Find contiguous objects in scans and despeckle away ones that are too small.
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import label
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from ..config import get_fillvalue
from ..filters.gatefilter import GateFilter
BAD = get_fillvalue() # Get default fill value.
DELTA = 5.0 # deg, allowable gap between PPI edges to be considered full 360
# To do:
# Testing
[docs]def find_objects(
radar, field, threshold, sweeps=None, smooth=None, gatefilter=None, delta=DELTA
Find objects (i.e., contiguous gates) in one or more sweeps that match
thresholds. Filtering & smoothing are available prior to labeling objects.
In addition, periodic boundaries are accounted for if they exist
(e.g., 360-deg PPIs). Requires scipy to be installed.
radar : pyart.core.Radar object
Radar object to query.
field : str
Name of field to investigate for objects.
threshold : int or float, or 2-element tuple of ints or floats
Threshold values above (if single value) or between (if tuple)
for objects to be identified.
Other Parameters
sweeps : int or array of ints or None, optional
Sweep numbers to examine. If None, all sweeps are examined.
smooth : int or None, optional
Number of gates included in a smoothing box filter along a ray.
If None, no smoothing is done prior to labeling objects.
gatefilter : None or pyart.filters.GateFilter object, optional
Py-ART GateFilter object to apply before labeling objects.
If None, no filtering will be performed. Note: Filtering always occurs
before smoothing.
delta : int or float, optional
Size of allowable gap near PPI edges, in deg, to consider it full 360.
If gap is small, then PPI edges will be checked for matching objects
along the periodic boundary.
label_dict : dict
Dictionary that contains all the labeled objects. If this function is
performed on the full Radar object, then the dict is ready to be added
as a field.
if field not in radar.fields.keys():
raise KeyError("Failed -", field, "field not found in Radar object.")
sweeps = _check_sweeps(sweeps, radar)
tlo, thi = _check_threshold(threshold)
objcnt = 0
label_storage = []
for iswp in sweeps:
data = _get_data(radar, iswp, field, tlo, thi, smooth, gatefilter=gatefilter)
az = radar.get_azimuth(iswp, copy=False)
if _check_for_360(az, delta):
# If 360 or close, account for the periodic boundary
labels, nobj = _adjust_for_periodic_boundary(data)
labels, nobj = _get_labels(data)
labels[labels != 0] += objcnt
objcnt += nobj
label_storage = _append_labels(labels, label_storage)
label_storage = np.ma.masked_where(label_storage == 0, label_storage)
return _generate_dict(label_storage)
[docs]def despeckle_field(
radar, field, label_dict=None, threshold=-100, size=10, gatefilter=None, delta=DELTA
Despeckle a radar volume by identifying small objects in each scan and
masking them out. User can define which field to investigate, as well as
various thresholds to use on that field and any objects found within.
Requires scipy to be installed, and returns a GateFilter object.
radar : pyart.core.Radar object
Radar object to query.
field : str
Name of field to investigate for speckles.
Other Parameters
label_dict : dict or None, optional
Dictionary that is produced by find_objects.
If None, find_objects will be called to produce it.
threshold : int or float, or 2-element tuple of ints or floats
Threshold values above (if single value) or between (if tuple)
for objects to be identified. Default value assumes reflectivity.
size : int, optional
Number of contiguous gates in an object, below which it is a speckle.
gatefilter : None or pyart.filters.GateFilter object
Py-ART GateFilter object to which to add the despeckling mask. The
GateFilter object will be permanently modified with the new filtering.
If None, creates a new GateFilter.
delta : int or float, optional
Size of allowable gap near PPI edges, in deg, to consider it full 360.
