Source code for pyart.graph.radarmapdisplay

Class for creating plots on a geographic map using a Radar object using Cartopy
for drawing maps.


import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

    import cartopy

except ImportError:
    from copy import copy

    import shapely.geometry as sgeom

except ImportError:

from ..exceptions import MissingOptionalDependency
from .common import parse_cmap, parse_vmin_vmax
from .radardisplay import RadarDisplay

[docs]class RadarMapDisplay(RadarDisplay): """ A display object for creating plots on a geographic map from data in a Radar object. This class is still a work in progress. Some functionality may not work correctly. Please report any problems to the Py-ART GitHub Issue Tracker. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Radar object to use for creating plots. shift : (float, float) Shifts in km to offset the calculated x and y locations. Attributes ---------- plots : list List of plots created. plot_vars : list List of fields plotted, order matches plot list. cbs : list List of colorbars created. origin : str 'Origin' or 'Radar'. shift : (float, float) Shift in meters. loc : (float, float) Latitude and Longitude of radar in degrees. fields : dict Radar fields. scan_type : str Scan type. ranges : array Gate ranges in meters. azimuths : array Azimuth angle in degrees. elevations : array Elevations in degrees. fixed_angle : array Scan angle in degrees. grid_projection : AzimuthalEquidistant cartopy projection centered on radar. Used to transform points into map projection. """ def __init__(self, radar, shift=(0.0, 0.0), grid_projection=None): """Initialize the object.""" # check that cartopy is available if not _CARTOPY_AVAILABLE: raise MissingOptionalDependency( "Cartopy is required to use RadarMapDisplay but is not installed" ) # initalize the base class RadarDisplay.__init__(self, radar, shift=shift) # additional attributes needed for plotting on a cartopy map. if grid_projection is None: lat_0 = self.loc[0] lon_0 = self.loc[1] grid_projection = central_longitude=lon_0, central_latitude=lat_0 ) elif not isinstance(grid_projection, raise TypeError("grid_projection keyword must be a object") self.grid_projection = grid_projection = None self._x0 = None # x axis radar location in map coords (meters) self._y0 = None # y axis radar location in map coords (meters) def _check_ax(self): """Check that a GeoAxes object exists, raise ValueError if not""" if is None: raise ValueError("no GeoAxes plotted")
[docs] def plot_ppi_map( self, field, sweep=0, mask_tuple=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, norm=None, mask_outside=False, title=None, title_flag=True, colorbar_flag=True, colorbar_label=None, colorbar_orient="vertical", ax=None, fig=None, lat_lines=None, lon_lines=None, projection=None, min_lon=None, max_lon=None, min_lat=None, max_lat=None, width=None, height=None, lon_0=None, lat_0=None, resolution="110m", shapefile=None, shapefile_kwargs=None, edges=True, gatefilter=None, filter_transitions=True, embellish=True, add_grid_lines=True, raster=False, ticks=None, ticklabs=None, alpha=None, edgecolors="face", **kwargs ): """ Plot a PPI volume sweep onto a geographic map. Parameters ---------- field : str Field to plot. sweep : int, optional Sweep number to plot. Other Parameters ---------------- mask_tuple : (str, float) Tuple containing the field name and value below which to mask field prior to plotting, for example to mask all data where NCP < 0.5 set mask_tuple to ['NCP', 0.5]. None performs no masking. vmin : float Luminance minimum value, None for default value. Parameter is ignored is norm is not None. vmax : float Luminance maximum value, None for default value. Parameter is ignored is norm is not None. norm : Normalize or None, optional matplotlib Normalize instance used to scale luminance data. If not None the vmax and vmin parameters are ignored. If None, vmin and vmax are used for luminance scaling. cmap : str or None Matplotlib colormap name. None will use the default colormap for the field being plotted as specified by the Py-ART configuration. mask_outside : bool True to mask data outside of vmin, vmax. False performs no masking. title : str Title to label plot with, None to use default title generated from the field and tilt parameters. Parameter is ignored if title_flag is False. title_flag : bool True to add a title to the