Source code for pyart.util.columnsect

Function for extracting the radar column above a target
given position in latitude, longitude


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from ..core.transforms import antenna_vectors_to_cartesian
from .datetime_utils import datetime_from_radar

[docs]def column_vertical_profile( radar, latitude, longitude, azimuth_spread=3, spatial_spread=3 ): """ Given the location (in latitude, longitude) of a target, return the rays that correspond to radar column above the target, allowing for user defined range of azimuths and range gates to be included within this extraction. Parameters ---------- radar : pyart.core.Radar Object Py-ART Radar Object from which distance to the target, along with gates above the target, will be calculated. latitude : float, [degrees] Latitude, in degrees North, of the target. longitude : float, [degrees] Longitude, in degrees East, of the target. azimuth_spread : int Number of azimuth angles to include within extraction list spatial_range : int Number of range gates to include within the extraction Function Calls -------------- sphere_distance for_azimuth get_sweep_rays subset_fields assemble_column Returns ------- column : xarray Xarray Dataset containing the radar column above the target for the various fields within the radar object. References ---------- Murphy, A. M., A. Ryzhkov, and P. Zhang, 2020: Columnar Vertical Profile (CVP) Methodology for Validating Polarimetric Radar Retrievals in Ice Using In Situ Aircraft Measurements. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 37, 1623–1642, Bukovčić, P., A. Ryzhkov, and D. Zrnić, 2020: Polarimetric Relations for Snow Estimation—Radar Verification. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 59, 991–1009, """ # Define the spatial range to use within extraction spatial_range = radar.range["meters_between_gates"] * spatial_spread # Define a dictionary structure to contain the extracted features total_moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()} total_moment.update({"height": [], "time_offset": []}) # Define the start of the radar volume base_time = np.datetime64(datetime_from_radar(radar).isoformat(), "ns") # call the sphere_distance function dis = sphere_distance( radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude ) # calculate forward azimuth angle forazi = for_azimuth( radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude ) # Iterate through radar sweeps, extract desired section for sweep in radar.iter_slice(): moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()} zgates = [] gate_time = [] # call the new sweep rays center, spread = get_sweep_rays( radar.azimuth["data"][sweep], forazi, azimuth_spread=azimuth_spread ) # add the start indice of each ray center = [x + sweep.start for x in center] spread = [x + sweep.start for x in spread] # Correct the spread indices to remove the centerline spread = [x for x in spread if x not in center] # For the ray(s) directly over the target, extract and average fields for ray in center: # Convert gates from antenna or cartesian coordinates (rhi_x, rhi_y, rhi_z) = antenna_vectors_to_cartesian( radar.range["data"], radar.azimuth["data"][ray], radar.elevation["data"][ray], edges=False, ) # Calculate distance to target rhidis = np.sqrt((rhi_x**2) + (rhi_y**2)) * np.sign(rhi_z) # Calculate target gate tar_gate = np.nonzero(np.abs(rhidis[0, :] - dis) < spatial_range)[ 0 ].tolist() # Subset the radar fields for the target locations subset = subset_fields(radar, ray, tar_gate) # Add back to the total dictionary moment = {key: moment[key] + subset[key] for key in moment} # Add radar elevation to height gates # to define height as center of each gate above sea level zgates.append([0, tar_gate] + radar.altitude["data"][0])) # Determine the time for the individual gates gate_time.append(radar.time["data"][ray]) # Convert to Cartesian Coordinates # Determine the center of each gate for the subsetted rays. for ray in spread: (rhi_x, rhi_y, rhi_z) = antenna_vectors_to_cartesian( radar.range["data"], radar.azimuth["data"][ray], radar.elevation["data"][ray], edges=False, ) # Calculate distance to target rhidis = np.sqrt((rhi_x**2) + (rhi_y**2)) * np.sign(rhi_z) # Calculate target gate tar_gate = np.nonzero(np.abs(rhidis[0, :] - dis) < spatial_range)[ 