Attenuation correction from polarimetric radars. Code adapted from method in
Gu et al, JAMC 2011, 50, 39. Adapted by Scott Collis and Scott Giangrande,
refactored by Jonathan Helmus. New code added by Meteo Swiss and inserted into
Py-ART by Robert Jackson.
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid
from ..config import get_field_name, get_fillvalue, get_metadata
from ..filters import GateFilter, iso0_based_gate_filter, temp_based_gate_filter
from ..retrieve import get_freq_band
from .phase_proc import det_process_range, smooth_and_trim, smooth_masked
[docs]def calculate_attenuation_zphi(
Calculate the attenuation and the differential attenuation from a
polarimetric radar using Z-PHI method..
The attenuation is computed up to a user defined freezing level height
or up to where temperatures in a temperature field are positive.
The coefficients are either user-defined or radar frequency dependent.
NOTE: The base 10 forumulation that uses attenuated radar reflectivity and
differential phase that is used in this function can be found in Gu et al (2011).
radar : Radar
Radar object to use for attenuation calculations. Must have
phidp and refl fields.
doc : float, optional
Number of gates at the end of each ray to to remove from the
fzl : float, optional
Freezing layer, gates above this point are not included in the
gatefilter : GateFilter, optional
The gates to exclude from the calculation. This, combined with
the gates above fzl, will be excluded from the correction. Set to
None to not use a gatefilter.
smooth_window_len : int, optional
Size, in range bins, of the smoothing window
a_coef : float, optional
A coefficient in attenuation calculation.
beta : float, optional
Beta parameter in attenuation calculation.
c, d : float, optional
coefficient and exponent of the power law that relates attenuation
with differential attenuation
refl_field : str, optional
Name of the reflectivity field used for the attenuation correction.
A value of None for any of these parameters will use the default
field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
phidp_field : str, optional
Name of the differential phase field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
zdr_field : str, optional
Name of the differential reflectivity field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file. This
will only be used if it is available.
temp_field : str, optional
Name of the temperature field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
iso0_field : str, optional
Name of the field for the height above the 0C isotherm for the
attenuation correction. A value of None for any of these parameters
will use the default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration
file. This will only be used if it is available.
spec_at_field : str, optional
Name of the specific attenuation field that will be used to fill in
the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of these
parameters will use the default field names as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file.
pia_field : str, optional
Name of the path integrated attenuation field that will be used to fill
in the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of
these parameters will use the default field names as defined in the
Py-ART configuration file.
corr_refl_field : str, optional
Name of the corrected reflectivity field that will be used to fill in
the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of these
parameters will use the default field names as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file.
spec_diff_at_field : str, optional
Name of the specific differential attenuation field that will be used
to fill in the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for
any of these parameters will use the default field names as defined
in the Py-ART configuration file. This will only be calculated if ZDR
is available.
pida_field : str, optional
Name of the path integrated differential attenuation field that will
be used to fill in the metadata for the returned fields. A value of
None for any of these parameters will use the default field names as
defined in the Py-ART configuration file. This will only be calculated
if ZDR is available.
corr_zdr_field : str, optional
Name of the corrected differential reflectivity field that will
be used to fill in the metadata for the returned fields. A value of
None for any of these parameters will use the default field names as
defined in the Py-ART configuration file. This will only be calculated
if ZDR is available.
temp_ref : str, optional
the field use as reference for temperature. Can be either temperature,
height_over_iso0 or fixed_fzl
spec_at : dict
Field dictionary containing the specific attenuation.
pia_dict : dict
Field dictionary containing the path integrated attenuation.
cor_z : dict
Field dictionary containing the corrected reflectivity.
spec_diff_at : dict
Field dictionary containing the specific differential attenuation.
pida_dict : dict
Field dictionary containing the path integrated differential
cor_zdr : dict
Field dictionary containing the corrected differential reflectivity.
Gu et al. Polarimetric Attenuation Correction in Heavy Rain at C Band,
JAMC, 2011, 50, 39-58.
Ryzhkov et al. Potential Utilization of Specific Attenuation for Rainfall
Estimation, Mitigation of Partial Beam Blockage, and Radar Networking,
JAOT, 2014, 31, 599-619.
