An class for holding gridded Radar data.
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import num2date
import xarray
except ImportError:
import pyproj
except ImportError:
from ..config import get_metadata
from ..exceptions import MissingOptionalDependency
from ..lazydict import LazyLoadDict
from .transforms import cartesian_to_geographic
from .transforms import cartesian_vectors_to_geographic
[docs]class Grid(object):
A class for storing rectilinear gridded radar data in Cartesian coordinate.
Refer to the attribute section for information on the parameters.
To create a Grid object using legacy parameters present in Py-ART version
1.5 and before, use :py:func:`from_legacy_parameters`,
grid = Grid.from_legacy_parameters(fields, axes, metadata).
time : dict
Time of the grid.
fields : dict of dicts
Moments from radars or other variables.
metadata : dict
Metadata describing the grid.
origin_longitude, origin_latitude, origin_altitude : dict
Geographic coordinate of the origin of the grid.
x, y, z : dict, 1D
Distance from the grid origin for each Cartesian coordinate axis in a
one dimensional array. Defines the spacing along the three grid axes
which is repeated throughout the grid, making a rectilinear grid.
nx, ny, nz : int
Number of grid points along the given Cartesian dimension.
projection : dic or str
Projection parameters defining the map projection used to transform
from Cartesian to geographic coordinates. None will use the default
dictionary with the 'proj' key set to 'pyart_aeqd' indicating that
the native Py-ART azimuthal equidistant projection is used. Other
values should specify a valid pyproj.Proj projparams dictionary or
string. The special key '_include_lon_0_lat_0' is removed when
interpreting this dictionary. If this key is present and set to True,
which is required when proj='pyart_aeqd', then the radar longitude and
latitude will be added to the dictionary as 'lon_0' and 'lat_0'.
Use the :py:func:`get_projparams` method to retrieve a copy of this
attribute dictionary with this special key evaluated.
radar_longitude, radar_latitude, radar_altitude : dict or None, optional
Geographic location of the radars which make up the grid.
radar_time : dict or None, optional
Start of collection for the radar which make up the grid.
radar_name : dict or None, optional
Names of the radars which make up the grid.
nradar : int
Number of radars whose data was used to make the grid.
projection_proj : Proj
pyproj.Proj instance for the projection specified by the projection
attribute. If the 'pyart_aeqd' projection is specified accessing this
attribute will raise a ValueError.
point_x, point_y, point_z : LazyLoadDict
The Cartesian locations of all grid points from the origin in the
three Cartesian coordinates. The three dimensional data arrays
contained these attributes are calculated from the x, y, and z
attributes. If these attributes are changed use :py:func:
`init_point_x_y_z` to reset the attributes.
point_longitude, point_latitude : LazyLoadDict
Geographic location of each grid point. The projection parameter(s)
defined in the `projection` attribute are used to perform an inverse
map projection from the Cartesian grid point locations relative to
the grid origin. If these attributes are changed use
:py:func:`init_point_longitude_latitude` to reset the attributes.
point_altitude : LazyLoadDict
The altitude of each grid point as calculated from the altitude of the
grid origin and the Cartesian z location of each grid point. If this
attribute is changed use :py:func:`init_point_altitude` to reset the
def __init__(self, time, fields, metadata,
origin_latitude, origin_longitude, origin_altitude, x, y, z,
projection=None, radar_latitude=None, radar_longitude=None,
radar_altitude=None, radar_time=None, radar_name=None):
""" Initalize object. """
self.time = time
self.fields = fields
self.metadata = metadata
self.origin_latitude = origin_latitude
self.origin_longitude = origin_longitude
self.origin_altitude = origin_altitude
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.nx = len(x['data'])
self.ny = len(y['data'])
self.nz = len(z['data'])
if projection is None:
self.projection = {
'proj': 'pyart_aeqd', '_include_lon_0_lat_0': True}
self.projection = projection
self.radar_latitude = radar_latitude
self.radar_longitude = radar_longitude
self.radar_altitude = radar_altitude
self.radar_time = radar_time
self.radar_name = radar_name
self.nradar = self._find_and_check_nradar()
# initialize attributes with Lazy load dictionaries
def __getstate__(self):
""" Return object's state which can be pickled. """
state = self.__dict__.copy() # copy the objects state
# Remove unpicklable entries (those which are lazily loaded
del state['point_x']
del state['point_y']
del state['point_z']
del state['point_latitude']
del state['point_longitude']
del state['point_altitude']
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
""" Restore unpicklable entries from pickled object. """
def projection_proj(self):
