Function for extracting the radar column above a target
given position in latitude, longitude
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from ..core.transforms import antenna_vectors_to_cartesian
from .datetime_utils import datetime_from_radar
[docs]def column_vertical_profile(
radar, latitude, longitude, azimuth_spread=3, spatial_spread=3
Given the location (in latitude, longitude) of a target, return the rays
that correspond to radar column above the target, allowing for user
defined range of azimuths and range gates to be included within this
radar : pyart.core.Radar Object
Py-ART Radar Object from which distance to the target, along
with gates above the target, will be calculated.
latitude : float, [degrees]
Latitude, in degrees North, of the target.
longitude : float, [degrees]
Longitude, in degrees East, of the target.
azimuth_spread : int
Number of azimuth angles to include within extraction list
spatial_range : int
Number of range gates to include within the extraction
Function Calls
column : xarray
Xarray Dataset containing the radar column above the target for
the various fields within the radar object.
Murphy, A. M., A. Ryzhkov, and P. Zhang, 2020: Columnar Vertical
Profile (CVP) Methodology for Validating Polarimetric Radar Retrievals
in Ice Using In Situ Aircraft Measurements. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.,
37, 1623–1642, https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-20-0011.1.
Bukovčić, P., A. Ryzhkov, and D. Zrnić, 2020: Polarimetric Relations for
Snow Estimation—Radar Verification. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.,
59, 991–1009, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0140.1.
# Define the spatial range to use within extraction
spatial_range = radar.range["meters_between_gates"] * spatial_spread
# Define a dictionary structure to contain the extracted features
total_moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()}
total_moment.update({"height": [], "time_offset": []})
# Define the start of the radar volume
base_time = np.datetime64(datetime_from_radar(radar).isoformat(), "ns")
# call the sphere_distance function
dis = sphere_distance(
radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude
# calculate forward azimuth angle
forazi = for_azimuth(
radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude
# Iterate through radar sweeps, extract desired section
for sweep in radar.iter_slice():
moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()}
zgates = []
gate_time = []
# call the new sweep rays
center, spread = get_sweep_rays(
radar.azimuth["data"][sweep], forazi, azimuth_spread=azimuth_spread
# add the start indice of each ray
center = [x + sweep.start for x in center]
spread = [x + sweep.start for x in spread]
# Correct the spread indices to remove the centerline
spread = [x for x in spread if x not in center]
# For the ray(s) directly over the target, extract and average fields
for ray in center:
# Convert gates from antenna or cartesian coordinates
(rhi_x, rhi_y, rhi_z) = antenna_vectors_to_cartesian(
# Calculate distance to target
rhidis = np.sqrt((rhi_x**2) + (rhi_y**2)) * np.sign(rhi_z)
# Calculate target gate
tar_gate = np.nonzero(np.abs(rhidis[0, :] - dis) < spatial_range)[
# Subset the radar fields for the target locations
subset = subset_fields(radar, ray, tar_gate)
# Add back to the total dictionary
moment = {key: moment[key] + subset[key] for key in moment}
# Add radar elevation to height gates
# to define height as center of each gate above sea level
zgates.append(np.ma.mean(rhi_z[0, tar_gate] + radar.altitude["data"][0]))