# select the coefficients as a function of frequency band
if (a_coef is None) or (beta is None) or (c is None) or (d is None):
if "frequency" in radar.instrument_parameters:
a_coef, beta, c, d = _get_param_attzphi(
a_coef, beta, c, d = _param_attzphi_table()["C"]
"Radar frequency unknown. Default coefficients "
"for C band will be applied."
# parse the field parameters
if refl_field is None:
refl_field = get_field_name("reflectivity")
if zdr_field is None:
zdr_field = get_field_name("differential_reflectivity")
if phidp_field is None:
# use corrrected_differential_phase or unfolded_differential_phase
# fields if they are available, if not use differential_phase field
phidp_field = get_field_name("corrected_differential_phase")
if phidp_field not in radar.fields:
phidp_field = get_field_name("unfolded_differential_phase")
if phidp_field not in radar.fields:
phidp_field = get_field_name("differential_phase")
if spec_at_field is None:
spec_at_field = get_field_name("specific_attenuation")
if pia_field is None:
pia_field = get_field_name("path_integrated_attenuation")
if corr_refl_field is None:
corr_refl_field = get_field_name("corrected_reflectivity")
if spec_diff_at_field is None:
spec_diff_at_field = get_field_name("specific_differential_attenuation")
if pida_field is None:
pida_field = get_field_name("path_integrated_differential_attenuation")
if corr_zdr_field is None:
corr_zdr_field = get_field_name("corrected_differential_reflectivity")
if temp_ref == "temperature":
if temp_field is None:
temp_field = get_field_name("temperature")
elif temp_ref == "height_over_iso0":
if iso0_field is None:
iso0_field = get_field_name("height_over_iso0")
# extract fields and parameters from radar if they exist
# reflectivity and differential phase must exist
# create arrays to hold the output data
refl = radar.fields[refl_field]["data"]
phidp = deepcopy(radar.fields[phidp_field]["data"])
ah = np.ma.zeros(refl.shape, dtype="float64")
pia = np.ma.zeros(refl.shape, dtype="float64")
zdr = radar.fields[zdr_field]["data"]
adiff = np.ma.zeros(zdr.shape, dtype="float64")
pida = np.ma.zeros(zdr.shape, dtype="float64")
except KeyError:
zdr = None
# determine the valid data (i.e. data below freezing level)
mask_fzl, end_gate_arr = get_mask_fzl(
if gatefilter is None:
mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(refl)
mask = gatefilter.gate_excluded
mask_fzl = np.logical_or(mask, mask_fzl)
# prepare phidp: filter out values above freezing level and negative
# makes sure phidp is monotonously increasing
corr_phidp = _prepare_phidp(phidp, mask_fzl)
# calculate initial reflectivity correction and gate spacing (in km)
init_refl_correct = refl + corr_phidp * a_coef
dr = (radar.range["data"][1] - radar.range["data"][0]) / 1000.0
if smooth_window_len > 0:
sm_refl = smooth_masked(
init_refl_correct, wind_len=smooth_window_len, min_valid=1, wind_type="mean"
sm_refl = init_refl_correct
refl_linear = np.ma.power(10.0, 0.1 * beta * sm_refl).filled(fill_value=0)
for ray in range(radar.nrays):
# perform attenuation calculation on a single ray
# if number of valid range bins larger than smoothing window
if end_gate_arr[ray] < 0:
if end_gate_arr[ray] > smooth_window_len:
# extract the ray's phase shift,
# init. refl. correction and mask
ray_phase_shift = corr_phidp[ray, 0 : end_gate_arr[ray]]
ray_mask = mask[ray, 0 : end_gate_arr[ray]]
ray_refl_linear = refl_linear[ray, 0 : end_gate_arr[ray]]
# perform calculation if there is valid data
last_six_good = np.where(np.ndarray.flatten(ray_mask) == 0)[0][-6:]
if (len(last_six_good)) == 6:
phidp_max = np.median(ray_phase_shift[last_six_good])
self_cons_number = 10.0 ** (0.1 * beta * a_coef * phidp_max) - 1.0
I_indef = cumulative_trapezoid(0.46 * beta * dr * ray_refl_linear[::-1])
I_indef = np.append(I_indef, I_indef[-1])[::-1]
# set the specific attenutation and attenuation
ah[ray, 0 : end_gate_arr[ray]] = (
* self_cons_number
/ (I_indef[0] + self_cons_number * I_indef)
pia[ray, :-1] = cumulative_trapezoid(ah[ray, :]) * dr * 2.0
pia[ray, -1] = pia[ray, -2]
# if ZDR exists, set the specific differential attenuation
# and differential attenuation
if zdr is not None:
adiff[ray, 0 : end_gate_arr[ray]] = c * np.ma.power(
ah[ray, 0 : end_gate_arr[ray]], d
pida[ray, :-1] = cumulative_trapezoid(adiff[ray, :]) * dr * 2.0
pida[ray, -1] = pida[ray, -2]
