Write a Py-ART Grid object to a GeoTIFF file.
import os
import shutil
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from ..exceptions import MissingOptionalDependency
from osgeo import gdal
except ImportError:
[docs]def write_grid_geotiff(
Write a Py-ART Grid object to a GeoTIFF file.
The GeoTIFF can be the standard Azimuthal Equidistant projection used
in Py-ART, or a lat/lon projection on a WGS84 sphere. The latter is
typically more usable in web mapping applications. The GeoTIFF can
contain a single float-point raster band, or three RGB byte raster bands.
The former will require an SLD file for colorful display using standard
GIS or web mapping software, while the latter will show colors
"out-of-the-box" but lack actual data values. The function also can
output an SLD file based on the user-specified inputs. User can specify
the 2D vertical level to be output. If this is not specified, a 2D
composite is created. User also can specify the field to output.
This function requires GDAL Python libraries to be installed. These are
available via conda; e.g., 'conda install gdal'
grid : pyart.core.Grid object
Grid object to write to file.
filename : str
Filename for the GeoTIFF.
field : str
Field name to output to file.
Other Parameters
rbg : bool, optional
True - Output 3-band RGB GeoTIFF
False - Output single-channel, float-valued GeoTIFF. For display,
likely will need an SLD file to provide a color table.
level : int or None, optional
Index for z-axis plane to output. None gives composite values
(i.e., max in each vertical column).
cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap object, optional
Colormap to use for RGB output or SLD file.
vmin : int or float, optional
Minimum value to color for RGB output or SLD file.
vmax : int or float, optional
Maximum value to color for RGB output or SLD file.
color_levels : int or None, optional
Number of color levels in cmap. Useful for categorical colormaps
with steps << 255 (e.g., hydrometeor ID).
warp : bool, optional
True - Use gdalwarp (called from command line using os.system)
to warp to a lat/lon WGS84 grid.
False - No warping will be performed. Output will be Az. Equidistant.
sld : bool, optional
True - Create a Style Layer Descriptor file (SLD) mapped to vmin/vmax
and cmap. File is named same as output TIFF, except for .sld
False - Don't do this.
use_doublequotes : bool, optional
True - Use double quotes in the gdalwarp call (requires warp=True),
which may help if that command is producing and error like:
'Translating source or target SRS failed'.
False - Use single quotes instead.
transparent_bg : bool, optional
True - Sets alpha value of masked pixels to zero producing a
transparent background
False - Sets alpha value of masked pixels to value assigned by
opacity parameter
opacity : float, optional
Alpha value to be assigned to all pixels (except for transparent background)
Value must be between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
raise MissingOptionalDependency("GDAL not detected, GeoTIFF output failure!")
if field not in grid.fields.keys():
raise KeyError("Failed -", field, "field not found in Grid object.")
# Determine whether filename template already contains a suffix
# If not, append an appropriate one.
if "." not in filename:
name = filename
end = "tif"
ofile = name + "." + end
ofile = filename
nz, ny, nx = grid.fields[field]["data"].shape
dist = max(grid.x["data"])
rangestep = grid.x["data"][1] - grid.x["data"][2]
lat = grid.origin_latitude["data"][0]
lon = grid.origin_longitude["data"][0]
# Check if masked array; if so, fill missing data
filled = np.ma.filled(grid.fields[field]["data"], fill_value=-32768)
if level is None:
data = np.amax(filled, 0)
data = filled[level]
data = data.astype(float)
data[data == -32768] = np.nan
iproj = (
'PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["unknown",'
+ 'SPHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.257223563]],'
+ 'PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],'
+ 'UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],'
+ 'PROJECTION["Azimuthal_Equidistant"],'
+ 'PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",'
+ str(lat)
+ "],"
+ 'PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",'
+ str(lon)
+ "],"
+ 'PARAMETER["false_easting",0],'
+ 'PARAMETER["false_northing",0],'
+ 'UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]'
out_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
# Output dataset depends on rgb flag
if not rgb:
# Single-channel, floating-point output
dst_options = ["COMPRESS=LZW", "ALPHA=YES"]
dst_ds = out_driver.Create(
ofile, data.shape[1], data.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, dst_options
# Assign data RGB levels based on value relative to vmax/vmin
rarr, garr, barr, aarr = _get_rgb_values(
data, vmin, vmax, color_levels, cmap, transparent_bg, opacity
dst_ds = out_driver.Create(
ofile, data.shape[1], data.shape[0], 4, gdal.GDT_Byte
# Common Projection and GeoTransform
dst_ds.SetGeoTransform([-dist, -rangestep, 0, dist, 0, rangestep])
# Final output depends on rgb flag
if not rgb:
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(data[::-1, :])
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(rarr[::-1, :])
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(2).WriteArray(garr[::-1, :])
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(3).WriteArray(barr[::-1, :])
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(4).WriteArray(aarr[::-1, :])
dst_ds = None
if sld:
_create_sld(cmap, vmin, vmax, ofile, color_levels)
if warp:
