Source code for act.corrections.ship

This module contains functions for correcting data for ship motion

import numpy as np

[docs]def correct_wind( ds, wspd_name='wind_speed', wdir_name='wind_direction', heading_name='yaw', cog_name='course_over_ground', sog_name='speed_over_ground', ): """ This procedure corrects wind speed and direction for ship motion based on equations from NOAA tech. memo. PSD-311. A Guide to Making Climate Quality Meteorological and Flux Measurements at Sea. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset The ceilometer dataset to correct. The backscatter data should be in linear space. wspd_name : string Wind speed variable name. wdir_name : string Wind direction variable name. heading_name : string Navigiation heading variable name. cog_name : string Course over ground variable name. sog_name : string Speed over ground variable name. Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset The Xarray dataset containing the corrected values. References ---------- Bradley, F. and Farall. C. (2007) A Guide to Making Climate Quality Meteorological and Flux Measurements at Sea. Boulder, CO, NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Division, 44pp. & appendices. (NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR PSD-311). """ # Set variables to be used and convert to radians rels = ds[wspd_name] reld = np.deg2rad(ds[wdir_name]) head = np.deg2rad(ds[heading_name]) cog = np.deg2rad(ds[cog_name]) sog = ds[sog_name] # Calculate winds based on method in the document denoted above relsn = rels * np.cos(head + reld) relse = rels * np.sin(head + reld) sogn = sog * np.cos(cog) soge = sog * np.sin(cog) un = relsn - sogn ue = relse - soge dirt = np.mod(np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(ue, un)) + 360.0, 360) ut = np.sqrt(un**2.0 + ue**2) # Create data arrays and add corrected wind direction and speed # to the initial dataset that was passed in wdir_da = ds[wdir_name].copy(data=dirt) wdir_da.attrs['long_name'] = 'Wind direction corrected to ship motion' ds[wdir_name + '_corrected'] = wdir_da wspd_da = ds[wspd_name].copy(data=ut) wspd_da.attrs['long_name'] = 'Wind speed corrected to ship motion' ds[wspd_name + '_corrected'] = wspd_da return ds