0 ].tolist() # Subset the radar fields for the target locations subset = subset_fields(radar, ray, tar_gate) # Add back to the sweep dictionary moment = {key: moment[key] + subset[key] for key in moment} # Add radar elevation to height gates # to define height as center of each gate above sea level zgates.append([0, tar_gate] + radar.altitude["data"][0])) # Determine the time for the individual gates gate_time.append(radar.time["data"][ray]) # Average all azimuth moments into a single value for the sweep for key in total_moment: if key == "height": total_moment[key].append( elif key == "time_offset": total_moment[key].append(np.round(, 4)) else: total_moment[key].append( np.round([key])), 4) ) # Add the base time for the radar total_moment.update({"base_time": base_time}) # Convert to xarray return assemble_column(radar, total_moment, forazi, dis, latitude, longitude)
[docs]def sphere_distance(radar_latitude, target_latitude, radar_longitude, target_longitude): """ Calculated of the great circle distance between radar and target Assumptions ----------- Radius of the Earth = 6371 km / 6371000 meters Distance is calculated for a smooth sphere Radar and Target are at the same altitude (need to check) Parameters ---------- radar_latitude : float, [degrees] latitude of the radar in degrees target_latitude : float, [degrees] latitude of the target in degrees radar_longitude : float, [degrees] longitude of the radar in degrees target_longitude : float, [degrees] longitude of the target in degress Returns ------- distance : float, [meters] Great-Circle Distance between radar and target in meters """ # check if latitude, longitudes are valid check_latitude(radar_latitude) check_latitude(target_latitude) check_longitude(radar_longitude) check_longitude(target_longitude) # convert latitudeitude/longitudegitudes to radians radar_latitude = radar_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0) target_latitude = target_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0) radar_longitude = radar_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0) target_longitude = target_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0) # difference in latitudeitude d_latitude = target_latitude - radar_latitude # difference in longitudegitude d_longitude = target_longitude - radar_longitude # Haversine formula numerator = (np.sin(d_latitude / 2.0) ** 2.0) + np.cos(radar_latitude) * np.cos( target_latitude ) * (np.sin(d_longitude / 2.0) ** 2.0) distance = 2 * 6371000 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(numerator)) # return the output return distance
[docs]def for_azimuth(radar_latitude, target_latitude, radar_longitude, target_longitude): """ Calculation of inital bearing alongitudeg a great-circle arc Known as Forward Azimuth Angle. Assumptions ----------- Radius of the Earth = 6371 km / 6371000 meters Distance is calculatitudeed for a smooth sphere Radar and Target are at the same altitude (need to check) Parameters ---------- radar_latitude : float, [degrees] latitude of the radar in degrees target_latitude : float, [degrees] latitude of the target in degrees radar_longitude : float, [degrees] longitude of the radar in degrees target_longitude : float, [degrees] longitude of the target in degress Returns ------- azimuth : float, [degrees] azimuth angle from the radar where target is located within the scan. output is in degrees. """ # check the input latitude/longitude check_latitude(radar_latitude) check_latitude(target_latitude) check_longitude(radar_longitude) check_longitude(target_longitude) # convert latitudeitude/longitudegitudes to radians radar_latitude = radar_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0) target_latitude = target_latitude * (np.pi / 180.0) radar_longitude = radar_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0) target_longitude = target_longitude * (np.pi / 180.0) # Differnce in longitudegitudes d_longitude = target_longitude - radar_longitude # Determine x,y coordinates for arc tangent function corr_y = np.sin(d_longitude) * np.cos(target_latitude) corr_x = (np.cos(radar_latitude) * np.sin(target_latitude)) - ( np.sin(radar_latitude) * (np.cos(target_latitude) * np.cos(d_longitude)) ) # Determine forward azimuth angle azimuth = np.arctan2(corr_y, corr_x) * (180.0 / np.pi) # Return the output as a function of 0-360 degrees if azimuth < 0: azimuth += 360.0 return azimuth
