This module contains I/O operations for the U.S. Department of Energy
AmeriFlux program (https://ameriflux.lbl.gov/).
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
[docs]def convert_to_ameriflux(
depth_profile=[2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 50, 75, 100],
Returns `xarray.Dataset` with stored data and metadata from a user-defined
query of ARM-standard netCDF files from a single datastream. Has some procedures
to ensure time is correctly fomatted in returned Dataset.
ds : xarray.Dataset
Dataset of data to convert to AmeriFlux format
variable_mapping : dict
Dictionary of variables mappings. The key should be the name of the variable
in the Dataset with the values being dictionaries of the AmeriFlux name and units.
For example:
var_mapping = {
'co2_flux': {'name': 'FC', 'units': 'umol/(m^2 s)'},
soil_mapping : dict
Dictionary of soil variables mappings following the same formatting as variable_mapping.
It is understood that the AmeriFlux name may be the same for some variables. This
script attempts to automatically name these measurements. If a variable is not dimensioned
by a depth nor has a sensor_height attribute, it will automatically assume that it's
at the first depth in the depth_profile variable.
depth_profile : list
List of depths that the variables will be mapped to. If a depth is not in this list,
the index chosen will be the one closest to the depth value.
include_missing_variables : boolean
If there variables that are completely missing (-9999) chose whether or not to include
them in the DataFrame.
df : pandas.DataFrame (or None)
Returns a pandas dataframe for easy writing to csv
# Use ARM variable mappings if none provided
if variable_mapping is None:
warnings.warn('Variable mapping was not provided, using default ARM mapping')
# Define variable mapping and units
# The key is the variable name in the data and the name in the dictionary
# is the AmeriFlux Name
var_mapping = {
'co2_flux': {'name': 'FC', 'units': 'umol/(m^2 s)'},
'co2_molar_fraction': {'name': 'CO2', 'units': 'nmol/mol'},
'co2_mixing_ratio': {'name': 'CO2_MIXING_RATIO', 'units': 'umol/mol'},
'h2o_mole_fraction': {'name': 'H2O', 'units': 'mmol/mol'},
'h2o_mixing_ratio': {'name': 'H2O_MIXING_RATIO', 'units': 'mmol/mol'},
'ch4_mole_fraction': {'name': 'CH4', 'units': 'nmol/mol'},
'ch4_mixing_ratio': {'name': 'CH4_MIXING_RATIO', 'units': 'nmol/mol'},
'momentum_flux': {'name': 'TAU', 'units': 'kg/(m s^2)'},
'sensible_heat_flux': {'name': 'H', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'latent_flux': {'name': 'LE', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'air_temperature': {'name': 'TA', 'units': 'deg C'},
'air_pressure': {'name': 'PA', 'units': 'kPa'},
'relative_humidity': {'name': 'RH', 'units': '%'},
'sonic_temperature': {'name': 'T_SONIC', 'units': 'deg C'},
'water_vapor_pressure_defecit': {'name': 'VPD', 'units': 'hPa'},
'Monin_Obukhov_length': {'name': 'MO_LENGTH', 'units': 'm'},
'Monin_Obukhov_stability_parameter': {'name': 'ZL', 'units': ''},
'mean_wind': {'name': 'WS', 'units': 'm/s'},
'wind_direction_from_north': {'name': 'WD', 'units': 'deg'},
'friction_velocity': {'name': 'USTAR', 'units': 'm/s'},
'maximum_instantaneous_wind_speed': {'name': 'WS_MAX', 'units': 'm/s'},
'down_short_hemisp': {'name': 'SW_IN', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'up_short_hemisp': {'name': 'SW_OUT', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'down_long': {'name': 'LW_IN', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'up_long': {'name': 'LW_OUT', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'albedo': {'name': 'ALB', 'units': '%'},
'net_radiation': {'name': 'NETRAD', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'par_inc': {'name': 'PPFD_IN', 'units': 'umol/(m^2 s)'},
'par_ref': {'name': 'PPFD_OUT', 'units': 'umol/(m^2 s)'},
'precip': {'name': 'P', 'units': 'mm'},
# Use ARM variable mappings if none provided
# Similar to the above. This has only been tested on the ARM
# ECOR, SEBS, STAMP, and AMC combined. The automated naming may
# not work for all cases
if soil_mapping is None:
warnings.warn('Soil variable mapping was not provided, using default ARM mapping')
soil_mapping = {
'surface_soil_heat_flux': {'name': 'G', 'units': 'W/m^2'},
'soil_temp': {'name': 'TS', 'units': 'deg C'},
'temp': {'name': 'TS', 'units': 'deg C'},
'soil_moisture': {'name': 'SWC', 'units': '%'},
'soil_specific_water_content': {'name': 'SWC', 'units': '%'},
'vwc': {'name': 'SWC', 'units': '%'},
# Loop through variables and update units to the AmeriFlux standard
for v in ds:
if v in var_mapping:
ds = ds.utils.change_units(variables=v, desired_unit=var_mapping[v]['units'])
# Get start/end time stamps
ts_start = ds['time'].dt.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M').values
ts_end = [
pd.to_datetime(t + np.timedelta64(30, 'm')).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
for t in ds['time'].values
data = {}
data['TIMESTAMP_START'] = ts_start
data['TIMESTAMP_END'] = ts_end
# Loop through the variables in the var mapping dictionary and add data to dictionary
for v in var_mapping:
if v in ds:
if 'missing_value' not in ds[v].attrs:
ds[v].attrs['missing_value'] = -9999
if np.all(ds[v].isnull()):
if include_missing_variables:
data[var_mapping[v]['name']] = ds[v].values
data[var_mapping[v]['name']] = ds[v].values
if include_missing_variables:
data[var_mapping[v]['name']] = np.full(ds['time'].shape, -9999)
# Automated naming for the soil variables
# Again, this may not work for other cases. Careful review is needed.
prev_var = ''
for var in soil_mapping:
if soil_mapping[var]['name'] != prev_var:
h = 1
r = 1
prev_var = soil_mapping[var]['name']
soil_vars = [
for v2 in list(ds)
if (v2.startswith(var)) & ('std' not in v2) & ('qc' not in v2) & ('net' not in v2)
for i, svar in enumerate(soil_vars):
vert = 1
if ('avg' in svar) | ('average' in svar):
soil_data = ds[svar].values
data_shape = soil_data.shape
if len(data_shape) > 1:
coords = ds[svar].coords
depth_name = list(coords)[-1]
depth_values = ds[depth_name].values
for depth_ind in range(len(depth_values)):
soil_data_depth = soil_data[:, depth_ind]
vert = np.where(depth_profile == depth_values[depth_ind])[0][0] + 1
new_name = '_'.join([soil_mapping[var]['name'], str(h), str(vert), str(r)])
data[new_name] = soil_data_depth
if 'sensor_height' in ds[svar].attrs:
sensor_ht = ds[svar].attrs['sensor_height'].split(' ')
depth = abs(float(sensor_ht[0]))
units = sensor_ht[1]
if units == 'cm':
vert = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(depth_profile) - depth)) + 1
new_name = '_'.join([soil_mapping[var]['name'], str(h), str(vert), str(r)])
data[new_name] = soil_data
h += 1
# Convert dictionary to dataframe and return
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df = df.fillna(-9999.0)
return df