Source code for act.qc.clean

Class definitions for cleaning up QC variables to standard


import copy
import re

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from act.qc.qcfilter import parse_bit

[docs]@xr.register_dataset_accessor('clean') class CleanDataset: """ Class for cleaning up QC variables to standard cf-compliance """ def __init__(self, ds): self._ds = ds @property def matched_qc_variables(self, check_arm_syntax=True): """ Find variables that are QC variables and return list of names. Parameters ---------- check_arm_syntax : boolean ARM ueses a standard of starting all quality control variables with "qc" joined with an underscore. This is a more robust method of getting the quality control variables before the standard_name attribute is added. If this is true will first check using attributes and will then check if variable starts with "qc". Returns ------- variables : list of str A list of strings containing the name of each variable. """ # Will need to find all historical cases and add to list description_list = [ 'See global attributes for individual.+bit descriptions.', ( 'This field contains bit packed integer values, where each ' 'bit represents a QC test on the data. Non-zero bits indicate ' 'the QC condition given in the description for those bits; ' 'a value of 0.+ indicates the data has not ' 'failed any QC tests.' ), (r'This field contains bit packed values which should be ' r'interpreted as listed..+'), ] # Loop over each variable and look for a match to an attribute that # would exist if the variable is a QC variable. variables = [] for var in self._ds.data_vars: try: if self._ds[var].attrs['standard_name'] == 'quality_flag': variables.append(var) continue except KeyError: pass if check_arm_syntax and var.startswith('qc_'): variables.append(var) continue try: for desc in description_list: if re.match(desc, self._ds[var].attrs['description']) is not None: variables.append(var) break except KeyError: pass variables = list(set(variables)) return variables
[docs] def cleanup( self, cleanup_arm_qc=True, clean_arm_state_vars=None, handle_missing_value=True, link_qc_variables=True, normalize_assessment=False, cleanup_cf_qc=True, cleanup_incorrect_qc_attributes=True, **kwargs, ): """ Wrapper method to automatically call all the standard methods for dataset cleanup. Parameters ---------- cleanup_arm_qc : bool Option to clean Xarray dataset from ARM QC to CF QC standards. clean_arm_state_vars : list of str Option to clean Xarray dataset state variables from ARM to CF standards. Pass in list of variable names. handle_missing_value : bool Go through variables and look for cases where a QC or state varible was convereted to a float and missing values set to np.nan. This is done because of xarry's default to use mask_and_scale=True. This will convert the data type back to integer and replace any instances of np.nan to a missing value indicator (most likely -9999). link_qc_variables : bool Option to link QC variablers through ancillary_variables if not already set. normalize_assessment : bool Option to clean up assessments to use the same terminology. Set to False for default because should only be an issue after adding DQRs and the function to add DQRs calls this method. cleanup_incorrect_qc_attributes : bool Fix incorrectly named quality control variable attributes before converting to standardized QC. **kwargs : keywords Keyword arguments passed through to clean.clean_arm_qc method. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python files = act.tests.sample_files.EXAMPLE_MET1 ds = ds.clean.cleanup() """ # There are some QC variables with incorrect bit_#_description attribute names. # This will check for the incorrect attribute names and correct to allow next # process to work correctly if cleanup_incorrect_qc_attributes: self._ds.clean.fix_incorrect_variable_bit_description_attributes() # Convert ARM QC to be more like CF state fields if cleanup_arm_qc: self._ds.clean.clean_arm_qc(**kwargs) # Convert ARM state fields to be more liek CF state fields if clean_arm_state_vars is not None: self._ds.clean.clean_arm_state_variables(clean_arm_state_vars) # Correctly convert data type because of missing value # indicators in state and QC variables. Needs to be run after # clean.clean_arm_qc to use CF attribute names. if handle_missing_value: self._ds.clean.handle_missing_values() # Add some ancillary_variables linkages # between data variable and QC variable if link_qc_variables: self._ds.clean.link_variables() # Update the terminology used with flag_assessments to be consistent if normalize_assessment: self._ds.clean.normalize_assessment() # Update from CF to standard used in ACT if cleanup_cf_qc: self._ds.clean.clean_cf_qc(**kwargs)
