian coordinate system assuming a standard atmosphere with a 4/3 Earth's radius model. The data keys of these attributes are create upon first access from the data in the range, azimuth and elevation attributes. If these attributes are changed use :py:func:`init_gate_x_y_z` to reset. gate_longitude, gate_latitude : LazyLoadDict Geographic location of each gate. The projection parameter(s) defined in the `projection` attribute are used to perform an inverse map projection from the Cartesian gate locations relative to the radar location to longitudes and latitudes. If these attributes are changed use :py:func:`init_gate_longitude_latitude` to reset the attributes. projection : dic or str Projection parameters defining the map projection used to transform from Cartesian to geographic coordinates. The default dictionary sets the 'proj' key to 'pyart_aeqd' indicating that the native Py-ART azimuthal equidistant projection is used. This can be modified to specify a valid pyproj.Proj projparams dictionary or string. The special key '_include_lon_0_lat_0' is removed when interpreting this dictionary. If this key is present and set to True, which is required when proj='pyart_aeqd', then the radar longitude and latitude will be added to the dictionary as 'lon_0' and 'lat_0'. gate_altitude : LazyLoadDict The altitude of each radar gate as calculated from the altitude of the radar and the Cartesian z location of each gate. If this attribute is changed use :py:func:`init_gate_altitude` to reset the attribute. scan_rate : dict or None Actual antenna scan rate. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available. antenna_transition : dict or None Flag indicating if the antenna is in transition, 1 = yes, 0 = no. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available. rotation : dict or None The rotation angle of the antenna. The angle about the aircraft longitudinal axis for a vertically scanning radar. tilt : dict or None The tilt angle with respect to the plane orthogonal (Z-axis) to aircraft longitudinal axis. roll : dict or None The roll angle of platform, for aircraft right wing down is positive. drift : dict or None Drift angle of antenna, the angle between heading and track. heading : dict or None Heading (compass) angle, clockwise from north. pitch : dict or None Pitch angle of antenna, for aircraft nose up is positive. georefs_applied : dict or None Indicates whether the variables have had georeference calculation applied. Leading to Earth-centric azimuth and elevation angles. instrument_parameters : dict of dicts or None Instrument parameters, if not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating these parameters are not avaiable. This dictionary also includes variables in the radar_parameters CF/Radial subconvention. radar_calibration : dict of dicts or None Instrument calibration parameters. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating these parameters are not available ngates : int Number of gates (bins) in a ray. nrays : int Number of rays in the volume. nsweeps : int Number of sweep in the volume. """ def __init__( self, time, _range, fields, metadata, scan_type, latitude, longitude, altitude, sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index, sweep_end_ray_index, azimuth, elevation, altitude_agl=None, target_scan_rate=None, rays_are_indexed=None, ray_angle_res=None, scan_rate=None, antenna_transition=None, instrument_parameters=None, radar_calibration=None, rotation=None, tilt=None, roll=None, drift=None, heading=None, pitch=None, georefs_applied=None, ): if "calendar" not in time: time["calendar"] = "gregorian" self.time = time self.range = _range self.fields = fields self.metadata = metadata self.scan_type = scan_type self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.altitude = altitude self.altitude_agl = altitude_agl # optional self.sweep_number = sweep_number self.sweep_mode = sweep_mode self.fixed_angle = fixed_angle self.sweep_start_ray_index = sweep_start_ray_index self.sweep_end_ray_index = sweep_end_ray_index self.target_scan_rate = target_scan_rate # optional self.rays_are_indexed = rays_are_indexed # optional self.ray_angle_res = ray_angle_res # optional self.azimuth = azimuth self.elevation = elevation self.scan_rate = scan_rate # optional self.antenna_transition = antenna_transition # optional self.rotation = rotation # optional self.tilt = tilt # optional self.roll = roll # optional self.drift = drift # optional self.heading = heading # optional self.pitch = pitch # optional self.georefs_applied = georefs_applied # optional self.instrument_parameters = instrument_parameters # optional self.radar_calibration = radar_calibration # optional self.ngates = len(_range["data"]) self.nrays = len(time["data"]) self.nsweeps = len(sweep_number["data"]) self.projection = {"proj": "pyart_aeqd", "_include_lon_0_lat_0": True} # initalize attributes with lazy load dictionaries self.init_rays_per_sweep() self.init_gate_x_y_z() self.init_gate_longitude_latitude() self.init_gate_altitude() def __getstate__(self): """Return object's state which can be pickled.