Source code for act.plotting.xsectiondisplay

Stores the class for XSectionDisplay.


# Import third party libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

    import as ccrs

except ImportError:

# Import Local Libs
from ..utils import data_utils
from .plot import Display

[docs]class XSectionDisplay(Display): """ Plots cross sections of multidimensional datasets. The data must be able to be sliced into a 2 dimensional slice using the xarray :func:`xarray.Dataset.sel` and :func:`xarray.Dataset.isel` commands. This is inherited from the :func:`act.plotting.Display` class and has therefore has the same attributes as that class. See :func:`act.plotting.Display` for more information. There are no additional attributes or parameters to this class. In order to create geographic plots, ACT needs the Cartopy package to be installed on your system. More information about Cartopy go here: Examples -------- For example, if you only want to do a cross section through the first time period of a 3D dataset called :code:`ir_temperature`, you would do the following in xarray: .. code-block:: python time_slice = my_ds["ir_temperature"].isel(time=0) The methods of this class support passing in keyword arguments into xarray :func:`xarray.Dataset.sel` and :func:`xarray.Dataset.isel` commands so that new datasets do not need to be created when slicing by specific time periods or spatial slices. For example, to plot the first time period from :code:`my_ds`, simply do: .. code-block:: python xsection = XSectionDisplay(my_ds, figsize=(15, 8)) xsection.plot_xsection_map( None, "ir_temperature", vmin=220, vmax=300, cmap="Greys", x="longitude", y="latitude", isel_kwargs={"time": 0}, ) Here, the array is sliced by the first time period as specified in :code:`isel_kwargs`. The other keyword arguments are standard keyword arguments taken by :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. """ def __init__(self, ds, subplot_shape=(1,), ds_name=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(ds, subplot_shape, ds_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_subplot_to_map(self, subplot_index): self.fig.delaxes(self.axes[subplot_index]) total_num_plots = self.axes.shape if len(total_num_plots) == 2: second_number = total_num_plots[0] j = subplot_index[1] else: second_number = 1 j = 0 third_number = second_number * subplot_index[0] + j + 1 self.axes[subplot_index] = plt.subplot( total_num_plots[0], second_number, third_number, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), )
[docs] def set_xrng(self, xrng, subplot_index=(0,)): """ Sets the x range of the plot. Parameters ---------- xrng : 2 number array The x limits of the plot. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. """ if self.axes is None: raise RuntimeError('set_xrng requires the plot to be displayed.') if not hasattr(self, 'xrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 2: self.xrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], self.axes.shape[1], 2), dtype=xrng[0].dtype) elif not hasattr(self, 'xrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 1: self.xrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], 2), dtype=xrng[0].dtype) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(xrng) self.xrng[subplot_index, :] = np.array(xrng)
[docs] def set_yrng(self, yrng, subplot_index=(0,)): """ Sets the y range of the plot. Parameters ---------- yrng : 2 number array The y limits of the plot. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. """ if self.axes is None: raise RuntimeError('set_yrng requires the plot to be displayed.') if not hasattr(self, 'yrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 2: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], self.axes.shape[1], 2), dtype=yrng[0].dtype) elif not hasattr(self, 'yrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 1: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], 2), dtype=yrng[0].dtype) if yrng[0] == yrng[1]: yrng[1] = yrng[1] + 1 self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(yrng) self.yrng[subplot_index, :] = yrng
[docs] def plot_xsection( self, dsname, varname, x=None, y=None, subplot_index=(0,), sel_kwargs=None, isel_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """ This function plots a cross section whose x and y coordinates are specified by the variable names either provided by the user or automatically detected by xarray. Parameters ---------- dsname : str or None The name of the datastream to plot from. Set to None to have ACT attempt to automatically detect this. varname : str The name of the variable to plot. x : str or None The name of the x coordinate variable. y : str or None The name of the y coordinate variable. subplot_index : tuple The index of the subplot to create the plot in. sel_kwargs : dict The keyword arguments to pass into :py:func:`xarray.DataArray.sel` This is useful when your data is in 3 or more dimensions and you want to only view a cross section on a specific x-y plane. For more information on how to use xarray's .sel and .isel functionality to slice datasets, see the documentation on :func:`xarray.DataArray.sel`. isel_kwargs : dict The keyword arguments to pass into :py:func:`xarray.DataArray.sel` **kwargs : keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments will be passed into :func:`xarray.DataArray.plot`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle corresponding to the plot. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] temp_ds = self._ds[dsname].copy() if sel_kwargs is not None: temp_ds = temp_ds.sel(**sel_kwargs, method='nearest') if isel_kwargs is not None: temp_ds = temp_ds.isel(**isel_kwargs) if (x is not None and y is None) or (y is None and x is not None): raise RuntimeError( 'Both x and y must be specified if we are' + 'not trying to automatically detect them!' ) if x is not None: coord_list = {} x_coord_dim = temp_ds[x].dims[0] coord_list[x] = x_coord_dim y_coord_dim = temp_ds[y].dims[0] coord_list[y] = y_coord_dim new_ds = data_utils.assign_coordinates(temp_ds, coord_list) my_dataarray = new_ds[varname] else: my_dataarray = temp_ds[varname] coord_keys = [key for key in my_dataarray.coords.keys()] # X-array will sometimes shorten latitude and longitude variables if x == 'longitude' and x not in coord_keys: xc = 'lon' else: xc = x if y == 'latitude' and y not in coord_keys: yc = 'lat' else: yc = y if x is None: my_dataarray.plot(ax=self.axes[subplot_index], **kwargs) else: my_dataarray.plot(ax=self.axes[subplot_index], x=xc, y=yc, **kwargs) the_coords = [the_keys for the_keys in my_dataarray.coords.keys()] if x is None: x = the_coords[0] else: x = coord_list[x] if y is None: y = the_coords[1] else: y = coord_list[y] xrng = self.axes[subplot_index].get_xlim() self.set_xrng(xrng, subplot_index) yrng = self.axes[subplot_index].get_ylim() self.set_yrng(yrng, subplot_index) del temp_ds return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_xsection_map( self, dsname, varname, subplot_index=(0,), coastlines=True, background=False, **kwargs ): """ Plots a cross section of 2D data on a geographical map. Parameters ---------- dsname : str or None The name of the datastream to plot from. Set to None to have ACT attempt to automatically detect this. varname : str The name of the variable to plot. subplot_index : tuple The index of the subplot to plot inside. coastlines : bool Set to True to plot the coastlines. background : bool Set to True to plot a stock image background. **kwargs : keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments will be passed into :func:`act.plotting.XSectionDisplay.plot_xsection` Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle corresponding to the plot. """ if not CARTOPY_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError( 'Cartopy needs to be installed in order to plot ' + 'cross sections on maps!' ) self.set_subplot_to_map(subplot_index) self.plot_xsection(dsname, varname, subplot_index=subplot_index, **kwargs) xlims = self.xrng[subplot_index].flatten() ylims = self.yrng[subplot_index].flatten() self.axes[subplot_index].set_xticks(np.linspace(round(xlims[0], 0), round(xlims[1], 0), 10)) self.axes[subplot_index].set_yticks(np.linspace(round(ylims[0], 0), round(ylims[1], 0), 10)) if coastlines: self.axes[subplot_index].coastlines(resolution='10m') if background: self.axes[subplot_index].stock_img() return self.axes[subplot_index]