[docs] def handle_missing_values(self, default_missing_value=np.int32(-9999)): """ Correctly handle missing_value and _FillValue in the dataset. xarray will automatically replace missing_value and _FillValue in the data with NaN. This is great for data set as type float but not great for int data. Can cause issues with QC and state fields. This will loop through the array looking for state and QC fields and revert them back to int data type if upconverted to float to handle NaNs. Issue is that xarray will convert data type to float if the attribute is defined even if no data are set as missing value. xarray will also then remove the missing_value or _FillValue variable attribute. This will put the missing_value attribute back if needed. Parameters ---------- default_missing_value : numpy int or float The default missing value to use if a missing_value attribute is not defined but one is needed. """ state_att_names = [ 'flag_values', 'flag_meanings', 'flag_masks', 'flag_attributes', ] # Look for variables that have 2 of the state_att_names defined # as attribures and is of type float. If so assume the variable # was incorreclty converted to float type. for var in self._ds.data_vars: var_att_names = self._ds[var].attrs.keys() if len(set(state_att_names) & set(var_att_names)) >= 2 and self._ds[ var ].values.dtype in [ np.dtype('float16'), np.dtype('float32'), np.dtype('float64'), ]: # Look at units variable to see if this is the stupid way some # ARM products mix data and state variables. If the units are not # in the normal list of unitless type assume this is a data variable # and skip. Other option is to lookf or a valid_range attribute # and skip. This is commented out for now since the units check # appears to be working. try: if self._ds[var].attrs['units'] not in ['1', 'unitless', '', ' ']: continue except KeyError: pass # Change any np.nan values to missing value indicator data = self._ds[var].values data[np.isnan(data)] = default_missing_value.astype(data.dtype) # Convert data to match type of flag_mask or flag_values # as the best guess of what type is correct. found_dtype = False for att_name in ['flag_masks', 'flag_values']: try: att_value = self._ds[var].attrs[att_name] if isinstance(att_value, (list, tuple)): dtype = att_value[0].dtype elif isinstance(att_value, str): dtype = default_missing_value.dtype att_value = att_value.replace(',', ' ').split() att_value = np.array(att_value, dtype=dtype) self._ds[var].attrs[att_name] = att_value dtype = default_missing_value.dtype else: dtype = att_value.dtype data = data.astype(dtype) found_dtype = True break except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError): pass # If flag_mask or flag_values is not available choose an int type # and set data to that type. if found_dtype is False: data = data.astype(default_missing_value.dtype) # Return data to the dataset and add missing value indicator # attribute to variable. self._ds[var].values = data self._ds[var].attrs['missing_value'] = default_missing_value.astype(data.dtype)
[docs] def get_attr_info(self, variable=None, flag=False): """ Get ARM quality control definitions from the ARM standard bit_#_description, ... attributes and return as dictionary. Will attempt to guess if the flag is integer or bit packed based on what attributes are set. Parameters ---------- variable : str Variable name to get attribute information. If set to None will get global attributes. flag : bool Optional flag indicating if QC is expected to be bitpacked or integer. Flag = True indicates integer QC. Default is bitpacked or False. Returns ------- attributes dictionary : dict or None A dictionary contianing the attribute information converted from ARM QC to CF QC. All