Functions for echo classification.
import numpy as np
from ..config import get_fillvalue, get_field_name, get_metadata
from ..exceptions import MissingOptionalDependency
from ._echo_class import steiner_class_buff
from warnings import warn
[docs]def steiner_conv_strat(grid, dx=None, dy=None, intense=42.0,
work_level=3000.0, peak_relation='default',
area_relation='medium', bkg_rad=11000.0,
use_intense=True, fill_value=None,
Partition reflectivity into convective-stratiform using the Steiner et
al. (1995) algorithm.
grid : Grid
Grid containing reflectivity field to partition.
dx, dy : float, optional
The x- and y-dimension resolutions in meters, respectively. If None
the resolution is determined from the first two axes values.
intense : float, optional
The intensity value in dBZ. Grid points with a reflectivity
value greater or equal to the intensity are automatically
flagged as convective. See reference for more information.
work_level : float, optional
The working level (separation altitude) in meters. This is the height
at which the partitioning will be done, and should minimize bright band
contamination. See reference for more information.
peak_relation : 'default' or 'sgp', optional
The peakedness relation. See reference for more information.
area_relation : 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'sgp', optional
The convective area relation. See reference for more information.
bkg_rad : float, optional
The background radius in meters. See reference for more information.
use_intense : bool, optional
True to use the intensity criteria.
fill_value : float, optional
Missing value used to signify bad data points. A value of None
will use the default fill value as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file.
refl_field : str, optional
Field in grid to use as the reflectivity during partitioning. None
will use the default reflectivity field name from the Py-ART
configuration file.
eclass : dict
Steiner convective-stratiform classification dictionary.
Steiner, M. R., R. A. Houze Jr., and S. E. Yuter, 1995: Climatological
Characterization of Three-Dimensional Storm Structure from Operational
Radar and Rain Gauge Data. J. Appl. Meteor., 34, 1978-2007.
# Get fill value
if fill_value is None:
fill_value = get_fillvalue()
# Parse field parameters
if refl_field is None:
refl_field = get_field_name('reflectivity')
# parse dx and dy
if dx is None:
dx = grid.x['data'][1] - grid.x['data'][0]
if dy is None:
dy = grid.y['data'][1] - grid.y['data'][0]
# Get coordinates
x = grid.x['data']
y = grid.y['data']
z = grid.z['data']
# Get reflectivity data
ze = np.ma.copy(grid.fields[refl_field]['data'])
ze = ze.filled(np.NaN)
eclass = steiner_class_buff(ze, x, y, z, dx=dx, dy=dy, bkg_rad=bkg_rad,
work_level=work_level, intense=intense,
return {'data': eclass.astype(np.int32),
'standard_name': 'echo_classification',
'long_name': 'Steiner echo classification',
'valid_min': 0,
'valid_max': 2,
'comment_1': ('Convective-stratiform echo '
'classification based on '
'Steiner et al. (1995)'),
'comment_2': ('0 = Undefined, 1 = Stratiform, '
'2 = Convective')}
[docs]def hydroclass_semisupervised(radar, mass_centers=None,
weights=np.array([1., 1., 1., 0.75, 0.5]),
refl_field=None, zdr_field=None, rhv_field=None,
kdp_field=None, temp_field=None,
Classifies precipitation echoes following the approach by Besic et al
radar : radar
Radar object.
mass_centers : ndarray 2D, optional
The centroids for each variable and hydrometeor class in (nclasses,
weights : ndarray 1D, optional
The weight given to each variable.
refl_field, zdr_field, rhv_field, kdp_field, temp_field : str, optional
Inputs. Field names within the radar object which represent the
horizonal reflectivity, the differential reflectivity, the copolar
correlation coefficient, the specific differential phase and the
temperature field. A value of None for any of these parameters will
use the default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration
hydro_field : str, optional
Output. Field name which represents the hydrometeor class field.
A value of None will use the default field name as defined in the
Py-ART configuration file.
hydro : dict
Hydrometeor classification field.
