Py-ART 1.18.1#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Dimension-dependent weighting factor flexibility in gridding #1545 (@isilber)
ENH: Add instrument parameter check for sinarame. #1532 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
Other merged PRs#
Build(deps): Bump the actions group with 1 update #1539 (@dependabot)
Build(deps): Bump the actions group with 1 update #1530 (@dependabot)
Build(deps): Bump the actions group with 3 updates #1528 (@dependabot)
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART 1.18.0#
Enhancements made#
Bugs fixed#
Other merged PRs#
Build(deps): Bump the actions group with 10 updates #1520 (@dependabot)
ADD: Add dependabot to track new github actions #1518 (@mgrover1)
ADD: function to create CFADs #1492 (@lauratomkins)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dependabot | @dopplershift | @isilber | @kmuehlbauer | @lauratomkins | @mgrover1 | @rtanamachi | @zssherman
Py-ART 1.17.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: updated feature detection function and example #1487 (@lauratomkins)
ENH: Column Vertical Profile (CVP) Addition #1478 (@jrobrien91)
Bugs fixed#
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
Update #1497 (@HappyXiaoAnAn)
Reclass: Addition of New Radar Echo Classification Function #1495 (@RBhupi)
Add method to automatically determine radar sweep indices #1493 (@isilber)
Minor metadata correction to core.radar.get_elevation #1489 (@isilber)
ADD: function to rescale reflectivity to a precipitation rate #1486 (@lauratomkins)
ADD: Ability to create a Py-ART Grid FROM an xarray object #1479 (@rcjackson)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@HappyXiaoAnAn | @isilber | @jrobrien91 | @kmuehlbauer | @lauratomkins | @mgrover1 | @RBhupi | @rcjackson | @review-notebook-app | @zssherman
Py-ART 1.16.1#
Enhancements made#
ENH: cmweather used to now import colormaps #1452 (@zssherman)
EN: Update #1457 (@syedhamidali)
Bugs fixed#
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@mgrover1 | @review-notebook-app | @scollis | @syedhamidali | @zssherman
Py-ART 1.16.0#
Enhancements made#
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART 1.15.2#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Remove pandas pinning, testing. #1430 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Create codeql.yml #1433 (@AdamTheisen)
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART 1.15.1#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: GateMapper will now map source field to destination radar even if field not in destination radar #1418 (@rcjackson)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@mgrover1 | @rcjackson | @scollis | @SteepAtticStairs | @Vforcell | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.15.0#
Bugs fixed#
Other merged PRs#
Add a Blog Post Visualizing Severe Weather in Wisconsin #1413 (@mgrover1)
colorbar_orient option to plot_ppi_map functions #1401 (@joshua-hampton)
CI: Remove python 3.8 and update documentation to reflect releases and CI testing. #1395 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART v1.14.6#
Enhancements made#
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Remove VAD warning. #1392 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@jrobrien91 | @kmuehlbauer | @mgrover1 | @neutrinoceros | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.14.5#
Merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART v1.14.4#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Small correction to GateMapper example for the API #1379 (@jrobrien91)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: A fix for vpt mismatch array error for matplotlib shading. #1381 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fix for when radar azimuths wrap for get_gate_area. #1375 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
REL: fix build for Python 3.11 wheels #1380 (@neutrinoceros)
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART v1.14.3#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART v1.14.2#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Unused variable in region based dealiasing #1343 (@rcjackson)
FIX: check uniformity of range_step, get consistent range_step for gamic reader #1338 (@kmuehlbauer)
FIX: use max_num_gates for calculation of data shape #1337 (@kmuehlbauer)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Move to exec_module instead of load_module #1369 (@mgrover1)
MNT: Revert setuptools, to avoid unwanted behavior. #1356 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Cleanup as some text was not being generated correctly. And renaming file. #1357 (@zssherman)
DOC: Adding an example on how to read older nexrad data. #1355 (@zssherman)
DOC: Update convective stratiform example #1339 (@lauratomkins)
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplershift | @jrobrien91 | @kmuehlbauer | @kylejgillett | @lauratomkins | @melovato | @mgrover1 | @rcjackson | @review-notebook-app | @tsbiscaro | @zouihao | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.14.1#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Adding fields parameter to specify list of writing to file. #1319 (@zssherman)