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() # copy the objects state # Remove unpicklable entries (those which are lazily loaded del state["rays_per_sweep"] del state["gate_x"] del state["gate_y"] del state["gate_z"] del state["gate_longitude"] del state["gate_latitude"] del state["gate_altitude"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): """Restore unpicklable entries from pickled object.""" self.__dict__.update(state) self.init_rays_per_sweep() self.init_gate_x_y_z() self.init_gate_longitude_latitude() self.init_gate_altitude() # Attribute init/reset method
[docs] def init_rays_per_sweep(self): """Initialize or reset the rays_per_sweep attribute.""" lazydic = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("rays_per_sweep")) lazydic.set_lazy("data", _rays_per_sweep_data_factory(self)) self.rays_per_sweep = lazydic
[docs] def init_gate_x_y_z(self): """Initialize or reset the gate_{x, y, z} attributes.""" gate_x = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_x")) gate_x.set_lazy("data", _gate_data_factory(self, 0)) self.gate_x = gate_x gate_y = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_y")) gate_y.set_lazy("data", _gate_data_factory(self, 1)) self.gate_y = gate_y gate_z = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_z")) gate_z.set_lazy("data", _gate_data_factory(self, 2)) self.gate_z = gate_z
[docs] def init_gate_longitude_latitude(self): """ Initialize or reset the gate_longitude and gate_latitude attributes. """ gate_longitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_longitude")) gate_longitude.set_lazy("data", _gate_lon_lat_data_factory(self, 0)) self.gate_longitude = gate_longitude gate_latitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_latitude")) gate_latitude.set_lazy("data", _gate_lon_lat_data_factory(self, 1)) self.gate_latitude = gate_latitude
[docs] def init_gate_altitude(self): """Initialize the gate_altitude attribute.""" gate_altitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_altitude")) gate_altitude.set_lazy("data", _gate_altitude_data_factory(self)) self.gate_altitude = gate_altitude
# private functions for checking limits, etc. def _check_sweep_in_range(self, sweep): """Check that a sweep number is in range.""" if sweep < 0 or sweep >= self.nsweeps: raise IndexError("Sweep out of range: ", sweep) return # public check functions
[docs] def check_field_exists(self, field_name): """ Check that a field exists in the fields dictionary. If the field does not exist raise a KeyError. Parameters ---------- field_name : str Name of field to check. """ if field_name not in self.fields: raise KeyError("Field not available: " + field_name) return
# Iterators
[docs] def iter_start(self): """Return an iterator over the sweep start indices.""" return (s for s in self.sweep_start_ray_index["data"])
[docs] def iter_end(self): """Return an iterator over the sweep end indices.""" return (s for s in self.sweep_end_ray_index["data"])
[docs] def iter_start_end(self): """Return an iterator over the sweep start and end indices.""" return ((s, e) for s, e in zip(self.iter_start(), self.iter_end()))
[docs] def iter_slice(self): """Return an iterator which returns sweep slice objects.""" return (slice(s, e + 1) for s, e in self.iter_start_end())
[docs] def iter_field(self, field_name): """Return an iterator which returns sweep field data.""" self.check_field_exists(field_name) return (self.fields[field_name]["data"][s] for s in self.iter_slice())
[docs] def iter_azimuth(self): """Return an iterator which returns sweep azimuth data.""" return (self.azimuth["data"][s] for s in self.iter_slice())
[docs] def iter_elevation(self): """Return an iterator which returns sweep elevation data.""" return (self.elevation["data"][s] for s in self.iter_slice())
