Source code for act.corrections.raman_lidar

This module contains functions for correcting raman lidar data

import numpy as np

[docs]def correct_rl( ds, var_name='depolarization_counts_high', fill_value=1e-7, range_normalize_log_values=False, ): """ This procedure corrects raman lidar data by filling all zero and negative values of backscatter with fill_value and then converting the backscatter data into logarithmic space. It will also look for a coordinate height dimension, and if one is not found will create using values from global attributes. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset The doppler lidar dataset to correct. The backscatter data should be in linear space. var_name : str The variable name of data in the dataset. fill_value : float The fill_value to use. The fill_value is entered in linear space. range_normalize_log_values : boolean Option to range normalize and convert to log scale of counts values. Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset The raman lidar dataset containing the corrected values. """ # This will get the name of the coordinate dimension so it's not assumed # via position or name. height_name = list(set(ds[var_name].dims) - {'time'})[0] # Check if the height dimension is a variable in the dataset. If not # use global attributes to derive the values and put into dataset. # # Asking for a variable name in the dataset that is also a dimension # but does not exist will return an index array starting at 0. height = ds[height_name].values if height_name not in list(ds.data_vars): # Determin which mode we are correcting level = height_name.split('_')[0] att_name = [i for i in list(ds.attrs) if 'vertical_resolution_' + level + '_channels' in i] # Extract information from global attributes bin_size_raw = (ds.attrs[att_name[0]]).split() bins_before_shot = float(ds.attrs['number_of_bins_before_shot']) bin_size = float(bin_size_raw[0]) height = (height + 1) * bin_size height = height - bins_before_shot * bin_size ds[height_name] = ( height_name, height, {'long_name': 'Height above ground', 'units': bin_size_raw[1]}, ) if range_normalize_log_values: height = height**2 # Range normalize values backscat = ds[var_name].values # Doing this trick with height to change the array shape so it # will broadcast correclty against backscat backscat = backscat * height[None, :] backscat[backscat <= 0] = fill_value if np.shape(ds[var_name].values) != np.shape(np.log10(backscat)): ds[var_name].values = np.reshape(np.log10(backscat), np.shape(ds[var_name].values)) else: ds[var_name].values = np.log10(backscat) # Updating the units to correctly indicate the values are log values ds[var_name].attrs['units'] = 'log(' + ds[var_name].attrs['units'] + ')' return ds