ENH: Improved convective stratiform functions #1314 (@lauratomkins)
Other merged PRs#
ADD: Adding add_filter function to #1326 (@zssherman)
Add Spectral-like colormaps based on pyart#1320 #1325 (@jthielen)
ADD: Colorbar Manipulation Example #1300 (@jrobrien91)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplerchase | @jjhelmus | @jrobrien91 | @jthielen | @lauratomkins | @mgrover1 | @wx4stg | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.14.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Adding simple antivirus workflow similiar to what Adam implemented in ACT. #1307 (@zssherman)
ENH: Add fix to blog post, add docs on how to write a blog post #1299 (@mgrover1)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Phase processing code throwing deprecation warnings for scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve1d #1313 (@rcjackson)
FIX: Add check for when instrument parameters is None. #1306 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
Add image muting citation to function and example #1304 (@lauratomkins)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@gamaanderson | @hhuangwx | @jfigui | @jjhelmus | @josephhardinee | @kmuehlbauer | @lauratomkins | @meteoswiss-mdr | @mgrover1 | @nguy | @rcjackson | @scollis | @tjlang | @wolfidan | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.13.3#
Enhancements made#
Bugs fixed#
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@mgrover1 | @nguy | @rcjackson | @review-notebook-app | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.13.2#
Enhancements made#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fix for backwards compatibility for matplotlib 3.6. #1278 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART v1.13.1#
Enhancements made#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Update to find namespace packages to fix setuptools warning. #1275 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dcedgren | @dopplershift | @gamaanderson | @jfigui | @Jillinger | @jjhelmus | @mgrover1 | @ocefpaf | @scollis | @zhaobudaola | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.13.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Composite Reflectivity Function #1235 (@dopplerchase)
ENH: Corrected Height Gates to be height above sea level #1215 (@jrobrien91)
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Remove trmm_rsl from CI optional, remove from debug info. #1239 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Updated pyart doc to include column code, fix incorrect syntax and more. #1231 (@zssherman)
DOC: Updating Py-ART’s how to release doc and removing most of ci_setup doc #1213 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
ADD: Trmm test #1228 (@zssherman)
ADD: addition of subset_radar function in radar_utils #1227 (@wolfidan)
TST: Fix median filter depreciation warnings as well as more tests for simple moments. #1214 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplerchase | @jfigui | @jrobrien91 | @kmuehlbauer | @mgrover1 | @rcjackson | @srbrodzik | @wolfidan | @wx4stg | @zssherman
Py-ART v1.12.7#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fix for only python 3.10 being used. #1208 (@zssherman)
FIX: update join_radar to also append instrument parameters #1204 (@wolfidan)
FIX: Str for warning of coefficient band used was wrong. #1198 (@zssherman)
FIX: C-band values being set by x-band. #1196 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Added warning catch for axes. #1191 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
TST: Moving tests to test module within Py-ART main directory. #1207 (@zssherman)
TST: Adding unitests for rain rate module. #1200 (@zssherman)
TST: Adding unit tests for whole echoclass module. #1197 (@zssherman)
DEL: Deleted, looks to be a test added awhile back. #1195 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART v1.12.6#
Bugs fixed#
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
Py-ART v1.12.5#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Addition of Time as a Coordinate within extracted column output #1176 (@jrobrien91)
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Update vmin vmax to make velocity plot more visible. #1175 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Updating docs to represent python versions. #1180 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Contributors to this release#
PyART v1.12.4#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fix sorting issue with elevations and azimuths #1171 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Sort elevations and fix rogue radial issue #1170 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Read in remote compressed data by adding in default compression argument #1160 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Fix rounding issue with mask arrays, using np.round instead. #1152 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fixes an issue with mismatch arrays. #1151 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Update vmin vmax to make velocity plot more visible. #1175 (@zssherman)