[docs]def get_field_location(radar, latitude, longitude): """ Given the location (in latitude, longitude) of a target, extract the radar column above that point for further analysis. Parameters ---------- radar : pyart.core.Radar Object Py-ART Radar Object from which distance to the target, along with gates above the target, will be calculated. latitude : float, [degrees] Latitude, in degrees North, of the target. longitude : float, [degrees] Longitude, in degrees East, of the target. Function Calls -------------- sphere_distance for_azimuth get_column_rays Returns ------- column : xarray DataSet Xarray Dataset containing the radar column above the target for the various fields within the radar object. """ # Make sure latitude, longitudes are valid check_latitude(latitude) check_longitude(longitude) # initiate a dictionary to hold the gates above the radar. zgate = [] # initiate a diciontary to hold the moment data. moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()} # call the sphere_distance function dis = sphere_distance( radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude ) # call the for_azimuth function azim = for_azimuth( radar.latitude["data"][0], latitude, radar.longitude["data"][0], longitude ) # call the get_column_ray function ray = get_column_rays(radar, azim) # Determine the center of each gate for the subsetted rays. (rhi_x, rhi_y, rhi_z) = antenna_vectors_to_cartesian( radar.range["data"], radar.azimuth["data"][ray], radar.elevation["data"][ray], edges=False, ) # Calculate distance from the x,y coordinates to target rhidis = np.sqrt((rhi_x**2) + (rhi_y**2)) * np.sign(rhi_z) for i in range(len(ray)): tar_gate = np.argmin(abs(rhidis[i, 1:] - (dis))) for key in moment: if radar.fields[key]["data"][ray[i], tar_gate] is moment[key].append(np.nan) else: moment[key].append(radar.fields[key]["data"][ray[i], tar_gate]) # Add radar elevation to height gates # to define height as center of each gate above sea level zgate.append(rhi_z[i, tar_gate] + radar.altitude["data"][0]) # Determine the time at the center of each ray within the column # Define the start of the radar volume as a numpy datetime object for xr base_time = np.datetime64(datetime_from_radar(radar).isoformat(), "ns") # Convert Py-ART radar object time (time since volume start) to time delta # Add to base time to have sequential time within the xr Dataset # for easier future merging/work combined_time = [] for i in range(len(ray)): delta = pd.to_timedelta(radar.time["data"][ray[i]], unit="s") total_time = base_time + delta combined_time.append(total_time.to_numpy()) # Create a blank list to hold the xarray DataArrays ds_container = [] da_meta = [ "units", "standard_name", "long_name", "valid_max", "valid_min", "coordinates", ] # Convert the moment dictionary to xarray DataArray. # Apply radar object meta data to DataArray attribute for key in moment: if key != "height": da = xr.DataArray( moment[key], coords=dict(height=zgate), name=key, dims=["height"] ) for tag in da_meta: if tag in radar.fields[key]: da.attrs[tag] = radar.fields[key][tag] # Append to ds container ds_container.append(da.to_dataset(name=key)) # Add additional DataArrays 'base_time' and 'time_offset' # if not present within the radar object. da_base = xr.DataArray(base_time, name="base_time") da_offset = xr.DataArray( combined_time, coords=dict(height=zgate), name="time_offset", dims=["height"] ) ds_container.append(da_base.to_dataset(name="base_time")) ds_container.append(da_offset.to_dataset(name="time_offset")) # Create a xarray DataSet from the DataArrays column = xr.merge(ds_container) # Assign Attributes for the Height and Times height_des = ( "Height Above Sea Level [in meters] for the Center of Each" + " Radar Gate Above the Target Location" ) column.height.attrs.update( long_name="Height of Radar Beam", units="m", standard_name="height", description=height_des, ) column.base_time.attrs.update(long_name="UTC Reference Time", units="seconds") time_long = "Time in Seconds Since Volume Start" time_des = ( "Time in Seconds Since Volume Start that Cooresponds" + " to the Center of Each Height Gate" + " Above the Target Location" ) column.time_offset.attrs.update( long_name=time_long, units="seconds", description=time_des ) # Assign Global Attributes to the DataSet column.attrs["distance_from_radar"] = str(np.around(dis / 1000.0, 3)) + " km" column.attrs["azimuth"] = str(np.around(azim, 3)) + " degrees" column.attrs["latitude_of_location"] = str(latitude) + " degrees" column.attrs["longitude_of_location"] = str(longitude) + " degrees" return column
