Simple moment calculations.
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from ..config import get_metadata, get_field_name
from ..core.transforms import antenna_to_cartesian
from ..util import angular_texture_2d
[docs]def calculate_snr_from_reflectivity(
radar, refl_field=None, snr_field=None, toa=25000.):
Calculate the signal to noise ratio, in dB, from the reflectivity field.
radar : Radar
Radar object from which to retrieve reflectivity field.
refl_field : str, optional
Name of field in radar which contains the reflectivity.
None will use the default field name in the Py-ART configuration file.
snr_field : str, optional
Name to use for snr metadata. None will use the default field name
in the Py-ART configuration file.
toa : float, optional
Height above which to take noise floor measurements, in meters.
snr : field dictionary
Field dictionary containing the signal to noise ratio.
if refl_field is None:
refl_field = get_field_name('reflectivity')
if snr_field is None:
snr_field = get_field_name('signal_to_noise_ratio')
range_grid = np.meshgrid(radar.range['data'],
np.ma.ones(radar.time['data'].shape))[0] + 1.0
# remove range scale.. This is basically the radar constant scaled dBm
pseudo_power = (radar.fields[refl_field]['data'] -
20.0*np.log10(range_grid / 1000.0))
# Noise floor estimate
# 25km.. should be no scatterers, not even planes, this high
# we could get undone by AP though.. also sun
rg, azg = np.meshgrid(radar.range['data'], radar.azimuth['data'])
rg, eleg = np.meshgrid(radar.range['data'], radar.elevation['data'])
_, _, z = antenna_to_cartesian(rg / 1000.0, azg, eleg) # XXX: need to fix
points_above = np.where(z > toa)
noise_floor_estimate = pseudo_power[points_above].mean()
snr_dict = get_metadata(snr_field)
snr_dict['data'] = pseudo_power - noise_floor_estimate
return snr_dict
[docs]def compute_noisedBZ(nrays, noisedBZ_val, _range, ref_dist,
Computes noise in dBZ from reference noise value.
nrays : int
Number of rays in the reflectivity field.
noisedBZ_val : float
Estimated noise value in dBZ at reference distance.
_range : np array of floats
Range vector in m.
ref_dist : float
Reference distance in Km.
noise_field : str, optional
Name of the noise field.
noisedBZ : dict
The noise field.
# parse the field parameters
if noise_field is None:
noise_field = get_field_name('noisedBZ_hh')
noisedBZ_vec = noisedBZ_val+20.*np.ma.log10(1e-3*_range/ref_dist)
noisedBZ = get_metadata(noise_field)
noisedBZ['data'] = np.tile(noisedBZ_vec, (nrays, 1))
return noisedBZ
[docs]def compute_snr(radar, refl_field=None, noise_field=None, snr_field=None):
Computes SNR from a reflectivity field and the noise in dBZ.
radar : Radar
Radar object
refl_field : str, optional
Name of the reflectivity field to use.
noise_field : str, optional
Name of the noise field to use.
snr_field : str, optional
Name of the SNR field.
snr : dict
The SNR field.
# parse the field parameters
if refl_field is None:
refl_field = get_field_name('reflectivity')
if noise_field is None:
noise_field = get_field_name('noisedBZ_hh')
if snr_field is None:
snr_field = get_field_name('signal_to_noise_ratio')
# extract fields from radar
if refl_field in radar.fields:
refl = radar.fields[refl_field]['data']
raise KeyError('Field not available: ' + refl_field)
if noise_field in radar.fields:
noisedBZ = radar.fields[noise_field]['data']
raise KeyError('Field not available: ' + noise_field)
snr_data = refl-noisedBZ
snr = get_metadata(snr_field)
snr['data'] = snr_data
return snr
[docs]def compute_l(radar, rhohv_field=None, l_field=None):
Computes Rhohv in logarithmic scale according to L=-log10(1-RhoHV).
radar : Radar
Radar object.
rhohv_field : str, optional
Name of the RhoHV field to use.
l_field : str, optional
Name of the L field.
l : dict
L field.