# Determine the time for the individual gates
# Convert to Cartesian Coordinates
# Determine the center of each gate for the subsetted rays.
for ray in spread:
(rhi_x, rhi_y, rhi_z) = antenna_vectors_to_cartesian(
# Calculate distance to target
rhidis = np.sqrt((rhi_x**2) + (rhi_y**2)) * np.sign(rhi_z)
# Calculate target gate
tar_gate = np.nonzero(np.abs(rhidis[0, :] - dis) < spatial_range)[
# Subset the radar fields for the target locations
subset = subset_fields(radar, ray, tar_gate)
# Add back to the sweep dictionary
moment = {key: moment[key] + subset[key] for key in moment}
# Add radar elevation to height gates
# to define height as center of each gate above sea level
zgates.append(np.ma.mean(rhi_z[0, tar_gate] + radar.altitude["data"][0]))
# Determine the time for the individual gates
# Average all azimuth moments into a single value for the sweep
for key in total_moment:
if key == "height":
elif key == "time_offset":
total_moment[key].append(np.round(np.ma.mean(np.array(gate_time)), 4))
np.round(np.ma.mean(np.ma.masked_invalid(moment[key])), 4)
# Add the base time for the radar
total_moment.update({"base_time": base_time})
# Convert to xarray
return assemble_column(radar, total_moment, forazi, dis, latitude, longitude)
[docs]def sphere_distance(radar_latitude, target_latitude, radar_longitude, target_longitude):
Calculated of the great circle distance between radar and target
Radius of the Earth = 6371 km / 6371000 meters
Distance is calculated for a smooth sphere
Radar and Target are at the same altitude (need to check)
radar_latitude : float, [degrees]
latitude of the radar in degrees
target_latitude : float, [degrees]
latitude of the target in degrees
radar_longitude : float, [degrees]
longitude of the radar in degrees
target_longitude : float, [degrees]
longitude of the target in degress
distance : float, [meters]
Great-Circle Distance between radar and target in meters
# check if latitude, longitudes are valid
# convert latitudeitude/longitudegitudes to radians
radar_latitude = radar_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
target_latitude = target_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
radar_longitude = radar_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
target_longitude = target_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
# difference in latitudeitude
d_latitude = target_latitude - radar_latitude
# difference in longitudegitude
d_longitude = target_longitude - radar_longitude
# Haversine formula
numerator = (np.sin(d_latitude / 2.0) ** 2.0) + np.cos(radar_latitude) * np.cos(
) * (np.sin(d_longitude / 2.0) ** 2.0)
distance = 2 * 6371000 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(numerator))
# return the output
return distance
[docs]def for_azimuth(radar_latitude, target_latitude, radar_longitude, target_longitude):
Calculation of inital bearing alongitudeg a great-circle arc
Known as Forward Azimuth Angle.
Radius of the Earth = 6371 km / 6371000 meters
Distance is calculatitudeed for a smooth sphere
Radar and Target are at the same altitude (need to check)
radar_latitude : float, [degrees]
latitude of the radar in degrees
target_latitude : float, [degrees]
latitude of the target in degrees
radar_longitude : float, [degrees]
longitude of the radar in degrees
target_longitude : float, [degrees]
longitude of the target in degress
azimuth : float, [degrees]
azimuth angle from the radar where
target is located within the scan.
output is in degrees.
# check the input latitude/longitude
# convert latitudeitude/longitudegitudes to radians
radar_latitude = radar_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
target_latitude = target_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
radar_longitude = radar_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
target_longitude = target_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0)
# Differnce in longitudegitudes
d_longitude = target_longitude - radar_longitude
# Determine x,y coordinates for arc tangent function
corr_y = np.sin(d_longitude) * np.cos(target_latitude)
corr_x = (np.cos(radar_latitude) * np.sin(target_latitude)) - (
np.sin(radar_latitude) * (np.cos(target_latitude) * np.cos(d_longitude))
# Determine forward azimuth angle
azimuth = np.arctan2(corr_y, corr_x) * (180.0 / np.pi)
# Return the output as a function of 0-360 degrees
if azimuth < 0:
azimuth += 360.0
return azimuth
[docs]def get_field_location(radar, latitude, longitude):
Given the location (in latitude, longitude) of a target, extract the
radar column above that point for further analysis.
radar : pyart.core.Radar Object
Py-ART Radar Object from which distance to the target, along
with gates above the target, will be calculated.
latitude : float, [degrees]
Latitude, in degrees North, of the target.
longitude : float, [degrees]
Longitude, in degrees East, of the target.
Function Calls
column : xarray DataSet
Xarray Dataset containing the radar column above the target for
the various fields within the radar object.
# Make sure latitude, longitudes are valid
# initiate a dictionary to hold the gates above the radar.
zgate = []
# initiate a diciontary to hold the moment data.
moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()}
# call the sphere_distance function
dis = sphere_distance(
radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude
# call the for_azimuth function
azim = for_azimuth(
radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude
# call the get_column_ray function
ray = get_column_rays(radar, azim)
# Determine the center of each gate for the subsetted rays.
(rhi_x, rhi_y, rhi_z) = antenna_vectors_to_cartesian(
# Calculate distance from the x,y coordinates to target
rhidis = np.sqrt((rhi_x**2) + (rhi_y**2)) * np.sign(rhi_z)
for i in range(len(ray)):
tar_gate = np.argmin(abs(rhidis[i, 1:] - (dis)))
for key in moment:
if radar.fields[key]["data"][ray[i], tar_gate] is np.ma.masked:
moment[key].append(radar.fields[key]["data"][ray[i], tar_gate])
# Add radar elevation to height gates
# to define height as center of each gate above sea level
zgate.append(rhi_z[i, tar_gate] + radar.altitude["data"][0])
# Determine the time at the center of each ray within the column
# Define the start of the radar volume as a numpy datetime object for xr
base_time = np.datetime64(datetime_from_radar(radar).isoformat(), "ns")
# Convert Py-ART radar object time (time since volume start) to time delta
# Add to base time to have sequential time within the xr Dataset
# for easier future merging/work
combined_time = []
for i in range(len(ray)):
delta = pd.to_timedelta(radar.time["data"][ray[i]], unit="s")
total_time = base_time + delta
# Create a blank list to hold the xarray DataArrays
ds_container = []
