""" Function that will write intermediate .dat file for Igor processing"""
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import numpy as np
def write_dat(ds, file_name):
This writes the .dat files that generate the intermediate parameters used
by the Igor processing.
ds: xarray Dataset
The dataset containing the processed signal data.
file_name: str
The name of the file to save to.
index_label = ["TimeWave", "DateTimeWaveUTC",
"DateTimeWave", "EventIndex",
"Flag", "Base_ch0", "FtAmp_ch0", "FtPos_ch0",
"PkHt_ch0", "PkPos_ch0", "PkFWHM_ch0",
"GaussChiSq_ch0", "GaussErrorCode_ch0",
"PkStart_ch0", "Base_ch1", "PkHt_ch1",
"PkPos_ch1", "PkStart_ch1", "PkEnd_ch1",
"PkHalfRise_ch1", "PkHalfDecay_ch1",
"Peak2area_ch1", "Base_ch2",
"PkHt_ch2", "PkPos_ch2", "PkStart_ch2",
"PkEnd_ch2", "PkHalfRise_ch2", "PkHalfDecay_ch2",
"Peak2area_ch2", "Base_ch3", "PkHt_ch3",
"PkPos_ch3", "PkSplitPos_ch3", "Base_ch4",
"FtAmp_ch4", "FtPos_ch4", "PkHt_ch4",
"PkPos_ch4", "PkFWHM_ch4", "GaussChiSq_ch4",
"GaussErrorCode_ch4", "PkStart_ch4",
"Base_ch5", "PkHt_ch5", "PkPos_ch5",
"PkStart_ch5", "PkEnd_ch5", "PkHalfRise_ch5",
"PkHalfDecay_ch5", "Peak2area_ch5", "Base_ch6",
"PkHt_ch6", "PkPos_ch6", "PkStart_ch6", "PkEnd_ch6",
"PkHalfRise_ch6", "PkHalfDecay_ch6", "Peak2area_ch6",
"Base_ch7", "PkHt_ch7", "PkPos_ch7", "PkSplitPos_ch7",
"IncanRatioch5ch6", "IncanPkOffsetch5ch6",
"IncanRatioch1ch2", "IncanPkOffsetch1ch2",
"ScatRejectKey", "IncanRejectKey", "OneofEvery",
drop_list = []
for varname in ds.variables.keys():
if varname not in index_label:
smaller_ds = ds.drop(drop_list)
pandas_ds = smaller_ds.to_dataframe()
sp2_header = ["Instrument Type=SP2\n", "****\n"]
pandas_ds['TimeWave'] = pandas_ds['TimeWave'].map(lambda x: "%.16g" % x)
pandas_ds['DateTimeWave'] = pandas_ds['DateTimeWave'].map(lambda x: "%.16g" % x)
pandas_ds['DateTimeWaveUTC'] = pandas_ds['DateTimeWaveUTC'].map(lambda x: "%.16g" % x)
pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch0"] = pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch0"].map(lambda x: "%.16g" % x)
pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch4"] = pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch4"].map(lambda x: "%.16g" % x)
pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch0"] = pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch0"].replace('nan', '')
pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch4"] = pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch4"].replace('nan', '')
pandas_ds["GaussErrorCode_ch0"] = pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch0"].map(lambda x: x*0)
pandas_ds["GaussErrorCode_ch4"] = pandas_ds["GaussChiSq_ch4"].map(lambda x: x*0)
pandas_ds["IncanRatioch1ch2"] = pandas_ds["IncanRatioch1ch2"].map(lambda x: "%.16g" % x)
pandas_ds["IncanRatioch5ch6"] = pandas_ds["IncanRatioch5ch6"].map(lambda x: "%.16g" % x)
pandas_ds["IncanRatioch1ch2"] = pandas_ds["IncanRatioch1ch2"].replace('nan', '')
pandas_ds["IncanRatioch5ch6"] = pandas_ds["IncanRatioch5ch6"].replace('nan', '')
with open(file_name, 'w', newline='\n') as f:
for line_in_header in sp2_header:
pandas_ds = pandas_ds[index_label]
pandas_ds.to_csv(f, header=True, index=False, float_format="%.8g", sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')
def write_dat_concs(ds, file_name):
This writes the .dat files for the mass and number concentrations
by the Igor processing.
