Source code for pysp2.vis.plot_wave

import act
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from ..util import _gaus

[docs] def plot_wave(ds, record_no, chn, plot_fit=True, append_to_display=False, init_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the raw waveform for a given record_no and channel. Parameters ---------- ds: xarray Dataset The dataset to plot the waveform from. record_no: int The record number to plot. chn: int The channel to plot. plot_fit: bool Set to True to plot the gaussian fit. Only used for channels 0 and 4. append_to_display : False or ACT HistogramDisplay object Default is False. Give an existing ACT HistogramDisplay object to append to instead of creating a new one. init_kwargs does not work for an existing display object. init_kwargs: dict Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass into initialization of :func:`act.plotting.display.HistogramDisplay` object kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed into :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.step` Returns ------- display: ACT HistogramDisplay object Returns the ACT """ spectra = ds.isel(event_index=record_no) time = spectra['time'].values inp_data = {} inp_data['time'] = xr.DataArray(np.array(time[np.newaxis]), dims=['time']) for ch in range(8): inp_data['Data_ch' + str(ch)] = xr.DataArray( spectra['Data_ch' + str(ch)].values[np.newaxis, :], dims=['time', 'bins']) inp_data = xr.Dataset(inp_data) bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 100) if init_kwargs is None: if append_to_display is not False: display = append_to_display else: display = act.plotting.DistributionDisplay(inp_data) else: display = act.plotting.DistributionDisplay(inp_data, **init_kwargs) if 'subplot_index' in kwargs.keys(): ax = display.plot_size_distribution( 'Data_ch' + str(chn), bins, set_title='Channel %d record %d' % (chn, record_no), time=inp_data.time[0], subplot_index=kwargs['subplot_index']) else: ax = display.plot_size_distribution( 'Data_ch' + str(chn), bins, set_title='Channel %d record %d' % (chn, record_no), time=inp_data.time[0]) if plot_fit and chn in [0, 4]: xspace = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000) amplitude = spectra['FtAmp_ch' + str(chn)].values pos = spectra['FtPos_ch' + str(chn)].values base = spectra['Base_ch' + str(chn)].values width = spectra['PkFWHM_ch' + str(chn)].values Y = _gaus(xspace, amplitude, pos, width/2.35482, base) ax.plot(xspace, Y) ax.text(0.7, 0.5, 'Fit Pos = %3.2f' % pos, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.7, 0.6, 'Fit Half Width = %3.2f' % width, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.7, 0.7, 'Fit Baseline = %3.2f' % base, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.7, 0.8, 'Fit Amplitude = %3.2f' % amplitude, transform=ax.transAxes) return display
def plot_waves(ds, record_no, plot_fit=True): """ Plots the raw waveforms of all channels for a given record_no. Parameters ---------- ds: xarray Dataset The dataset to plot the waveform from. record_no: int The record number to plot. plot_fit: bool Set to True to plot the gaussian fit. Only used for channels 0 and 4. Returns ------- display: ACT HistogramDisplay object Returns the ACT display object """ chns = [i for i in range(8)] panel_number = [0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2] legends = [['SCHG ch0', 'ch0_fit', 'SCLG ch4', 'ch4_fit'], ['BBHG ch1', 'NBHG ch2', 'BBLG ch5', 'NBLG ch6'], ['ch3 HG', 'CH7 LG']] if ds['ScatRejectKey'].isel(event_index=record_no) == 3: display = plot_wave(ds, record_no, 0, plot_fit=False, init_kwargs={'subplot_shape': (3, )}) legends[0].remove('ch0_fit') else: display = plot_wave(ds, record_no, 0, plot_fit=plot_fit, init_kwargs={'subplot_shape': (3, )}) if plot_fit: for t in display.axes[0].texts: pos = t.get_position() t.set_position((0.1, pos[1])) for i, panel in enumerate(panel_number): if i != 0: display = plot_wave(ds, record_no, chns[i], plot_fit=plot_fit, append_to_display=display, subplot_index=(panel,)) titles = ['Scattering chanels', ' Incandesence channels', 'Split detector channels'] xlabels = ['', '', 'Bin #'] ylabels = ['Data_ch0, Data_ch4', 'Data_ch1, Data_ch2\nData_ch5, Data_ch6', 'Data_ch3, Data_ch7'] for i, ax in enumerate(display.axes): ax.set_title(titles[i]) ax.set_xlabel(xlabels[i]) ax.set_ylabel(ylabels[i]) ax.legend(legends[i]) if i==2: lines=ax.get_lines() ax.plot(ds['PkSplitPos_ch3'].isel(event_index=record_no),0,'1',markersize=10,color=lines[0].get_color()) ax.plot(ds['PkSplitPos_ch7'].isel(event_index=record_no),0,'2',markersize=10,color=lines[1].get_color()) return display