da_meta = [
# Convert the moment dictionary to xarray DataArray.
# Apply radar object meta data to DataArray attribute
for key in moment:
if key != "height":
da = xr.DataArray(
moment[key], coords=dict(height=zgate), name=key, dims=["height"]
for tag in da_meta:
if tag in radar.fields[key]:
da.attrs[tag] = radar.fields[key][tag]
# Append to ds container
# Add additional DataArrays 'base_time' and 'time_offset'
# if not present within the radar object.
da_base = xr.DataArray(base_time, name="base_time")
da_offset = xr.DataArray(
combined_time, coords=dict(height=zgate), name="time_offset", dims=["height"]
# Create a xarray DataSet from the DataArrays
column = xr.merge(ds_container)
# Assign Attributes for the Height and Times
height_des = (
"Height Above Sea Level [in meters] for the Center of Each"
+ " Radar Gate Above the Target Location"
long_name="Height of Radar Beam",
column.base_time.attrs.update(long_name="UTC Reference Time", units="seconds")
time_long = "Time in Seconds Since Volume Start"
time_des = (
"Time in Seconds Since Volume Start that Cooresponds"
+ " to the Center of Each Height Gate"
+ " Above the Target Location"
long_name=time_long, units="seconds", description=time_des
# Assign Global Attributes to the DataSet
column.attrs["distance_from_radar"] = str(np.around(dis / 1000.0, 3)) + " km"
column.attrs["azimuth"] = str(np.around(azim, 3)) + " degrees"
column.attrs["latitude_of_location"] = str(latitude) + " degrees"
column.attrs["longitude_of_location"] = str(longitude) + " degrees"
return column
[docs]def get_column_rays(radar, azimuth):
Given the location (in latitude,longitude) of a target, return the rays
that correspond to radar column above the target.
radar : Radar Object
Py-ART Radar Object from which distance to the target, along
with gates above the target, will be calculated.
azimuth : float,int
forward azimuth angle from radar to target in degrees.
nrays : List
radar ray indices that correspond to the column above a
target location.
if isinstance(azimuth, int) or isinstance(azimuth, float) is True:
if (azimuth <= 0) or (azimuth >= 360):
raise ValueError("azimuth not valid (not between 0-360 degrees)")
raise TypeError(
"radar azimuth type not valid."
" Please convert input to be an int or float."
# define a list to hold the valid rays
rays = []
# check to see which radar scan
if radar.scan_type == "rhi":
for i in range(radar.sweep_number["data"].shape[0]):
nstart = radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][i]
nstop = radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][i]
counter = 0
for j in range(nstart, nstop):
if abs(radar.azimuth["data"][nstart + counter] - azimuth) < 1:
rays.append(nstart + counter)
counter += 1
# taken from pyart.graph.RadarDisplay.get_azimuth_rhi_data_x_y_z
for sweep in radar.iter_slice():
sweep_azi = radar.azimuth["data"][sweep]
nray = np.argmin(np.abs(sweep_azi - azimuth))
rays.append(nray + sweep.start)
# make sure rays were found
if len(rays) == 0:
raise ValueError("No rays were found between azimuth and target")
return rays
def get_sweep_rays(sweep_azi, azimuth, azimuth_spread=0):
Extract the specific rays for a given azimuth from a radar sweep
Azimuth spread determines the +/- degrees azimuth to include within
the extraction by multipling the azimuth resolution by input value.
radar_sweep : pyart.core.radar object
Radar Sweep from which the rays are extracted from
azimuth : float [degrees]
Forward Azimuth Angle from Radar to Target in Degreees
Azimuth_Spread : int
Number of azimuth angles to include within extraction list
center_rays : list [integers]
List of integers cooresponding to ray indices within the azimuth
directly over the target
spread_rays : list [integers]
List of integers cooresponding to ray indices within the spread
of azimuths emcompassing the target
# determine resolution of azimuth angles
resolution = np.round((sweep_azi[1] - sweep_azi[0]), 3)
centerline = np.nonzero(np.abs(sweep_azi - azimuth) < 0.5)[0].tolist()
spread = np.nonzero(np.abs(sweep_azi - azimuth) < (resolution * azimuth_spread))[
return centerline, spread
def subset_fields(radar, ray, target_gates):
