Corrects polarimetric variables for noise
import warnings
import dask
import numpy as np
import pint
from scipy import signal
from ..config import get_field_name, get_metadata
from ..core.radar import Radar
[docs]def correct_noise_rhohv(
Corrects RhoHV for noise according to eq. 6 in Gourley et al. 2006.
This correction should only be performed if noise has not been subtracted
from the signal during the moments computation.
radar : Radar
Radar object.
urhohv_field : str, optional
Name of the RhoHV uncorrected for noise field.
snr_field, zdr_field, nh_field, nv_field : str, optional
Names of the SNR, ZDR, horizontal channel noise in dBZ and vertical
channel noise in dBZ used to correct RhoHV.
rhohv_field : str, optional
Name of the rhohv field to output.
rhohv : dict
Noise corrected RhoHV field.
Gourley et al. Data Quality of the Meteo-France C-Band Polarimetric
Radar, JAOT, 23, 1340-1356
# parse the field parameters
if urhohv_field is None:
urhohv_field = get_field_name("uncorrected_cross_correlation_ratio")
if snr_field is None:
snr_field = get_field_name("signal_to_noise_ratio")
if zdr_field is None:
zdr_field = get_field_name("differential_reflectivity")
if nh_field is None:
nh_field = get_field_name("noisedBZ_hh")
if nv_field is None:
nv_field = get_field_name("noisedBZ_vv")
if rhohv_field is None:
rhohv_field = get_field_name("cross_correlation_ratio")
# extract fields from radar
if urhohv_field in radar.fields:
urhohv = radar.fields[urhohv_field]["data"]
raise KeyError("Field not available: " + urhohv_field)
if snr_field in radar.fields:
snrdB_h = radar.fields[snr_field]["data"]
raise KeyError("Field not available: " + snr_field)
if zdr_field in radar.fields:
zdrdB = radar.fields[zdr_field]["data"]
raise KeyError("Field not available: " + zdr_field)
if nh_field in radar.fields:
nh = radar.fields[nh_field]["data"]
raise KeyError("Field not available: " + nh_field)
if nv_field in radar.fields:
nv = radar.fields[nv_field]["data"]
raise KeyError("Field not available: " + nv_field)
snr_h = np.ma.power(10.0, 0.1 * snrdB_h)
zdr = np.ma.power(10.0, 0.1 * zdrdB)
alpha = np.ma.power(10.0, 0.1 * (nh - nv))
rhohv_data = urhohv * np.ma.sqrt(
(1.0 + 1.0 / snr_h) * (1.0 + zdr / (alpha * snr_h))
rhohv_data[rhohv_data > 1.0] = 1.0
rhohv = get_metadata(rhohv_field)
rhohv["data"] = rhohv_data
return rhohv
[docs]def correct_bias(radar, bias=0.0, field_name=None):
Corrects a radar data bias. If field name is none the correction is
applied to horizontal reflectivity by default.
radar : Radar
Radar object.
bias : float, optional
The bias magnitude.
field_name: str, optional
Names of the field to be corrected.
corrected_field : dict
The corrected field
# parse the field parameters
if field_name is None:
field_name = get_field_name("reflectivity")
# extract fields from radar
if field_name in radar.fields:
field_data = radar.fields[field_name]["data"]
raise KeyError("Field not available: " + field_name)
corr_field_data = field_data - bias
if field_name.startswith("corrected_"):
corr_field_name = field_name
corr_field_name = "corrected_" + field_name
corr_field = get_metadata(corr_field_name)
corr_field["data"] = corr_field_data
return corr_field
[docs]def calc_zdr_offset(radar, gatefilter=None, height_range=None, zdr_var=None):
Function for calculating the ZDR bias from a VPT scan.
radar : PyART radar object
Radar object with radar data
gatefilter: PyART GateFilter
Gatefilter for filtering out data for calculating ZDR bias
height_range: tuple
The minimum and maximum heights in meters for the scan.