# Warps TIFF to lat/lon WGS84 projection that is more useful
# for web mapping applications. Likely changes array shape.
if use_doublequotes:
'gdalwarp -q -t_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 '
+ '+datum=WGS84 +no_defs" '
+ ofile
+ " "
+ ofile
+ "_tmp.tif"
"gdalwarp -q -t_srs '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 "
+ "+datum=WGS84 +no_defs' "
+ ofile
+ " "
+ ofile
+ "_tmp.tif"
shutil.move(ofile + "_tmp.tif", ofile)
def _get_rgb_values(data, vmin, vmax, color_levels, cmap, transpbg, op):
Get RGB values for later output to GeoTIFF, given a 2D data field,
display min/max and color table info. Missing data get numpy.nan.
Only called if rgb is True in write_grid_geotiff.
data : numpy.ndarray object, dtype int or float
Two-dimensional data array.
vmin : int or float
Minimum value to color for RGB output or SLD file.
vmax : int or float
Maximum value to color for RGB output or SLD file.
color_levels : int
Number of color levels in cmap. Useful for categorical colormaps
with steps << 255 (e.g., hydrometeor ID).
cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap object, optional
Colormap to use for RGB output or SLD file.
transpbg : bool
True - generate alpha channel with masked values set to 0
False - generate alpha channel with masked values set to op value
op : float
Opacity of image, value of 0 is transparent, value of 1 is opaque
rarr : numpy.ndarray object, dtype int
Red channel indices (range = 0-255).
barr : numpy.ndarray object, dtype int
Blue channel indices (range = 0-255).
garr : numpy.ndarray object, dtype int
Green channel indices (range = 0-255).
aarr : numpy.ndarray object, dtype int
Alpha channel indices (range = 0-255).
frac = (data - vmin) / float(vmax - vmin)
if color_levels is None:
color_levels = 255
index = (frac * color_levels).ravel()
# Out-of-bounds values will be lowest/highest colors
index[index < 0] = 0
index[index > 255] = 255
rarr = []
garr = []
barr = []
aarr = []
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
for val in index:
if not np.isnan(val):
ind = int(np.round(val))
r, g, b, t = cmap(ind)
rarr.append(int(np.round(r * 255)))
garr.append(int(np.round(g * 255)))
barr.append(int(np.round(b * 255)))
aarr.append(int(np.round(op * 255)))
if not transpbg:
aarr.append(int(np.round(op * 255)))
rarr = np.reshape(rarr, data.shape)
garr = np.reshape(garr, data.shape)
barr = np.reshape(barr, data.shape)
aarr = np.reshape(aarr, data.shape)
return rarr, garr, barr, aarr
def _create_sld(cmap, vmin, vmax, filename, color_levels=None):
Develop a Style Layer Descriptor file given a color table and
user-specified min/max files. Output color info to that file.
Only called if sld is True in write_grid_geotiff.
cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap object, optional
Colormap to use for RGB output or SLD file.
vmin : int or float
Minimum value to color for RGB output or SLD file.
vmax : int or float
Maximum value to color for RGB output or SLD file.
filename : str
Template for SLD filename. The suffix (presumably .tif or .tiff)
is removed and replaced with .sld. Thus, if provided a filename
radar_reflectivity.tif, the output SLD file will be called
Other Parameters
color_levels : int or None, optional
Number of color levels in cmap. Useful for categorical colormaps
with steps << 255 (e.g., hydrometeor ID).
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
if color_levels is None:
color_levels = 255
name, _ = filename.split(".")
ofile = name + ".sld"
fileobj = open(ofile, "w")
header = (
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld" xmlns:sld="http://www.opengis.net/sld" xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" version="1.0.0">
+ str(name)
+ """</sld:Name>
for i in np.arange(color_levels + 1):
val = i * (vmax - vmin) / (color_levels) + vmin # color_levels + 1
rgbt = cmap(i)
if i == 0:
op = 0.0
op = 1.0
hexval = colors.rgb2hex(rgbt[0:3])
wstr = (
'\n <sld:ColorMapEntry color="'
+ str(hexval).upper()
+ '" opacity="'
+ str(op)
+ '" quantity="'
+ str(val)
+ '"/>'
footer = """