Source code for pysp2.util.peak_fit

import numpy as np
import time
import dask.bag as db
from multiprocessing import Pool
from itertools import repeat

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from .DMTGlobals import DMTGlobals
from .deadtime import deadtime

def _do_fit_records(my_ds, i, num_trig_pts, debug=True):
    if debug and i % 1000 == 0:
        print("Processing record %d" % i)

    FtAmp = np.zeros(2)
    FtPos = np.zeros(2)
    Base = np.zeros(2)
    PeakHeight = np.zeros(2)
    PeakPos = np.zeros(2)
    GaussChiSq = np.zeros(2)
    PeakStart = np.zeros(2)
    PeakEnd = np.zeros(2)
    Width = np.zeros(2)
    HalfRise = np.zeros(2)
    HalfDecay = np.zeros(2)
    Peak2Area = np.zeros(2)
    Error = np.zeros(2)

    # Do channel 0 first
    coeffs = _fit_record_gaussian(my_ds, i)
    FtAmp[0] = coeffs['amplitude']
    Base[0] = coeffs['base']
    PeakHeight[0] = coeffs['height']
    PeakPos[0] = coeffs['pos']
    FtPos[0] = coeffs['peakpos']
    PeakStart[0] = coeffs['start']
    GaussChiSq[0] = coeffs['chi2']
    Width[0] = coeffs['width']
    Error[0] = coeffs['error']

    # Channel 4 is a special snowflake
    coeffs = _gaussian_sat_fit(my_ds, i)
    FtAmp[1] = coeffs['fitamplitude']
    Base[1] = coeffs['base']
    PeakHeight[1] = coeffs['height']
    PeakPos[1] = coeffs['pos']
    FtPos[1] = coeffs['fitpos']
    PeakStart[1] = coeffs['start']
    GaussChiSq[1] = coeffs['chi2']
    Width[1] = coeffs['width']
    Error[1] = coeffs['error']

    return (FtAmp, FtPos, Base, PeakHeight, PeakPos, GaussChiSq, PeakStart,
            PeakEnd, Width, HalfRise, HalfDecay, Peak2Area, Error)

def _calc_incan_ratio(my_ds, ch1, ch2):
    data_ch1 = my_ds['Data_ch' + str(ch1)].values
    data_ch2 = my_ds['Data_ch' + str(ch2)].values
    PeakPos_ch1 = my_ds['PkPos_ch%d' % ch1].values
    halfDecay_ch1 = my_ds['PkHalfDecay_ch%d' % ch1].values
    PeakPos_ch1_tile = np.tile(PeakPos_ch1, (data_ch1.shape[1], 1)).T
    halfDecay_ch1_tile = np.tile(halfDecay_ch1, (data_ch1.shape[1], 1)).T
    Base_ch1 = my_ds['Base_ch%d' % ch1].values
    Base_ch2 = my_ds['Base_ch%d' % ch2].values
    Base_ch1_tile = np.tile(Base_ch1, (data_ch1.shape[1], 1)).T
    Base_ch2_tile = np.tile(Base_ch2, (data_ch1.shape[1], 1)).T
    finite_mask = np.logical_and(
        np.isfinite(PeakPos_ch1_tile), halfDecay_ch1_tile)
    finite_mask = np.logical_and(finite_mask, data_ch2 - Base_ch2_tile > 0)
    counting_up = np.tile(np.arange(data_ch1.shape[1]), (data_ch1.shape[0], 1))
    range_mask = np.logical_and(
        counting_up >= PeakPos_ch1_tile, counting_up <= halfDecay_ch1_tile)
    data_ch2 = np.where(
        np.logical_and(finite_mask, range_mask), data_ch2, np.nan)
    data_ch1 = np.where(
        np.logical_and(finite_mask, range_mask), data_ch1, np.nan)
    ratio = np.nanmean(
        (data_ch1 - Base_ch1_tile)/(data_ch2 - Base_ch2_tile), axis=1)
    return ratio

def chisquare(obs, f_exp):
    return np.sum((obs - f_exp)**2)

[docs] def gaussian_fit(my_ds, config, parallel=False, num_records=None): """ Does Gaussian fitting for each wave in the dataset. This will do the fitting for channel 0 only. Parameters ---------- my_ds: xarray Dataset Raw SP2 binary dataset config: ConfigParser object The configuration loaded from the INI file. parallel: str or bool If 'dask', use dask.bag to enable parallelism If 'multiprocessing' use multiprocessing.Pool to enable parallelism. By default, no parallelism is enabled (parallel=False). num_records: int or None Only process first num_records datapoints. Set to None to process all records. Returns ------- wave_ds: xarray Dataset Dataset with gaussian fits """ if num_records is None: num_records = len(my_ds.Res8.values) num_trig_pts = int(config['Acquisition']['Pre-Trig Points']) start_time = time.time() for i in [3, 7]: coeffs = _split_scatter_fit(my_ds, i) Base2 = coeffs['base'] PeakHeight2 = coeffs['height'] PeakPos2 = coeffs['pos'] PeakStart2 = coeffs['start'] my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), Base2) my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Base