Functions for reading NEXRAD Level II Archive files.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..config import FileMetadata, get_fillvalue
from ..core.radar import Radar
from .common import make_time_unit_str, _test_arguments, prepare_for_read
from .nexrad_level2 import NEXRADLevel2File
from ..lazydict import LazyLoadDict
from .nexrad_common import get_nexrad_location
from .nexrad_interpolate import _fast_interpolate_scan_4, _fast_interpolate_scan_2
[docs]def read_nexrad_archive(filename, field_names=None, additional_metadata=None,
file_field_names=False, exclude_fields=None,
include_fields=None, delay_field_loading=False,
station=None, scans=None,
linear_interp=True, **kwargs):
Read a NEXRAD Level 2 Archive file.
filename : str
Filename of NEXRAD Level 2 Archive file. The files hosted by
at the NOAA National Climate Data Center [1]_ as well as on the
UCAR THREDDS Data Server [2]_ have been tested. Other NEXRAD
Level 2 Archive files may or may not work. Message type 1 file
and message type 31 files are supported.
field_names : dict, optional
Dictionary mapping NEXRAD moments to radar field names. If a
data type found in the file does not appear in this dictionary or has
a value of None it will not be placed in the radar.fields dictionary.
A value of None, the default, will use the mapping defined in the
metadata configuration file.
additional_metadata : dict of dicts, optional
Dictionary of dictionaries to retrieve metadata from during this read.
This metadata is not used during any successive file reads unless
explicitly included. A value of None, the default, will not
introduct any addition metadata and the file specific or default
metadata as specified by the metadata configuration file will be used.
file_field_names : bool, optional
True to use the NEXRAD field names for the field names. If this
case the field_names parameter is ignored. The field dictionary will
likely only have a 'data' key, unless the fields are defined in
exclude_fields : list or None, optional
List of fields to exclude from the radar object. This is applied
after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. Set
to None to include all fields specified by include_fields.
include_fields : list or None, optional
List of fields to include from the radar object. This is applied
after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. Set
to None to include all fields not specified by exclude_fields.
delay_field_loading : bool, optional
True to delay loading of field data from the file until the 'data'
key in a particular field dictionary is accessed. In this case
the field attribute of the returned Radar object will contain
LazyLoadDict objects not dict objects.
station : str or None, optional
Four letter ICAO name of the NEXRAD station used to determine the
location in the returned radar object. This parameter is only
used when the location is not contained in the file, which occur
in older NEXRAD message 1 files.
scans : list or None, optional
Read only specified scans from the file. None (the default) will read
all scans.
linear_interp : bool, optional
True (the default) to perform linear interpolation between valid pairs
of gates in low resolution rays in files mixed resolution rays.
False will perform a nearest neighbor interpolation. This parameter is
not used if the resolution of all rays in the file or requested sweeps
is constant.
radar : Radar
Radar object containing all moments and sweeps/cuts in the volume.
Gates not collected are masked in the field data.
.. [1] http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/
.. [2] http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog.html
# test for non empty kwargs
# create metadata retrieval object
filemetadata = FileMetadata('nexrad_archive', field_names,
additional_metadata, file_field_names,
exclude_fields, include_fields)
# open the file and retrieve scan information
nfile = NEXRADLevel2File(prepare_for_read(filename))
scan_info = nfile.scan_info(scans)
# time
time = filemetadata('time')
time_start, _time = nfile.get_times(scans)
time['data'] = _time
time['units'] = make_time_unit_str(time_start)
# range
_range = filemetadata('range')
first_gate, gate_spacing, last_gate = _find_range_params(
scan_info, filemetadata)
_range['data'] = np.arange(first_gate, last_gate, gate_spacing, 'float32')
_range['meters_to_center_of_first_gate'] = float(first_gate)
_range['meters_between_gates'] = float(gate_spacing)
# metadata
metadata = filemetadata('metadata')
metadata['original_container'] = 'NEXRAD Level II'
vcp_pattern = nfile.get_vcp_pattern()
if vcp_pattern is not None:
metadata['vcp_pattern'] = vcp_pattern
if 'icao' in nfile.volume_header.keys():
metadata['instrument_name'] = nfile.volume_header['icao'].decode()
# scan_type
scan_type = 'ppi'
# latitude, longitude, altitude
latitude = filemetadata('latitude')
longitude = filemetadata('longitude')
altitude = filemetadata('altitude')
if nfile._msg_type == '1' and station is not None:
lat, lon, alt = get_nexrad_location(station)
elif 'icao' in nfile.volume_header.keys() and nfile.volume_header['icao'].decode()[0] == 'T':
lat, lon, alt = get_nexrad_location(
lat, lon, alt = nfile.location()
latitude['data'] = np.array([lat], dtype='float64')
longitude['data'] = np.array([lon], dtype='float64')
altitude['data'] = np.array([alt], dtype='float64')
# sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index
# sweep_end_ray_index
sweep_number = filemetadata('sweep_number')
sweep_mode = filemetadata('sweep_mode')
sweep_start_ray_index = filemetadata('sweep_start_ray_index')
sweep_end_ray_index = filemetadata('sweep_end_ray_index')
if scans is None:
nsweeps = int(nfile.nscans)
nsweeps = len(scans)
sweep_number['data'] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype='int32')
sweep_mode['data'] = np.array(
nsweeps * ['azimuth_surveillance'], dtype='S')
rays_per_scan = [s['nrays'] for s in scan_info]
sweep_end_ray_index['data'] = np.cumsum(rays_per_scan, dtype='int32') - 1
rays_per_scan.insert(0, 0)
sweep_start_ray_index['data'] = np.cumsum(
rays_per_scan[:-1], dtype='int32')
# azimuth, elevation, fixed_angle
azimuth = filemetadata('azimuth')
elevation = filemetadata('elevation')
fixed_angle = filemetadata('fixed_angle')
azimuth['data'] = nfile.get_azimuth_angles(scans)
elevation['data'] = nfile.get_elevation_angles(scans).astype('float32')
fixed_agl = []
for i in nfile.get_target_angles(scans):
if i > 180:
i = i - 360.
warnings.warn("Fixed_angle(s) greater than 180 degrees present."
