Reading and writing Grid objects.
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from ..core.grid import Grid
from .cfradial import _create_ncvar, _ncvar_to_dict
from .common import _test_arguments
[docs]def read_grid(filename, exclude_fields=None, include_fields=None, **kwargs):
Read a netCDF grid file produced by Py-ART.
filename : str
Filename of netCDF grid file to read. This file must have been
produced by :py:func:`write_grid` or have identical layout.
Other Parameters
exclude_fields : list or None, optional
List of fields to exclude from the radar object. This is applied
after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. Set
to None to include all fields specified by include_fields.
include_fields : list or None, optional
List of fields to include from the radar object. This is applied
after the `file_field_names` and `field_names` parameters. Set
to None to include all fields not specified by exclude_fields.
grid : Grid
Grid object containing gridded data.
# test for non empty kwargs
if exclude_fields is None:
exclude_fields = []
reserved_variables = [
dset = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, mode="r")
# metadata
metadata = {k: getattr(dset, k) for k in dset.ncattrs()}
# required reserved variables
time = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["time"])
origin_latitude = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["origin_latitude"])
origin_longitude = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["origin_longitude"])
origin_altitude = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["origin_altitude"])
x = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["x"])
y = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["y"])
z = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["z"])
# projection
projection = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["projection"])
# map _include_lon_0_lat_0 key to bool type
if "_include_lon_0_lat_0" in projection:
v = projection["_include_lon_0_lat_0"]
projection["_include_lon_0_lat_0"] = {"true": True, "false": False}[v]
# read in the fields
fields = {}
# fields in the file has a shape of (1, nz, ny, nx) with the leading 1
# indicating time but should shaped (nz, ny, nx) in the Grid object
field_shape = tuple(len(dset.dimensions[d]) for d in ["z", "y", "x"])
field_shape_with_time = (1,) + field_shape
# check all non-reserved variables, those with the correct shape
# are added to the field dictionary, if a wrong sized field is
# detected a warning is raised
field_keys = [k for k in dset.variables if k not in reserved_variables]
for field in field_keys:
if field in exclude_fields:
if include_fields is not None:
if field not in include_fields:
field_dic = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables[field])
if field_dic["data"].shape == field_shape_with_time:
field_dic["data"].shape = field_shape
fields[field] = field_dic
bad_shape = field_dic["data"].shape
warnings.warn(f"Field {field} skipped due to incorrect shape {bad_shape}")
# radar_ variables
if "radar_latitude" in dset.variables:
radar_latitude = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["radar_latitude"])
radar_latitude = None
if "radar_longitude" in dset.variables:
radar_longitude = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["radar_longitude"])
radar_longitude = None
if "radar_altitude" in dset.variables:
radar_altitude = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["radar_altitude"])
radar_altitude = None
if "radar_name" in dset.variables:
radar_name = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["radar_name"])
radar_name = None
if "radar_time" in dset.variables:
radar_time = _ncvar_to_dict(dset.variables["radar_time"])
radar_time = None
return Grid(
[docs]def write_grid(
Write a Grid object to a CF-1.5 and ARM standard netCDF file.
To control how the netCDF variables are created, set any of the following
keys in the grid attribute dictionaries.
* _Zlib
* _DeflateLevel
* _Shuffle
* _Fletcher32
* _Continguous
* _ChunkSizes
* _Endianness
* _Least_significant_digit
* _FillValue
See the netCDF4 documentation for details on these settings.
filename : str
Filename to save grid to.
grid : Grid
Grid object to write.
format : str, optional
netCDF format, one of 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC',
'NETCDF3_CLASSIC' or 'NETCDF3_64BIT'. See netCDF4 documentation for
include_fields : list, optional
Fields to write out to NETCDF file. Default is None and will include
all fields from the original grid object.
write_proj_coord_sys bool, optional
True to write information on the coordinate transform used in the map
projection to the ProjectionCoordinateSystem variable following the CDM
Object Model. The resulting file should be interpreted as containing
geographic grids by tools which use the Java NetCDF library
(THREDDS, toolsUI, etc).
proj_coord_sys : dict or None, optional
Dictionary of parameters which will be written to the
ProjectionCoordinateSystem NetCDF variable if write_proj_coord_sys is
True. A value of None will attempt to generate an appropriate
dictionary by examining the projection attribute of the grid object.
