Retrieval of VADs from a radar object.
import numpy as np
from ..config import get_field_name
from ..core import HorizontalWindProfile
[docs]def vad_michelson(radar, vel_field=None, z_want=None, gatefilter=None):
Velocity azimuth display.
Creates a VAD object containing U Wind, V Wind and height that
can then be used to plot and produce the velocity azimuth display.
radar : Radar
Radar object used.
vel_field : string, optional
Velocity field to use for VAD calculation.
z_want : array, optional
Heights for where to sample vads from.
None will result in np.linespace(0, 10000, 100).
gatefilter : GateFilter, optional
A GateFilter indicating radar gates that should be excluded
from the import vad calculation.
vad : HorizontalWindProfile
A velocity azimuth display object containing height, speed, direction,
u_wind, v_wind from a radar object.
Michelson, D. B., Andersson, T., Koistinen, J., Collier, C. G., Riedl, J.,
Szturc, J., Gjertsen, U., Nielsen, A. and Overgaard, S. (2000) BALTEX Radar
Data Centre Products and their Methodologies. In SMHI Reports. Meteorology
and Climatology. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
speeds = []
angles = []
heights = []
# Pulling z data from radar
z_gate_data = radar.gate_z["data"]
# Setting parameters
if z_want is None:
z_want = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)
# Parse field parameters
if vel_field is None:
vel_field = get_field_name("velocity")
# Selecting what velocity data to use based on gatefilter
if gatefilter is not None:
velocities = np.ma.masked_where(
gatefilter.gate_excluded, radar.fields[vel_field]["data"]
velocities = radar.fields[vel_field]["data"]
# Getting radar sweep index values
for i in range(len(radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"])):
index_start = radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][i]
index_end = radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][i]
if not (index_end - index_start) % 2 == 0:
index_end = index_end - 1
used_velocities = velocities[index_start:index_end]
azimuth = radar.azimuth["data"][index_start:index_end]
elevation = radar.fixed_angle["data"][i]
# Calculating speed and angle
speed, angle = _vad_calculation_m(used_velocities, azimuth, elevation)
print("max height", z_gate_data[index_start, :].max(), "meters")
# Filling empty arrays with data
heights.append(z_gate_data[index_start, :])
# Combining arrays and sorting
speed_array = np.concatenate(speeds)
angle_array = np.concatenate(angles)
height_array = np.concatenate(heights)
arg_order = height_array.argsort()
speed_ordered = speed_array[arg_order]
height_ordered = height_array[arg_order]
angle_ordered = angle_array[arg_order]
# Calculating U and V wind
u_ordered, v_ordered = _sd_to_uv(speed_ordered, angle_ordered)
u_mean = _interval_mean(u_ordered, height_ordered, z_want)
v_mean = _interval_mean(v_ordered, height_ordered, z_want)
vad = HorizontalWindProfile.from_u_and_v(z_want, u_mean, v_mean)
return vad
def _vad_calculation_m(velocity_field, azimuth, elevation):
"""Calculates VAD for a scan, returns speed and angle
outdic = vad_algorithm(velocity_field, azimuth, elevation)
velocity_field is a 2D array, azimuth is a 1D array,
elevation is a number. All in degrees, m outdic contains
speed and angle."""