Besic, N., Figueras i Ventura, J., Grazioli, J., Gabella, M., Germann, U.,
and Berne, A.: Hydrometeor classification through statistical clustering
of polarimetric radar measurements: a semi-supervised approach,
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4425-4445, doi:10.5194/amt-9-4425-2016, 2016
lapse_rate = -6.5
# select the centroids as a function of frequency band
if mass_centers is None:
# assign coefficients according to radar frequency
if 'frequency' in radar.instrument_parameters:
mass_centers = _get_mass_centers(
mass_centers = _mass_centers_table()['C']
warn('Radar frequency unknown. ' +
'Default coefficients for C band will be applied')
# parse the field parameters
if refl_field is None:
refl_field = get_field_name('reflectivity')
if zdr_field is None:
zdr_field = get_field_name('differential_reflectivity')
if rhv_field is None:
rhv_field = get_field_name('cross_correlation_ratio')
if kdp_field is None:
kdp_field = get_field_name('specific_differential_phase')
if temp_field is None:
temp_field = get_field_name('temperature')
if hydro_field is None:
hydro_field = get_field_name('radar_echo_classification')
# extract fields and parameters from radar
refl = radar.fields[refl_field]['data']
zdr = radar.fields[zdr_field]['data']
rhohv = radar.fields[rhv_field]['data']
kdp = radar.fields[kdp_field]['data']
temp = radar.fields[temp_field]['data']
# convert temp in relative height respect to iso0
relh = temp*(1000./lapse_rate)
# standardize data
refl_std = _standardize(refl, 'Zh')
zdr_std = _standardize(zdr, 'ZDR')
kdp_std = _standardize(kdp, 'KDP')
rhohv_std = _standardize(rhohv, 'RhoHV')
relh_std = _standardize(relh, 'relH')
# standardize centroids
mc_std = np.zeros(np.shape(mass_centers))
mc_std[:, 0] = _standardize(mass_centers[:, 0], 'Zh')
mc_std[:, 1] = _standardize(mass_centers[:, 1], 'ZDR')
mc_std[:, 2] = _standardize(mass_centers[:, 2], 'KDP')
mc_std[:, 3] = _standardize(mass_centers[:, 3], 'RhoHV')
mc_std[:, 4] = _standardize(mass_centers[:, 4], 'relH')
# assign to class
hydroclass_data, min_dist = _assign_to_class(
refl_std, zdr_std, kdp_std, rhohv_std, relh_std, mc_std,
# prepare output fields
hydro = get_metadata(hydro_field)
hydro['data'] = hydroclass_data
return hydro
def _standardize(data, field_name, mx=None, mn=None):
Streches the radar data to -1 to 1 interval.
data : array
Radar field.
field_name : str
Type of field (relH, Zh, ZDR, KDP or RhoHV).
mx, mn : floats or None, optional
Data limits for array values.
field_std : dict
Standardized radar data.
if field_name == 'relH':
field_std = 2./(1.+np.ma.exp(-0.005*data))-1.
return field_std
if (mx is None) or (mn is None):
dlimits_dict = _data_limits_table()
if field_name not in dlimits_dict:
raise ValueError(
'Field ' + field_name + ' unknown. '
+ 'Valid field names for standardizing are: '
+ 'relH, Zh, ZDR, KDP and RhoHV')
mx, mn = dlimits_dict[field_name]
if field_name == 'KDP':
data[data < -0.5] = -0.5
data = 10.*np.ma.log10(data+0.6)
elif field_name == 'RhoHV':
data = 10.*np.ma.log10(1.-data)
mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(data)
field_std = 2.*(data-mn)/(mx-mn)-1.
field_std[data < mn] = -1.
field_std[data > mx] = 1.
field_std[mask] = np.ma.masked
return field_std
def _assign_to_class(zh, zdr, kdp, rhohv, relh, mass_centers,
weights=np.array([1., 1., 1., 0.75, 0.5])):
Assigns an hydrometeor class to a radar range bin computing
the distance between the radar variables an a centroid.
zh, zdr, kdp, rhohv, relh : radar fields
Variables used for assignment normalized to [-1, 1] values.
mass_centers : matrix
Centroids normalized to [-1, 1] values.
weights : array, optional
The weight given to each variable.
hydroclass : int array
The index corresponding to the assigned class.
mind_dist : float array
The minimum distance to the centroids.
# prepare data
nrays = zh.shape[0]
nbins = zdr.shape[1]
nclasses = mass_centers.shape[0]
nvariables = mass_centers.shape[1]
data = np.ma.array([zh, zdr, kdp, rhohv, relh])
weights_mat = np.broadcast_to(
weights.reshape(nvariables, 1, 1),
(nvariables, nrays, nbins))
dist = np.ma.zeros((nclasses, nrays, nbins), dtype='float64')
# compute distance: masked entries will not contribute to the distance
for i in range(nclasses):
centroids_class = mass_centers[i, :]
centroids_class = np.broadcast_to(
centroids_class.reshape(nvariables, 1, 1),
(nvariables, nrays, nbins))
dist[i, :, :] = np.ma.sqrt(np.ma.sum(
((centroids_class-data)**2.)*weights_mat, axis=0))
# use very large fill_value so that masked entries will be sorted at the
# end. There should not be any masked entry anyway
class_vec = dist.argsort(axis=0, fill_value=10e40)
# get minimum distance. Acts as a confidence value
dist_sorted = dist.sort(axis=0, fill_value=10e40)
min_dist = dist[0, :, :]
# Entries with non-valid reflectivity values are set to 0 (No class)
mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(zh)
hydroclass = class_vec[0, :, :]+1
hydroclass[mask] = 0
return hydroclass, min_dist
def _get_mass_centers(freq):
Get mass centers for a particular frequency.