# prepare output field dictionaries
# for specific attenuation and corrected reflectivity
spec_at = get_metadata(spec_at_field)
temp_array = np.ma.masked_where(mask, ah)
spec_at["data"] = temp_array
spec_at["_FillValue"] = temp_array.fill_value
pia_array = np.ma.masked_where(mask, pia)
pia_dict = get_metadata(pia_field)
pia_dict["data"] = pia_array
pia_dict["_FillValue"] = pia_array.fill_value
cor_z = get_metadata(corr_refl_field)
cor_z_array = np.ma.masked_where(mask, pia + refl)
cor_z["data"] = cor_z_array
cor_z["_FillValue"] = cor_z_array.fill_value
# prepare output field dictionaries
# for specific diff attenuation and corrected ZDR
if zdr is not None:
sda = np.ma.masked_where(mask, adiff)
spec_diff_at = get_metadata(spec_diff_at_field)
spec_diff_at["data"] = sda
spec_diff_at["_FillValue"] = sda.fill_value
pida_array = np.ma.masked_where(mask, pida)
pida_dict = get_metadata(pida_field)
pida_dict["data"] = pida_array
pida_dict["_FillValue"] = pida_array.fill_value
cor_zdr = get_metadata(corr_zdr_field)
czdr = np.ma.masked_where(mask, pida + zdr)
cor_zdr["data"] = czdr
cor_zdr["_FillValue"] = czdr.fill_value
spec_diff_at = None
cor_zdr = None
pida_dict = None
return spec_at, pia_dict, cor_z, spec_diff_at, pida_dict, cor_zdr
[docs]def calculate_attenuation_philinear(
Calculate the attenuation and the differential attenuation from a
polarimetric radar using linear dependece with PhiDP.
The attenuation is computed up to a user defined freezing level height,
where temperatures in a temperature field are positive or where the height
relative to the iso0 is 0.
The coefficients are either user-defined or radar frequency dependent.
radar : Radar
Radar object to use for attenuation calculations. Must have
phidp and refl fields.
doc : float, optional
Number of gates at the end of each ray to to remove from the
fzl : float, optional
Freezing layer, gates above this point are not included in the
gatefilter : GateFilter, optional
The gates to exclude from the calculation. This, combined with
the gates above fzl, will be excluded from the correction. Set to
None to not use a gatefilter.
pia_coef : float, optional
Coefficient in path integrated attenuation calculation
pida_coeff : float, optional
Coefficient in path integrated differential attenuation calculation
refl_field : str, optional
Name of the reflectivity field used for the attenuation correction.
A value of None for any of these parameters will use the default
field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
phidp_field : str, optional
Name of the differential phase field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
zdr_field : str, optional
Name of the differential reflectivity field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file. This
will only be used if it is available.
temp_field : str, optional
Name of the temperature field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
iso0_field : str, optional
Name of the field for the height above the 0C isotherm for the
attenuation correction. A value of None for any of these parameters
will use the default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration
file. This will only be used if it is available.
spec_at_field : str, optional
Name of the specific attenuation field that will be used to fill in
the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of these
parameters will use the default field names as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file.
pia_field : str, optional
Name of the path integrated attenuation field that will be used to fill
in the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of
these parameters will use the default field names as defined in the
Py-ART configuration file.
corr_refl_field : str, optional
Name of the corrected reflectivity field that will be used to fill in
the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of these
parameters will use the default field names as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file.
spec_diff_at_field : str, optional
Name of the specific differential attenuation field that will be used
to fill in the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for
any of these parameters will use the default field names as defined
in the Py-ART configuration file. This will only be calculated if ZDR
is available.
