Source code for pyart.correct.bias_and_noise

Corrects polarimetric variables for noise


import warnings

import dask
import numpy as np
import pint
from scipy import signal

from ..config import get_field_name, get_metadata
from ..core.radar import Radar

[docs]def correct_noise_rhohv( radar, urhohv_field=None, snr_field=None, zdr_field=None, nh_field=None, nv_field=None, rhohv_field=None, ): """ Corrects RhoHV for noise according to eq. 6 in Gourley et al. 2006. This correction should only be performed if noise has not been subtracted from the signal during the moments computation. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Radar object. urhohv_field : str, optional Name of the RhoHV uncorrected for noise field. snr_field, zdr_field, nh_field, nv_field : str, optional Names of the SNR, ZDR, horizontal channel noise in dBZ and vertical channel noise in dBZ used to correct RhoHV. rhohv_field : str, optional Name of the rhohv field to output. Returns ------- rhohv : dict Noise corrected RhoHV field. References ---------- Gourley et al. Data Quality of the Meteo-France C-Band Polarimetric Radar, JAOT, 23, 1340-1356 """ # parse the field parameters if urhohv_field is None: urhohv_field = get_field_name("uncorrected_cross_correlation_ratio") if snr_field is None: snr_field = get_field_name("signal_to_noise_ratio") if zdr_field is None: zdr_field = get_field_name("differential_reflectivity") if nh_field is None: nh_field = get_field_name("noisedBZ_hh") if nv_field is None: nv_field = get_field_name("noisedBZ_vv") if rhohv_field is None: rhohv_field = get_field_name("cross_correlation_ratio") # extract fields from radar if urhohv_field in radar.fields: urhohv = radar.fields[urhohv_field]["data"] else: raise KeyError("Field not available: " + urhohv_field) if snr_field in radar.fields: snrdB_h = radar.fields[snr_field]["data"] else: raise KeyError("Field not available: " + snr_field) if zdr_field in radar.fields: zdrdB = radar.fields[zdr_field]["data"] else: raise KeyError("Field not available: " + zdr_field) if nh_field in radar.fields: nh = radar.fields[nh_field]["data"] else: raise KeyError("Field not available: " + nh_field) if nv_field in radar.fields: nv = radar.fields[nv_field]["data"] else: raise KeyError("Field not available: " + nv_field) snr_h =, 0.1 * snrdB_h) zdr =, 0.1 * zdrdB) alpha =, 0.1 * (nh - nv)) rhohv_data = urhohv * (1.0 + 1.0 / snr_h) * (1.0 + zdr / (alpha * snr_h)) ) rhohv_data[rhohv_data > 1.0] = 1.0 rhohv = get_metadata(rhohv_field) rhohv["data"] = rhohv_data return rhohv
[docs]def correct_bias(radar, bias=0.0, field_name=None): """ Corrects a radar data bias. If field name is none the correction is applied to horizontal reflectivity by default. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Radar object. bias : float, optional The bias magnitude. field_name: str, optional Names of the field to be corrected. Returns ------- corrected_field : dict The corrected field """ # parse the field parameters if field_name is None: field_name = get_field_name("reflectivity") # extract fields from radar if field_name in radar.fields: field_data = radar.fields[field_name]["data"] else: raise KeyError("Field not available: " + field_name) corr_field_data = field_data - bias if field_name.startswith("corrected_"): corr_field_name = field_name else: corr_field_name = "corrected_" + field_name corr_field = get_metadata(corr_field_name) corr_field["data"] = corr_field_data return corr_field
[docs]def calc_zdr_offset(radar, gatefilter=None, height_range=None, zdr_var=None): """ Function for calculating the ZDR bias from a VPT scan. Parameters ---------- radar : PyART radar object Radar object with radar data gatefilter: PyART GateFilter Gatefilter for filtering out data for calculating ZDR bias height_range: tuple The minimum and maximum heights in meters for the scan. zdr_var: string or None The name of the ZDR variable. Set to None to have PyART try to determine this automatically. Returns ------- profiles : dict The mean vertical profiles of each radar moment are extracted along with the ZDR bias. """ if height_range is None: height_range = (0, 100000.0) if zdr_var is None: zdr_var = get_field_name("differential_reflectivity") height_mask = np.logical_and( radar.range["data"] >= height_range[0], radar.range["data"] <= height_range[1] ) mask = gatefilter.gate_included Zdr = radar.fields[zdr_var]["data"] if isinstance(Zdr, Zdr = Zdr.filled(np.nan) Zdr = np.where(mask, Zdr, np.nan) bias = np.nanmean(Zdr[:, height_mask]) height_mask_tiled = np.tile(height_mask, (radar.nrays, 1)) Zdr = np.where(height_mask_tiled, Zdr, np.nan) results = { "bias": bias, "profile_zdr": np.nanmean(Zdr[:, :], axis=0), "range": radar.range["data"], } for k in radar.fields.keys(): if k != "range": field_data = radar.fields[k]["data"].astype(float) if isinstance(field_data, field_data = field_data.filled(np.nan) field_data = np.where(mask, field_data, np.nan) field_data = np.where(height_mask_tiled, field_data, np.nan) results["profile_" + k] = np.nanmean(field_data[:, :], axis=0) return results