freq : float
Radar frequency [Hz].
mass_centers : ndarray 2D
The centroids for each variable and hydrometeor class in (nclasses,
mass_centers_dict = _mass_centers_table()
freq_band = get_freq_band(freq)
if (freq_band is not None) and (freq_band in mass_centers_dict):
return mass_centers_dict[freq_band]
if freq < 4e9:
freq_band_aux = 'C'
elif freq > 12e9:
freq_band_aux = 'X'
mass_centers = mass_centers_dict[freq_band_aux]
warn('Radar frequency out of range. ' +
'Centroids only valid for C or X band. ' +
freq_band_aux + ' band centroids will be applied')
return mass_centers
def _mass_centers_table():
Defines the mass centers look up table for each frequency band.
mass_centers_dict : dict
A dictionary with the mass centers for each frequency band.
nclasses = 9
nvariables = 5
mass_centers = np.zeros((nclasses, nvariables))
mass_centers_dict = dict()
# C-band centroids derived for MeteoSwiss Albis radar
# Zh ZDR kdp RhoHV delta_Z
mass_centers[0, :] = [13.5829, 0.4063, 0.0497, 0.9868, 1330.3] # DS
mass_centers[1, :] = [02.8453, 0.2457, 0.0000, 0.9798, 0653.8] # CR
mass_centers[2, :] = [07.6597, 0.2180, 0.0019, 0.9799, -1426.5] # LR
mass_centers[3, :] = [31.6815, 0.3926, 0.0828, 0.9978, 0535.3] # GR
mass_centers[4, :] = [39.4703, 1.0734, 0.4919, 0.9876, -1036.3] # RN
mass_centers[5, :] = [04.8267, -0.5690, 0.0000, 0.9691, 0869.8] # VI
mass_centers[6, :] = [30.8613, 0.9819, 0.1998, 0.9845, -0066.1] # WS
mass_centers[7, :] = [52.3969, 2.1094, 2.4675, 0.9730, -1550.2] # MH
mass_centers[8, :] = [50.6186, -0.0649, 0.0946, 0.9904, 1179.9] # IH/HDG
mass_centers_dict.update({'C': mass_centers})
# X-band centroids derived for MeteoSwiss DX50 radar
# Zh ZDR kdp RhoHV delta_Z
mass_centers[0, :] = [19.0770, 0.4139, 0.0099, 0.9841, 1061.7] # DS
mass_centers[1, :] = [03.9877, 0.5040, 0.0000, 0.9642, 0856.6] # CR
mass_centers[2, :] = [20.7982, 0.3177, 0.0004, 0.9858, -1375.1] # LR
mass_centers[3, :] = [34.7124, -0.3748, 0.0988, 0.9828, 1224.2] # GR
mass_centers[4, :] = [33.0134, 0.6614, 0.0819, 0.9802, -1169.8] # RN
mass_centers[5, :] = [08.2610, -0.4681, 0.0000, 0.9722, 1100.7] # VI
mass_centers[6, :] = [35.1801, 1.2830, 0.1322, 0.9162, -0159.8] # WS
mass_centers[7, :] = [52.4539, 2.3714, 1.1120, 0.9382, -1618.5] # MH
mass_centers[8, :] = [44.2216, -0.3419, 0.0687, 0.9683, 1272.7] # IH/HDG
mass_centers_dict.update({'X': mass_centers})
return mass_centers_dict
def _data_limits_table():
Defines the data limits used in the standardization.
dlimits_dict : dict
A dictionary with the limits for each variable.
dlimits_dict = dict()
dlimits_dict.update({'Zh': (60., -10.)})
dlimits_dict.update({'ZDR': (5., -5.)})
dlimits_dict.update({'KDP': (7., -10.)})
dlimits_dict.update({'RhoHV': (-5.23, -50.)})
return dlimits_dict
[docs]def get_freq_band(freq):
Returns the frequency band name (S, C, X, ...).
freq : float
Radar frequency [Hz].
freq_band : str
Frequency band name.
if freq >= 2e9 and freq < 4e9:
return 'S'
if freq >= 4e9 and freq < 8e9:
return 'C'
if freq >= 8e9 and freq <= 12e9:
return 'X'
warn('Unknown frequency band')
return None