zdr_var: string or None
The name of the ZDR variable. Set to None to have PyART try to determine this automatically.
profiles : dict
The mean vertical profiles of each radar moment are extracted along with the ZDR bias.
if height_range is None:
height_range = (0, 100000.0)
if zdr_var is None:
zdr_var = get_field_name("differential_reflectivity")
height_mask = np.logical_and(
radar.range["data"] >= height_range[0], radar.range["data"] <= height_range[1]
mask = gatefilter.gate_included
Zdr = radar.fields[zdr_var]["data"]
if isinstance(Zdr, np.ma.MaskedArray):
Zdr = Zdr.filled(np.nan)
Zdr = np.where(mask, Zdr, np.nan)
bias = np.nanmean(Zdr[:, height_mask])
height_mask_tiled = np.tile(height_mask, (radar.nrays, 1))
Zdr = np.where(height_mask_tiled, Zdr, np.nan)
results = {
"bias": bias,
"profile_zdr": np.nanmean(Zdr[:, :], axis=0),
"range": radar.range["data"],
for k in radar.fields.keys():
if k != "range":
field_data = radar.fields[k]["data"].astype(float)
if isinstance(field_data, np.ma.MaskedArray):
field_data = field_data.filled(np.nan)
field_data = np.where(mask, field_data, np.nan)
field_data = np.where(height_mask_tiled, field_data, np.nan)
results["profile_" + k] = np.nanmean(field_data[:, :], axis=0)
return results
[docs]def calc_cloud_mask(
Primary function for calculating the cloud mask.
radar : Radar
Py-ART Radar object.
field : string
Reflectivity field name to calculate.
height : string
Height name to use for calculations.
noise_threshold : float
Threshold value used for noise detection. Greater than this value.
threshold_offset : float
Threshold offset value used for noise detection
counts_threshold : int
Threshold of counts used to determine mask. Greater than or equal to this value.
radar : Radar
Returns an updated Radar object with cloud mask fields.
Kollias, P., I. Jo, P. Borque, A. Tatarevic, K. Lamer, N. Bharadwaj, K. Widener,
K. Johnson, and E.E. Clothiaux, 2014: Scanning ARM Cloud Radars. Part II: Data
Quality Control and Processing. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 583–598,
if not isinstance(radar, Radar):
raise ValueError("Please use a valid Py-ART Radar object")
if not isinstance(field, str):
raise ValueError("Please specify a valid field name.")
noise = calc_noise_floor(radar, field, height=height)
noise_thresh = (
np.full(np.shape(radar.fields[field]["data"])[0], noise_threshold),
+ threshold_offset
data = range_correction(radar, field, height=height)
task = []
for i in range(np.shape(data)[0]):
task.append(dask.delayed(_first_mask)(data[i, :], noise_thresh[i]))
result = dask.compute(task)
mask1 = np.array(result[0])
counts = signal.convolve2d(mask1, np.ones((4, 4), dtype=int), mode="same")
mask2 = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=np.int16)
mask2[counts >= counts_threshold] = 1
cloud_mask_1 = {}
cloud_mask_1["long_name"] = "Cloud mask 1 (linear profile)"
cloud_mask_1["units"] = "1"
cloud_mask_1["comment"] = (
"The mask is calculated with a " "linear mask along each time profile."
cloud_mask_1["flag_values"] = [0, 1]
cloud_mask_1["flag_meanings"] = ["no_cloud", "cloud"]
cloud_mask_1["data"] = mask1
cloud_mask_2 = {}
cloud_mask_2["long_name"] = "Cloud mask 2 (2D box)"
cloud_mask_2["units"] = "1"
cloud_mask_2["comment"] = "The mask uses a 2D box to " "filter out noise."
cloud_mask_2["flag_values"] = [0, 1]
cloud_mask_2["flag_meanings"] = ["no_cloud", "cloud"]
cloud_mask_2["data"] = mask2
radar.add_field("cloud_mask_1", cloud_mask_1, replace_existing=True)
radar.add_field("cloud_mask_2", cloud_mask_2, replace_existing=True)
return radar
[docs]def calc_noise_floor(radar, field, height):
Calculation for getting the noise floor
radar : Radar
Py-ART Radar object containing data.
field : string
Reflectivity field name to correct.
height : string
Height name to use in correction.
noise : array
Returns the noise floor value for each time sample.