for channel %d" % i my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakHeight2) my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Height for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkSplitPos_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakStart2) my_ds['PkSplitPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak start position for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkSplitPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakPos2) my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak split position for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan for i in [1, 2, 5, 6]: coeffs = _fit_record_incan_ave_base(my_ds, i, num_trig_pts) Base = coeffs['base'] PeakHeight2 = coeffs['height'] PeakPos2 = coeffs['pos'] PeakStart2 = coeffs['start'] PeakEnd2 = coeffs['end'] HalfRise2 = coeffs['half_rise'] HalfDecay2 = coeffs['half_decay'] Peak2Area2 = coeffs['peak2area'] my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), Base) my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Base for channel %d" % i my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakHeight2) my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Height for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkHalfRise_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), HalfRise2) my_ds['PkHalfRise_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Point where rise is at 1/2 height for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkHalfRise_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['Peak2area_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), Peak2Area2) my_ds['Peak2area_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak 2 area for channel %d" % i my_ds['Peak2area_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkHalfDecay_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), HalfDecay2) my_ds['PkHalfDecay_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Point where decay is at 1/2 height for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkHalfDecay_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakPos2) my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak position for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakStart2) my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak start for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkEnd_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakEnd2) my_ds['PkEnd_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak end for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkEnd_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan #use dask.bag to do the curve fits in parallel if parallel == 'dask': fit_record = lambda x: _do_fit_records(my_ds, x, num_trig_pts) the_bag = db.from_sequence(range(num_records)) proc_records = #use multiprocessing.Pool to do the curve fits in parallel elif parallel == 'multiprocessing': with Pool() as pool: proc_records = pool.starmap(_do_fit_records, zip(repeat(my_ds), range(num_records), repeat(num_trig_pts))) #else, no parallelism else: proc_records = [] for i in range(num_records): proc_records.append(_do_fit_records(my_ds, i, num_trig_pts)) FtAmp = np.stack([x[0] for x in proc_records]) FtPos = np.stack([x[1] for x in proc_records]) Base = np.stack([x[2] for x in proc_records]) PeakHeight = np.stack([x[3] for x in proc_records]) PeakPos = np.stack([x[4] for x in proc_records]) GaussChiSq = np.stack([x[5] for x in proc_records]) PeakStart = np.stack([x[6] for x in proc_records]) Width = np.stack([x[8] for x in proc_records]) # Channel 0 i = 0 my_ds['FtAmp_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), FtAmp[:, 0]) my_ds['FtAmp_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Fit Amplitude for channel %d" % i my_ds['FtAmp_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['FtPos_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), FtPos[:, 0]) my_ds['FtPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Fit Position for channel %d" % i my_ds['FtPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), Base[:, 