# get methods
[docs] def get_start(self, sweep): """Return the starting ray index for a given sweep.""" self._check_sweep_in_range(sweep) return self.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][sweep]
[docs] def get_end(self, sweep): """Return the ending ray for a given sweep.""" self._check_sweep_in_range(sweep) return self.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][sweep]
[docs] def get_start_end(self, sweep): """Return the starting and ending ray for a given sweep.""" return self.get_start(sweep), self.get_end(sweep)
[docs] def get_slice(self, sweep): """Return a slice for selecting rays for a given sweep.""" start, end = self.get_start_end(sweep) return slice(start, end + 1)
[docs] def get_field(self, sweep, field_name, copy=False): """ Return the field data for a given sweep. When used with :py:func:`get_gate_x_y_z` this method can be used to obtain the data needed for plotting a radar field with the correct spatial context. Parameters ---------- sweep : int Sweep number to retrieve data for, 0 based. field_name : str Name of the field from which data should be retrieved. copy : bool, optional True to return a copy of the data. False, the default, returns a view of the data (when possible), changing this data will change the data in the underlying Radar object. Returns ------- data : array Array containing data for the requested sweep and field. """ self.check_field_exists(field_name) s = self.get_slice(sweep) data = self.fields[field_name]["data"][s] if copy: return data.copy() else: return data
[docs] def get_azimuth(self, sweep, copy=False): """ Return an array of azimuth angles for a given sweep. Parameters ---------- sweep : int Sweep number to retrieve data for, 0 based. copy : bool, optional True to return a copy of the azimuths. False, the default, returns a view of the azimuths (when possible), changing this data will change the data in the underlying Radar object. Returns ------- azimuths : array Array containing the azimuth angles for a given sweep. """ s = self.get_slice(sweep) azimuths = self.azimuth["data"][s] if copy: return azimuths.copy() else: return azimuths
[docs] def get_elevation(self, sweep, copy=False): """ Return an array of elevation angles for a given sweep. Parameters ---------- sweep : int Sweep number to retrieve data for, 0 based. copy : bool, optional True to return a copy of the elevations. False, the default, returns a view of the elevations (when possible), changing this data will change the data in the underlying Radar object. Returns ------- elevation : array Array containing the elevation angles for a given sweep. """ s = self.get_slice(sweep) elevation = self.elevation["data"][s] if copy: return elevation.copy() else: return elevation
[docs] def get_gate_x_y_z(self, sweep, edges=False, filter_transitions=False): """ Return the x, y and z gate locations in meters for a given sweep. With the default parameter this method returns the same data as contained in the gate_x, gate_y and gate_z attributes but this method performs the gate location calculations only for the specified sweep and therefore is more efficient than accessing this data through these attribute. When used with :py:func:`get_field` this method can be used to obtain the data needed for plotting a radar field with the correct spatial context. Parameters ---------- sweep : int Sweep number to retrieve gate locations from, 0 based. edges : bool, optional True to return the locations of the gate edges calculated by interpolating between the range, azimuths and elevations. False (the default) will return the locations of the gate centers with no interpolation. filter_transitions : bool, optional True to remove rays where the antenna was in transition between sweeps. False will include these rays. No rays will be removed if the antenna_transition attribute is not available (set to None). Returns ------- x, y, z : 2D array Array containing the x, y and z, distances from the radar in meters for the center (or edges) for all gates in the sweep. """ azimuths = self.get_azimuth(sweep) elevations = self.get_elevation(sweep) if filter_transitions and self.antenna_transition is not None: sweep_slice = self.get_slice(sweep) valid = self.antenna_transition["data"][sweep_slice] == 0 azimuths = azimuths[valid] elevations = elevations[valid] return antenna_vectors_to_cartesian( self.range["data"], azimuths, elevations, edges=edges )