corr_zdr_field : str, optional
Name of the corrected differential reflectivity field that will
be used to fill in the metadata for the returned fields. A value of
None for any of these parameters will use the default field names as
defined in the Py-ART configuration file. This will only be calculated
if ZDR is available.
temp_ref : str, optional
The field use as reference for temperature. Can be either temperature,
height_over_iso0 or fixed_fzl.
spec_at : dict
Field dictionary containing the specific attenuation.
pia_dict : dict
Field dictionary containing the path integrated attenuation.
cor_z : dict
Field dictionary containing the corrected reflectivity.
spec_diff_at : dict
Field dictionary containing the specific differential attenuation.
pida_dict : dict
Field dictionary containing the path integrated differential
cor_zdr : dict
Field dictionary containing the corrected differential reflectivity.
# select the coefficients as a function of frequency band
if (pia_coef is None) or (pida_coef is None):
if "frequency" in radar.instrument_parameters:
pia_coef, pida_coef = _get_param_attphilinear(
pia_coef, pida_coef = _param_attphilinear_table()["C"]
"Radar frequency unknown. Default "
+ "coefficients for C band will be applied."
# parse the field parameters
if refl_field is None:
refl_field = get_field_name("reflectivity")
if zdr_field is None:
zdr_field = get_field_name("differential_reflectivity")
if phidp_field is None:
# use corrrected_differential_phase or unfolded_differential_phase
# fields if they are available, if not use differential_phase field
phidp_field = get_field_name("corrected_differential_phase")
if phidp_field not in radar.fields:
phidp_field = get_field_name("unfolded_differential_phase")
if phidp_field not in radar.fields:
phidp_field = get_field_name("differential_phase")
if spec_at_field is None:
spec_at_field = get_field_name("specific_attenuation")
if pia_field is None:
pia_field = get_field_name("path_integrated_attenuation")
if corr_refl_field is None:
corr_refl_field = get_field_name("corrected_reflectivity")
if spec_diff_at_field is None:
spec_diff_at_field = get_field_name("specific_differential_attenuation")
if pida_field is None:
pida_field = get_field_name("path_integrated_differential_attenuation")
if corr_zdr_field is None:
corr_zdr_field = get_field_name("corrected_differential_reflectivity")
if temp_ref == "temperature":
if temp_field is None:
temp_field = get_field_name("temperature")
elif temp_ref == "height_over_iso0":
if iso0_field is None:
iso0_field = get_field_name("height_over_iso0")
# extract fields and parameters from radar if they exist
# reflectivity and differential phase must exist
# create arrays to hold the output data
refl = radar.fields[refl_field]["data"]
phidp = deepcopy(radar.fields[phidp_field]["data"])
zdr = radar.fields[zdr_field]["data"]
except KeyError:
zdr = None
# determine the valid data (i.e. data below freezing level)
mask_fzl, _ = get_mask_fzl(
if gatefilter is None:
mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(refl)
mask = gatefilter.gate_excluded
mask_fzl = np.logical_or(mask, mask_fzl)
# prepare phidp: filter out values above freezing level and negative
# makes sure phidp is monotonously increasing
corr_phidp = _prepare_phidp(phidp, mask_fzl)
dr = (radar.range["data"][1] - radar.range["data"][0]) / 1000.0
pia = pia_coef * corr_phidp
ah = 0.5 * np.gradient(pia, dr, axis=1)
# prepare output field dictionaries
# for specific attenuation and corrected reflectivity
spec_at = get_metadata(spec_at_field)
spec_at["data"] = np.ma.masked_where(mask, np.ma.array(ah))
pia_dict = get_metadata(pia_field)
pia_dict["data"] = np.ma.masked_where(mask, np.ma.array(pia))
cor_z = get_metadata(corr_refl_field)
cor_z["data"] = np.ma.masked_where(mask, np.ma.array(pia + refl))
# prepare output field dictionaries
# for specific diff attenuation and corrected ZDR
if zdr is not None:
pida = pida_coef * corr_phidp
adiff = 0.5 * np.gradient(pida, dr, axis=1)
spec_diff_at = get_metadata(spec_diff_at_field)
spec_diff_at["data"] = np.ma.masked_where(mask, adiff)
pida_dict = get_metadata(pida_field)
pida_dict["data"] = np.ma.masked_where(mask, pida)
cor_zdr = get_metadata(corr_zdr_field)
cor_zdr["data"] = np.ma.masked_where(mask, pida + zdr)
return spec_at, pia_dict, cor_z, spec_diff_at, pida_dict, cor_zdr
def get_mask_fzl(
Constructs a mask to mask data placed thickness m below data at min_temp
and beyond.