0]) my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Base for channel %d" % i my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakHeight[:, 0]) my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Height for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkFWHM_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), Width[:, 0]) my_ds['PkFWHM_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Width for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkFWHM_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakPos[:, 0]) my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak position for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakStart[:, 0]) my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak start for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['GaussChiSq_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), GaussChiSq[:, 0]) my_ds['GaussChiSq_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Chisquare value for channel %d" % i my_ds['GaussChiSq_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan # Channel 4 i = 4 my_ds['FtAmp_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), FtAmp[:, 1]) my_ds['FtAmp_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Amplitude for channel %d" % i my_ds['FtAmp_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), Base[:, 1]) my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Base for channel %d" % i my_ds['Base_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakHeight[:, 1]) my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Height for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkHt_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkFWHM_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), Width[:, 1]) my_ds['PkFWHM_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Width for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkFWHM_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakPos[:, 1]) my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak position for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['FtPos_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), FtPos[:, 1]) my_ds['FtPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Fit position for channel %d" % i my_ds['FtPos_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), PeakStart[:, 1]) my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Peak start for channel %d" % i my_ds['PkStart_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['GaussChiSq_ch' + str(i)] = (('event_index'), GaussChiSq[:, 1]) my_ds['GaussChiSq_ch' + str(i)].attrs["long_name"] = "Chisquare value for channel %d" % i my_ds['GaussChiSq_ch' + str(i)].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan # Incandescence stuff where_valid = np.logical_and(my_ds['PkPos_ch2'] != np.nan, my_ds['PkPos_ch1'] != np.nan) my_ds['IncanPkOffsetch1ch2'] = my_ds['PkPos_ch2'] - my_ds['PkPos_ch1'] my_ds['IncanPkOffsetch1ch2'][~where_valid] = np.nan where_valid = np.logical_and(my_ds['PkPos_ch5'] != np.nan, my_ds['PkPos_ch6'] != np.nan) my_ds['IncanPkOffsetch5ch6'] = my_ds['PkPos_ch6'] - my_ds['PkPos_ch5'] my_ds['IncanPkOffsetch5ch6'][~where_valid] = np.nan IncanRatioch1ch2 = _calc_incan_ratio(my_ds, 1, 2) my_ds['IncanRatioch1ch2'] = (('event_index'), IncanRatioch1ch2) my_ds['IncanRatioch1ch2'].attrs["long_name"] = "Incandescence ratio ch1, ch2" my_ds['IncanRatioch1ch2'].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan IncanRatioch5ch6 = _calc_incan_ratio(my_ds, 5, 6) my_ds['IncanRatioch5ch6'] = (('event_index'), IncanRatioch5ch6) my_ds['IncanRatioch5ch6'].attrs["long_name"] = "Incandescence ratio ch5, ch6" my_ds['IncanRatioch5ch6'].