MNT: Mispelling of embelish #1158 (@zssherman)
MNT: Changing dependency check to Cartopy. #1148 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Add Image muting plotting example to gallery #1154 (@lauratomkins)
TST: Adding unittest for correct bias function. #1153 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
PyART v1.12.2#
Enhancements made#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Use macOS build for pypi instead of linux #1141 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Update requirements for many-linux build #1140 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Remove requirement for action to be push #1129 (@mgrover1)
FIX: fix name of pyart in the pypi verification #1128 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Add back in the python -m to fix the build #1127 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Make sure rsl is installed using python -m #1124 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Update pypi release to only run upon releases #1119 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Fix IO for NEXRAD Level 3 instantaneous precipitation rate (DPR) #1116 (@mgrover1)
FIX: Fix the missing images in the blog post #1103 (@mgrover1)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Changing dependency check to Cartopy. #1148 (@zssherman)
MNT: Utilize conda for build due to trmm_rsl. #1122 (@zssherman)
MNT: Cartopy was not optional in the gridmapdisplay unit tests. #1100 (@zssherman)
MNT: Adding pytz as optional dependency. #1099 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Quick change of a few Jupyter-Notebook cell types #1146 (@jrobrien91)
DOC: Blog post on contributing a pull request #1145 (@jrobrien91)
DOC: Update to readme and contributors guide #1106 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
ADD: Add AWS NEXRAD example in new IO section #1117 (@mgrover1)
ADD: Utility to subset a radar volume for the column above a location #1113 (@jrobrien91)
DEL: Deleting submodule #1110 (@zssherman)
DEL: Deleting in each submodule. Was forgotten in setuptools PR. #1109 (@zssherman)
ADD: add verbose flag to qvp code #1108 (@dopplerchase)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplerchase | @dopplershift | @jrobrien91 | @mgrover1 | @zssherman
PyART v1.12.0#
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Fix for registry file. #1087 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
ADD: Time tolerance to GateMapper #1093 (@rcjackson)
ADD: Gatefilter to GateMapper. #1077 (@rcjackson)
Contributors to this release#
PyART v1.11.8#
Enhancements made#
ENH: GAMIC’s volume doesn’t mandate a pulse_width field #1014 (@ReallyNiceGuy)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Incorrect name used in hasattr. #1034 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fixes for overlapping axes in mapdisplay modules. #1029 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fix for azimuth_rhi_plot. #1025 (@zssherman)
FIX: Set minimum for cost function gradient INF norm to be nyquist interval #1019 (@rcjackson)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Some cleanup of rxm25 module. #1075 (@zssherman)
MNT: Removing pandas import and converters. #1064 (@zssherman)
MNT: Some style cleanup of mute_radar functions. #1033 (@zssherman)
MNT: Updating cfradial to include scan_name for ARM files. #1030 (@zssherman)
MNT: RadxGrid Fix for working with different files. #1027 (@zssherman)
MNT: Adds for default field names, horizontal and vertical additions. #1026 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Adding roadmaps to main repo. #1059 (@zssherman)
DOC: Addition of references for rain rate methods. #1043 (@zssherman)
Deprecated features#
DEP: Multiple fixes for deprecation warnings. #1032 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
TST: Adding unitests for module. #1072 (@zssherman)
Added RXM-25 reader #1071 (@rtanamachi)
TST: Adding more tests to gatefilter. #1067 (@zssherman)
Update issue with subplots in GridMapDisplay #1063 (@mgrover1)
Remove Linear Programming Phase Processing Example for Now #1053 (@mgrover1)
Add function to “image mute” radar object #1031 (@lauratomkins)
ADD: Adding a feature to map gates of approximately equivalent location from one radar geometry to another #1024 (@rcjackson)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplershift | @HumphreysCarter | @jjhelmus | @kmuehlbauer | @lauratomkins | @mgrover1 | @rcjackson | @ReallyNiceGuy | @ritvje | @rtanamachi | @scollis | @tkralphs | @zssherman
PyART v1.11.6#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Default scan_rate to target_scan_rate #1003 (@ReallyNiceGuy)
ENH: Enable support for float32 data in GAMIC volume format #1002 (@ReallyNiceGuy)
ENH: Adding browning vad code as a replacement. #997 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Remove xarray for 3.6 testing incompatible with python 3.6 #1007 (@zssherman)