If the projection is not understood a warnings will be issued.
arm_time_variables : bool, optional
True to write the ARM standard time variables base_time and
time_offset. False will not write these variables.
arm_alt_lat_lon_variables : bool, optional
True to write the ARM standard alt, lat, lon variables.
False will not write these variables.
write_point_x_y_z : bool, optional
True to include the point_x, point_y and point_z variables in the
written file, False will not write these variables.
write_point_lon_lat_alt : bool, optional
True to include the point_longitude, point_latitude and point_altitude
variables in the written file, False will not write these variables.
dset = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, mode="w", format=format)
# create dimensions
dset.createDimension("time", None)
dset.createDimension("z", grid.nz)
dset.createDimension("y", grid.ny)
dset.createDimension("x", grid.nx)
if grid.nradar != 0:
dset.createDimension("nradar", grid.nradar)
if grid.radar_name is not None:
# a length of at least 1 is required for the dimension
lenlist = []
for rname in grid.radar_name["data"]:
nradar_str_length = np.max(lenlist)
# nradar_str_length = max(len(grid.radar_name['data'][0]), 1)
dset.createDimension("nradar_str_length", nradar_str_length)
# required variables
_create_ncvar(grid.time, dset, "time", ("time",))
_create_ncvar(grid.x, dset, "x", ("x",))
_create_ncvar(grid.y, dset, "y", ("y",))
_create_ncvar(grid.z, dset, "z", ("z",))
_create_ncvar(grid.origin_latitude, dset, "origin_latitude", ("time",))
_create_ncvar(grid.origin_longitude, dset, "origin_longitude", ("time",))
_create_ncvar(grid.origin_altitude, dset, "origin_altitude", ("time",))
# write the projection dictionary as a scalar
projection = grid.projection.copy()
projection["data"] = np.array(1, dtype="int32")
# NetCDF does not support boolean attribute, covert to string
if "_include_lon_0_lat_0" in projection:
include = projection["_include_lon_0_lat_0"]
projection["_include_lon_0_lat_0"] = ["false", "true"][include]
_create_ncvar(projection, dset, "projection", ())
# set the default projection coordinate system if requested
if write_proj_coord_sys:
if proj_coord_sys is None:
# determine coordinate system automatically
proj_coord_sys = _make_coordinatesystem_dict(grid)
if proj_coord_sys is None:
"Cannot determine ProjectionCoordinateSystem parameter for "
"the given projection, the file will not be written "
"without this information."
proj_coord_sys["data"] = np.array(1, dtype="int32")
_create_ncvar(proj_coord_sys, dset, "ProjectionCoordinateSystem", ())
# radar_ attributes
radar_attr_names = [
for attr_name in radar_attr_names:
attr = getattr(grid, attr_name)
if attr is not None:
_create_ncvar(attr, dset, attr_name, ("nradar",))
if grid.radar_name is not None:
grid.radar_name, dset, "radar_name", ("nradar", "nradar_str_length")
# create ARM time variables base_time and time_offset, if requested
if arm_time_variables:
time = grid.time
dt = netCDF4.num2date(time["data"][0], time["units"])
td = dt - datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
td = td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600
base_time = {
"data": np.array([td], dtype=np.int32),
"string": dt.strftime("%d-%b-%Y,%H:%M:%S GMT"),
"units": "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00",
"ancillary_variables": "time_offset",
"long_name": "Base time in Epoch",
_create_ncvar(base_time, dset, "base_time", ())
time_offset = {
"data": np.array(time["data"], dtype=np.float64),
"long_name": "Time offset from base_time",
"units": time["units"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""),
"ancillary_variables": "time_offset",
"calendar": "gregorian",
_create_ncvar(time_offset, dset, "time_offset", ("time",))
# create ARM alt, lat, lon variables, if requested
if arm_alt_lat_lon_variables:
alt = {
"data": np.array([grid.origin_altitude["data"]], dtype=np.float64),
"standard_name": "Altitude",
"units": "m",
"long_name": "Altitude above mean sea level",
_create_ncvar(alt, dset, "alt", ())
lat = {
"data": np.array([grid.origin_latitude["data"]], dtype=np.float64),
"standard_name": "Latitude",
"units": "degree_N",
"long_name": "North Latitude",
"valid_min": -90.0,
"valid_max": 90.0,
_create_ncvar(lat, dset, "lat", ())
lon = {
"data": np.array([grid.origin_longitude["data"]], dtype=np.float64),
"standard_name": "Longitude",