[docs] def get_gate_area(self, sweep): """ Return the area of each gate in a sweep. Units of area will be the same as those of the range variable, squared. Assumptions: 1. Azimuth data is in degrees. Parameters ---------- sweep : int Sweep number to retrieve gate locations from, 0 based. Returns ------- area : 2D array of size (ngates - 1, nrays - 1) Array containing the area (in m * m) of each gate in the sweep. """ s = self.get_slice(sweep) azimuths = self.azimuth["data"][s] ranges = self.range["data"] circular_area = np.pi * ranges**2 annular_area = np.diff(circular_area) az_diffs = np.diff(azimuths) az_diffs[az_diffs < 0.0] += 360 d_azimuths = az_diffs / 360.0 # Fraction of a full circle dca, daz = np.meshgrid(annular_area, d_azimuths) area = np.abs(dca * daz) return area
[docs] def get_gate_lat_lon_alt( self, sweep, reset_gate_coords=False, filter_transitions=False ): """ Return the longitude, latitude and altitude gate locations. Longitude and latitude are in degrees and altitude in meters. With the default parameter this method returns the same data as contained in the gate_latitude, gate_longitude and gate_altitude attributes but this method performs the gate location calculations only for the specified sweep and therefore is more efficient than accessing this data through these attribute. If coordinates have at all, please use the reset_gate_coords parameter. Parameters ---------- sweep : int Sweep number to retrieve gate locations from, 0 based. reset_gate_coords : bool, optional Optional to reset the gate latitude, gate longitude and gate altitude attributes before using them in this function. This is useful when the geographic coordinates have changed and gate latitude, gate longitude and gate altitude need to be reset. filter_transitions : bool, optional True to remove rays where the antenna was in transition between sweeps. False will include these rays. No rays will be removed if the antenna_transition attribute is not available (set to None). Returns ------- lat, lon, alt : 2D array Array containing the latitude, longitude and altitude, for all gates in the sweep. """ s = self.get_slice(sweep) if reset_gate_coords: gate_latitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_latitude")) gate_latitude.set_lazy("data", _gate_lon_lat_data_factory(self, 1)) self.gate_latitude = gate_latitude gate_longitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_longitude")) gate_longitude.set_lazy("data", _gate_lon_lat_data_factory(self, 0)) self.gate_longitude = gate_longitude gate_altitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata("gate_altitude")) gate_altitude.set_lazy("data", _gate_altitude_data_factory(self)) self.gate_altitude = gate_altitude lat = self.gate_latitude["data"][s] lon = self.gate_longitude["data"][s] alt = self.gate_altitude["data"][s] if filter_transitions and self.antenna_transition is not None: valid = self.antenna_transition["data"][s] == 0 lat = lat[valid] lon = lon[valid] alt = alt[valid] return lat, lon, alt
[docs] def get_nyquist_vel(self, sweep, check_uniform=True): """ Return the Nyquist velocity in meters per second for a given sweep. Raises a LookupError if the Nyquist velocity is not available, an Exception is raised if the velocities are not uniform in the sweep unless check_uniform is set to False. Parameters ---------- sweep : int Sweep number to retrieve data for, 0 based. check_uniform : bool True to check to perform a check on the Nyquist velocities that they are uniform in the sweep, False will skip this check and return the velocity of the first ray in the sweep. Returns ------- nyquist_velocity : float Array containing the Nyquist velocity in m/s for a given sweep. """ s = self.get_slice(sweep) try: nyq_vel = self.instrument_parameters["nyquist_velocity"]["data"][s] except TypeError: raise LookupError("Nyquist velocity unavailable") if check_uniform: if np.any(nyq_vel != nyq_vel[0]): raise Exception("Nyquist velocities are not uniform in sweep") return float(nyq_vel[0])