FIX: Correctly decode format from bytes to str #1001 (@ReallyNiceGuy)
FIX: Fix for tick and ticklabs params. #995 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Updated cfradial to handle new arm kazr strings. #1010 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Update of travis link. #999 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
STY: Fixes for PEP8 warnings. #1009 (@zssherman)
Radx grid #1005 (@zssherman)
Added additional colorbar functionality #984 (@HumphreysCarter)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@HumphreysCarter | @kmuehlbauer | @Quba1 | @rcjackson | @ReallyNiceGuy | @zssherman
PyART v1.11.5#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Addition of TDWR support. #969 (@zssherman)
ENH: Adding copy_field_dtype to grid mapper. #956 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fix for cftime 1.5 release. #994 (@zssherman)
FIX: Removal of warning to fix unit tests. #979 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fix for h5py > 3.0 decoding of str. #978 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Update dep warning for June1st default switch to barnes2. #989 (@zssherman)
MNT: Add all TDWR radar locations #973 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Updated all cython files for python 3.9 #966 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
CI: More python 3.9 fixes and attempt to build 3.9. #983 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@amarouane-ABDELHAK | @bmgxyz | @dopplershift | @kmuehlbauer | @Quba1 | @rcjackson | @scollis | @zssherman
PyART v1.11.3#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fix addressed for #962 by mwilson14. #963 (@zssherman)
FIX: A fix for the NoneType error with regards to nexrad 3 elevation. #959 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Update to default config to fix units, and add field info for attenuation fields. #964 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
PyART v1.11.2#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Support for Product 176 (DPR) - Instantaneous Precipitation Rate #919 (@dcedgren)
ENH: Updated nexrad for RDA build 19.0. #903 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: add_gate_area now returns only positive values #950 (@rtanamachi)
FIX: Gate to grid map blotchy #947 (@rcjackson)
FIX: Fix for missing gatefilter in map_to_grid. #946 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fixes boolean indexing error. #944 (@zssherman)
FIX: Issue #694 when working with ODIM with empty moment. #938 (@vlouf)
FIX: Nearest neighbor code #934 (@rcjackson)
FIX: This converts the nexrad altitude from feet to meters. #924 (@zssherman)
FIX: A fix for reversed ngates and nrays. #917 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Attempt to fix appveyor path issue. #937 (@zssherman)
MNT: Removing temp fix and using suggested cftime developer fix. #927 (@zssherman)
MNT: New warnings on literals, and a fix for said warnings. #914 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
TST: Unit test of get_gate_area and some cleanup. #949 (@zssherman)
add get_gate_area #948 (@rtanamachi)
ADD: Nexrad Level 3 Product Version Checking #926 (@dcedgren)
ADD: Corner Reflector Raster Scan Plotting #920 (@AdamTheisen)
ADD: Adding more example notebooks. #915 (@zssherman)
ADD: Adding a basic ingest using Py-ART’s testing object example notebook. #911 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@AdamTheisen | @dcedgren | @dopplershift | @gamaanderson | @grwise1 | @hhuangwx | @jjhelmus | @jsignell | @lauratomkins | @nguy | @rcjackson | @rtanamachi | @Rumpkie | @scollis | @tjlang | @vlouf | @wolfidan | @zssherman
PyART v1.11.1#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: A fix for the update in one of the datetime modules that broke CI #913 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fix for msg29 function extra parameter. #909 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fix to optional doc and warning message for attenuation code. #907 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Adding MPL framework classifier, addresses #910. #912 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Some documentation changes for new sphinx napoleon that was missed in previous pull request. #902 (@zssherman)
DOC: Update to docs to use rtd theme and remove python 2 from docs. #893 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
ADD: Initial commit for radar spectra for KAZR. #892 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
PyART v1.11.0#
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Suggested changes of automatically setting roi_func to constant if constant_roi is used. #864 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplershift | @gamaanderson | @louiswicker | @rcjackson | @scollis | @vlouf | @zssherman
PyART v1.10.4#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Speedup of hilderbrand code created by meteoswiss, I’m just committing. #877 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fixes possible geos update that broke point calculation for lambert ticks. #886 (@zssherman)
