Source code for pyart.core.wind_profile

Storage of wind profiles.


import numpy as np

[docs]class HorizontalWindProfile: """ Horizontal wind profile. Parameters ---------- height : array-like, 1D Heights in meters above sea level at which horizontal winds were sampled. speed : array-like, 1D Horizontal wind speed in meters per second at each height sampled. direction : array-like, 1D Horizontal wind direction in degrees at each height sampled. Other Parameters ---------------- latitude : array-like, 1D, optional Latitude in degrees north at each height sampled. longitude : array-like, 1D, optional Longitude in degrees east at each height sampled. Attributes ---------- height : array, 1D Heights in meters above sea level at which horizontal winds were sampled. speed : array, 1D Horizontal wind speed in meters per second at each height. direction : array, 1D Horizontal wind direction in degrees at each height. u_wind : array, 1D U component of horizontal winds in meters per second at each height. v_wind : array, 1D V component of horizontal winds in meters per second at each height. """ def __init__(self, height, speed, direction, latitude=None, longitude=None): """initialize""" if len(height) != len(speed) or len(height) != len(direction): raise ValueError("Wind parameters must have the same length.") self.height = np.asanyarray(height) self.speed = np.asanyarray(speed) self.direction = np.asanyarray(direction) self._parse_location_data(latitude, longitude)
[docs] @classmethod def from_u_and_v(cls, height, u_wind, v_wind): """ Create a HorizontalWindProfile instance from U and V components. Parameters ---------- height : array-like, 1D Heights in meters above sea level at which horizontal winds were sampled. u_wind : array-like, 1D U component of horizontal wind speed in meters per second. v_wind : array-like, 1D V component of horizontal wind speed in meters per second. """ u_wind = np.asanyarray(u_wind) v_wind = np.asanyarray(v_wind) speed = np.sqrt(u_wind * u_wind + v_wind * v_wind) direction = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-u_wind, -v_wind)) direction[direction < 0] += 360 return cls(height, speed, direction)
@property def u_wind(self): """U component of horizontal wind in meters per second.""" # U = -sin(direction) * speed u_wind = -np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.direction)) * self.speed return u_wind @property def v_wind(self): """V component of horizontal wind in meters per second.""" # V = -cos(direction) * speed v_wind = -np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.direction)) * self.speed return v_wind def _parse_location_data(self, latitude, longitude): """Parse profile location data.""" if latitude is not None: if len(self.height) != len(latitude): raise ValueError("Latitude data must have same length.") self.latitude = np.asanyarray(latitude) if longitude is not None: if len(self.height) != len(longitude): raise ValueError("Longitude data must have same length.") self.longitude = np.asanyarray(longitude)