plot, False does not add a title. colorbar_flag : bool True to add a colorbar with label to the axis. False leaves off the colorbar. ticks : array Colorbar custom tick label locations. ticklabs : array Colorbar custom tick labels. colorbar_label : str Colorbar label, None will use a default label generated from the field information. colorbar_orient : 'vertical' or 'horizontal' Colorbar orientation. ax : Cartopy GeoAxes instance If None, create GeoAxes instance using other keyword info. If provided, ax must have a Cartopy crs projection and projection kwarg below is ignored. fig : Figure Figure to add the colorbar to. None will use the current figure. lat_lines, lon_lines : array or None Locations at which to draw latitude and longitude lines. None will use default values which are resonable for maps of North America. projection : class Map projection supported by cartopy. Used for all subsequent calls to the GeoAxes object generated. Defaults to LambertConformal centered on radar. min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon : float Latitude and longitude ranges for the map projection region in degrees. width, height : float Width and height of map domain in meters. Only this set of parameters or the previous set of parameters (min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon) should be specified. If neither set is specified then the map domain will be determined from the extend of the radar gate locations. shapefile : str Filename for a shapefile to add to map. shapefile_kwargs : dict Key word arguments used to format shapefile. Projection defaults to lat lon ( resolution : '10m', '50m', '110m'. Resolution of NaturalEarthFeatures to use. See Cartopy documentation for details. gatefilter : GateFilter GateFilter instance. None will result in no gatefilter mask being applied to data. filter_transitions : bool True to remove rays where the antenna was in transition between sweeps from the plot. False will include these rays in the plot. No rays are filtered when the antenna_transition attribute of the underlying radar is not present. edges : bool True will interpolate and extrapolate the gate edges from the range, azimuth and elevations in the radar, treating these as specifying the center of each gate. False treats these coordinates themselved as the gate edges, resulting in a plot in which the last gate in each ray and the entire last ray are not not plotted. embellish: bool True by default. Set to False to supress drawing of coastlines etc.. Use for speedup when specifying shapefiles. add_grid_lines : bool True by default. Set to False to supress drawing of lat/lon lines Note that lat lon labels only work with certain projections. raster : bool False by default. Set to true to render the display as a raster rather than a vector in call to pcolormesh. Saves time in plotting high resolution data over large areas. Be sure to set the dpi of the plot for your application if you save it as a vector format (i.e., pdf, eps, svg). alpha : float or None Set the alpha tranparency of the radar plot. Useful for overplotting radar over other datasets. edgecolor : str Set the behavior of the edges of the pixels, by default it will color them the same as the pixels (faces). **kwargs : additional keyword arguments to pass to pcolormesh. """ # parse parameters vmin, vmax = parse_vmin_vmax(self._radar, field, vmin, vmax) cmap = parse_cmap(cmap, field) lat_0 = self.loc[0] lon_0 = self.loc[1] # get data for the plot data = self._get_data(field, sweep, mask_tuple, filter_transitions, gatefilter) x, y = self._get_x_y(sweep, edges, filter_transitions) # mask the data where outside the limits if mask_outside: data =, vmin, vmax) # Define a figure if None is provided. if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() # initialize instance of GeoAxes if not provided if ax is not None: if hasattr(ax, "projection"): projection = ax.projection else: if projection is None: # set map projection to LambertConformal if none is # specified. projection = central_longitude=lon_0, central_latitude=lat_0 ) warnings.warn( "No projection was defined for the axes." + " Overridding defined axes and using default " + "axes with projection Lambert Conformal.", UserWarning, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") ax = plt.axes(projection=projection) # Define GeoAxes if None is provided. else: if projection is None: # set