# parse the field parameters
if rhohv_field is None:
rhohv_field = get_field_name('cross_correlation_ratio')
if l_field is None:
l_field = get_field_name('logarithmic_cross_correlation_ratio')
# extract rhohv field from radar
if rhohv_field in radar.fields:
rhohv = radar.fields[rhohv_field]['data']
raise KeyError('Field not available: ' + rhohv_field)
rhohv[rhohv >= 1.] = 0.9999
l_data = -np.ma.log10(1.-rhohv)
l = get_metadata(l_field)
l['data'] = l_data
return l
[docs]def compute_cdr(radar, rhohv_field=None, zdr_field=None, cdr_field=None):
Computes the Circular Depolarization Ratio.
radar : Radar
Radar object.
rhohv_field : str, optional
Name of the RhoHV field.
zdr_field : str, optional
Name of the ZDR field.
cdr_field : str, optional
Name of the CDR field.
cdr : dict
CDR field.
# parse the field parameters
if rhohv_field is None:
rhohv_field = get_field_name('cross_correlation_ratio')
if zdr_field is None:
zdr_field = get_field_name('differential_reflectivity')
if cdr_field is None:
cdr_field = get_field_name('circular_depolarization_ratio')
# extract fields from radar
if rhohv_field in radar.fields:
rhohv = radar.fields[rhohv_field]['data']
raise KeyError('Field not available: ' + rhohv_field)
if zdr_field in radar.fields:
zdrdB = radar.fields[zdr_field]['data']
raise KeyError('Field not available: ' + zdr_field)
zdr = np.ma.power(10., 0.1*zdrdB)
cdr_data = (
(1.+1./zdr-2.*rhohv*np.ma.sqrt(1./zdr)) /
cdr = get_metadata(cdr_field)
cdr['data'] = cdr_data
return cdr
[docs]def calculate_velocity_texture(radar, vel_field=None, wind_size=4, nyq=None,
Derive the texture of the velocity field.
radar: Radar
Radar object from which velocity texture field will be made.
vel_field : str, optional
Name of the velocity field. A value of None will force Py-ART to
automatically determine the name of the velocity field.
wind_size : int, optional
The size of the window to calculate texture from. The window is
defined to be a square of size wind_size by wind_size.
nyq : float, optional
The nyquist velocity of the radar. A value of None will force Py-ART
to try and determine this automatically.
check_nyquist_uniform : bool, optional
True to check if the Nyquist velocities are uniform for all rays
within a sweep, False will skip this check. This parameter is ignored
when the nyq parameter is not None.
vel_dict: dict
A dictionary containing the field entries for the radial velocity
# Parse names of velocity field
if vel_field is None:
vel_field = get_field_name('velocity')
# Allocate memory for texture field
vel_texture = np.zeros(radar.fields[vel_field]['data'].shape)
# If an array of nyquist velocities is derived, use different
# nyquist velocites for each sweep in texture calculation according to
# the nyquist velocity in each sweep.
if nyq is None:
# Find nyquist velocity if not specified
nyq = [radar.get_nyquist_vel(i, check_nyq_uniform) for i in
for i in range(0, radar.nsweeps):
start_ray, end_ray = radar.get_start_end(i)
inds = range(start_ray, end_ray)
vel_sweep = radar.fields[vel_field]['data'][inds]
vel_texture[inds] = angular_texture_2d(
vel_sweep, wind_size, nyq[i])
vel_texture = angular_texture_2d(
radar.fields[vel_field]['data'], wind_size, nyq)
vel_texture_field = get_metadata('velocity')
vel_texture_field['long_name'] = 'Doppler velocity texture'
vel_texture_field['standard_name'] = (
'texture_of_radial_velocity' + '_of_scatters_away_from_instrument')
vel_texture_field['data'] = ndimage.filters.median_filter(vel_texture,
return vel_texture_field