If gap is small, then PPI edges will be checked for matching objects.
gatefilter : pyart.filters.GateFilter object
Py-ART GateFilter object that includes the despeckling mask
if field not in radar.fields.keys():
raise KeyError("Failed -", field, "field not found in Radar object.")
if label_dict is None:
# Label everything in the radar object's field
label_dict = find_objects(
radar, field, threshold, gatefilter=gatefilter, delta=delta
if gatefilter is None:
gatefilter = GateFilter(radar)
labels = label_dict["data"]
# Get a copy of the field in the volume
data = 1.0 * radar.fields[field]["data"]
mask_filter = gatefilter.gate_excluded
data = np.ma.masked_array(data, mask_filter)
data = data.filled(fill_value=BAD)
labf = labels.filled(fill_value=0)
# First reduce array size to speed up processing
cond1 = np.logical_and(data != BAD, labf > 0)
labr = labf[cond1]
data_r = data[cond1]
# Now loop thru all objects in volume, mask ones that are too small
# These are the speckles
iterarray = np.unique(labr)
for i, lab in enumerate(iterarray):
cond = labr == lab
if np.size(labr[cond]) < size:
data_r[cond] = BAD
data[cond1] = data_r
data = np.ma.masked_where(data == BAD, data)
return gatefilter
def _adjust_for_periodic_boundary(data):
Identify all the contiguous objects in a sweep, accounting for the
periodic boundary in a 360-deg PPI. Contiguous means corners or sides
of gates touch. The algorithm appends the sweep to itself, then looks
for contiguous objects near the original PPI edges and relabels them.
Then, the extra sweep is discarded before returning all the labels.
data : 2D array of ints
Sweep that will be checked for objects. Sweep has already been
converted to binary 0s/1s based on user-supplied thresholds.
labels : 2D array of ints
Numeric object labels, corrected for the periodic boundary.
Zero values mean no object at that location.
nobj : int
Number of distinct objects identified in sweep.
data = np.append(data, data, axis=0)
labels, nobj = _get_labels(data)
i1 = 0
# i2 = int(np.shape(labels)[0] / 2)
i2 = labels.shape[0] // 2
old_labs = np.unique(labels[i2][labels[i2] > 0])
for i, lab in enumerate(old_labs):
indices = np.where(labels[i2] == lab)
new_lab = np.unique(labels[i1][indices[0]])[0]
labels[labels == lab] = new_lab
labels = labels[0:i2]
nobj = len(np.unique(labels)) - 1 # labels == 0 doesnt count
return labels, nobj
def _append_labels(labels, label_storage):
Appends consecutive sweeps of labels, creating a multi-sweep 2D array.
Typically called iteratively.
labels : 2D array of ints
Sweep containing object labels.
label_storage : Empty list or 2D array of ints
Array to append new sweep of labels to.
label_storage : 2D array of ints
Updated array of object labels.
if len(label_storage) == 0:
label_storage = np.array(label_storage[0])
label_storage = np.append(label_storage, labels, axis=0)
return label_storage
def _check_for_360(az, delta):
Check if an array of azimuths indicates the sweep is a full 360 PPI.
This should also spot RHIs (effectively, a narrow azimuth sector sweep).
az : array of int or float
Azimuths in the sweep
delta : int or float
Size of allowable gap near PPI edges, in deg, to consider it full 360.
Flag : bool
True - Sweep is a 360 PPI.
False - Sweep is not a 360 PPI.
# Check for small gap in azimuths
if np.abs(az[0] - az[-1]) < delta or np.abs(az[0] - az[-1]) > 360 - delta:
# Confirm small gap and not just narrow sector
if np.max(az) - np.min(az) > 360 - delta:
# Confirm not narrow sector near true north
if True not in (
np.sin(np.deg2rad(az)) < np.sin(np.deg2rad(360 - delta))
) or True not in (np.sin(np.deg2rad(az)) > np.sin(np.deg2rad(delta))):
return False
return True
return False
return False
def _check_sweeps(sweeps, radar):
Parse the sweeps keyword and convert it to a list of ints.