FIX: Crash when only one region found in optimization loop for region… #878 (@rcjackson)
Other merged PRs#
PY: Removing all futures relating to Python 2. #890 (@zssherman)
PY: Removing Python 2.7 support from CI and documentation. #889 (@zssherman)
Added option to ignore tilt angle in
#885 (@dstex)CI: Adding CI for Python 3.8 as it is now on conda-forge. #880 (@zssherman)
CI: Removing basemap as dependency in unit tests, support ends soon 2020, fails CI with 2.7. #879 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dstex | @meteoswiss-mdr | @nguy | @rcjackson | @scollis | @zflamig | @zssherman
PyART v1.10.3#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Added imshow as option for plot_grid and fixed bugs in to_xarray. #873 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fixes fill value issue with netCDF4. #876 (@zssherman)
FIX: Fixed future warnings for elementwise comparison in colormap code #867 (@AdamTheisen)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Adding some statements on Anaconda compilers and some FAQs from pyart google groups. #868 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@AdamTheisen | @Jillinger | @mvanlierwalq | @scollis | @zhaobudaola | @zssherman
PyART v1.10.2#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Adding ticks and ticklabs as parameters. #848 (@zssherman)
ENH: Added argument in io/ and core/ #846 (@jhemedin)
ENH: Adding get_gate_lat_lon_alt function. #841 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fixes colormap issue for HomeyerRainbow colormap #856 (@zssherman)
FIX: A fix for a bug in grid io which had dimensions out of order. #840 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: rounding is causing lat and lon lines with data outside plot. #852 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Temp fix for warnings in colormap modules. #849 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Moved get_dataset from to and renamed to to_xarray #845 (@jhemedin)
MNT: Doc cleanup, removal of unused variables, added docstrings. raise error fix and more. #838 (@zssherman)
MNT: Add xarray and added path info for CyLP and removed older pythons in docs. #836 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Updated cheatsheet. #847 (@zssherman)
DOC: Remove fortran bit and added info on conda environments. Removed nose from contr guide. #843 (@zssherman)
DOC: FIxed spelling errors in example and doc string in #835 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Allow read_d3r_gcpex_nc function to read the altitude variable from netCDF file #842 (@amarouane-ABDELHAK)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@amarouane-ABDELHAK | @jhemedin | @kenkehoe | @kmuehlbauer | @mvanlierwalq | @nguy | @rcjackson | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @taylbm | @zssherman
PyART v1.10.1#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Moved doc build to python 3.7 instead of python 2.7. #827 (@zssherman)
ENH: Added python 3.7, removed 32 bit testing, setting conda env path in attempt to fix issue finding dependencies. #822 (@zssherman)
ENH: Adding Barnes 2 weighting function. #806 (@zssherman)
ENH: Faster optimization loop in region based dealiasing + extra continuity term #804 (@rcjackson)
ENH: Adding link to setting up a conda Py-ART environment on the pyart main page. #800 (@zssherman)
ENH: Nearest neighbor in map_to_grid #778 (@rcjackson)
ENH: Changed default reflectivity colormap to HomeyerRainbow. #773 (@zssherman)
ENH: Drop FORTRAN dependancy for computing Steiner classification #688 (@vlouf)
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Skip empty scans and incomplete MSG5’s #832 (@rcjackson)
FIX: A fix suggested by @scollis for the bug in rhi plotting found by @swnesbitt #820 (@zssherman)
BUG: Region based dealiasing cost function would crash when there was only one region #812 (@rcjackson)
FIX: added argument to deal with negative fixed_angles #809 (@jhemedin)
FIX: Contiuum Analytics renamed to Anaconda, fixed broken link on gh-pages. #795 (@zssherman)
FIX: A fix for suggested by Kai Muehlbauer, add conda-forge. #789 (@zssherman)
FIX: An attempt to fix basemap pyproj issue. #777 (@zssherman)
FIX: This is a temporary fix for Cartopy issue #1120. #770 (@zssherman)
FIX: The imp module was throwing a deprecation error for newer python versions #675 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MNT: Removed fortran from pyart. #824 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Reverted init back to original state, minus having nose. #803 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Updated cftime import as suggested in issue #738 #799 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Changing github documentation to mention Cartopy over Basemap. #792 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Change of graph modules to reflect favoring of Cartopy. #791 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Removal of basemap from core modules and some fixes. #786 (@zssherman)