# Methods
[docs] def info(self, level="standard", out=sys.stdout): """ Print information on radar. Parameters ---------- level : {'compact', 'standard', 'full', 'c', 's', 'f'}, optional Level of information on radar object to print, compact is minimal information, standard more and full everything. out : file-like, optional Stream to direct output to, default is to print information to standard out (the screen). """ if level == "c": level = "compact" elif level == "s": level = "standard" elif level == "f": level = "full" if level not in ["standard", "compact", "full"]: raise ValueError("invalid level parameter") self._dic_info("altitude", level, out) self._dic_info("altitude_agl", level, out) self._dic_info("antenna_transition", level, out) self._dic_info("azimuth", level, out) self._dic_info("elevation", level, out) print("fields:", file=out) for field_name, field_dic in self.fields.items(): self._dic_info(field_name, level, out, field_dic, 1) self._dic_info("fixed_angle", level, out) if self.instrument_parameters is None: print("instrument_parameters: None", file=out) else: print("instrument_parameters:", file=out) for name, dic in self.instrument_parameters.items(): self._dic_info(name, level, out, dic, 1) self._dic_info("latitude", level, out) self._dic_info("longitude", level, out) print("nsweeps:", self.nsweeps, file=out) print("ngates:", self.ngates, file=out) print("nrays:", self.nrays, file=out) if self.radar_calibration is None: print("radar_calibration: None", file=out) else: print("radar_calibration:", file=out) for name, dic in self.radar_calibration.items(): self._dic_info(name, level, out, dic, 1) self._dic_info("range", level, out) self._dic_info("scan_rate", level, out) print("scan_type:", self.scan_type, file=out) self._dic_info("sweep_end_ray_index", level, out) self._dic_info("sweep_mode", level, out) self._dic_info("sweep_number", level, out) self._dic_info("sweep_start_ray_index", level, out) self._dic_info("target_scan_rate", level, out) self._dic_info("time", level, out) # Airborne radar parameters if self.rotation is not None: self._dic_info("rotation", level, out) if self.tilt is not None: self._dic_info("tilt", level, out) if self.roll is not None: self._dic_info("roll", level, out) if self.drift is not None: self._dic_info("drift", level, out) if self.heading is not None: self._dic_info("heading", level, out) if self.pitch is not None: self._dic_info("pitch", level, out) if self.georefs_applied is not None: self._dic_info("georefs_applied", level, out) # always print out all metadata last self._dic_info("metadata", "full", out)
def _dic_info(self, attr, level, out, dic=None, ident_level=0): """Print information on a dictionary attribute.""" if dic is None: dic = getattr(self, attr) ilvl0 = "\t" * ident_level ilvl1 = "\t" * (ident_level + 1) if dic is None: print(str(attr) + ": None", file=out) return # make a string summary of the data key if it exists. if "data" not in dic: d_str = "Missing" elif not isinstance(dic["data"], np.ndarray): d_str = "<not a ndarray>" else: data = dic["data"] t = (data.dtype, data.shape) d_str = "<ndarray of type: {} and shape: {}>".format(*t) # compact, only data summary if level == "compact": print(ilvl0 + str(attr) + ":", d_str, file=out) # standard, all keys, only summary for data elif level == "standard": print(ilvl0 + str(attr) + ":", file=out) print(ilvl1 + "data:", d_str, file=out) for key, val in dic.items(): if key == "data": continue print(ilvl1 + key + ":", val, file=out) # full, all keys, full data elif level == "full": print(str(attr) + ":", file=out) if "data" in dic: print(ilvl1 + "data:", dic["data"], file=out) for key, val in dic.items(): if key == "data": continue print(ilvl1 + key + ":", val, file=out) return
[docs] def add_field(self, field_name, dic, replace_existing=False): """ Add a field to the object. Parameters ---------- field_name : str Name of the field to add to the dictionary of fields. dic : dict Dictionary contain field data and metadata. replace_existing : bool, optional True to replace the existing field with key field_name if it exists, loosing any existing data. False will raise a ValueError when the field already exists. """ # check that the field dictionary to add is valid if field_name in self.fields and replace_existing is False: err = f"A field with name: {field_name} already exists" raise ValueError(err) if "data" not in dic: raise KeyError("dic must contain a 'data' key") if dic["data"].shape != (self.nrays, self.ngates): t = (self.nrays, self.ngates) err = "'data' has invalid shape, should be (%i, %i)" % t raise ValueError(err) # add the field self.fields[field_name] = dic return