keys include 'flag_meanings', 'flag_masks', 'flag_values', 'flag_assessments', 'flag_tests', 'arm_attributes'. Returns None if none found. """ string = 'bit' if flag: string = 'flag' else: found_string = False try: if self._ds.attrs['qc_bit_comment']: string = 'bit' found_string = True except KeyError: pass if found_string is False: try: if self._ds.attrs['qc_flag_comment']: string = 'flag' found_string = True except KeyError: pass if found_string is False: var = self.matched_qc_variables if len(var) > 0: try: if self._ds[variable].attrs['flag_method'] == 'integer': string = 'flag' found_string = True del self._ds[variable].attrs['flag_method'] except KeyError: pass try: if variable: attr_description_pattern = r'(^' + string + r')_([0-9]+)_(description$)' attr_assessment_pattern = r'(^' + string + r')_([0-9]+)_(assessment$)' attr_comment_pattern = r'(^' + string + r')_([0-9]+)_(comment$)' attributes = self._ds[variable].attrs else: attr_description_pattern = r'(^qc_' + string + r')_([0-9]+)_(description$)' attr_assessment_pattern = r'(^qc_' + string + r')_([0-9]+)_(assessment$)' attr_comment_pattern = r'(^qc_' + string + r')_([0-9]+)_(comment$)' attributes = self._ds.attrs except KeyError: return None assessment_bit_num = [] description_bit_num = [] comment_bit_num = [] flag_masks = [] flag_meanings = [] flag_assessments = [] flag_comments = [] arm_attributes = [] dtype = np.int32 for att_name in attributes: try: description = re.match(attr_description_pattern, att_name) description_bit_num.append(int(description.groups()[1])) flag_meanings.append(attributes[att_name]) arm_attributes.append(att_name) except AttributeError: pass try: assessment = re.match(attr_assessment_pattern, att_name) assessment_bit_num.append(int(assessment.groups()[1])) flag_assessments.append(attributes[att_name]) arm_attributes.append(att_name) except AttributeError: pass try: comment = re.match(attr_comment_pattern, att_name) comment_bit_num.append(int(comment.groups()[1])) flag_comments.append(attributes[att_name]) arm_attributes.append(att_name) except AttributeError: pass if variable is not None: # Try and get the data type from the variable if it is an integer # If not an integer make the flag values integers. try: dtype = self._ds[variable].values.dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): pass else: dtype = np.int32 except AttributeError: pass # Sort on bit number to ensure correct description order index = np.argsort(description_bit_num) flag_meanings = np.array(flag_meanings) description_bit_num = np.array(description_bit_num) flag_meanings = flag_meanings[index] description_bit_num = description_bit_num[index] # Sort on bit number to ensure correct assessment order if len(flag_assessments) > 0: if len(flag_assessments) < len(flag_meanings): for ii in range(1, len(flag_meanings) + 1): if ii not in assessment_bit_num: assessment_bit_num.append(ii) flag_assessments.append('') index = np.argsort(assessment_bit_num) flag_assessments = np.array(flag_assessments) flag_assessments = flag_assessments[index] # Sort on bit number to ensure correct comment order if len(flag_comments) > 0: if len(flag_comments) < len(flag_meanings): for ii in range(1, len(flag_meanings) + 1): if ii not in comment_bit_num: comment_bit_num.append(ii) flag_comments.append('') index = np.argsort(comment_bit_num) flag_comments = np.array(flag_comments) flag_comments = flag_comments[index] # Convert bit number to mask number if len(description_bit_num) > 0: flag_masks = np.array(description_bit_num) flag_masks = np.left_shift(1, flag_masks - 1) # build dictionary to return values if len(flag_masks) > 0 or len(description_bit_num) > 0: return_dict = dict() return_dict['flag_meanings'] = list(np.array(flag_meanings, dtype=str)) if len(flag_masks) > 0 and max(flag_masks) > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max: flag_mask_dtype = np.uint64 else: flag_mask_dtype = np.uint32 if flag: return_dict['flag_values'] = list(np.array(description_bit_num, dtype=dtype)) return_dict['flag_masks'] = list(np.array([], dtype=flag_mask_dtype)) else: return_dict['flag_values'] = list(np.array([], dtype=dtype)) return_dict['flag_masks'] = list(np.array(flag_masks, dtype=flag_mask_dtype)) return_dict['flag_assessments'] = list(np.array(flag_assessments, dtype=str)) return_dict['flag_tests'] = list(np.array(description_bit_num, dtype=dtype)) return_dict['flag_comments'] = list(np.array(flag_comments, dtype=str)) return_dict['arm_attributes'] = arm_attributes else: # If nothing to return set to None return_dict = None # If no QC is found but there's a Mentor_QC_Field_Information global attribute, # hard code the information. This is for older ARM files that had QC information # in this global attribute. For these cases, this should hold 100% if return_dict is None and 'Mentor_QC_Field_Information' in self._ds.attrs: qc_att = self._ds.attrs['Mentor_QC_Field_Information'] if 'Basic mentor QC checks' in qc_att: if len(qc_att) == 920 or len(qc_att) == 1562: return_dict = dict() return_dict['flag_meanings'] = [ 'Value is equal to missing_value.', 'Value is less than the valid_min.', 'Value is greater than the valid_max.', 'Difference between current and previous values exceeds valid_delta.', ] return_dict['flag_tests'] = [1, 2, 3, 4] return_dict['flag_masks'] = [1, 2, 4, 8] return_dict['flag_assessments'] = ['Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Indeterminate'] return_dict['flag_values'] = [] return_dict['flag_comments'] = [] return_dict['arm_attributes'] = [ 'bit_1_description', 'bit_1_assessment', 'bit_2_description', 'bit_2_assessment', 'bit_3_description', 'bit_3_assessment', 'bit_4_description', 'bit_4_assessment', ] return return_dict
[docs] def clean_arm_state_variables( self, variables, override_cf_flag=True, clean_units_string=True, integer_flag=True, replace_in_flag_meanings=None, ): """ Function to clean up state variables to use more CF style. Parameters ---------- variables : str or list of str List of variable names to update. override_cf_flag : bool Option to overwrite CF flag_meanings attribute if it exists with the values from ARM QC bit_#_description. clean_units_string : bool Option to update units string if set to 'unitless' to be udunits compliant '1'. integer_flag : bool Pass through keyword of 'flag' for get_attr_info(). replace_in_flag_meanings : None or string Character string to search and replace in each flag meanings array value to increase readability since the flag_meanings stored in netCDF file is a single character array separated by space character. Alows for replacing things like "_" with space character. """ if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] for var in variables: flag_info = self.get_attr_info(variable=var, flag=integer_flag) if flag_info is not None: # Add new attributes to variable for attr in ['flag_values', 'flag_meanings', 'flag_masks']: if len(flag_info[attr]) > 0: # Only add if attribute does not exist. if attr in self._ds[var].attrs.keys() is False: self._ds[var].attrs[attr] = copy.copy(flag_info[attr]) # If flag is set, set attribure even if exists elif override_cf_flag: self._ds[var].attrs[attr] = copy.copy(flag_info[attr]) # Remove replaced attributes arm_attributes = flag_info['arm_attributes'] for attr in arm_attributes: try: del self._ds[var].attrs[attr] except KeyError: pass # Check if flag_meanings is string. If so convert to list. try: flag_meanings = copy.copy(self._ds[var].attrs['flag_meanings']) if isinstance(flag_meanings, str): flag_meanings = flag_meanings.split() if replace_in_flag_meanings is not None: for ii, flag_meaning in enumerate(flag_meanings): flag_meaning = flag_meaning.replace(replace_in_flag_meanings, ' ') flag_meanings[ii] = flag_meaning self._ds[var].attrs['flag_meanings'] = flag_meanings except KeyError: pass # Clean up units attribute from unitless to udunits '1' try: if clean_units_string and self._ds[var].attrs['units'] == 'unitless': self._ds[var].attrs['units'] = '1' except KeyError: pass