+ " Assuming angle to be negative so subtrating 360",
i = i
fixed_angles = np.array(fixed_agl, dtype='float32')
fixed_angle['data'] = fixed_angles
# fields
max_ngates = len(_range['data'])
available_moments = set([m for scan in scan_info for m in scan['moments']])
interpolate = _find_scans_to_interp(
scan_info, first_gate, gate_spacing, filemetadata)
fields = {}
for moment in available_moments:
field_name = filemetadata.get_field_name(moment)
if field_name is None:
dic = filemetadata(field_name)
dic['_FillValue'] = get_fillvalue()
if delay_field_loading and moment not in interpolate:
dic = LazyLoadDict(dic)
data_call = _NEXRADLevel2StagedField(
nfile, moment, max_ngates, scans)
dic.set_lazy('data', data_call)
mdata = nfile.get_data(moment, max_ngates, scans=scans)
if moment in interpolate:
interp_scans = interpolate[moment]
"Gate spacing is not constant, interpolating data in " +
"scans %s for moment %s." % (interp_scans, moment),
for scan in interp_scans:
idx = scan_info[scan]['moments'].index(moment)
moment_ngates = scan_info[scan]['ngates'][idx]
start = sweep_start_ray_index['data'][scan]
end = sweep_end_ray_index['data'][scan]
if interpolate['multiplier'] == '4':
multiplier = '4'
multiplier = '2'
_interpolate_scan(mdata, start, end, moment_ngates,
multiplier, linear_interp)
dic['data'] = mdata
fields[field_name] = dic
# instrument_parameters
nyquist_velocity = filemetadata('nyquist_velocity')
unambiguous_range = filemetadata('unambiguous_range')
nyquist_velocity['data'] = nfile.get_nyquist_vel(scans).astype('float32')
unambiguous_range['data'] = (
instrument_parameters = {'unambiguous_range': unambiguous_range,
'nyquist_velocity': nyquist_velocity, }
return Radar(
time, _range, fields, metadata, scan_type,
latitude, longitude, altitude,
sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index,
azimuth, elevation,
def _find_range_params(scan_info, filemetadata):
""" Return range parameters, first_gate, gate_spacing, last_gate. """
min_first_gate = 999999
min_gate_spacing = 999999
max_last_gate = 0
for scan_params in scan_info:
ngates = scan_params['ngates'][0]
for i, moment in enumerate(scan_params['moments']):
if filemetadata.get_field_name(moment) is None:
# moment is not read, skip
first_gate = scan_params['first_gate'][i]
gate_spacing = scan_params['gate_spacing'][i]
last_gate = first_gate + gate_spacing * (ngates - 0.5)
min_first_gate = min(min_first_gate, first_gate)
min_gate_spacing = min(min_gate_spacing, gate_spacing)
max_last_gate = max(max_last_gate, last_gate)
return min_first_gate, min_gate_spacing, max_last_gate
def _find_scans_to_interp(scan_info, first_gate, gate_spacing, filemetadata):
""" Return a dict indicating what moments/scans need interpolation. """
moments = set([m for scan in scan_info for m in scan['moments']])
interpolate = dict([(moment, []) for moment in moments])
for scan_num, scan in enumerate(scan_info):
for moment in moments:
if moment not in scan['moments']:
if filemetadata.get_field_name(moment) is None:
# moment is not read, skip
index = scan['moments'].index(moment)
first = scan['first_gate'][index]
spacing = scan['gate_spacing'][index]
if first != first_gate or spacing != gate_spacing:
# for proper interpolation the gate spacing of the scan to be
# interpolated should be 1/4th the spacing of the radar
if spacing == gate_spacing * 4:
interpolate['multiplier'] = '4'
elif spacing == gate_spacing * 2:
interpolate['multiplier'] = '2'
raise ValueError('Gate spacing is neither 1/4 or 1/2')
#assert first_gate + 1.5 * gate_spacing == first
# remove moments with no scans needing interpolation
interpolate = dict([(k, v) for k, v in interpolate.items() if len(v) != 0])
return interpolate
def _interpolate_scan(mdata, start, end, moment_ngates, multiplier,
""" Interpolate a single NEXRAD moment scan from 1000 m to 250 m. """
fill_value = -9999
data = mdata.filled(fill_value)
scratch_ray = np.empty((data.shape[1], ), dtype=data.dtype)
if multiplier == '4':
_fast_interpolate_scan_4(data, scratch_ray, fill_value,
start, end, moment_ngates, linear_interp)
_fast_interpolate_scan_2(data, scratch_ray, fill_value,
start, end, moment_ngates, linear_interp)
mdata[:] = np.ma.array(data, mask=(data == fill_value))
class _NEXRADLevel2StagedField(object):
A class to facilitate on demand loading of field data from a Level 2 file.
def __init__(self, nfile, moment, max_ngates, scans):
""" initialize. """
self.nfile = nfile
self.moment = moment
self.max_ngates = max_ngates
self.scans = scans
def __call__(self):
""" Return the array containing the field data. """
return self.nfile.get_data(
self.moment, self.max_ngates, scans=self.scans)