radar : Radar
The radar object.
fzl : float, optional
Freezing layer, gates above this point are not included in the
doc : float, optional
Number of gates at the end of each ray to to remove from the
min_temp : float, optional
Minimum temperature below which the data is mask in degrees.
max_h_iso0 : float, optional
Maximum height relative to the iso0 below which the data is mask in
thickness : float, optional
Extent of the layer below the first gate where min_temp is reached
that is going to be masked.
beamwidth : float, optional
The radar antenna 3 dB beamwidth.
temp_field: str, optional
The temperature field. A value of None will use the default
field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file. It is going
to be used only if available.
iso0_field: str, optional
The field containing the height over the 0C isotherm. A value of None
will use the default field name as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file. It is going to be used only if available.
temp_ref : str, optional
The field use as reference for temperature. Can be either temperature,
height_over_iso0 or fixed_fzl.
mask_fzl : 2D array
The values that should be masked.
end_gate_arr : 1D array
The index of the last valid gate in the ray.
if temp_ref == "temperature":
if temp_field is None:
temp_field = get_field_name("temperature")
elif temp_ref == "height_over_iso0":
if iso0_field is None:
iso0_field = get_field_name("height_over_iso0")
if temp_ref == "fixed_fzl":
if fzl is None:
fzl = 4000.0
doc = 15
"Freezing level height not specified. "
+ "Using default "
+ str(fzl)
+ " [m]"
end_gate_arr = np.zeros(radar.nrays, dtype="int32")
mask_fzl = np.zeros((radar.nrays, radar.ngates), dtype=np.bool_)
for sweep in range(radar.nsweeps):
end_gate, start_ray, end_ray = det_process_range(radar, sweep, fzl, doc=doc)
end_gate_arr[start_ray:end_ray] = end_gate
mask_fzl[start_ray:end_ray, end_gate + 1 :] = True
elif temp_ref == "temperature":
if temp_field in radar.fields:
gatefilter = temp_based_gate_filter(
end_gate_arr = np.zeros(radar.nrays, dtype="int32")
for ray in range(radar.nrays):
ind_rng = np.where(gatefilter.gate_excluded[ray, :] == 1)[0]
if len(ind_rng) > 0:
# there are filtered gates: The last valid gate is one
# before the first filter gate
if ind_rng[0] > 0:
end_gate_arr[ray] = ind_rng[0] - 1
end_gate_arr[ray] = 0
# there are no filter gates: all gates are valid
end_gate_arr[ray] = radar.ngates - 1
mask_fzl = gatefilter.gate_excluded == 1
fzl = 4000.0
doc = 15
"Temperature field not available."
+ "Using default freezing level height "
+ str(fzl)
+ " [m]."
if iso0_field in radar.fields:
gatefilter = iso0_based_gate_filter(
end_gate_arr = np.zeros(radar.nrays, dtype="int32")
for ray in range(radar.nrays):
ind_rng = np.where(gatefilter.gate_excluded[ray, :] == 1)[0]
if len(ind_rng) > 0:
# there are filtered gates: The last valid gate is one
# before the first filter gate
if ind_rng[0] > 0:
end_gate_arr[ray] = ind_rng[0] - 1
end_gate_arr[ray] = 0
# there are no filter gates: all gates are valid
end_gate_arr[ray] = radar.ngates - 1
mask_fzl = gatefilter.gate_excluded == 1
fzl = 4000.0
doc = 15
"Height over iso0 field not available."