[docs] def correct_valid_minmax(self, qc_variable): """ Function to correct the name and location of quality control limit variables that use valid_min and valid_max incorrectly. Parameters ---------- qc_variable : str Name of quality control variable in the Xarray dataset to correct. """ test_dict = { 'valid_min': 'fail_min', 'valid_max': 'fail_max', 'valid_delta': 'fail_delta', } aa = re.match(r'^qc_(.+)', qc_variable) variable = None try: variable = aa.groups()[0] except AttributeError: return made_change = False try: flag_meanings = copy.copy(self._ds[qc_variable].attrs['flag_meanings']) except KeyError: return for attr in test_dict.keys(): for ii, test in enumerate(flag_meanings): if attr in test: flag_meanings[ii] = re.sub(attr, test_dict[attr], test) made_change = True try: self._ds[qc_variable].attrs[test_dict[attr]] = copy.copy( self._ds[variable].attrs[attr] ) del self._ds[variable].attrs[attr] except KeyError: pass if made_change: self._ds[qc_variable].attrs['flag_meanings'] = flag_meanings
[docs] def clean_arm_qc( self, override_cf_flag=True, clean_units_string=True, correct_valid_min_max=True, remove_unset_global_tests=True, **kwargs, ): """ Method to clean up Xarray dataset QC variables. Parameters ---------- override_cf_flag : bool Option to overwrite CF flag_masks, flag_meanings, flag_values if exists. clean_units_string : bool Option to clean up units string from 'unitless' to udunits compliant '1'. correct_valid_min_max : bool Option to correct use of valid_min and valid_max with QC variables by moving from data variable to QC varible, renaming to fail_min, fail_max and fail_detla if the valid_min, valid_max or valid_delta is listed in bit discription attribute. If not listed as used with QC will assume is being used correctly. remove_unset_global_tests : bool Option to look for globaly defined tests that are not set at the variable level and remove from quality control variable. """ global_qc = self.get_attr_info() qc_attributes = None for qc_var in self.matched_qc_variables: # Clean up units attribute from unitless to udunits '1' try: if clean_units_string and self._ds[qc_var].attrs['units'] == 'unitless': self._ds[qc_var].attrs['units'] = '1' except KeyError: pass qc_attributes = self.get_attr_info(variable=qc_var) if qc_attributes is None: qc_attributes = global_qc # Add new attributes to variable for attr in [ 'flag_masks', 'flag_meanings', 'flag_assessments', 'flag_values', 'flag_comments', ]: if qc_attributes is not None and len(qc_attributes[attr]) > 0: # Only add if attribute does not exists if attr in self._ds[qc_var].attrs.keys() is False: self._ds[qc_var].attrs[attr] = copy.copy(qc_attributes[attr]) # If flag is set add attribure even if already exists elif override_cf_flag: self._ds[qc_var].attrs[attr] = copy.copy(qc_attributes[attr]) # Remove replaced attributes if qc_attributes is not None: arm_attributes = qc_attributes['arm_attributes'] if 'description' not in arm_attributes: arm_attributes.append('description') if 'flag_method' not in arm_attributes: arm_attributes.append('flag_method') for attr in arm_attributes: try: del self._ds[qc_var].attrs[attr] except KeyError: pass # Check for use of valid_min and valid_max as QC limits and fix if correct_valid_min_max: self._ds.clean.correct_valid_minmax(qc_var) # Clean up global attributes if global_qc is not None: global_attributes = global_qc['arm_attributes'] global_attributes.extend(['qc_bit_comment']) for attr in global_attributes: try: del self._ds.attrs[attr] except KeyError: pass # If requested remove tests at variable level that were set from global level descriptions. # This is assuming the test was only performed if the limit value is listed with the variable # even if the global level describes the test. if remove_unset_global_tests and global_qc is not None: limit_name_list = ['fail_min', 'fail_max', 'fail_delta'] for qc_var_name in self.matched_qc_variables: flag_meanings = self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_meanings'] flag_masks = self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_masks'] tests_to_remove = [] for ii, flag_meaning in enumerate(flag_meanings): # Loop over usual test attribute names looking to see if they # are listed in test description. If so use that name for look up. test_attribute_limit_name = None for name in limit_name_list: if name in flag_meaning: test_attribute_limit_name = name break if test_attribute_limit_name is None: continue remove_test = True test_number = parse_bit(flag_masks[ii])[0] for attr_name in self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs: if test_attribute_limit_name == attr_name: remove_test = False break index = self._ds.qcfilter.get_qc_test_mask( qc_var_name=qc_var_name, test_number=test_number ) if np.any(index): remove_test = False break if remove_test: tests_to_remove.append(test_number) if len(tests_to_remove) > 0: for test_to_remove in tests_to_remove: self._ds.qcfilter.remove_test( qc_var_name=qc_var_name, test_number=test_to_remove ) # If the QC was not cleaned up because it is not correctly formatted with SERI QC # call the SERI QC method. if global_qc is None and qc_attributes is None: try: DQMS = self._ds.attrs['qc_method'] == 'DQMS' self._ds.attrs['comment'] except KeyError: try: DQMS = 'sirs_seriqc' in self._ds.attrs['Command_Line'] except KeyError: DQMS = False if DQMS: self._ds.clean.clean_seri_qc() # If the QC was not cleaned up because it is not correctly formatted with # SWATS global attributes call the SWATS QC method. try: text = 'SWATS QC checks (bit values)' SWATS_QC = text in self._ds.attrs['Mentor_QC_Field_Information'] except KeyError: SWATS_QC = False if SWATS_QC and global_qc is None and qc_attributes is None: self._ds.clean.clean_swats_qc()
[docs] def normalize_assessment( self, variables=None, exclude_variables=None, qc_lookup={'Bad': 'Incorrect', 'Indeterminate': 'Suspect'}, ): """ Method to clean up assessment terms used to be consistent between embedded QC and DQRs. Parameters ---------- variables : str or list of str Optional data variable names to check and normalize. If set to None will check all variables. exclude_variables : str or list of str Optional data variable names to exclude from processing. qc_lookup : dict Optional dictionary used to convert between terms. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python ds = ds.clean.normalize_assessment(variables='temp_mean') .. code-block:: python ds =, cleanup_qc=True) ds.clean.normalize_assessment(qc_lookup={'Bad': 'Incorrect', 'Indeterminate': 'Suspect'}) """ # Get list of variables if not provided if variables is None: variables = list(self._ds.data_vars) # Ensure variables is a list if not isinstance(variables, (list, tuple)): variables = [variables] # If exclude variables provided remove from variables list if exclude_variables is not None: if not isinstance(exclude_variables, (list, tuple)): exclude_variables = [exclude_variables] variables = list(set(variables) - set(exclude_variables)) # Loop over variables checking if a QC variable exits and use the # lookup dictionary to convert the assessment terms. for var_name in variables: qc_var_name = self._ds.qcfilter.check_for_ancillary_qc( var_name, add_if_missing=False, cleanup=False ) if qc_var_name is not None: try: flag_assessments = self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_assessments'] except KeyError: continue for ii, assess in enumerate(flag_assessments): try: flag_assessments[ii] = qc_lookup[assess] except KeyError: continue
[docs] def clean_cf_qc(self, variables=None, sep='__', **kwargs): """ Method to convert the CF standard for QC attributes to match internal format expected in the Dataset. CF does not allow string attribute arrays, even though netCDF4 does allow string attribute arrays. The quality control variables uses and expects lists for flag_meaning, flag_assessments. Parameters ---------- variables : str or list of str or None Data variable names to convert. If set to None will check all variables. sep : str or None Separater to use for splitting individual test meanings. Since the CF attribute in the netCDF file must be a string and is separated by a space character, individual test meanings are connected with a character. Default for ACT writing to file is double underscore to preserve underscores in variable or attribute names. kwargs : dict Additional keyword argumnts not used. This is to allow calling multiple methods from one method without causing unexpected keyword errors. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python ds = ds.clean.clean_cf_qc(variables='temp_mean') .. code-block:: python ds =, cleanup_qc=True) """ # Convert string in to list of string for itteration if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] # If no variables provided, get list of all variables in Dataset if variables is None: variables = list(self._ds.data_vars) for var_name in variables: # Check flag_meanings type. If string separate on space character # into list. If sep is not None split string on separater to make # better looking list of strings. try: flag_meanings = self._ds[var_name].attrs['flag_meanings'] if isinstance(flag_meanings, str): flag_meanings = flag_meanings.split() if sep is not None: flag_meanings = [ii.replace(sep, ' ') for ii in flag_meanings] self._ds[var_name].attrs['flag_meanings'] = flag_meanings except KeyError: pass # Check if flag_assessments is a string, split on space character # to make list. try: flag_assessments = self._ds[var_name].attrs['flag_assessments'] if isinstance(flag_assessments, str): flag_assessments = flag_assessments.split() self._ds[var_name].attrs['flag_assessments'] = flag_assessments except KeyError: pass # Check if flag_masks is a numpy scalar instead of array. If so convert # to numpy array. If value is not numpy scalar, turn single value into # list. try: flag_masks = self._ds[var_name].attrs['flag_masks'] if type(flag_masks).__module__ == 'numpy': if flag_masks.shape == (): self._ds[var_name].attrs['flag_masks'] = np.atleast_1d(flag_masks) elif not isinstance(flag_masks, (list, tuple)): self._ds[var_name].attrs['flag_masks'] = [flag_masks] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def fix_incorrect_variable_bit_description_attributes(self): """ Method to correct incorrectly defined quality control variable attributes. There are some datastreams with the attribute names incorrectly having 'qc_' prepended to the attribute name. This will fix those attributes so the cleanqc method can correctly read the attributes. If the variable long_name starts with the string "Quality check results on" and a variable attribute follows the pattern qc_bit_#_description the 'qc_' part of the variable attribute will be removed. """ attr_description_pattern = r'^qc_bit_([0-9]+)_description$' attr_assessment_pattern = r'^qc_bit_([0-9]+)_assessment$' for var_name in self._ds.data_vars: try: if not self._ds[var_name].attrs['long_name'].startswith("Quality check results on"): continue except KeyError: continue for attr, value in self._ds[var_name].attrs.copy().items(): for pattern in [attr_description_pattern, attr_assessment_pattern]: description = re.match(pattern, attr) if description is not None: new_attr = attr[3:] self._ds[var_name].attrs[new_attr] = self._ds[var_name].attrs.pop(attr)
[docs] def clean_seri_qc(self): """ Method to apply SERI QC to the quality control variables. The definition of the QC is listed in a single global attribute and not easily parsable. This method will update the quality control variable to correctly set the test descriptions for each of the SERI QC tests defined in the global attributes. """ for var_name in self._ds.data_vars: if not self._ds[var_name].attrs['long_name'].startswith("Quality check results on"): continue qc_var_name = var_name var_name = var_name.replace('qc_', '') qc_data = self._ds[qc_var_name].values.copy() self._ds[qc_var_name] = xr.zeros_like(self._ds[qc_var_name], dtype=np.int32) if qc_var_name in [ "qc_down_short_diffuse", "qc_short_direct_normal", "qc_down_short_hemisp", ]: value_number = [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 94, 95, 96, 97] test_number = list(range(2, len(value_number) + 2)) test_description = [ 'Passed 1-component test; data fall within max-min limits of Kt,Kn, or Kd', 'Passed 2-component test; data fall within 0.03 of the Gompertz boundaries', 'Passed 3-component test; data come within +/- 0.03 of satifying Kt=Kn+Kd', 'Value estimated; passes all pertinent SERI QC tests', 'Failed 1-component test; lower than allowed minimum', 'Falied 1-component test; higher than allowed maximum', 'Passed 3-component test but failed 2-component test by >0.05', 'Data fall into a physically impossible region where Kn>Kt by K-space distances of 0.05 to 0.10.', 'Data fall into a physically impossible region where Kn>Kt by K-space distances of 0.10 to 0.15.', 'Data fall into a physically impossible region where Kn>Kt by K-space distances of 0.15 to 0.20.', 'Data fall into a physically impossible region where Kn>Kt by K-space distances of >= 0.20.', ] test_assessment = [ 'Not failing', 'Not failing', 'Not failing', 'Not