MAINT: changed desired_angle so user can set the radar tilt angle #784 (@jhemedin)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Contiuum Analytics renamed itself to Anaconda inc. Updated broken links. #794 (@zssherman)
DOC: update dependency info, fix rst preformatting #779 (@juhi24)
Other merged PRs#
CI: Removing python 3.5 CI testing. #833 (@zssherman)
ADD: new GridMapDisplay class that uses Xarray and Cartopy. #828 (@jhemedin)
CI: Fix for Python 3.4 issue with pytest. #818 (@zssherman)
Atteunation correction fixes #817 (@rcjackson)
Masked array check in simulated_velocity #811 (@rcjackson)
CI: Removed basemap from Python 2.7 appveyor testing. #802 (@zssherman)
ADD: Adding basic environment file and setting up conda environments rst file. #796 (@zssherman)
New and updated plot_ppi examples for basemap and cartopy #793 (@jhemedin)
ADD: Meteoswiss differential attenuation code #787 (@rcjackson)
ADD: added a function that will make a QVP object from a radar object #783 (@jhemedin)
ADD: include_fields parameter #781 (@rcjackson)
Gridding handles 1D radar lat, lon, alt #774 (@rtanamachi)
ADD: added a function that will make a VAD profile from a radar scan and a unit test to go along with the function #769 (@jhemedin)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplershift | @dstex | @gewitterblitz | @HumphreysCarter | @jhemedin | @josephhardinee | @juhi24 | @kmuehlbauer | @liliaow567 | @louiswicker | @meteoswiss-mdr | @miaoneng | @mvanlierwalq | @nguy | @rcjackson | @rtanamachi | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @tjlang | @vlouf | @zssherman
PyART v1.9.2-picasso#
Enhancements made#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: Fixes an issue that, when python-coveralls is installed. #767 (@zssherman)
FIX: Added a warning messsage when an axes is defined without a projection #761 (@jhemedin)
FIX: Fixed an issue of nexrad level 2 throwing an error when no msg5 … #757 (@scollis)
FIX: Fixes a bug where set_rasterized is always True. #748 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Changes to docstrings in a few files and pep8 changes. Review after accepting #754 #755 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Recompile cython code with cython 0.28.4 #758 (@ngoldbaum)
TST: Switch from Nose to Pytest, NOTE: This still needs some work, needed CI to run. #754 (@zssherman)
STY: Spelling error in cfradial files. Changed reciever to receiver. #752 (@zssherman)
allow reading from MDV with unknown vertical level #746 (@gamaanderson)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplershift | @gamaanderson | @gewitterblitz | @jhemedin | @kmuehlbauer | @liliaow567 | @ngoldbaum | @scollis | @vlouf | @zssherman | @zxdawn
PyART v1.9.1-picasso#
Bugs fixed#
FIX: netcdftime was changed to cftime. Causes travis to fail. Changed import name to reflect new name. #736 (@zssherman)
FIX: A fix suggested by meteoswiss-mdr for the dot_product error mentioned in issue #726. #729 (@zssherman)
FIX: def test_rhi_elevation was used twice, the other should be named after field data. #724 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Added more links to optional dependencies, removed broken links. #728 (@zssherman)
DOC: Changes to documentation in README.rst and #727 (@zssherman)
DOC: Added pyart build in place install for nosetests and added import order list. #715 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
Add VRADH and VRADV quantities to ODIM HDF5 decoder #739 (@es5nhc)
Fixed issues with radar’s info() function and numeric fields #735 (@wave100)
Fix TypeError when displaying products without standard names #733 (@wave100)
ADD: Guides directory #730 (@zssherman)
Fix wradlib #723 (@kmuehlbauer)
Comp texture #721 (@rcjackson)
ADD: Cameron Homeyer’s colormap #716 (@rcjackson)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@CameronHomeyer | @dopplerchase | @dopplershift | @es5nhc | @jamessong | @kmuehlbauer | @meteoswiss-mdr | @rcjackson | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @tjlang | @vlouf | @wave100 | @winash12 | @zssherman
PyART v1.9.0-picasso#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Allow graph titles and filenames to use time at beginning of sweep #687 (@csnardi)
ENH: vpt plot gatefilter addition. #645 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MAINT: Added classifier for Python 3.6 and changed the maintainer email. #711 (@zssherman)
MAINT: Move calculate_velocity_texture to pyart.retreive #672 (@rcjackson)
Documentation improvements#
DOC: Noticed link to wradlib was to the old bit bucket page, no longer exists. #673 (@zssherman)
DOC: Contr guide updates #653 (@zssherman)
Deprecated features#
DEP: Changed fromstring to frombuffer to removed depreciation. #702 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs#
STY: Some minor pep8 changes to #710 (@zssherman)
Bug correction of Vulpiani KDP/PhiDP retrieval #707 (@meteoswiss-mdr)
EDIT: Adding new version of dealiasing code #706 (@rcjackson)
changed all fromstring() to frombuffer() due to deprecation warnings in numpy #700 (@goharkay)
