Source code for act.retrievals.doppler_lidar

Functions for doppler lidar specific retrievals

import warnings
import dask
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs]def compute_winds_from_ppi( ds, elevation_name='elevation', azimuth_name='azimuth', radial_velocity_name='radial_velocity', snr_name='signal_to_noise_ratio', intensity_name=None, snr_threshold=0.008, remove_all_missing=False, condition_limit=1.0e4, return_ds=None, ): """ This function will convert a Doppler Lidar PPI scan into vertical distribution of horizontal wind direction and speed. Code was adapted by Kenneth E Kehoe from code developed by Rob K Newsom. Please see the reference noted below and cite accordingly. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset The xarray dataset containing PPI scan to be converte into winds. elevation_name : str The name of the elevation variable in the dataset. azimuth_name : str The name of the azimuth variable in the dataset. radial_velocity_name : str The name of the radial velocity variable in the dataset. snr_name : str The name of the signal to noise variable in the dataset. intensity_name : str The name of the intensity variable in the dataset. If this is set will use intensity instead of signal to noise ratio. variable. snr_threshold : float The signal to noise lower threshold used to decide which values to use. remove_all_missing : boolean Option to not add a time step in the returned dataset where all values are set to NaN condition_limit : float Upper limit used with Normalized data to check if data should be converted from scan signal to noise ration to wind speeds and directions. return_ds : None or xarray.Dataset If set to a Xarray Dataset the calculated winds dataset will be concatinated onto this dataset. This is to allow looping over this function for many scans and returning a single dataset. Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset or None The winds converted from PPI scan to horizontal wind speeds and wind directions along with wind speed error and wind direction error. If there is a problem determining the breaks between PPI scans, will return None. References ---------- Rob K Newsom, Alan W Brewer, James M Wilczak, Daniel E Wolfe, Steven P Oncley and Julie K Lundquist ; Validating Precision Estimates in Horizontal Wind Measurements from a Doppler Lidar, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 2016, 10, 1-30 """ new_ds = None azimuth = ds[azimuth_name].values azimuth_rounded = np.round(azimuth).astype(int) # Determine where the azimuth scans repeate to get range for each PPI index = np.where(azimuth_rounded == azimuth_rounded[0])[0] if index.size == 0: print( '\nERROR: Having trouble determining the PPI scan breaks ' 'in compute_winds_from_ppi().\n' ) return return_ds if index.size == 1: num_scans = azimuth.size else: num_scans = index[1] - index[0] elevation = np.radians(ds[elevation_name].values) azimuth = np.radians(ds[azimuth_name].values) doppler = ds[radial_velocity_name].values if intensity_name is not None: intensity = ds[intensity_name].values snr = intensity - 1 del intensity var_name = intensity_name else: try: snr = ds[snr_name].values var_name = snr_name except KeyError: intensity = ds['intensity'].values snr = intensity - 1 del intensity var_name = 'intensity' height_name = list(set(ds[var_name].dims) - {'time'})[0] rng = ds[height_name].values try: height_units = ds[height_name].attrs['units'] except KeyError: if rng[0] > 0: height_units = 'm' else: height_units = 'km' time = ds['time'].values # Loop over each PPI scan task = [] for start_index in index: scan_index = range(start_index, start_index + num_scans) # Since this can run while instrument is making measurements # the number of PPI scans may not match exactly. This will # adjust the number of scans in case there is an issue. if scan_index[-1] > np.size(elevation): scan_index = range(start_index, np.size(elevation)) task.append( dask.delayed(process_ppi_winds)( time[scan_index], elevation[scan_index], azimuth[scan_index], snr[scan_index, :], doppler[scan_index, :], rng, condition_limit, snr_threshold, remove_all_missing, height_units, ) ) results = dask.compute(*task) is_Dataset = [isinstance(ii, xr.core.dataset.Dataset) for ii in results] if any(is_Dataset): results = [results[ii] for ii, value in enumerate(is_Dataset) if value is True] new_ds = xr.concat(results, 'time') if isinstance(return_ds, xr.core.dataset.Dataset) and isinstance( new_ds, xr.core.dataset.Dataset ): return_ds = xr.concat([return_ds, new_ds], dim='time') else: return_ds = new_ds return return_ds
