Source code for pyart.retrieve.srv
Calculation of storm-relative velocity from a radar object. Code written by
Edward C. Wolff. Modifications for single-sweep files suggested by Leanne
import math
import numpy as np
from ..config import get_field_name
[docs]def storm_relative_velocity(
radar, direction=None, speed=None, field=None, u=None, v=None
This function calculates storm-relative Doppler velocities.
radar: Radar
Radar object used.
direction: float or string
Direction of the storm motion vector (where north equals 0 degrees).
Accepts a float or a string with the abbreviation of a cardinal or
ordinal/intercardinal direction (for example: N, SE, etc.). If both
speed/direction and u/v are specified, speed/direction will be used.
speed: string
Speed of the storm motion vector.
Units should be identical to those in the provided radar
object. If both speed/direction and u/v are specified, speed/direction
will be used.
field: string, optional
Velocity field to use for storm-relative calculation. A value of None
will use the default field name as defined in the Py-ART configuration
u: float, optional
U-component of the storm motion
v: float, optional
V-component of the storm motion
sr_data : dict
Field dictionary containing storm-relative Doppler velocities in the
same units as original velocities and the specified storm speed.
Array is stored under the 'data' key.
# Parse the field parameter
if field is None:
field = get_field_name("velocity")
# Obtain velocity data and copy the array
sr_data = radar.fields[field]["data"].copy()
# Specify cardinal directions that can be interpreted
direction_dict = {
"N": 0,
"NE": 45,
"E": 90,
"SE": 135,
"S": 180,
"SW": 225,
"W": 270,
"NW": 315,
# Set the direction of the storm motion vector
# When speed and direction are specified
if direction is not None and speed is not None:
if isinstance(direction, int) or isinstance(direction, float):
alpha = direction
elif isinstance(direction, str):
if direction in direction_dict.keys():
alpha = direction_dict[direction]
raise ValueError("Direction string must be cardinal/ordinal direction")
raise ValueError("Direction must be an integer, float, or string")
# When u and v are specified
elif u is not None:
if v is not None:
speed = np.sqrt((u**2) + (v**2))
direction = 90 - np.rad2deg(math.atan2(v / speed, u / speed))
if direction < 0:
direction = direction + 360
raise ValueError("Must specify both u and v components")
raise ValueError("Must specify either speed and direction or u and v")
# Calculates the storm relative velocities
# If the radar file contains only one sweep (e.g. some research radars)
if len(radar.sweep_number["data"]) == 1:
sweep = 0
start, end = radar.get_start_end(sweep)
angle_array = radar.get_azimuth(sweep=sweep)
ray_array = np.arange(start, end, 1)
for count, ray in enumerate(ray_array):
correction = speed * np.cos(np.deg2rad(alpha - angle_array[count]))
sr_data[ray] = radar.fields[field]["data"][ray] - correction
# If the radar file contains several sweeps, one volume scan (e.g. NEXRAD)
for sweep in radar.sweep_number["data"]:
start, end = radar.get_start_end(sweep)
angle_array = radar.get_azimuth(sweep=sweep)
ray_array = np.arange(start, end + 1, 1)
for count, ray in enumerate(ray_array):
correction = speed * np.cos(np.deg2rad(alpha - angle_array[count]))
sr_data[ray] = radar.fields[field]["data"][ray] - correction
return sr_data