failing', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Indeterminate', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad', ] elif qc_var_name in ["qc_up_long_hemisp", "qc_down_long_hemisp_shaded"]: value_number = [1, 2, 7, 8, 31] test_number = list(range(2, len(value_number) + 2)) test_description = [ 'Passed 1-component test; data fall within max-min limits of up_long_hemisp and down_long_hemisp_shaded, but short_direct_normal and down_short_hemisp or down_short_diffuse fail the SERI QC tests.', 'Passed 2-component test; data fall within max-min limits of up_long_hemisp and down_long_hemisp_shaded, and short_direct_normal, or down_short_hemisp and down_short_diffuse pass the SERI QC tests while the difference between down_short_hemisp and down_short_diffuse is greater than 20 W/m2.', 'Failed 1-component test; lower than allowed minimum', 'Failed 1-component test; higher than allowed maximum', 'Failed 2-component test', ] test_assessment = [ 'Not failing', 'Not failing', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad', ] elif qc_var_name in ["qc_up_short_hemisp"]: value_number = [1, 2, 7, 8, 31] test_number = list(range(2, len(value_number) + 2)) test_description = [ 'Passed 1-component test', 'Passed 2-component test', 'Failed 1-component test; lower than allowed minimum', 'Failed 1-component test; higher than allowed maximum', 'Failed 2-component test; solar zenith angle is less than 80 degrees and down_short_hemisp is 0 or missing', ] test_assessment = [ 'Not failing', 'Not failing', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad', ] self._ds[var_name].attrs['ancillary_variables'] = qc_var_name self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['standard_name'] = 'quality_flag' self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_masks'] = [] self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_meanings'] = [] self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_assessments'] = [] self._ds.qcfilter.add_missing_value_test(var_name) for ii, _ in enumerate(value_number): index = qc_data == value_number[ii] self._ds.qcfilter.add_test( var_name, index=index, test_number=test_number[ii], test_meaning=test_description[ii], test_assessment=test_assessment[ii], ) if qc_var_name in [ "qc_down_short_diffuse", "qc_short_direct_normal", "qc_down_short_hemisp", ]: calculation = ((qc_data + 2) / 4.0) % 4 calculation = calculation.astype(np.int16) value_number = [0, 1, 2, 3] test_description = [ 'Parameter too low by 3-component test (Kt=Kn+Kd)', 'Parameter too high by 3-component test (Kt=Kn+Kd)', 'Parameter too low by 2-component test (Gompertz boundary)', 'Parameter too high by 2-component test (Gompertz boundary)', ] test_assessment = ['Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad'] for ii, _ in enumerate(value_number): index = (qc_data >= 10) & (qc_data <= 93) & (calculation == value_number[ii]) self._ds.qcfilter.add_test( var_name, index=index, test_meaning=test_description[ii], test_assessment=test_assessment[ii], )
[docs] def clean_swats_qc(self, fix_data_units=True): """ Method to apply SWATS global attribute quality control definition to the quality control variables. Parameters ---------- fix_data_units : bool The units string for some data variables incorrectly defines degrees Celsius as 'C' insted of the udunits 'degC'. When set to true those units strings are updated. """ for var_name in self._ds.data_vars: if fix_data_units: try: unit = self._ds[var_name].attrs['units'] if unit == 'C': self._ds[var_name].attrs['units'] = 'degC' except KeyError: pass if not self._ds[var_name].attrs['long_name'].startswith("Quality check results on"): continue qc_var_name = var_name self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_masks'] = [1, 2, 4, 8] self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_meanings'] = [ 'Value is set to missing_value.', 'Data value less than valid_min.', 'Data value greater than valid_max.', 'Difference between current and previous values exceeds valid_delta.', ] self._ds[qc_var_name].attrs['flag_assessments'] = [ 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Bad', 'Indeterminate', ] self._ds.clean.correct_valid_minmax(qc_var_name) del self._ds.attrs['Mentor_QC_Field_Information']