# Creating array with radar velocity data
nrays, nbins = velocity_field.shape
nrays2 = nrays // 2
velocity_count = np.ma.empty((nrays2, nbins, 2))
velocity_count[:, :, 0] = velocity_field[0:nrays2, :]
velocity_count[:, :, 1] = velocity_field[nrays2:, :]
# Converting from degress to radians
sinaz = np.sin(np.deg2rad(azimuth))
cosaz = np.cos(np.deg2rad(azimuth))
# Masking array and testing for nan values
sumv = np.ma.sum(velocity_count, 2)
vals = np.isnan(sumv)
vals2 = np.vstack((vals, vals))
# Summing non-nan data and creating new array with summed data
count = np.sum(~np.isnan(sumv), 0)
count = np.float64(count)
u_m = np.array([np.nansum(sumv, 0) // (2 * count)])
# Creating 0 value arrays
cminusu_mcos = np.zeros((nrays, nbins))
cminusu_msin = np.zeros((nrays, nbins))
sincos = np.zeros((nrays, nbins))
sin2 = np.zeros((nrays, nbins))
cos2 = np.zeros((nrays, nbins))
# Summing all sin and cos and setting select entires to nan
for i in range(nbins):
cminusu_mcos[:, i] = cosaz * (velocity_field[:, i] - u_m[:, i])
cminusu_msin[:, i] = sinaz * (velocity_field[:, i] - u_m[:, i])
sincos[:, i] = sinaz * cosaz
sin2[:, i] = sinaz**2
cos2[:, i] = cosaz**2
cminusu_mcos[vals2] = np.nan
cminusu_msin[vals2] = np.nan
sincos[vals2] = np.nan
sin2[vals2] = np.nan
cos2[vals2] = np.nan
sumcminu_mcos = np.nansum(cminusu_mcos, 0)
sumcminu_msin = np.nansum(cminusu_msin, 0)
sumsincos = np.nansum(sincos, 0)
sumsin2 = np.nansum(sin2, 0)
sumcos2 = np.nansum(cos2, 0)
# Calculating speed and angle values
b_value = (sumcminu_mcos - (sumsincos * sumcminu_msin / sumsin2)) / (
sumcos2 - (sumsincos**2) / sumsin2
a_value = (sumcminu_msin - b_value * sumsincos) / sumsin2
speed = np.sqrt(a_value**2 + b_value**2) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(elevation))
angle = np.arctan2(a_value, b_value)
return speed, angle
def _interval_mean(data, current_z, wanted_z):
"""Find the mean of data indexed by current_z
at wanted_z on intervals wanted_z+/- delta
delta = wanted_z[1] - wanted_z[0]
pos_lower = [
np.argsort((current_z - (wanted_z[i] - delta / 2.0)) ** 2)[0]
for i in range(len(wanted_z))
pos_upper = [
np.argsort((current_z - (wanted_z[i] + delta / 2.0)) ** 2)[0]
for i in range(len(wanted_z))
mean_values = np.array(
[(data[pos_lower[i] : pos_upper[i]]).mean() for i in range(len(pos_upper))]
return mean_values
def _sd_to_uv(speed, direction):
"""Takes speed and direction to create u_mean and v_mean."""
return (np.sin(direction) * speed), (np.cos(direction) * speed)
[docs]def vad_browning(
Velocity azimuth display.
Note: This code uses only one sweep. Before using the
velocity_azimuth_display function, use, for example:
one_sweep_radar = radar.extract_sweeps([0])
radar : Radar
Radar object used.
velocity : string
Velocity field to use for VAD calculation.
Other Parameters
z_want : array
Array of desired heights to be sampled for the vad
valid_ray_min : int
Amount of rays required to include that level in
the VAD calculation.
gatefilter : GateFilter
A GateFilter indicating radar gates that should be excluded when
from the import vad calculation.
window : int
Value to use for window when determining new values in the
_Averag1D function.
weight : string
A string to indicate weighting method to use. 'equal' for
equal weighting when interpolating or 'idw' for inverse
distribution squared weighting for interpolating.
Default is 'equal'.
height : array
Heights in meters above sea level at which horizontal winds were
speed : array
Horizontal wind speed in meters per second at each height.
direction : array
Horizontal wind direction in degrees at each height.
u_wind : array
U-wind mean in meters per second.
v_wind : array
V-wind mean in meters per second.
K. A. Browning and R. Wexler, 1968: The Determination
of Kinematic Properties of a Wind Field Using Doppler
Radar. J. Appl. Meteor., 7, 105–113
velocities = radar.fields[velocity]["data"]
if gatefilter is not None:
velocities = np.ma.masked_where(gatefilter.gate_excluded, velocities)
azimuths = radar.azimuth["data"][:]
elevation = radar.fixed_angle["data"][0]
u_wind, v_wind = _vad_calculation_b(velocities, azimuths, elevation, valid_ray_min)
bad = np.logical_or(np.isnan(u_wind), np.isnan(v_wind))
good_u_wind = u_wind[~bad]
good_v_wind = v_wind[~bad]
radar_height = radar.gate_z["data"][0]
good_height = radar_height[~bad]
if z_want is None:
z_want = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)[:50]
print("max height", np.max(good_height), " meters")
print("min height", np.min(good_height), " meters")
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"Not enough data in this radar sweep " "for a vad calculation."
u_interp = _Average1D(
good_height, good_u_wind, z_want[1] - z_want[0] / window, weight
v_interp = _Average1D(
good_height, good_v_wind, z_want[1] - z_want[0] / window, weight
u_wanted = u_interp(z_want)
v_wanted = v_interp(z_want)
u_wanted = np.ma.masked_equal(u_wanted, 99999.0)
v_wanted = np.ma.masked_equal(v_wanted, 99999.0)
vad = HorizontalWindProfile.from_u_and_v(z_want, u_wanted, v_wanted)
return vad
def _vad_calculation_b(velocities, azimuths, elevation, valid_ray_min):
"""Calculates VAD for a scan and returns u_mean and
v_mean. velocities is a 2D array, azimuths is a 1D
array, elevation is a number.