radar : pyart.core.radar object
Radar Sweep from which fields are extracted from the target locations
target_gates : list
List containing indices for the gates of interest
fields : dict
dictionary containing averaged subset fields for target location
# initiate a diciontary to hold the moment data.
moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()}
# Iterate over input rays and average according to input method
# future - allow users to input weights for spatial averaging
for key in moment:
if key != "height":
if np.ma.all(radar.fields[key]["data"][ray, target_gates]) is np.ma.masked:
np.ma.mean(radar.fields[key]["data"][ray, target_gates])
return moment
def assemble_column(radar, total_moment, azimuth, distance, latitude, longitude):
With a dictionary containing the extracted fields from a radar sweep,
assemble individual gates and fields into an xarray DataSet
total_moment : dict
Dictionary containing the extracted fields from the radar object.
File requires at least the height of the individual gates and
the start time of the volumetric scan.
azimuth : float, [degrees]
azimuth angle from the radar where
target is located within the scan.
output is in degrees.
distance : float, [meters]
Great-Circle Distance between radar and target in meters
latitude : float, [degrees]
Latitude of the target in degrees
longitude : float, [degrees]
Longitude of the target in degrees
column : xarray DataSet
Xarray Dataset containing the radar column above the target for
the various fields within the radar object.
# Create a blank list to hold the xarray DataArrays
ds_container = []
da_meta = [
# Skip these fields and apply meta data after creation
# of the Xarray DataSet
skip = ["height", "base_time"]
# Convert the moment dictionary to xarray DataArray.
# Apply radar object meta data to DataArray attribute
for key in total_moment:
if key not in skip:
# Convert Masked Array elements to NaNs for Xarray
total_moment[key] = [
np.nan if x is np.ma.masked else x for x in total_moment[key]
# Convert to Xarray DataArray, set derived height as
# dimension/coordinates
da = xr.DataArray(
# Add meta data for the radar fields
if key != "time_offset":
for tag in da_meta:
if tag in radar.fields[key]:
da.attrs[tag] = radar.fields[key][tag]
# Append to ds container
# Create a xarray DataSet from the DataArrays
column = xr.merge(ds_container)
# Add the scan times back into the merged column
column["base_time"] = total_moment["base_time"]
"Start time of individual radar scan volumes "
+ " from which column are extracted "
units="UTC Time",
# Assign Attributes for the Height and Times
height_des = (
"Height Above Sea Level [in meters] for the Center of Each"
+ " Radar Gate Above the Target Location"
long_name="Height of Radar Beam",
time_long = "Time in Seconds Since Volume Start to the Center of Each Gate"
time_des = (
"Time in Seconds Since Volume Start (i.e. base_time) that Cooresponds"
+ " to the Center of Each Height Gate"
+ " Above the Target Location"
long_name=time_long, units="seconds", description=time_des
# Add latitude, longitude as variable in extracted column
column["latitude"] = latitude
long_name="Latitude of Location Column is Extracted Above", units="deg"
column["longitude"] = longitude
long_name="Longitude of Location Column is Extracted Above", units="deg"
# Assign Global Attributes to the DataSet
column.attrs["distance_from_radar"] = str(np.around(distance / 1000.0, 3)) + " km"
column.attrs["azimuth"] = str(np.around(azimuth, 3)) + " degrees"
column.attrs["latitude_of_location"] = str(latitude) + " degrees"
column.attrs["longitude_of_location"] = str(longitude) + " degrees"
# Drop duplicated heights, keep latest value
column = column.drop_duplicates(dim="height", keep="last")
return column
def check_latitude(latitude):
Function to check if input latitude is valid for type and value.
latitude : int, float
Latitude of a location that should be between 90S and 90N
if (
isinstance(latitude, int)
or isinstance(latitude, float)
or isinstance(latitude, np.floating)
) is True:
if (latitude <= -90) or (latitude >= 90):
raise ValueError(
"Latitude not between -90 and 90 degrees, need to "
"convert to values between -90 and 90"
raise TypeError(
"Latitude type not valid, need to convert input to be an int or float"
def check_longitude(longitude):
Function to check if input latitude is valid for type and value.
longitude : int, float
Longitude of a location taht should be between 180W and 180E
if (
isinstance(longitude, int)
or isinstance(longitude, float)
or isinstance(longitude, np.floating)
) is True:
if (longitude <= -180) or (longitude >= 180):
raise ValueError(
"Longitude not valid between -180 and 180"
" degrees, need to convert to values between"
" -180 and 180"
raise TypeError(
"Longitude type not valid, need to convert input to be an int or float"