[docs]def calc_cloud_mask( radar, field, height=None, noise_threshold=-45.0, threshold_offset=5.0, counts_threshold=12, ): """ Primary function for calculating the cloud mask. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Py-ART Radar object. field : string Reflectivity field name to calculate. height : string Height name to use for calculations. noise_threshold : float Threshold value used for noise detection. Greater than this value. threshold_offset : float Threshold offset value used for noise detection counts_threshold : int Threshold of counts used to determine mask. Greater than or equal to this value. Returns ------- radar : Radar Returns an updated Radar object with cloud mask fields. References ---------- Kollias, P., I. Jo, P. Borque, A. Tatarevic, K. Lamer, N. Bharadwaj, K. Widener, K. Johnson, and E.E. Clothiaux, 2014: Scanning ARM Cloud Radars. Part II: Data Quality Control and Processing. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 583–598, """ if not isinstance(radar, Radar): raise ValueError("Please use a valid Py-ART Radar object") if not isinstance(field, str): raise ValueError("Please specify a valid field name.") noise = calc_noise_floor(radar, field, height=height) noise_thresh = ( np.nanmin( np.vstack( [ noise, np.full(np.shape(radar.fields[field]["data"])[0], noise_threshold), ] ), axis=0, ) + threshold_offset ) data = range_correction(radar, field, height=height) task = [] for i in range(np.shape(data)[0]): task.append(dask.delayed(_first_mask)(data[i, :], noise_thresh[i])) result = dask.compute(task) mask1 = np.array(result[0]) counts = signal.convolve2d(mask1, np.ones((4, 4), dtype=int), mode="same") mask2 = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=np.int16) mask2[counts >= counts_threshold] = 1 cloud_mask_1 = {} cloud_mask_1["long_name"] = "Cloud mask 1 (linear profile)" cloud_mask_1["units"] = "1" cloud_mask_1["comment"] = ( "The mask is calculated with a " "linear mask along each time profile." ) cloud_mask_1["flag_values"] = [0, 1] cloud_mask_1["flag_meanings"] = ["no_cloud", "cloud"] cloud_mask_1["data"] = mask1 cloud_mask_2 = {} cloud_mask_2["long_name"] = "Cloud mask 2 (2D box)" cloud_mask_2["units"] = "1" cloud_mask_2["comment"] = "The mask uses a 2D box to " "filter out noise." cloud_mask_2["flag_values"] = [0, 1] cloud_mask_2["flag_meanings"] = ["no_cloud", "cloud"] cloud_mask_2["data"] = mask2 radar.add_field("cloud_mask_1", cloud_mask_1, replace_existing=True) radar.add_field("cloud_mask_2", cloud_mask_2, replace_existing=True) return radar
[docs]def calc_noise_floor(radar, field, height): """ Calculation for getting the noise floor Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Py-ART Radar object containing data. field : string Reflectivity field name to correct. height : string Height name to use in correction. Returns ------- noise : array Returns the noise floor value for each time sample. References ---------- Kollias, P., I. Jo, P. Borque, A. Tatarevic, K. Lamer, N. Bharadwaj, K. Widener, K. Johnson, and E.E. Clothiaux, 2014: Scanning ARM Cloud Radars. Part II: Data Quality Control and Processing. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 583–598, """ if not isinstance(radar, Radar): raise ValueError("Please use a valid Py-ART Radar object.") # Range correct data and return the array from the Radar object data = range_correction(radar, field, height=height) # Pass each timestep into task list to calculate cloud threshhold # with a delayed dask process task = [dask.delayed(cloud_threshold)(row) for row in data] # Perform dask computation noise = dask.compute(*task) # Convert returned dask tuple into numpy array noise = np.array(noise, dtype=float) return noise
[docs]def cloud_threshold(data, n_avg=1.0, nffts=None): """ Calculates the noise floor from a cloud threshold. Parameters ---------- data : array Numpy array n_avg : float Number of points to average over nffts : int Number of heights to iterate over. If None will use the size of data. Returns ------- result : numpy scalar float Returns the noise floor value for each time sample. References ---------- Kollias, P., I. Jo, P. Borque, A. Tatarevic, K. Lamer, N. Bharadwaj, K. Widener, K. Johnson, and E.E. Clothiaux, 2014: Scanning ARM Cloud Radars. Part II: Data Quality Control and Processing. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 31, 583–598, """ if nffts is None: nffts = data.size data = 10.0 ** (data / 10.0) data = np.sort(data) nthld = 10.0**-10.0 dsum = 0.0 sumSq = 0.0 n = 0.0 numNs = [] sqrt_n_avg = np.sqrt(n_avg) for i in range(nffts): if data[i] > nthld: dsum += data[i] sumSq += data[i] ** 2.0 n += 1.0 a3 = dsum * dsum a1 = sqrt_n_avg * (n * sumSq - a3) if n > nffts / 4.0: if a1 <= a3: sumNs = dsum numNs = [n] else: sumNs = dsum numNs = [n] if len(numNs) > 0: n_mean = sumNs / numNs[0] else: n_mean = np.nan if n_mean == 0.0: result = np.nan else: result = 10.0 * np.log10(n_mean) return result
[docs]def range_correction(radar, field, height): """ Corrects reflectivity for range to help get the correct noise floor values Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Py-ART Radar object containing data. field : string Reflectivity field name to correct. height : string Height name to use in correction. Returns ------- data : array Returns a range corrected array matching reflectivity field. """ if not isinstance(radar, Radar): raise ValueError("Please use a valid Py-ART Radar object.") try: height_units = getattr(radar, height)["units"] except KeyError: warnings.warn( f"Height '{height} does not have units attribute. " "Assuming units are meters." ) height_units = "m" height = getattr(radar, height)["data"] desired_unit = "m" if height_units is not desired_unit: if isinstance(height, height = height.filled(np.nan) unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry() height = height * unit_registry.parse_expression(height_units) height = height = height.magnitude data = radar.fields[field]["data"] if isinstance(data, and not data.mask: data = elif isinstance(data, and data.mask: data = data.filled(np.nan) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message=".*divide by zero encountered.*" ) data = data - 20.0 * np.log10(height / 1000.0) return data
def _first_mask(data, noise_threshold): mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=np.int16) mask[data > noise_threshold] = 1 return mask