We need to solve: Ax = b
A = [sum_sin_squared_az, sum_sin_cos_az ] = [a, b]
[sum_sin_cos_az, sum_cos_squared_az] [c, d]
b = [sum_sin_vel_dev] = [b_1]
[sum_cos_vel_dev] [b_2]
The solution to this is:
x = A-1 * b
A-1 is:
1 [ d, -b ]
--- * [ -c, a ]
and the determinate, det is: det = a*d - b*c
Therefore the elements of x are:
x_1 = (d* b_1 + -b * b_2) / det = (d*b_1 - b*b_2) / det
x_2 = (-c * b_1 + a * b_2) / det = (a*b_2 - c*b_1) / det
velocities = velocities.filled(np.nan)
shape = velocities.shape
_, nbins = velocities.shape
invalid = np.isnan(velocities)
valid_rays_per_gate = np.sum(~np.isnan(velocities), axis=0)
too_few_valid_rays = valid_rays_per_gate < valid_ray_min
invalid[:, too_few_valid_rays] = True
sin_az = np.sin(np.deg2rad(azimuths))
cos_az = np.cos(np.deg2rad(azimuths))
sin_az = np.repeat(sin_az, nbins).reshape(shape)
cos_az = np.repeat(cos_az, nbins).reshape(shape)
sin_az[invalid] = np.nan
cos_az[invalid] = np.nan
mean_velocity_per_gate = np.nanmean(velocities, axis=0).reshape(1, -1)
velocity_deviation = velocities - mean_velocity_per_gate
sum_cos_vel_dev = np.nansum(cos_az * velocity_deviation, axis=0)
sum_sin_vel_dev = np.nansum(sin_az * velocity_deviation, axis=0)
sum_sin_cos_az = np.nansum(sin_az * cos_az, axis=0)
sum_sin_squared_az = np.nansum(sin_az**2, axis=0)
sum_cos_squared_az = np.nansum(cos_az**2, axis=0)
# The A matrix
a = sum_sin_squared_az
b = sum_sin_cos_az
c = sum_sin_cos_az
d = sum_cos_squared_az
# The b vector
b_1 = sum_sin_vel_dev
b_2 = sum_cos_vel_dev
# solve for the x vector
determinant = a * d - b * c
x_1 = (d * b_1 - b * b_2) / determinant
x_2 = (a * b_2 - c * b_1) / determinant
# calculate horizontal components of winds
elevation_scale = 1 / np.cos(np.deg2rad(elevation))
u_mean = x_1 * elevation_scale
v_mean = x_2 * elevation_scale
return u_mean, v_mean
def _inverse_dist_squared(dist):
"""Obtaining distance weights by using distance weighting
interpolation, using the inverse distance-squared relationship.
weights = 1 / (dist * dist)
weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 99999.0
return weights
class _Average1D:
"""Used to find the nearest gate height and horizontal wind
value with respect to the user's desired height."""
def __init__(self, x, y, window, weight, fill_value=99999.0):
sort_idx = np.argsort(x)
self.x_sorted = x[sort_idx]
self.y_sorted = y[sort_idx]
self.window = window
self.fill_value = fill_value
if weight == "equal":
self.weight_func = lambda x: None
elif weight == "idw":
self.weight_func = _inverse_dist_squared
elif callable(weight):
self.weight_func = weight
raise ValueError("Invalid weight argument:", weight)
def __call__(self, x_new, window=None):
if window is None:
window = self.window
y_new = np.zeros_like(x_new, dtype=self.y_sorted.dtype)
for i, center in enumerate(x_new):
bottom = center - window
top = center + window
start = np.searchsorted(self.x_sorted, bottom)
stop = np.searchsorted(self.x_sorted, top)
x_in_window = self.x_sorted[start:stop]
y_in_window = self.y_sorted[start:stop]
if len(x_in_window) == 0:
y_new[i] = self.fill_value
distances = x_in_window - center
weights = self.weight_func(distances)
y_new[i] = np.average(y_in_window, weights=weights)
return y_new