Fixing infinite loop in 4DD algorithm #693 (@freemansw1)
added ‘Nearest’ keyword to ‘map_to_grid’ #683 (@swnesbitt)
Add transparency to plot methods and despeckle issue #674 (@tjlang)
Remove jhelmus contact info from landing page #667 (@jjhelmus)
TST: Fix for numpy 1.13 update. #665 (@zssherman)
ADD: Velocity texture calculation into pyart.filters #662 (@rcjackson)
TST: Fix for the sweep_mode assert in cfradial test. #661 (@zssherman)
AttributeError fix with python 3.6 in #656 (@vlouf)
H5Py OSError: File close degree doesn’t match fix #650 (@vlouf)
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long in despeckle #648 (@vlouf)
added Raster keyword for happier vector file output #647 (@swnesbitt)
TST: Do not use jjhelmus channel for Travis CI test environment #640 (@jjhelmus)
Contributor guide #639 (@zssherman)
Deprecate dealias sonde function and parameters #634 (@jjhelmus)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@csnardi | @dopplershift | @freemansw1 | @goharkay | @itsjms | @jamessong | @jjhelmus | @josephhardinee | @kirknorth | @kmuehlbauer | @meteoswiss-mdr | @mgrover1 | @mhpicel | @miaoneng | @rcjackson | @Rumpkie | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @tjlang | @vlouf | @wolfidan | @zssherman
PyART v1.8.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: location data available in HorizontalWindProfile class #616 (@kirknorth)
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MAINT: Typo in index.html #627 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements#
Deprecated features#
Other merged PRs#
improving gamic reader #625 (@TulipaSilva)
CI: Use -q (quite) switch on conda commands #614 (@jjhelmus)
CI: Supress git commit output after building docs #611 (@jjhelmus)
Added a CfRadial writer for SINARAME H5 files #608 (@mrugna)
BLD: Add kludge to script for Python 3.4 #604 (@jjhelmus)
hydrometeor classification and QPE #598 (@meteoswiss-mdr)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@dopplershift | @jjhelmus | @kirknorth | @kmuehlbauer | @meteoswiss-mdr | @mrugna | @mustafaalicelik | @normbw | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @TulipaSilva | @vlouf | @zssherman
PyART v1.7.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: simulated wind and profile changes to dealias functions #577 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Simulated radial velocities from a profile #576 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Reading and storing horizontal wind profiles #575 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Optimized reading of NEXRAD level 2 files #562 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Support for reading ODIM H5 AZIM files #546 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Radar and Grid classes can be pickled and unpickled #543 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Read NEXRAD Level 3 with NOAAPORT seperator #540 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Support for reading bzip2 compressed MDV files #521 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: variational KDP retrievals #459 (@kirknorth)
Bugs fixed#
BUG: bugfix for reading NEXRAD L3 product 135 (EET) #585 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Raise an error for too much sounding data #574 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Prevent nan being returned from transform #558 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Read NEXRAD L2 files with CTM information #553 (@jjhelmus)
FIX: several fixes for pyart.aux_io.read_gamic() #535 (@kmuehlbauer)
BUG: Fix issue with UF files representing midnight as 24:00:00 #523 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: ImportError on warn –> warnings.warn #522 (@kirknorth)
BUG: Correct use of min_radius in ROI calculation #519 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Fix NetCDF4 1.2.3+ masked constant issue #512 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: ZeroDivision errors when reading certain UF files #494 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Better error message of unsupported MDV proj #481 (@jjhelmus)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MAINT: Prefer importing pyproj over basemap #568 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Raise error when cyl projections used #559 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Python 3 fixes in gamicfile and gamic_hdf5 #536 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Ignore division zero warning in transform #513 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Remove Python 2.6, 3.3 and add 3.5 to tags #482 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Remove support for Python 2.6 and 3.3, add Python 3.5 #479 (@jjhelmus)
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
Computation of secondary moments, noise correction of RhoHV and pseudo-PPI from RHI volume #583 (@jfigui)
New gate filter based on texture of polarimetric variables #572 (@jfigui)
Added Function to read rainbow5 files #555 (@jfigui)
CI: Pin conda version when installing from recipe #554 (@jjhelmus)