[docs] def add_filter(self, gatefilter, replace_existing=False, include_fields=None): """ Updates the radar object with an applied gatefilter provided by the user that masks values in fields within the radar object. Parameters ---------- gatefilter : GateFilter GateFilter instance. This filter will exclude equal to the conditions provided in the gatefilter and mask values in fields specified or all fields if include_fields is None. replace_existing : bool, optional If True, replaces the fields in the radar object with copies of those fields with the applied gatefilter. False will return new fields with the appended 'filtered_' prefix. include_fields : list, optional List of fields to have filtered applied to. If none, all fields will have applied filter. """ # If include_fields is None, sets list to all fields to include. if include_fields is None: include_fields = [*self.fields.keys()] try: # Replace current fields with masked versions with applied gatefilter. if replace_existing: for field in include_fields: self.fields[field]["data"] = gatefilter.gate_excluded, self.fields[field]["data"] ) # Add new fields with prefix 'filtered_' else: for field in include_fields: field_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.fields[field]) field_dict["data"] = gatefilter.gate_excluded, field_dict["data"] ) self.add_field( "filtered_" + field, field_dict, replace_existing=True ) # If fields don't match up throw an error. except KeyError: raise KeyError( field + " not found in the original radar object, " "please check that names in the include_fields list " "match those in the radar object." ) return
[docs] def add_field_like( self, existing_field_name, field_name, data, replace_existing=False ): """ Add a field to the object with metadata from a existing field. Note that the data parameter is not copied by this method. If data refers to a 'data' array from an existing field dictionary, a copy should be made within or prior to using this method. If this is not done the 'data' key in both field dictionaries will point to the same NumPy array and modification of one will change the second. To copy NumPy arrays use the copy() method. See the Examples section for how to create a copy of the 'reflectivity' field as a field named 'reflectivity_copy'. Parameters ---------- existing_field_name : str Name of an existing field to take metadata from when adding the new field to the object. field_name : str Name of the field to add to the dictionary of fields. data : array Field data. A copy of this data is not made, see the note above. replace_existing : bool, optional True to replace the existing field with key field_name if it exists, loosing any existing data. False will raise a ValueError when the field already exists. Examples -------- >>> radar.add_field_like('reflectivity', 'reflectivity_copy', ... radar.fields['reflectivity']['data'].copy()) """ if existing_field_name not in self.fields: err = f"field {existing_field_name} does not exist in object" raise ValueError(err) dic = {} for k, v in self.fields[existing_field_name].items(): if k != "data": dic[k] = v dic["data"] = data return self.add_field(field_name, dic, replace_existing=replace_existing)
[docs] def extract_sweeps(self, sweeps): """ Create a new radar contains only the data from select sweeps. Parameters ---------- sweeps : array_like Sweeps (0-based) to include in new Radar object. Returns ------- radar : Radar Radar object which contains a copy of data from the selected sweeps. """ # parse and verify parameters sweeps = np.array(sweeps, dtype="int32") if np.any(sweeps > (self.nsweeps - 1)): raise ValueError("invalid sweeps indices in sweeps parameter") if np.any(sweeps < 0): raise ValueError("only positive sweeps can be extracted") def mkdic(dic, select): """Make a dictionary, selecting out select from data key""" if dic is None: return None d = dic.copy() if "data" in d and select is not None: d["data"] = d["data"][select].copy() return d # create array of rays which select the sweeps selected and # the number of rays per sweep. ray_count = ( self.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] - self.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] + 1 )[sweeps] ssri = self.