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan # First do initial filter step scat_reject = np.logical_or.reduce( (~np.isfinite(my_ds['PkHt_ch0'].values), ~np.isfinite(my_ds['PkFWHM_ch0'].values), ~np.isfinite(my_ds['PkPos_ch0'].values))) incan_reject = np.logical_or.reduce( (~np.isfinite(my_ds['PkHt_ch1'].values), ~np.isfinite(my_ds['PkEnd_ch1'].values), ~np.isfinite(my_ds['PkStart_ch1'].values), ~np.isfinite(my_ds['PkPos_ch1'].values, ~np.isfinite(my_ds['IncanRatioch1ch2'].values)))) scat_reject_key = np.where(scat_reject, 1, 0) incan_reject_key = np.where(incan_reject, 1, 0) DMTglobals = DMTGlobals() # Then we apply criteria to max.min peak heights scat_reject_reason2 = np.logical_and.reduce((~scat_reject, my_ds['PkHt_ch0'].values < DMTglobals.ScatMinPeakHt1)) prev_scat_reject = np.logical_or(scat_reject, scat_reject_reason2) scat_reject_reason3 = np.logical_and.reduce((~prev_scat_reject, my_ds['PkHt_ch0'].values > DMTglobals.ScatMaxPeakHt1)) prev_scat_reject = np.logical_or(prev_scat_reject, scat_reject_reason3) scat_reject_reason4 = np.logical_and(~prev_scat_reject, my_ds['PkFWHM_ch0'].values < DMTglobals.ScatMinWidth) prev_scat_reject = np.logical_or(prev_scat_reject, scat_reject_reason4) scat_reject_reason5 = np.logical_and(~prev_scat_reject, my_ds['PkFWHM_ch0'].values > DMTglobals.ScatMaxWidth) prev_scat_reject = np.logical_or(prev_scat_reject, scat_reject_reason5) scat_reject_reason6 = np.logical_and.reduce((~prev_scat_reject, my_ds['PkPos_ch0'].values < DMTglobals.ScatMinPeakPos)) prev_scat_reject = np.logical_or(prev_scat_reject, scat_reject_reason6) scat_reject_reason7 = np.logical_and.reduce((~prev_scat_reject, my_ds['PkPos_ch0'].values > DMTglobals.ScatMaxPeakPos)) incan_reject_reason2 = np.logical_and( ~incan_reject, my_ds['PkHt_ch1'].values < DMTglobals.IncanMinPeakHt1) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(incan_reject, incan_reject_reason2) incan_reject_reason3 = np.logical_and( ~prev_incan_reject, my_ds['PkHt_ch1'].values > DMTglobals.IncanMaxPeakHt1) width1 = my_ds['PkEnd_ch1'].values - my_ds['PkStart_ch1'].values prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason3) incan_reject_reason4 = np.logical_and.reduce((~prev_incan_reject, width1 < DMTglobals.IncanMinWidth)) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason4) incan_reject_reason5 = np.logical_and.reduce((~prev_incan_reject, width1 > DMTglobals.IncanMaxWidth)) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason5) incan_reject_reason6 = np.logical_and.reduce( (~prev_incan_reject, my_ds['PkPos_ch1'].values < DMTglobals.IncanMinPeakPos, )) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason6) incan_reject_reason7 = np.logical_and.reduce( (~prev_incan_reject, my_ds['PkPos_ch1'].values > DMTglobals.IncanMaxPeakPos, )) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason7) incan_reject_reason8 = np.logical_and.reduce( (~prev_incan_reject, np.logical_or(my_ds['IncanRatioch1ch2'].values < DMTglobals.IncanMinPeakRatio, my_ds['IncanRatioch5ch6'].values < DMTglobals.IncanMinPeakRatio))) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason8) incan_reject_reason9 = np.logical_and.reduce( (~prev_incan_reject, np.logical_or(my_ds['IncanRatioch1ch2'].values > DMTglobals.IncanMaxPeakRatio, my_ds['IncanRatioch5ch6'].values > DMTglobals.IncanMaxPeakRatio))) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason9) incan_reject_reason10 = np.logical_and.reduce( (~prev_incan_reject, np.logical_or(my_ds['IncanPkOffsetch1ch2'].values > DMTglobals.IncanMaxPeakOffset, my_ds['IncanPkOffsetch5ch6'].values > DMTglobals.IncanMaxPeakOffset))) prev_incan_reject = np.logical_or(prev_incan_reject, incan_reject_reason10) scat_reject_key[scat_reject_reason2] = 2 scat_reject_key[scat_reject_reason3] = 3 scat_reject_key[scat_reject_reason4] = 4 scat_reject_key[scat_reject_reason5] = 5 scat_reject_key[scat_reject_reason6] = 6 scat_reject_key[scat_reject_reason7] = 7 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason2] = 2 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason3] = 3 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason4] = 4 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason5] = 5 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason6] = 6 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason7] = 7 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason8] = 8 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason9] = 9 incan_reject_key[incan_reject_reason10] = 10 my_ds['ScatRejectKey'] = (('event_index'), scat_reject_key) my_ds['ScatRejectKey'].attrs["long_name"] = "Scattering reject flag" my_ds['ScatRejectKey'].