ds: xarray Dataset
The dataset containing the processed signal data.
file_name: str
The name of the file to save to.
pandas_df = pd.DataFrame()
cur_date = datetime.datetime(ds.time.dt.year[0], ds.time.dt.month[0], ds.time.dt.day[0])
interval = (ds.time.values[1] - ds.time.values[0]) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
except IndexError:
interval = 10
start_time = ds.time.dt.hour.values * 3600 + ds.time.dt.minute.values * 60 + ds.time.dt.second.values
end_time = ds.time.dt.hour.values * 3600 + ds.time.dt.minute.values * 60 + \
ds.time.dt.second.values + interval
time_wave = (ds.time.values - np.datetime64('1904-01-01T00:00:00')) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
pandas_df['Start time'] = start_time
pandas_df['End time'] = end_time
pandas_df['Start DateTime'] = time_wave
pandas_df['End DateTime'] = time_wave + interval
pandas_df['Scattering conc (#/cm3-STP)'] = ds.NumConcScat.values
pandas_df['Incandescent conc (#/cm3-STP)'] = ds.NumConcIncan.values
pandas_df['Total scattering mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'] = ds.MassScat2.values
pandas_df['Scattering mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'] = ds.MassScat2.values
pandas_df['Incandescent mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'] = ds.MassIncand2total.values
pandas_df['Start time'] = pandas_df['Start time'].map(lambda x: '%5d' % x)
pandas_df['End time'] = pandas_df['End time'].map(lambda x: '%5d' % x)
pandas_df['Start DateTime'] = pandas_df['Start DateTime'].map(lambda x: '%11d' % x)
pandas_df['End DateTime'] = pandas_df['End DateTime'].map(lambda x: '%11d' % x)
pandas_df['Scattering conc (#/cm3-STP)'] = pandas_df['Scattering conc (#/cm3-STP)'].map(lambda x: "%.12g" % x)
pandas_df['Scattering mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'] = pandas_df['Scattering mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'].map(lambda x: "%.12g" % x)
pandas_df['Incandescent mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'] = pandas_df['Incandescent mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'].map(
lambda x: "%.12g" % x)
pandas_df['Incandescent conc (#/cm3-STP)'] = pandas_df['Incandescent conc (#/cm3-STP)'].map(lambda x: "%.12g" % x)
pandas_df['Total scattering mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'] = pandas_df['Total scattering mass conc (ng/m3-STP)'].map(lambda x: "%.12g" % x)
with open(file_name, 'w', newline='\n') as f:
pandas_df.to_csv(f, header=True, index=False, float_format="%.8g", sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')
def write_dat_concs_arm(ds, file_name, location, lat_lon_string, deltaSize=0.005):
Write the SP2 size distribution and mass concentration in the
standard ARM convention.
ds: xarray Dataset
The dataset with the process timeseries data.
file_name: str
The output filename.
location: str
The output location.
deltaSize: float
The bin width in micrometers.