map projection to LambertConformal if none is # specified. projection = central_longitude=lon_0, central_latitude=lat_0 ) warnings.warn( "No projection was defined for the axes." + " Overridding defined axes and using default " + "axes with projection Lambert Conformal.", UserWarning, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") ax = plt.axes(projection=projection) if min_lon is not None: ax.set_extent( [min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat], ) elif width is not None and height is not None: ax.set_extent( [-width / 2.0, width / 2.0, -height / 2.0, height / 2.0], crs=self.grid_projection, ) # plot the data if norm is not None: # if norm is set do not override with vmin/vmax vmin = vmax = None pm = ax.pcolormesh( x * 1000.0, y * 1000.0, data, alpha=alpha, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, edgecolors=edgecolors, norm=norm, transform=self.grid_projection, **kwargs ) # plot as raster in vector graphics files if raster: pm.set_rasterized(True) # add embelishments if embellish is True: # Create a feature for States/Admin 1 regions at 1:resolution # from Natural Earth states_provinces = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature( category="cultural", name="admin_1_states_provinces_lines", scale=resolution, facecolor="none", ) ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution) ax.add_feature(states_provinces, edgecolor="gray") if add_grid_lines: if lat_lines is None: lat_lines = np.arange(30, 46, 1) if lon_lines is None: lon_lines = np.arange(-110, -75, 1) # labeling gridlines poses some difficulties depending on the # projection, so we need some projection-spectific methods if ax.projection in [,]: gl = ax.gridlines(xlocs=lon_lines, ylocs=lat_lines, draw_labels=True) gl.top_labels = False gl.right_labels = False elif isinstance(ax.projection, ax.figure.canvas.draw() ax.gridlines(xlocs=lon_lines, ylocs=lat_lines) # Label the end-points of the gridlines using the custom # tick makers: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(cartopy.mpl.gridliner.LONGITUDE_FORMATTER) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(cartopy.mpl.gridliner.LATITUDE_FORMATTER) if _LAMBERT_GRIDLINES: lambert_xticks(ax, lon_lines) lambert_yticks(ax, lat_lines) else: ax.gridlines(xlocs=lon_lines, ylocs=lat_lines) # plot the data and optionally the shape file # we need to convert the radar gate locations (x and y) which are in # km to meters we also need to give the original projection of the # data which is stored in self.grid_projection if shapefile is not None: from import Reader if shapefile_kwargs is None: shapefile_kwargs = {} if "crs" not in shapefile_kwargs: shapefile_kwargs["crs"] = ax.add_geometries(Reader(shapefile).geometries(), **shapefile_kwargs) if title_flag: self._set_title(field, sweep, title, ax) # add plot and field to lists self.plots.append(pm) self.plot_vars.append(field) if colorbar_flag: self.plot_colorbar( mappable=pm, label=colorbar_label, orient=colorbar_orient, field=field, fig=fig, ax=ax, ticks=ticks, ticklabs=ticklabs, ) # keep track of this GeoAxes object for later = ax
[docs] def plot_point( self, lon, lat, symbol="ro", label_text=None, label_offset=(None, None), **kwargs ): """ Plot a point on the current map. Additional arguments are passed to ax.plot. Parameters ---------- lon : float Longitude of point to plot. lat : float Latitude of point to plot. symbol : str Matplotlib compatible string which specified the symbol of the point. label_text : str, optional. Text to label symbol with. If None no label will be added. label_offset : [float, float] Offset in lon, lat degrees for the bottom left corner of the label text relative to the point. A value of None will use 0.01. """ self._check_ax() lon_offset, lat_offset = label_offset if lon_offset is None: lon_offset = 0.01 if lat_offset is None: lat_offset = 0.01 if "transform" not in kwargs: kwargs["transform"] =, lat, symbol, **kwargs) if label_text is not None: # the "plt.annotate call" does not have a "transform=" keyword, # so for this one we transform the coordinates with a Cartopy call. x_text, y_text = lon + lon_offset, lat + lat_offset, src_crs=kwargs["transform"] ), xy=(x_text, y_text))
