Source code for act.discovery.nasa

Function for downloading data from the NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center
(ASDC), which hosts data including the Atmopsheric Composition
Ground Observation Network.

import os
import requests
import re
import shutil

[docs]def download_mplnet_data( version=None, level=None, product=None, site=None, year=None, month=None, day=None, outdir=None, ): """ Function to download data from the NASA MPL Network Data Downloaded Products are contained within NETCDF-4, CF compliant files. Parameters ---------- version : int MPLNet Dataset Version Number (2 or 3). All data from 2000 have been processed to Version 3. Information on the MPLNet Dataset Version can be found here: level : int MPLNet Product Levels (1, 15, 2). MPLNet Levels used to differentiate quality assurance screens. Information on the MPLNet Product levels can be found here: Level 1 data should never be used for publication. product : str MPLNet Product (NRB, CLD, PBL, AER). NRB - Lidar signals; volume depolarization ratos, diagnostics CLD - Cloud Heights, thin cloud extinction and optical depths, cloud phase AER - Aerosol heights; extinction, backscatter, and aerosol depolarization ratio profiles; lidar ratio PBL - Surface-Attached Mixed Layer Top and estimated mixed layer AOD Information on the MPLNet Products can be found here: year : str Four digit Year for desired product download (YYYY). Note Level 1 and 1.5 products are available for download the day after automated collection. Information on the MPLNet naming convention can be found here: month : str Two digit month for desired product download (MM). day : str Two digit desired day for product download (DD). If day not supplied, will download all data for month supplied in a zip file. site : str MPLNet four letter site identifier. outdir : str The output directory for the data. Set to None to make a folder in the current working directory with the same name as *datastream* to place the files in. Returns ------- files : list Returns list of files retrieved. """ # Generate the data policy agreement information print("\nPlease Review the MPLNET Data Policy Prior to Use of MPLNET Data") print("The MPLNET Data Policy can be found at:\n\t\n") # Generate the data acknowledgement statement, might require site information. print( "Please Include the Following Acknowledgements in Any Publication \nor" + " presentation of MPLNET data, regardless of co-authorship status:" ) print( "\n\tThe MPLNET project is funded by the NASA Radiation Sciences Program" + " \n\tand Earth Observing System." ) print( "\n\tWe thank the MPLNET (PI) for (its/theirs) effort in establishing" + " \n\tand maintaining sites.\n" ) # Define the base URL base_url = "" # Add specific information to the base URL if version is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a MPLNet Product Version") else: base_url += "version=V" + str(version) if level is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a MPLNet Product Level") else: base_url += "&level=L" + str(level) if product is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a specific MPLNet Product identifer") else: base_url += "&product=" + str(product) if site is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a specific MPLNet site") else: base_url += "&site=" + str(site) if year is None: raise ValueError("Year of desired data download is required to download MPLNET data") else: base_url += "&year=" + str(year) if month is None: raise ValueError("Month of desired data download is required to download MPLNet data") else: base_url += "&month=" + str(month) if day: # Note: Day is not required for the MPLNet download base_url += "&day=" + str(day) # Construct output directory if outdir: # Output files to directory specified output_dir = os.path.join(outdir) else: # If no folder given, add MPLNET folder # to current working dir to prevent file mix-up output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "MPLNET") if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Make a Request files = [] with requests.get(base_url, stream=True) as r: fname = re.findall("filename=(.+)", r.headers['Content-Disposition']) # Check for successful file check if fname[0][1:-1] == "MPLNET_download_fail.txt": raise ValueError( "Failed MPLNET Download\n" + " File could not be found for the desired input parameters" + " for MPLNET Download API" ) else: output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, fname[0][1:-1]) print("[DOWNLOADING] ", fname[0][1:-1]) with open(output_filename, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) files.append(output_filename) return files
[docs]def get_mplnet_meta( sites=None, method=None, year=None, month=None, day=None, print_to_screen=False ): """ Returns a list of meta data from the NASA MPL Network Data Parameters ---------- sites : str How to return MPLNET Site Information all - produces output on all sites (active and inactive) active - produces output file containing only active sites (if year, month, or day are not set then uses today's date) inactive - produces output file containing only inactive sites (if year, month, or day are not set then uses today's date) planned - produces output file containing only planned sites site_name - produces output file containing only requested site collection - produces output file containing sites in pre-defined collections (e.g. field campaigns or regions) year : str Four digit Year for desired product download (YYYY). Note Level 1 and 1.5 products are available for download the day after automated collection. Information on the MPLNet naming convention can be found here: month : str Two digit month for desired product download (MM). day : str Two digit desired day for product download (DD). If day not supplied, will download all data for month supplied in a zip file. method : str Method for returning JSON list of MPLNET GALION format parameters. station - returns GALION JSON with only station and PI contact info data - return GALION JSON with data elements, station, date and PI contact information print_to_screen : Boolean If true, print MPLNET site identifiers to screen """ # Define the base URL base_url = "" if sites is None: raise ValueError("Site Parameter is required to download MPLNET Meta Data") else: base_url += "&sites=" + str(sites) if method: base_url += "&method=" + str(method) if year: base_url += "&year=" + str(year) if month: base_url += "&month=" + str(month) if day: base_url += "&day=" + str(day) with requests.get(base_url, stream=True) as r: # Convert to JSON site_request = r.json() if print_to_screen: for i in range(len(site_request)): print(site_request[i]['id']) return site_request