def process_ppi_winds( time, elevation, azimuth, snr, doppler, rng, condition_limit, snr_threshold, remove_all_missing, height_units, ): """ This function is for processing the winds using dask from the compute_winds_from_ppi function. This should not be used standalone. """ height = rng * np.median(np.sin(elevation)) xhat = np.sin(azimuth) * np.cos(elevation) yhat = np.cos(azimuth) * np.cos(elevation) zhat = np.sin(elevation) dims = np.shape(snr) # mean_snr = np.nanmean(snr, axis=1) u_wind = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) v_wind = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) w_wind = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) u_err = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) v_err = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) w_err = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) residual = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) chisq = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) corr = np.full(dims[1], np.nan) # Loop over each level for ii in range(dims[1]): ur1 = doppler[:, ii] snr1 = snr[:, ii] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) index = np.where((snr1 >= snr_threshold) & np.isfinite(ur1))[0] count = index.size if count >= 4: ur1 = ur1[index] xhat1 = xhat[index] yhat1 = yhat[index] zhat1 = zhat[index] a = np.full((3, 3), np.nan) b = np.full(3, np.nan) a[0, 0] = np.sum(xhat1**2) a[1, 0] = np.sum(xhat1 * yhat1) a[2, 0] = np.sum(xhat1 * zhat1) a[0, 1] = a[1, 0] a[1, 1] = np.sum(yhat1**2) a[2, 1] = np.sum(yhat1 * zhat1) a[0, 2] = a[2, 0] a[1, 2] = a[2, 1] a[2, 2] = np.sum(zhat1**2) b[0] = np.sum(ur1 * xhat1) b[1] = np.sum(ur1 * yhat1) b[2] = np.sum(ur1 * zhat1) ainv = np.linalg.inv(a) condition = np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(ainv) # Condition Number ? if condition < condition_limit: c = b @ ainv u_wind[ii] = c[0] v_wind[ii] = c[1] w_wind[ii] = c[2] ur_fit = xhat1 * u_wind[ii] + yhat1 * v_wind[ii] + zhat1 * w_wind[ii] chisq[ii] = np.sum((ur_fit - ur1) ** 2) residual[ii] = np.sqrt(chisq[ii] / count) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) corr[ii] = np.corrcoef(ur_fit, ur1)[0, 1] u_err[ii] = np.sqrt((chisq[ii] / (count - 3)) * ainv[0, 0]) v_err[ii] = np.sqrt((chisq[ii] / (count - 3)) * ainv[1, 1]) w_err[ii] = np.sqrt((chisq[ii] / (count - 3)) * ainv[2, 2]) # Compute windspeed and direction with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) wspd = np.sqrt(u_wind**2 + v_wind**2) wdir = np.degrees(np.arctan2(u_wind, v_wind) + np.pi) wspd_err = np.sqrt((u_wind * u_err) ** 2 + (v_wind * v_err) ** 2) / wspd wdir_err = np.degrees(np.sqrt((u_wind * v_err) ** 2 + (v_wind * u_err) ** 2) / wspd**2) if remove_all_missing and np.isnan(wspd).all(): return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan time = time[0] + (time[-1] - time[0]) / 2 time = time.reshape( 1, ) wspd = wspd.reshape(1, rng.size) wdir = wdir.reshape(1, rng.size) wspd_err = wspd_err.reshape(1, rng.size) wdir_err = wdir_err.reshape(1, rng.size) corr = corr.reshape(1, rng.size) residual = residual.reshape(1, rng.size) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) snr_mean = np.nanmean(snr, axis=0) snr_mean = snr_mean.reshape(1, rng.size) new_ds = xr.Dataset( { 'wind_speed': ( ('time', 'height'), wspd, {'long_name': 'Wind speed', 'units': 'm/s'}, ), 'wind_direction': ( ('time', 'height'), wdir, {'long_name': 'Wind direction', 'units': 'degree'}, ), 'wind_speed_error': ( ('time', 'height'), wspd_err, {'long_name': 'Wind direction error', 'units': 'm/s'}, ), 'wind_direction_error': ( ('time', 'height'), wdir_err, {'long_name': 'Wind direction error', 'units': 'degree'}, ), 'signal_to_noise_ratio': ( ('time', 'height'), snr_mean, { 'long_name': 'Signal to noise ratio mean over PPI scan', 'units': '1', }, ), 'residual': ( ('time', 'height'), residual, { 'long_name': 'Residual values (Square Root of Chi Square)', 'units': 'm/s', }, ), 'correlation': ( ('time', 'height'), corr, {'long_name': 'Correlation coefficient', 'units': '1'}, ), }, { 'time': ('time', time, {'long_name': 'Time in UTC'}), 'height': ( 'height', height, {'long_name': 'Height to center of bin', 'units': height_units}, ), }, ) return new_ds