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][sweeps] rays = np.concatenate( [range(s, s + e) for s, e in zip(ssri, ray_count)] ).astype("int32") # radar location attribute dictionary selector if len(self.altitude["data"]) == 1: loc_select = None else: loc_select = sweeps # create new dictionaries time = mkdic(self.time, rays) _range = mkdic(self.range, None) fields = {} for field_name, dic in self.fields.items(): fields[field_name] = mkdic(dic, rays) metadata = mkdic(self.metadata, None) scan_type = str(self.scan_type) latitude = mkdic(self.latitude, loc_select) longitude = mkdic(self.longitude, loc_select) altitude = mkdic(self.altitude, loc_select) altitude_agl = mkdic(self.altitude_agl, loc_select) sweep_number = mkdic(self.sweep_number, sweeps) sweep_mode = mkdic(self.sweep_mode, sweeps) fixed_angle = mkdic(self.fixed_angle, sweeps) sweep_start_ray_index = mkdic(self.sweep_start_ray_index, None) sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = np.cumsum( np.append([0], ray_count[:-1]), dtype="int32" ) sweep_end_ray_index = mkdic(self.sweep_end_ray_index, None) sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = np.cumsum(ray_count, dtype="int32") - 1 target_scan_rate = mkdic(self.target_scan_rate, sweeps) azimuth = mkdic(self.azimuth, rays) elevation = mkdic(self.elevation, rays) scan_rate = mkdic(self.scan_rate, rays) antenna_transition = mkdic(self.antenna_transition, rays) # instrument_parameters # Filter the instrument_parameter dictionary based size of leading # dimension, this might not always be correct. if self.instrument_parameters is None: instrument_parameters = None else: instrument_parameters = {} for key, dic in self.instrument_parameters.items(): if dic["data"].ndim != 0: dim0_size = dic["data"].shape[0] else: dim0_size = -1 if dim0_size == self.nsweeps: fdic = mkdic(dic, sweeps) elif dim0_size == self.nrays: fdic = mkdic(dic, rays) else: # keep everything fdic = mkdic(dic, None) instrument_parameters[key] = fdic # radar_calibration # copy all field in radar_calibration as is except for # r_calib_index which we filter based upon time. This might # leave some indices in the "r_calib" dimension not referenced in # the r_calib_index array. if self.radar_calibration is None: radar_calibration = None else: radar_calibration = {} for key, dic in self.radar_calibration.items(): if key == "r_calib_index": radar_calibration[key] = mkdic(dic, rays) else: radar_calibration[key] = mkdic(dic, None) return Radar( time, _range, fields, metadata, scan_type, latitude, longitude, altitude, sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index, sweep_end_ray_index, azimuth, elevation, altitude_agl=altitude_agl, target_scan_rate=target_scan_rate, scan_rate=scan_rate, antenna_transition=antenna_transition, instrument_parameters=instrument_parameters, radar_calibration=radar_calibration, )
def _rays_per_sweep_data_factory(radar): """Return a function which returns the number of rays per sweep.""" def _rays_per_sweep_data(): """The function which returns the number of rays per sweep.""" return ( radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] - radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] + 1 ) return _rays_per_sweep_data def _gate_data_factory(radar, coordinate): """Return a function which returns the Cartesian locations of gates.""" def _gate_data(): """The function which returns the Cartesian locations of gates.""" ranges = radar.range["data"] azimuths = radar.azimuth["data"] elevations = radar.elevation["data"] cartesian_coords = antenna_vectors_to_cartesian( ranges, azimuths, elevations, edges=False ) # load x, y, and z data except for the coordinate in question if coordinate != 0: radar.gate_x["data"] = cartesian_coords[0] if coordinate != 1: radar.gate_y["data"] = cartesian_coords[1] if coordinate != 2: radar.gate_z["data"] = cartesian_coords[2] return cartesian_coords[coordinate] return _gate_data def _gate_lon_lat_data_factory(radar, coordinate): """Return a function which returns the geographic locations of gates.""" def _gate_lon_lat_data(): """The function which returns the geographic locations gates.""" x = radar.gate_x["data"] y = radar.gate_y["data"] projparams = radar.projection.copy() if projparams.pop("_include_lon_0_lat_0", False): projparams["lon_0"] = radar.longitude["data"][0] projparams["lat_0"] = radar.latitude["data"][0] geographic_coords = cartesian_to_geographic(x, y, projparams) # set the other geographic coordinate if coordinate == 0: radar.gate_latitude["data"] = geographic_coords[1] else: radar.gate_longitude["data"] = geographic_coords[0] return geographic_coords[coordinate] return _gate_lon_lat_data def _gate_altitude_data_factory(radar): """Return a function which returns the gate altitudes.""" def _gate_altitude_data(): """The function which returns the gate altitudes.""" try: return radar.altitude["data"] + radar.gate_z["data"] except ValueError: return np.mean(radar.altitude["data"]) + radar.gate_z["data"] return _gate_altitude_data