my_file = open(file_name, 'w')
my_file.write("rBC (refractory Black Carbon) concentration at STP (ng/m3)" +
" and number size distribution time series\n")
my_file.write("Time resolution: 60 sec\n")
my_file.write("Uncertainty: ~30%\n")
my_file.write("SP2 Unit: 25")
my_file.write("rBC mass concentration is reported at STP conditions")
my_file.write("Location: " + location + '\n')
my_file.write("Location: " + lat_lon_string + '\n')
my_file.write("Elevation ~ 300 m asl.\n")
my_file.write("Calibration: AquaDag with 1.3 factor\n")
my_file.write("\n\n\n\n\nSP2_dateTime: UTC\n")
my_file.write("Mass Equivalent Diameters [MED] used for size " +
"distribution (SP2_min; SP2_geo; and SP2_max) are " +
"in units of micrometers\n\n")
my_file.write("Column naming convention: 'SP2_cnts_X' are the number of" +
" particles in bin number _X. , where _X is the row number\n")
my_file.write("within the 'SP2_geo' size bin column that contains the mass " +
"equivalent diameter (e.g., SP2_cnts_0 = 0.01 micrometers; " +
"SP2_cnts_10 = 0.060 micrometers, etc…).\n")
my_file.write("The dN/dlogDp data is time-resolved where a given row is " +
" associated with the timestamp for that row.\n")
my_file.write("\nrBC concentration is in units of ng/m^3. " +
" Note that the rBC column length is one field.\n")
my_file.write("shorter than the SP2_datetime column.\n " +
" Last time field is not relevant to the rBC time series.\n")
my_file.write("(see comment below on length of SP2_datetime column)\n")
my_file.write("\nLengths for SP2_max; SP2_min; SP2_geo are one field longer" +
" then the number of\n")
my_file.write("SP2_cnts_XX columns . This is to provide bounds " +
" for image plots (if desired).\n")
my_file.write("\nLength for SP2_datetime is one field longer than " +
" that length of the SP2_cnts_XX columns\n")
my_file.write("This is to provide bounds for image plots (if desired)\n")
my_file.write("\n\nComments and/or requests are to be directed to Art " +
" Sedlacek (sedlacek@bnl.gov)\n")
out_df = {}
def time_round(x):
return "%12.2f" % x
out_df["SP2_datetime_in_sec"] = ds.TimeWave.values
out_df["SP2_date"] = ds.time.dt.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
out_df["SP2_time"] = ds.time.dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
out_df["SP2_rBC_conc"] = ds.MassIncand2total.values
num_times = ds.ScatNumEnsembleBC.values.shape[0]
num_bins = ds.ScatNumEnsembleBC.values.shape[1]
SpecSizeBins = 0.01 + np.arange(0, num_bins + 1, 1) * deltaSize
dlogDp = np.diff(np.log10(SpecSizeBins))
def string_round(x):
return "%g" % x
out_df["SP2_Dmin"] = SpecSizeBins[:-1]
out_df["SP2_Dgeo"] = np.sqrt(SpecSizeBins[:-1] * SpecSizeBins[1:])
out_df["SP2_Dmax"] = SpecSizeBins[1:]
for i in range(num_bins):
out_df["SP2_cnts_%d" % i] = ds.IncanNumEnsemble.values[:, i] / dlogDp[i]
if num_times > num_bins:
out_df["SP2_Dmin"] = np.pad(
out_df["SP2_Dmin"], (0, num_times - num_bins), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
out_df["SP2_Dgeo"] = np.pad(
out_df["SP2_Dgeo"], (0, num_times - num_bins), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
out_df["SP2_Dmax"] = np.pad(
out_df["SP2_Dmax"], (0, num_times - num_bins), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
elif num_times < num_bins:
out_df["SP2_date"] = np.pad(
out_df["SP2_date"], (0, num_bins - num_times), mode='constant', constant_values="")
out_df["SP2_time"] = np.pad(
out_df["SP2_time"], (0, num_bins - num_times), mode='constant', constant_values="")
out_df["SP2_rBC_conc"] = np.pad(
out_df["SP2_rBC_conc"], (0, num_bins - num_times), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
for i in range(num_bins):
out_df["SP2_cnts_%d" % i] = np.pad(
out_df["SP2_cnts_%d" % i], (0, num_bins - num_times), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
out_df = pd.DataFrame(out_df)
out_df["SP2_Dmin"] = out_df["SP2_Dmin"].apply(string_round)
out_df["SP2_Dgeo"] = out_df["SP2_Dgeo"].apply(string_round)
out_df["SP2_Dmax"] = out_df["SP2_Dmax"].apply(string_round)
out_df["SP2_datetime_in_sec"] = out_df["SP2_datetime_in_sec"].apply(time_round)
out_df = out_df.fillna('')
out_df.to_csv(my_file, header=True, index=False, float_format="%g", sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')