The output will be iterated over.
sweeps : int or list of ints or None
Sweep numbers to put into an iterable list. If None, all sweeps in the
radar object will be examined.
radar : pyart.core.Radar object
Radar object to query.
sweeps : list of ints
Sweep numbers as an iterable list.
if sweeps is None:
sweeps = np.arange(len(radar.sweep_number["data"]))
if hasattr(sweeps, "__len__"):
sweeps = np.asarray(sweeps)
sweeps = np.asarray([sweeps])
return sweeps
def _check_threshold(threshold):
Parse the threshold keyword and return the lower and upper boundaries for
the object search.
threshold : int or float, or 2-element tuple of ints or floats
Threshold values above (if single value) or between (if tuple)
for objects to be identified.
tlo : int or float
Lower bound for the threshold. Values below this will not be included
in the hunt for objects.
thi : int or float or None
Upper bound for the threshold. Values above this will not be included
in the hunt for objects. None means no upper bound.
if not hasattr(threshold, "__len__"):
threshold = np.asarray([threshold])
if len(threshold) == 2:
tlo = threshold[0]
thi = threshold[1]
elif len(threshold) > 2 or np.ndim(threshold) > 1:
raise IndexError(
"Fix threshold argument! Must be single scalar " + "or 2-element tuple"
tlo = threshold[0]
thi = None
return tlo, thi
def _generate_dict(label_storage):
Build the dictionary that includes all the object label information.
If the entire Radar object was searched, the dictionary is ready to
be added as a new field.
label_storage : 2D array of ints
Object labels as a 2D array.
label_dict : dict
Dictionary containing object labels and associated metadata.
label_dict = {}
label_dict["data"] = label_storage
label_dict["units"] = "None"
label_dict["long_name"] = "Objects in Scan"
label_dict["standard_name"] = "objects_in_scan"
label_dict["coordinates"] = "elevation azimuth range"
label_dict["valid_max"] = np.max(label_storage)
label_dict["valid_min"] = 1
return label_dict
def _get_data(radar, iswp, field, tlo, thi, window, gatefilter=None):
Get data for a field from a given sweep in a Radar object.
Data are smoothed if desired, then converted to binary 0s/1s based
on whether valid values are present.
radar : pyart.core.Radar object
Radar object to query.
iswp : int
Sweep number to query.
field : str
Name of field to investigate for speckles.
tlo : int or float
Lower bound for the threshold. Values below this will not be included
in the hunt for objects.
thi : int or float or None
Upper bound for the threshold. Values above this will not be included
in the hunt for objects. None means no upper bound.
window : int or None
Number of gates included in a smoothing box filter along a ray.
If None, no smoothing is done.
Other Parameters
gatefilter : None or pyart.filters.GateFilter object, optional
Py-ART GateFilter object to apply before labeling objects.
If None, no filtering will be performed.
data : 2D array of ints
Sweep as array of binary 0s/1s based on whether valid values exist.
data = radar.get_field(iswp, field, copy=True)
if gatefilter is not None:
start, end = radar.get_start_end(iswp)
mask_filter = gatefilter.gate_excluded[start : end + 1]
data = np.ma.masked_array(data, mask_filter)
data = np.ma.masked_array(data)
data = _smooth_data(data, window)
data = data.filled(fill_value=BAD)
if thi is None:
cond = np.logical_or(data < tlo, data == BAD)
cond = np.logical_or(data == BAD, np.logical_or(data < tlo, data > thi))
data[cond] = 0
data[~cond] = 1
return data
def _get_labels(data):
Identify all the contiguous objects in a sweep. Contiguous means corners
or sides of gates touch. Uses scipy.ndimage.label.
data : 2D array of ints
Sweep that will be checked for objects. Sweep has already been
converted to binary 0s/1s based on user-supplied thresholds.
labels : 2D array of ints
Numeric object labels.
Zero values mean no object at that location.
nobj : int
Number of distinct objects identified in sweep.
matrix = np.ones((3, 3), dtype="int16")
labels, nobj = label(data, structure=matrix)
return labels, nobj
def _smooth_data(data, window):
Perform box filtering along each ray of a sweep, and return the
smoothed field. Uses scipy.signal.convolve2d which provides excellent
data : 2D array of ints or floats
Sweep of data for a specific field. Will be masked.
window : int or None
Number of gates included in a smoothing box filter along a ray.
If None, no smoothing is done.
data : 2D array of ints or floats
Smoothed sweep of data.
if window is not None:
return np.ma.masked_array(
np.ones((1, window)) / np.float(window),
return data