[docs] def plot_line_geo(self, line_lons, line_lats, line_style="r-", **kwargs): """ Plot a line segments on the current map given values in lat and lon. Additional arguments are passed to ax.plot. Parameters ---------- line_lons : array Longitude of line segment to plot. line_lats : array Latitude of line segment to plot. line_style : str Matplotlib compatible string which specifies the line style. """ self._check_ax() if "transform" not in kwargs: kwargs["transform"] =, line_lats, line_style, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_line_xy(self, line_x, line_y, color="r", line_style="-", **kwargs): """ Plot a line segments on the current map given radar x, y values. Additional arguments are passed to ax.plot. Parameters ---------- line_x : array X location of points to plot in meters from the radar. line_y : array Y location of points to plot in meters from the radar. color : str, optional Matplotlib compatible string which specifies the color for the line style. line_style : str, optional Matplotlib compatible string which specifies the line style. """ self._check_ax() if "transform" not in kwargs: kwargs["transform"] = self.grid_projection, line_y, color, line_style, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_range_ring( self, range_ring_location_km, npts=360, color="k", line_style="-", **kwargs ): """ Plot a single range ring on the map. Additional arguments are passed to ax.plot. Parameters ---------- range_ring_location_km : float Location of range ring in km. npts : int Number of points in the ring, higher for better resolution. color : str, optional Matplotlib compatible string which specifies the color for the line style. line_style : str, optional Matplotlib compatible string which specified the line style of the ring. """ # The RadarDisplay.plot_range_rings uses a col parameter to specify # the line color, deal with this here. if "col" in kwargs: color = kwargs.pop("col") kwargs["c"] = color if "ax" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("ax") self._check_ax() angle = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, npts) xpts = range_ring_location_km * 1000.0 * np.sin(angle) ypts = range_ring_location_km * 1000.0 * np.cos(angle) self.plot_line_xy(xpts, ypts, color=color, line_style=line_style, **kwargs)
# These methods are a hack to allow gridlines when the projection is lambert # def find_side(ls, side): """ Given a shapely LineString which is assumed to be rectangular, return the line corresponding to a given side of the rectangle. """ minx, miny, maxx, maxy = ls.bounds points = { "left": [(minx, miny), (minx, maxy)], "right": [(maxx, miny), (maxx, maxy)], "bottom": [(minx, miny), (maxx, miny)], "top": [(minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy)], } return sgeom.LineString(points[side]) def lambert_xticks(ax, ticks): """Draw ticks on the bottom x-axis of a Lambert Conformal projection.""" def te(xy): return xy[0] def lc(t, n, b): return np.vstack((np.zeros(n) + t, np.linspace(b[2], b[3], n))).T xticks, xticklabels = _lambert_ticks(ax, ticks, "bottom", lc, te) ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels([ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter()(xtick) for xtick in xticklabels]) def lambert_yticks(ax, ticks): """Draw ticks on the left y-axis of a Lambert Conformal projection.""" def te(xy): return xy[1] def lc(t, n, b): return np.vstack((np.linspace(b[0], b[1], n), np.zeros(n) + t)).T yticks, yticklabels = _lambert_ticks(ax, ticks, "left", lc, te) ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels([ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter()(ytick) for ytick in yticklabels]) def _lambert_ticks(ax, ticks, tick_location, line_constructor, tick_extractor): """ Get the tick locations and labels for a Lambert Conformal projection. """ outline_patch = sgeom.LineString(ax.spines["geo"].get_path().vertices.tolist()) axis = find_side(outline_patch, tick_location) n_steps = 30 extent = ax.get_extent( _ticks = [] for t in ticks: xy = line_constructor(t, n_steps, extent) proj_xyz = ax.projection.transform_points(, xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1] ) xyt = proj_xyz[..., :2] ls = sgeom.LineString(xyt.tolist()) locs = axis.intersection(ls) if not locs: tick = [None] else: try: tick = tick_extractor(locs.xy) except AttributeError: tick = [None] _ticks.append(tick[0]) # Remove ticks that aren't visible: ticklabels = copy(ticks) while True: try: index = _ticks.index(None) except ValueError: break _ticks.pop(index) ticklabels = np.delete(ticklabels, index) return _ticks, ticklabels