# Proj instance as specified by the projection attribute.
# Raises a ValueError if the pyart_aeqd projection is specified.
projparams = self.get_projparams()
if projparams['proj'] == 'pyart_aeqd':
raise ValueError(
'Proj instance can not be made for the pyart_aeqd projection')
raise MissingOptionalDependency(
"PyProj is required to create a Proj instance but it "
+ "is not installed")
proj = pyproj.Proj(projparams)
return proj
[docs] def get_projparams(self):
""" Return a projparam dict from the projection attribute. """
projparams = self.projection.copy()
if projparams.pop('_include_lon_0_lat_0', False):
projparams['lon_0'] = self.origin_longitude['data'][0]
projparams['lat_0'] = self.origin_latitude['data'][0]
return projparams
def _find_and_check_nradar(self):
Return the number of radars which were used to create the grid.
Examine the radar attributes to determine the number of radars which
were used to create the grid. If the size of the radar attributes
are inconsistent a ValueError is raised by this method.
nradar_set = False
nradar = 0
if self.radar_latitude is not None:
nradar = len(self.radar_latitude['data'])
nradar_set = True
if self.radar_longitude is not None:
if nradar_set and len(self.radar_longitude['data']) != nradar:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent length of radar_ arguments.")
nradar = len(self.radar_longitude['data'])
nradar_set = True
if self.radar_altitude is not None:
if nradar_set and len(self.radar_altitude['data']) != nradar:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent length of radar_ arguments.")
nradar = len(self.radar_altitude['data'])
nradar_set = True
if self.radar_time is not None:
if nradar_set and len(self.radar_time['data']) != nradar:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent length of radar_ arguments.")
nradar = len(self.radar_time['data'])
nradar_set = True
if self.radar_name is not None:
if nradar_set and len(self.radar_name['data']) != nradar:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent length of radar_ arguments.")
nradar = len(self.radar_name['data'])
nradar_set = True
return nradar
# Attribute init/reset methods
[docs] def init_point_x_y_z(self):
""" Initialize or reset the point_{x, y, z} attributes. """
self.point_x = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata('point_x'))
self.point_x.set_lazy('data', _point_data_factory(self, 'x'))
self.point_y = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata('point_y'))
self.point_y.set_lazy('data', _point_data_factory(self, 'y'))
self.point_z = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata('point_z'))
self.point_z.set_lazy('data', _point_data_factory(self, 'z'))
[docs] def init_point_longitude_latitude(self):
Initialize or reset the point_{longitude, latitudes} attributes.
point_longitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata('point_longitude'))
point_longitude.set_lazy('data', _point_lon_lat_data_factory(self, 0))
self.point_longitude = point_longitude
point_latitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata('point_latitude'))
point_latitude.set_lazy('data', _point_lon_lat_data_factory(self, 1))
self.point_latitude = point_latitude
[docs] def init_point_altitude(self):
""" Initialize the point_altitude attribute. """
point_altitude = LazyLoadDict(get_metadata('point_altitude'))
point_altitude.set_lazy('data', _point_altitude_data_factory(self))
self.point_altitude = point_altitude
[docs] def write(self, filename, format='NETCDF4', arm_time_variables=False,
Write the the Grid object to a NetCDF file.
filename : str
Filename to save to.
format : str, optional
NetCDF format, one of 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC',
arm_time_variables : bool, optional
True to write the ARM standard time variables base_time and
time_offset. False will not write these variables.
arm_alt_lat_lon_variables : bool, optional
True to write the ARM standard alt, lat, lon variables.
False will not write these variables.
# delayed import to avoid circular import
from ..io.grid_io import write_grid
write_grid(filename, self, format=format,
[docs] def to_xarray(self):
Convert the Grid object to an xarray format.
time : dict
Time of the grid.
fields : dict of dicts
Moments from radars or other variables.
longitude, latitude : dict, 2D
Arrays of latitude and longitude for the grid height level.
x, y, z : dict, 1D
Distance from the grid origin for each Cartesian coordinate axis
in a one dimensional array.
raise MissingOptionalDependency(
'Xarray is required to use Grid.to_xarray but is not '
+ 'installed!')