+ "Using default freezing level height "
+ str(fzl)
+ " [m]."
return mask_fzl, end_gate_arr
def _prepare_phidp(phidp, mask_fzl):
Prepares phidp to be used in attenuation correction by masking values
above freezing level setting negative values to 0 and make sure it is
monotously increasing.
phidp : ndarray 2D
The phidp field.
mask_fzl : ndarray 2D
A mask of the data above freezing level height.
corr_phidp: ndarray 2D
The corrected PhiDP field.
mask_phidp = np.ma.getmaskarray(phidp)
mask_phidp = np.logical_or(mask_phidp, mask_fzl)
mask_phidp = np.logical_or(mask_phidp, phidp < 0.0)
corr_phidp = np.ma.masked_where(mask_phidp, phidp)
return np.maximum.accumulate(corr_phidp.filled(fill_value=0.0), axis=1)
def _get_param_attzphi(freq):
Get the parameters of Z-Phi attenuation estimation for a particular
freq : float
Radar frequency [Hz].
a_coeff, beta, c, d : floats
The coefficient and exponent of the power law.
param_att_dict = _param_attzphi_table()
freq_band = get_freq_band(freq)
if (freq_band is not None) and (freq_band in param_att_dict):
return param_att_dict[freq_band]
if freq < 2e9:
freq_band_aux = "S"
elif freq > 12e9:
freq_band_aux = "X"
"Radar frequency out of range. "
+ "Coefficients only applied to S, C or X band. "
+ freq_band
+ " band coefficients will be used."
return param_att_dict[freq_band_aux]
def _param_attzphi_table():
Defines the parameters of Z-Phi attenuation estimation at each frequency
param_att_dict : dict
A dictionary with the coefficients at each band.
param_att_dict = dict()
# S band:
param_att_dict.update({"S": (0.02, 0.64884, 0.15917, 1.0804)})
# C band:
param_att_dict.update({"C": (0.08, 0.64884, 0.3, 1.0804)})
# X band:
param_att_dict.update({"X": (0.31916, 0.64884, 0.15917, 1.0804)})
return param_att_dict
def _get_param_attphilinear(freq):
Get the parameters of attenuation estimation based on phidp for a
particular frequency.
freq : float
Radar frequency [Hz].
a_coeff, beta, c, d : floats
The coefficient and exponent of the power law.
param_att_dict = _param_attphilinear_table()
freq_band = get_freq_band(freq)
if (freq_band is not None) and (freq_band in param_att_dict):
return param_att_dict[freq_band]
if freq < 2e9:
freq_band_aux = "S"
elif freq > 12e9:
freq_band_aux = "X"
"Radar frequency out of range. "
+ "Coefficients only applied to S, C or X band. "
+ freq_band_aux
+ " band coefficients will be used."
return param_att_dict[freq_band_aux]
def _param_attphilinear_table():
Defines the parameters of attenuation estimation based on phidp at each
frequency band.
param_att_dict : dict
A dictionary with the coefficients at each band.
param_att_dict = dict()
# S band:
param_att_dict.update({"S": (0.04, 0.004)})
# C band:
param_att_dict.update({"C": (0.08, 0.03)})
# X band:
param_att_dict.update({"X": (0.28, 0.04)})
return param_att_dict
[docs]def calculate_attenuation(
Calculate the attenuation from a polarimetric radar using Z-PHI method.
radar : Radar
Radar object to use for attenuation calculations. Must have
copol_coeff, norm_coherent_power, proc_dp_phase_shift,
reflectivity_horizontal fields.
z_offset : float
Horizontal reflectivity offset in dBZ.
debug : bool, optional
True to print debugging information, False supressed this printing.
doc : float, optional
Number of gates at the end of each ray to to remove from the
fzl : float, optional
Freezing layer, gates above this point are not included in the
gatefilter : GateFilter, optional
The gates to exclude from the calculation. This, combined with
the gates above fzl, will be excluded from the correction. Set to
None to not use a gatefilter.
rhv_min : float, optional
Minimum copol_coeff value to consider valid.
ncp_min : float, optional
Minimum norm_coherent_power to consider valid.
a_coef : float, optional
A coefficient in attenuation calculation.
beta : float, optional
Beta parameter in attenuation calculation.
refl_field : str, optional
Name of the reflectivity field used for the attenuation correction.
A value of None for any of these parameters will use the default
field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
phidp_field : str, optional
Name of the differential phase field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
ncp_field : str, optional
Name of the normalized coherent power field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file.
zdr_field : str, optional
Name of the differential reflectivity field used for the attenuation
correction. A value of None for any of these parameters will use the
default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration file. This
will only be used if it is available.
spec_at_field : str, optional
Name of the specific attenuation field that will be used to fill in
the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of these
parameters will use the default field names as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file.
corr_refl_field : str, optional
Name of the corrected reflectivity field that will be used to fill in
the metadata for the returned fields. A value of None for any of these
parameters will use the default field names as defined in the Py-ART
configuration file.
spec_at : dict
Field dictionary containing the specific attenuation.
cor_z : dict
Field dictionary containing the corrected reflectivity.