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan my_ds['IncanRejectKey'] = (('event_index'), incan_reject_key) my_ds['IncanRejectKey'].attrs["long_name"] = "Incandescence reject flag" my_ds['IncanRejectKey'].attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan OneofEvery=np.zeros(num_records, dtype='float64') + int(config['Acquisition']['1 of Every']) my_ds['OneofEvery'] = (('event_index'), OneofEvery) #calculate the deadtime relative bias and add it to the Dataset my_ds=deadtime(my_ds, config) print(str(num_records) + ' records processed in ' + str(time.time()-start_time) + ' s') return my_ds
def _gaus(x, a, x0, sigma, base): return a * np.exp(-((x - x0)**2/(2 * sigma**2))) + base def _fit_record_gaussian(my_ds, record_number): """ Only used for channel 0.""" bins = np.arange(0, 100, 1.) p0 = [] chn = 0 data = my_ds['Data_ch' + str(chn)].values[record_number] height = np.nan pos = np.nan start = np.nan error = np.nan try: data_fit = data bins_fit = bins p0 = np.array([data_fit.max()-data_fit.min(), np.argmax(data_fit), 20., np.nanmin(data_fit)]).astype(float) coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(_gaus, bins_fit, data_fit, p0=p0, method='lm', maxfev=40, ftol=1e-3) amplitude = coeff[0] peakpos = coeff[1] width = coeff[2] * (2.35482) base = coeff[3] fit_data = _gaus(np.array(bins, dtype=np.float64), *coeff) chi2 = chisquare(np.array(data, dtype='float64'), f_exp=np.array(fit_data, dtype='float64')) if not (amplitude > 1 and peakpos > 0 and peakpos < len(data) and width < len(data) and width < amplitude and width > 0): amplitude = np.nan width = np.nan peakpos = np.nan base = np.nan chi2 = np.nan except RuntimeError: amplitude = np.nan width = np.nan peakpos = np.nan base = np.nan chi2 = np.nan error = 1 except MemoryError: amplitude = np.nan width = np.nan peakpos = np.nan base = np.nan chi2 = np.nan error = 2 if np.isfinite(base): try: height = data_fit.max() - base pos = np.argmax(data) except ValueError: height = np.nan pos = np.nan try: start = np.where((data - base) < 50)[0] if not np.any(start): start = np.nan else: start = start[start <= pos][-1] except IndexError: start = np.nan # Filter out bad points bad = ~np.logical_and.reduce( (height > 1, peakpos > 0, peakpos < len(bins))) if bad: amplitude = np.nan base = np.nan peakpos = np.nan width = np.nan chi2 = np.nan pos = np.nan else: height = np.nan pos = np.nan start = np.nan fit_coeffs = {'amplitude': amplitude, 'peakpos': peakpos, 'width': width, 'base': base, 'chi2': chi2, 'height': height, 'pos': pos, 'start': start, 'error': error} return fit_coeffs def _fit_record_incan_ave_base(my_ds, channel, num_trig_pts): """ Channels 1, 2, 5, 6""" num_base_pts_2_avg_backup = 20 num_pts = my_ds['Data_ch' + str(channel)].values.shape[1] if num_trig_pts != -1: num_base_pts_2_avg = round(0.8*num_trig_pts) if((not np.isfinite(num_base_pts_2_avg)) or num_base_pts_2_avg <= 0 or num_base_pts_2_avg >= num_pts): num_base_pts_2_avg = num_base_pts_2_avg_backup else: num_base_pts_2_avg = num_base_pts_2_avg_backup data = my_ds['Data_ch' + str(channel)].values.astype(int) base = np.mean(data[:, 0:num_base_pts_2_avg], axis=1) data2 = data + abs(np.tile(base, (data.shape[1], 1))).T V_max = data.max(axis=1) V_maxloc = np.argmax(data, axis=1) denominator = np.sum(data2[:, 20:81], axis=1) peak2area = np.max(data2, axis=1)/denominator conditions = np.logical_and.reduce( (V_max - base > 1, V_maxloc > 0, V_maxloc < data.shape[1])) height = np.where(conditions, V_max - base, np.nan) pos = np.where(conditions, V_maxloc, np.nan) base = np.where(conditions, base, np.nan) diffs = data - np.tile(base, (data.shape[1], 1)).T pos_tile = np.tile(pos, (data.shape[1], 1)).T height_tile = np.tile(height, (data.shape[1], 1)).T counting_up = np.tile(np.arange(data.shape[1]), (data.shape[0], 1)) start_numbers = np.where(np.logical_and(diffs < 5, counting_up <= pos_tile), counting_up, -1) start = start_numbers.max(axis=1).astype(float) start[start == -1] = np.nan end_numbers = np.where(np.logical_and(diffs < 5, counting_up >= pos_tile), counting_up, 9999) end = end_numbers.min(axis=1).astype(float) end[end == 9999] = np.nan start_numbers = np.where(np.logical_and(diffs <= 0.5*height_tile, counting_up <= pos_tile), counting_up, -1) half_rise = start_numbers.max(axis=1).astype(float) half_rise[half_rise == -1] = np.nan end_numbers = np.where(np.logical_and(diffs <= 0.5*height_tile, counting_up >= pos_tile), counting_up, 9999) half_decay = end_numbers.min(axis=1).astype(float) half_decay[half_decay == 9999] = np.nan start = np.where(conditions, start, np.nan) end = np.where(conditions, end, np.nan) half_rise = np.where(conditions, half_rise, np.nan) half_decay = np.where(conditions, half_decay, np.nan) fit_coeffs = {'base': base, 'height': height, 'pos': pos, 'start': start, 'end': end, 'half_rise': half_rise, 'half_decay': half_decay, 'peak2area': peak2area} return fit_coeffs def _split_scatter_fit(my_ds, channel): """ Used for channels 3, 7""" num_base_pts_2_avg = 20 data = my_ds['Data_ch' + str(channel)].values V_maxloc = np.argmax(data, axis=1) #V_minloc = np.argmin(data, axis=1) #invert = V_maxloc < V_minloc if channel==3: data = -data base = np.nanmean(data[:, 0:num_base_pts_2_avg], axis=1) V_max = data.max(axis=1) conditions = np.logical_and.reduce(((V_max - base) > 1, V_maxloc < len(data), V_maxloc > 0)) height = np.where(conditions, V_max - base, np.nan) pos = np.where(conditions, np.argmax(data, axis=1), np.nan) start = np.zeros_like(height) start[~conditions] = np.nan height[~conditions] = np.nan data = data - np.tile(base, (data.shape[1], 1)).T counting_up = np.tile(np.arange(data.shape[1]), (data.shape[0], 1)) data = np.abs(data) + data pos_tile = np.tile(pos, (data.shape[1], 1)).T counting_up = np.where(np.logical_and(data < 5, counting_up <= pos_tile), counting_up, -1) start = counting_up.max(axis=1) fit_coeffs = {'base': base, 'height': height, 'pos': pos, 'start': start} return fit_coeffs def _gaussian_sat_fit(my_ds, record_number): channel = 4 base = np.nan fitamplitude = np.nan fitpos = np.nan height = np.nan pos = np.nan chi2 = np.nan width = np.nan error = np.nan error_thrown = False start = np.nan clipped_wave = False global_vars = DMTGlobals() data = my_ds['Data_ch' + str(channel)].values[record_number] if data.max() - data.min() >= global_vars.ScatMaxPeakHt2: temp1 = data.astype(float) temp1[temp1 == data.max()] = np.nan clipped_wave = True else: temp1 = data.astype(float) clipped_wave = False bins = np.arange(0, 100, 1.) try: bins_fit = bins[np.isfinite(temp1)] temp1_fit = temp1[np.isfinite(temp1)] p0 = np.array([data.max()-data.min(), np.argmax(data), 20., np.nanmin(data)]).astype(float) coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(_gaus, bins_fit, temp1_fit, p0=p0, method='lm', maxfev=50, ftol=1e-3) if clipped_wave: p0[1] = coeff[1] bins_fit = bins[np.isfinite(temp1)] temp1_fit = temp1[np.isfinite(temp1)] coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(_gaus, bins_fit, temp1_fit, p0=p0, method='lm', maxfev=50, ftol=1e-5) fit_data = _gaus(bins, *coeff) chi2 = chisquare(np.array(data, dtype='float64'), f_exp=np.array(fit_data, dtype='float64')) fitamplitude = coeff[0] fitpos = coeff[1] width = coeff[2]*(2.35482) base = coeff[3] if not (fitamplitude > 1 and fitpos > 0 and width < len(data) and width < fitamplitude and width > 0): fitamplitude = np.nan fitpos = np.nan width = np.nan chi2 = np.nan base = np.nan except RuntimeError: error = 1 error_thrown = True except MemoryError: error = 2 if np.isfinite(base): height = data.max() - base pos = np.argmax(data) if not (height > 1 and pos > 0 and pos < len(data)): height = np.nan pos = np.nan lt5 = np.where(data - base < 50)[0] try: start = lt5[lt5 <= pos][-1] except IndexError: start = np.nan fit_coeffs = {'base': base, 'fitamplitude': fitamplitude, 'fitpos': fitpos, 'start': start, 'pos': pos, 'chi2': chi2, 'error_thrown': error_thrown, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'error': error} return fit_coeffs