Kollias, P., I. Jo, P. Borque, A. Tatarevic, K. Lamer, N. Bharadwaj, K. Widener,
K. Johnson, and E.E. Clothiaux, 2014: Scanning ARM Cloud Radars. Part II: Data
Quality Control and Processing. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 583–598,
if not isinstance(radar, Radar):
raise ValueError("Please use a valid Py-ART Radar object.")
# Range correct data and return the array from the Radar object
data = range_correction(radar, field, height=height)
# Pass each timestep into task list to calculate cloud threshhold
# with a delayed dask process
task = [dask.delayed(cloud_threshold)(row) for row in data]
# Perform dask computation
noise = dask.compute(*task)
# Convert returned dask tuple into numpy array
noise = np.array(noise, dtype=float)
return noise
[docs]def cloud_threshold(data, n_avg=1.0, nffts=None):
Calculates the noise floor from a cloud threshold.
data : array
Numpy array
n_avg : float
Number of points to average over
nffts : int
Number of heights to iterate over. If None will use the size of data.
result : numpy scalar float
Returns the noise floor value for each time sample.
Kollias, P., I. Jo, P. Borque, A. Tatarevic, K. Lamer, N. Bharadwaj, K. Widener,
K. Johnson, and E.E. Clothiaux, 2014: Scanning ARM Cloud Radars. Part II: Data
Quality Control and Processing. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 583–598,
if nffts is None:
nffts = data.size
data = 10.0 ** (data / 10.0)
data = np.sort(data)
nthld = 10.0**-10.0
dsum = 0.0
sumSq = 0.0
n = 0.0
numNs = []
sqrt_n_avg = np.sqrt(n_avg)
for i in range(nffts):
if data[i] > nthld:
dsum += data[i]
sumSq += data[i] ** 2.0
n += 1.0
a3 = dsum * dsum
a1 = sqrt_n_avg * (n * sumSq - a3)
if n > nffts / 4.0:
if a1 <= a3:
sumNs = dsum
numNs = [n]
sumNs = dsum
numNs = [n]
if len(numNs) > 0:
n_mean = sumNs / numNs[0]
n_mean = np.nan
if n_mean == 0.0:
result = np.nan
result = 10.0 * np.log10(n_mean)
return result
[docs]def range_correction(radar, field, height):
Corrects reflectivity for range to help get the
correct noise floor values
radar : Radar
Py-ART Radar object containing data.
field : string
Reflectivity field name to correct.
height : string
Height name to use in correction.
data : array
Returns a range corrected array matching reflectivity field.
if not isinstance(radar, Radar):
raise ValueError("Please use a valid Py-ART Radar object.")
height_units = getattr(radar, height)["units"]
except KeyError:
f"Height '{height} does not have units attribute. "
"Assuming units are meters."
height_units = "m"
height = getattr(radar, height)["data"]
desired_unit = "m"
if height_units is not desired_unit:
if isinstance(height, np.ma.MaskedArray):
height = height.filled(np.nan)
unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry()
height = height * unit_registry.parse_expression(height_units)
height = height.to(desired_unit)
height = height.magnitude
data = radar.fields[field]["data"]
if isinstance(data, np.ma.MaskedArray) and not data.mask:
data = data.data
elif isinstance(data, np.ma.MaskedArray) and data.mask:
data = data.filled(np.nan)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
"ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message=".*divide by zero encountered.*"
data = data - 20.0 * np.log10(height / 1000.0)
return data
def _first_mask(data, noise_threshold):
mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=np.int16)
mask[data > noise_threshold] = 1
return mask