Gu et al. Polarimetric Attenuation Correction in Heavy Rain at C Band,
JAMC, 2011, 50, 39-58.
# parse the field parameters
if refl_field is None:
refl_field = get_field_name("reflectivity")
if ncp_field is None:
ncp_field = get_field_name("normalized_coherent_power")
if rhv_field is None:
rhv_field = get_field_name("cross_correlation_ratio")
if phidp_field is None:
# use corrrected_differential_phae or unfolded_differential_phase
# fields if they are available, if not use differential_phase field
phidp_field = get_field_name("corrected_differential_phase")
if phidp_field not in radar.fields:
phidp_field = get_field_name("unfolded_differential_phase")
if phidp_field not in radar.fields:
phidp_field = get_field_name("differential_phase")
if spec_at_field is None:
spec_at_field = get_field_name("specific_attenuation")
if corr_refl_field is None:
corr_refl_field = get_field_name("corrected_reflectivity")
# Extract fields and parameters from radar
reflectivity_horizontal = radar.fields[refl_field]["data"]
proc_dp_phase_shift = radar.fields[phidp_field]["data"]
nsweeps = int(radar.nsweeps)
# Determine where the reflectivity is valid, mask out bad locations.
if gatefilter is None:
gatefilter = GateFilter(radar)
# Filter out the invalid values and apply rho_hv and ncp corrections
gatefilter.exclude_below(rhv_field, rhv_min)
gatefilter.exclude_below(ncp_field, ncp_min)
# Assign the mask to a variable
mask = gatefilter.gate_excluded
# Apply this mask to the reflectivity field
refl = np.ma.masked_where(mask, reflectivity_horizontal + z_offset)
# calculate initial reflectivity correction and gate spacing (in km)
init_refl_correct = refl + proc_dp_phase_shift * a_coef
dr = (radar.range["data"][1] - radar.range["data"][0]) / 1000.0
# create array to hold specific attenuation and attenuation
specific_atten = np.zeros(reflectivity_horizontal.shape, dtype="float32")
atten = np.zeros(reflectivity_horizontal.shape, dtype="float32")
for sweep in range(nsweeps):
# loop over the sweeps
if debug:
print("Doing ", sweep)
end_gate, start_ray, end_ray = det_process_range(radar, sweep, fzl, doc=doc)
for i in range(start_ray, end_ray):
# perform attenuation calculation on a single ray
# extract the ray's phase shift and init. refl. correction
ray_phase_shift = proc_dp_phase_shift[i, 0:end_gate]
ray_init_refl = init_refl_correct[i, 0:end_gate]
# perform calculation
last_six_good = np.where(~mask[i, 0:end_gate])[0][-6:]
phidp_max = np.median(ray_phase_shift[last_six_good])
sm_refl = smooth_and_trim(ray_init_refl, window_len=5)
reflectivity_linear = 10.0 ** (0.1 * beta * sm_refl)
self_cons_number = 10.0 ** (0.1 * beta * a_coef * phidp_max) - 1.0
I_indef = cumulative_trapezoid(0.46 * beta * dr * reflectivity_linear[::-1])
I_indef = np.append(I_indef, I_indef[-1])[::-1]
# set the specific attenutation and attenuation
specific_atten[i, 0:end_gate] = (
* self_cons_number
/ (I_indef[0] + self_cons_number * I_indef)
atten[i, :-1] = cumulative_trapezoid(specific_atten[i, :]) * dr * 2.0
atten[i, -1] = atten[i, -2]
# prepare output field dictionaries
spec_at = get_metadata(spec_at_field)
spec_at["data"] = specific_atten
spec_at["_FillValue"] = get_fillvalue()
cor_z = get_metadata(corr_refl_field)
cor_z["data"] = atten + reflectivity_horizontal + z_offset
# If the numpy arrays are not masked arrays, convert it before returning
if isinstance(cor_z["data"], np.ndarray):
cor_z["data"] = ma.masked_invalid(cor_z["data"])
cor_z["data"].mask = init_refl_correct.mask
cor_z["_FillValue"] = get_fillvalue()
return spec_at, cor_z