Advection calculations.
import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import interpolation
from netCDF4 import num2date
from ..config import get_fillvalue
# Based off work by Christoph Gohlke <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/>
[docs]def grid_displacement_pc(grid1, grid2, field, level, return_value='pixels'):
Calculate the grid displacement using phase correlation.
Implementation inspired by Christoph Gohlke:
Note that the grid must have the same dimensions in x and y and assumed to
have constant spacing in these dimensions.
grid1, grid2 : Grid
Py-ART Grid objects separated in time and square in x/y.
field : string
Field to calculate advection from. Field must be in both grid1
and grid2.
level : integer
The vertical (z) level of the grid to use in the calculation.
return_value : str, optional
'pixels', 'distance' or 'velocity'. Distance in pixels (default)
or meters or velocity vector in m/s.
displacement : two-tuple
Calculated displacement in units of y and x. Value returned in
integers if pixels, otherwise floats.
# create copies of the data
field_data1 = grid1.fields[field]['data'][level].copy()
field_data2 = grid2.fields[field]['data'][level].copy()
# replace fill values with valid_min or minimum value in array
if 'valid_min' in grid1.fields[field]:
min_value1 = grid1.fields[field]['valid_min']
min_value1 = field_data1.min()
field_data1 = np.ma.filled(field_data1, min_value1)
if 'valid_min' in grid2.fields[field]:
min_value2 = grid2.fields[field]['valid_min']
min_value2 = field_data2.min()
field_data2 = np.ma.filled(field_data2, min_value2)
# discrete fast fourier transformation and complex conjugation of field 2
image1fft = np.fft.fft2(field_data1)
image2fft = np.conjugate(np.fft.fft2(field_data2))
# inverse fourier transformation of product -> equal to cross correlation
imageccor = np.real(np.fft.ifft2((image1fft*image2fft)))
# shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum
imageccorshift = np.fft.fftshift(imageccor)
# determine the distance of the maximum from the center
# find the peak in the correlation
row, col = field_data1.shape
yshift, xshift = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(imageccorshift), (row, col))
yshift -= int(row/2)
xshift -= int(col/2)
dx = grid1.x['data'][1] - grid1.x['data'][0]
dy = grid1.y['data'][1] - grid1.y['data'][0]
x_movement = xshift * dx
y_movement = yshift * dy
if return_value == 'pixels':
displacement = (yshift, xshift)
elif return_value == 'distance':
displacement = (y_movement, x_movement)
elif return_value == 'velocity':
t1 = num2date(grid1.time['data'][0], grid1.time['units'])
t2 = num2date(grid2.time['data'][0], grid2.time['units'])
dt = (t2 - t1).total_seconds()
u = x_movement/dt
v = y_movement/dt
displacement = (v, u)
displacement = (yshift, xshift)
return displacement
[docs]def grid_shift(grid, advection, trim_edges=0, field_list=None):
Shift a grid by a certain number of pixels.
grid: Grid
Py-ART Grid object.
advection : two-tuple of floats
Number of Pixels to shift the image by.
trim_edges: integer, optional
Edges to cut off the grid and axes, both x and y. Defaults to zero.
field_list : list, optional
List of fields to include in new grid. None, the default, includes all
fields from the input grid.
shifted_grid : Grid
Grid with fields shifted and, if requested, subset.
if trim_edges == 0:
trim_slice = slice(None, None)
trim_slice = slice(int(trim_edges), -int(trim_edges))
shifted_grid = copy.deepcopy(grid)
# grab the x and y axis and trim
shifted_grid.x['data'] = grid.x['data'][trim_slice].copy()
shifted_grid.y['data'] = grid.y['data'][trim_slice].copy()
# shift each field.
if field_list is None:
field_list = grid.fields.keys()
for field in field_list:
# copy data and fill with nans
data = grid.fields[field]['data'].copy()
data = np.ma.filled(data, np.nan)
# shift the data
shifted_data = interpolation.shift(
data, [0, advection[0], advection[1]], prefilter=False)
# mask invalid, trim and place into grid
shifted_data = np.ma.fix_invalid(
shifted_data, copy=False, fill_value=get_fillvalue())
shifted_data = shifted_data[:, trim_slice, trim_slice]
shifted_grid.fields[field]['data'] = shifted_data
return shifted_grid