[docs]def get_column_rays(radar, azimuth): """ Given the location (in latitude,longitude) of a target, return the rays that correspond to radar column above the target. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Object Py-ART Radar Object from which distance to the target, along with gates above the target, will be calculated. azimuth : float,int forward azimuth angle from radar to target in degrees. Returns ------- nrays : List radar ray indices that correspond to the column above a target location. """ if isinstance(azimuth, int) or isinstance(azimuth, float) is True: if (azimuth <= 0) or (azimuth >= 360): raise ValueError("azimuth not valid (not between 0-360 degrees)") else: raise TypeError( "radar azimuth type not valid." " Please convert input to be an int or float." ) # define a list to hold the valid rays rays = [] # check to see which radar scan if radar.scan_type == "rhi": for i in range(radar.sweep_number["data"].shape[0]): nstart = radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][i] nstop = radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][i] counter = 0 for j in range(nstart, nstop): if abs(radar.azimuth["data"][nstart + counter] - azimuth) < 1: rays.append(nstart + counter) counter += 1 else: # taken from pyart.graph.RadarDisplay.get_azimuth_rhi_data_x_y_z for sweep in radar.iter_slice(): sweep_azi = radar.azimuth["data"][sweep] nray = np.argmin(np.abs(sweep_azi - azimuth)) rays.append(nray + sweep.start) # make sure rays were found if len(rays) == 0: raise ValueError("No rays were found between azimuth and target") return rays
def get_sweep_rays(sweep_azi, azimuth, azimuth_spread=0): """ Extract the specific rays for a given azimuth from a radar sweep Azimuth spread determines the +/- degrees azimuth to include within the extraction by multipling the azimuth resolution by input value. Parameters ---------- radar_sweep : pyart.core.radar object Radar Sweep from which the rays are extracted from azimuth : float [degrees] Forward Azimuth Angle from Radar to Target in Degreees Azimuth_Spread : int Number of azimuth angles to include within extraction list Returns ------- center_rays : list [integers] List of integers cooresponding to ray indices within the azimuth directly over the target spread_rays : list [integers] List of integers cooresponding to ray indices within the spread of azimuths emcompassing the target """ # determine resolution of azimuth angles resolution = np.round((sweep_azi[1] - sweep_azi[0]), 3) centerline = np.nonzero(np.abs(sweep_azi - azimuth) < 0.5)[0].tolist() spread = np.nonzero(np.abs(sweep_azi - azimuth) < (resolution * azimuth_spread))[ 0 ].tolist() return centerline, spread def subset_fields(radar, ray, target_gates): """ Parameter --------- radar : pyart.core.radar object Radar Sweep from which fields are extracted from the target locations target_gates : list List containing indices for the gates of interest Returns ------- fields : dict dictionary containing averaged subset fields for target location """ # initiate a diciontary to hold the moment data. moment = {key: [] for key in radar.fields.keys()} # Iterate over input rays and average according to input method # future - allow users to input weights for spatial averaging for key in moment: if key != "height": if[key]["data"][ray, target_gates]) is moment[key].append(np.nan) else: moment[key].append([key]["data"][ray, target_gates]) ) return moment def assemble_column(radar, total_moment, azimuth, distance, latitude, longitude): """ With a dictionary containing the extracted fields from a radar sweep, assemble individual gates and fields into an xarray DataSet Parameters ---------- total_moment : dict Dictionary containing the extracted fields from the radar object. File requires at least the height of the individual gates and the start time of the volumetric scan. azimuth : float, [degrees] azimuth angle from the radar where target is located within the scan. output is in degrees. distance : float, [meters] Great-Circle Distance between radar and target in meters latitude : float, [degrees] Latitude of the target in degrees longitude : float, [degrees] Longitude of the target in degrees Returns ------- column : xarray DataSet Xarray Dataset containing the radar column above the target for the various fields within the radar object. """ # Create a blank list to hold the xarray DataArrays ds_container = [] da_meta = [ "units", "standard_name", "long_name", "valid_max", "valid_min", "coordinates", ] # Skip these fields and apply meta data after creation # of the Xarray DataSet skip = ["height", "base_time"] # Convert the moment dictionary to xarray DataArray. # Apply radar object meta data to DataArray attribute for key in total_moment: if key not in skip: # Convert Masked Array elements to NaNs for Xarray total_moment[key] = [ np.nan if x is else x for x in total_moment[key] ] # Convert to Xarray DataArray, set derived height as # dimension/coordinates da = xr.DataArray( total_moment[key], coords=dict(height=total_moment["height"]), name=key, dims=["height"], ) # Add meta data for the radar fields if key != "time_offset": for tag in da_meta: if tag in radar.fields[key]: da.attrs[tag] = radar.fields[key][tag] # Append to ds container ds_container.append(da.to_dataset(name=key)) # Create a xarray DataSet from the DataArrays column = xr.merge(ds_container) # Add the scan times back into the merged column column["base_time"] = total_moment["base_time"] column.base_time.attrs.update( long_name=( "Start time of individual radar scan volumes " + " from which column are extracted " ), units="UTC Time", ) # Assign Attributes for the Height and Times height_des = ( "Height Above Sea Level [in meters] for the Center of Each" + " Radar Gate Above the Target Location" ) column.height.attrs.update( long_name="Height of Radar Beam", units="m", standard_name="height", description=height_des, ) time_long = "Time in Seconds Since Volume Start to the Center of Each Gate" time_des = ( "Time in Seconds Since Volume Start (i.e. base_time) that Cooresponds" + " to the Center of Each Height Gate" + " Above the Target Location" ) column.time_offset.attrs.update( long_name=time_long, units="seconds", description=time_des ) # Add latitude, longitude as variable in extracted column column["latitude"] = latitude column.latitude.attrs.update( long_name="Latitude of Location Column is Extracted Above", units="deg" ) column["longitude"] = longitude column.longitude.attrs.update( long_name="Longitude of Location Column is Extracted Above", units="deg" ) # Assign Global Attributes to the DataSet column.attrs["distance_from_radar"] = str(np.around(distance / 1000.0, 3)) + " km" column.attrs["azimuth"] = str(np.around(azimuth, 3)) + " degrees" column.attrs["latitude_of_location"] = str(latitude) + " degrees" column.attrs["longitude_of_location"] = str(longitude) + " degrees" # Drop duplicated heights, keep latest value column = column.drop_duplicates(dim="height", keep="last") return column def check_latitude(latitude): """ Function to check if input latitude is valid for type and value. Parameters ---------- latitude : int, float Latitude of a location that should be between 90S and 90N """ if ( isinstance(latitude, int) or isinstance(latitude, float) or isinstance(latitude, np.floating) ) is True: if (latitude <= -90) or (latitude >= 90): raise ValueError( "Latitude not between -90 and 90 degrees, need to " "convert to values between -90 and 90" ) else: raise TypeError( "Latitude type not valid, need to convert input to be an int or float" ) def check_longitude(longitude): """ Function to check if input latitude is valid for type and value. Parameters ---------- longitude : int, float Longitude of a location taht should be between 180W and 180E """ if ( isinstance(longitude, int) or isinstance(longitude, float) or isinstance(longitude, np.floating) ) is True: if (longitude <= -180) or (longitude >= 180): raise ValueError( "Longitude not valid between -180 and 180" " degrees, need to convert to values between" " -180 and 180" ) else: raise TypeError( "Longitude type not valid, need to convert input to be an int or float" )