"units": "degree_E",
"long_name": "East Longitude",
"valid_min": -180.0,
"valid_max": 180.0,
_create_ncvar(lon, dset, "lon", ())
# optionally write point_ variables
if write_point_x_y_z:
_create_ncvar(grid.point_x, dset, "point_x", ("z", "y", "x"))
_create_ncvar(grid.point_y, dset, "point_y", ("z", "y", "x"))
_create_ncvar(grid.point_z, dset, "point_z", ("z", "y", "x"))
if write_point_lon_lat_alt:
dims = ("z", "y", "x")
_create_ncvar(grid.point_latitude, dset, "point_latitude", dims)
_create_ncvar(grid.point_longitude, dset, "point_longitude", dims)
_create_ncvar(grid.point_altitude, dset, "point_altitude", dims)
# field variables
field_check = 0
if include_fields is not None:
for field, field_dic in grid.fields.items():
if field in include_fields:
field_check += 1
field_dic["data"].shape = (1,) + field_dic["data"].shape
_create_ncvar(field_dic, dset, field, ("time", "z", "y", "x"))
field_dic["data"].shape = field_dic["data"].shape[1:]
if field_check == 0:
"No new fields were added, as no field matches were "
"made. Please check that field names in the include "
"fields list match up with field names in the radar "
for field, field_dic in grid.fields.items():
# append 1, to the shape of all data to indicate the time var.
field_dic["data"].shape = (1,) + field_dic["data"].shape
_create_ncvar(field_dic, dset, field, ("time", "z", "y", "x"))
field_dic["data"].shape = field_dic["data"].shape[1:]
# metadata
for k, v in grid.metadata.items():
setattr(dset, k, v)
# Add Conventions if not already present
if "Conventions" not in dset.ncattrs():
dset.setncattr("Conventions", "PyART_GRID-1.1")
def _make_coordinatesystem_dict(grid):
Return a dictionary containing parameters for a coordinate transform.
Examine the grid projection attribute and other grid attributes to
return a dictionary containing parameters which can be written to a netCDF
variable to specify a horizontal coordinate transform recognized by
Unidata's CDM. Return None when the projection defined in the grid
cannot be mapped to a CDM coordinate transform.
projection = grid.projection
origin_latitude = grid.origin_latitude["data"][0]
origin_longitude = grid.origin_longitude["data"][0]
cdm_transform = {
"latitude_of_projection_origin": origin_latitude,
"longitude_of_projection_origin": origin_longitude,
"_CoordinateTransformType": "Projection",
"_CoordinateAxes": "x y z time",
"_CoordinateAxesTypes": "GeoX GeoY Height Time",
if projection["proj"] == "ortho":
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "orthographic"
elif projection["proj"] == "laea":
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area"
elif projection["proj"] in ["aeqd", "pyart_aeqd"]:
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "azimuthal_equidistant"
# CDM uses a ellipsoid where as PyProj uses a sphere by default,
# therefore there will be slight differences in these transforms
cdm_transform["semi_major_axis"] = 6370997.0
cdm_transform["inverse_flattening"] = 298.25 # proj uses a sphere
cdm_transform["longitude_of_prime_meridian"] = 0.0
cdm_transform["false_easting"] = 0.0
cdm_transform["false_northing"] = 0.0
elif projection["proj"] == "tmerc":
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "transverse_mercator"
cdm_transform["longitude_of_central_meridian"] = origin_longitude
cdm_transform["scale_factor_at_central_meridian"] = 1.00
elif projection["proj"] == "lcc":
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "lambert_conformal_conic"
cdm_transform["standard_parallel"] = origin_latitude
cdm_transform["longitude_of_central_meridian"] = origin_longitude
elif projection["proj"] == "aea":
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "albers_conical_equal_area"
cdm_transform["standard_parallel"] = origin_latitude
cdm_transform["longitude_of_central_meridian"] = origin_longitude
elif projection["proj"] == "stere":
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "stereographic"
cdm_transform["scale_factor_at_projection_origin"] = 1.00
elif projection["proj"] in ["npstere", "spstere"]:
cdm_transform["grid_mapping_name"] = "polar_stereographic"
cdm_transform["standard_parallel"] = origin_latitude
# 'cea' may be able to map to 'lambert_cylindrical_equal_area' and
# 'merc' to 'mercator' but both projections seems to always be
# centered at the equator regardless of the value of the
# standard_parallel parameter
cdm_transform = None
return cdm_transform