lon, lat = self.get_point_longitude_latitude()
z = self.z['data']
y = self.y['data']
x = self.x['data']
time = np.array([num2date(self.time['data'][0],
ds = xarray.Dataset()
for field in list(self.fields.keys()):
field_data = self.fields[field]['data']
data = xarray.DataArray(np.ma.expand_dims(field_data, 0),
dims=('time', 'z', 'y', 'x'),
coords={'time' : (['time'], time),
'z' : (['z'], z),
'lat' : (['y'], lat[:, 0]),
'lon' : (['x'], lon[0, :]),
'y' : (['y'], y),
'x' : (['x'], x)})
for meta in list(self.fields[field].keys()):
if meta != 'data':
data.attrs.update({meta: self.fields[field][meta]})
ds[field] = data
ds.lon.attrs = [('long_name', 'longitude of grid cell center'),
('units', 'degree_E'),
('standard_name', 'Longitude')]
ds.lat.attrs = [('long_name', 'latitude of grid cell center'),
('units', 'degree_N'),
('standard_name', 'Latitude')]
ds.z.attrs = get_metadata('z')
ds.y.attrs = get_metadata('y')
ds.x.attrs = get_metadata('x')
ds.z.encoding['_FillValue'] = None
ds.lat.encoding['_FillValue'] = None
ds.lon.encoding['_FillValue'] = None
return ds
[docs] def add_field(self, field_name, field_dict, replace_existing=False):
Add a field to the object.
field_name : str
Name of the field to the fields dictionary.
field_dict : dict
Dictionary containing field data and metadata.
replace_existing : bool, optional
True to replace the existing field with key field_name if it
exists, overwriting the existing data. If False, a ValueError is
raised if field_name already exists.
# checks to make sure input field dictionary is valid
if 'data' not in field_dict:
raise KeyError('Field dictionary must contain a "data" key')
if field_name in self.fields and replace_existing is False:
raise ValueError('A field named %s already exists' % (field_name))
if field_dict['data'].shape != (self.nz, self.ny, self.nx):
raise ValueError('Field has invalid shape')
self.fields[field_name] = field_dict
[docs] def get_point_longitude_latitude(self, level=0, edges=False):
Return arrays of longitude and latitude for a given grid height level.
level : int, optional
Grid height level at which to determine latitudes and longitudes.
This is not currently used as all height level have the same
edges : bool, optional
True to calculate the latitude and longitudes of the edges by
interpolating between Cartesian coordinates points and
extrapolating at the boundaries. False to calculate the locations
at the centers.
longitude, latitude : 2D array
Arrays containing the latitude and longitudes, in degrees, of the
grid points or edges between grid points for the given height.
x = self.x['data']
y = self.y['data']
projparams = self.get_projparams()
return cartesian_vectors_to_geographic(x, y, projparams, edges=edges)
def _point_data_factory(grid, coordinate):
""" Return a function which returns the locations of all points. """
def _point_data():
""" The function which returns the locations of all points. """
reg_x = grid.x['data']
reg_y = grid.y['data']
reg_z = grid.z['data']
if coordinate == 'x':
return np.tile(reg_x, (len(reg_z), len(reg_y), 1)).swapaxes(2, 2)
elif coordinate == 'y':
return np.tile(reg_y, (len(reg_z), len(reg_x), 1)).swapaxes(1, 2)
assert coordinate == 'z'
return np.tile(reg_z, (len(reg_x), len(reg_y), 1)).swapaxes(0, 2)
return _point_data
def _point_lon_lat_data_factory(grid, coordinate):
""" Return a function which returns the geographic locations of points. """
def _point_lon_lat_data():
""" The function which returns the geographic point locations. """
x = grid.point_x['data']
y = grid.point_y['data']
projparams = grid.get_projparams()
geographic_coords = cartesian_to_geographic(x, y, projparams)
# Set point_latitude['data'] when point_longitude['data'] is evaluated
# and vice-versa. This ensures that both attributes contain data from
# the same map projection and that the map projection only needs to be
# evaluated once.
if coordinate == 0:
grid.point_latitude['data'] = geographic_coords[1]
grid.point_longitude['data'] = geographic_coords[0]
return geographic_coords[coordinate]
return _point_lon_lat_data
def _point_altitude_data_factory(grid):
""" Return a function which returns the point altitudes. """
def _point_altitude_data():
""" The function which returns the point altitudes. """
return grid.origin_altitude['data'][0] + grid.point_z['data']
return _point_altitude_data