TST: Test only non-locale dependent time string #528 (@jjhelmus)
Add unit tests for the output_to_geotiff module #514 (@jjhelmus)
Python 3 support for building the documentation #506 (@jjhelmus)
modified: pyart/graph/ #498 (@swnesbitt)
Example: creates rhi data from one field and contours from another #489 (@Rumpkie)
Example: simple plot, grid data with contours #488 (@Rumpkie)
read Argentinean h5 files #480 (@swnesbitt)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@bdolan44 | @dara74k | @dcedgren | @dopplershift | @gavi | @hhuangwx | @jacaicedob | @jfigui | @jjhelmus | @josephhardinee | @joshua-wx | @jsignell | @kirknorth | @kmuehlbauer | @meteoswiss-mdr | @nguy | @pfhein | @Rumpkie | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @tamisalex | @tjlang | @zssherman
PyART v1.6.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Plotting methods pass additional arguments to pcolormesh #469 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Add norm parameter to plotting methods #468 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Default field specific colormaps and luminosity when plotting #464 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Support for reading message 1 NEXRAD Level 2 files #455 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Aliases to rename and moved transform function #439 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Additional field limits and colormap mappings #427 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: More informative error messages when optional dependency is missing #411 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: replace_existing in Grid #409 (@kirknorth)
ENH: Hildebrand-Sekhon estimation of noise levels #404 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Add pyart.util.cross_section_ppi function #380 (@jjhelmus)
Bugs fixed#
BUG: instrument parameter skipped if dim not known #477 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Fix projection issue when creating large grids #472 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Do not set valid_min/max if all data masked #471 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Sigmet multi PRF flag outside of specified range #460 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: get_field_colormap return string. #446 (@gamaanderson)
BUG: Masked values not included in Barnes weights #444 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Make file for source #441 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Check for h5py in read_gamic corrected #425 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Example CfRadial files have correct sweep end #417 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: struct.pack requires native string on Python < 2.7.7 #410 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Fix writing of radar classes which contain unicode arrays #382 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Missing gatefiter parameter in plot_sweep_grid #374 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: 1-byte width field from Sigmet files returns in m/s #372 (@jjhelmus)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
Documentation improvements#
Deprecated features#
Other merged PRs#
Updates to resolve outstanding issues #412 and #413 #454 (@Rumpkie)
TST: Fix skipped basemap tests on Travis CI #438 (@jjhelmus)
Added basemap keyword to RadarMapDisplay.plot_ppi_map #437 (@tjlang)
Update AppVeyor to use pre-installed Miniconda and reactivate Python 3.4 CI #422 (@jjhelmus)
EXAMPLE: Gatefilter in plot_map_one_radar_to_grid #420 (@jjhelmus)
TST: Fix AppVeyor CI by adding Library/bin to PATH #419 (@jjhelmus)
Add plot azimuthal cross-section to radardisplay class. #405 (@nguy)
Made reader more resillient to missing sweep_number parameter #403 (@josephhardinee)
add mdv_field_names to write_mdv_grid #402 (@gamaanderson)
Unwrap velocities gates outside of the Nyquist range with dealias_region_based #401 (@jjhelmus)
Update documentation #399 (@josephhardinee)
Read Sigmet Dual PRF information when available #395 (@jjhelmus)
Update documenation of #394 (@jjhelmus)
Gatefilter direct acess #377 (@gamaanderson)
TST: Additional code coverage in unit tests #373 (@jjhelmus)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@deeplycloudy | @gamaanderson | @hhuangwx | @jjhelmus | @josephhardinee | @joshua-wx | @kirknorth | @mvanlierwalq | @nguy | @pfhein | @Rumpkie | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @tjlang | @zssherman
PyART v1.5.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Transparent decompression when reading files #368 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Mapping routines accept GateFilter instances to specify gates to include in interpolation #360 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Support for reading Universal Format (UF) files #358 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: edge_netcdf module and read_edge_netcdf function #357 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: GateFilter based filter in dealias_fourdd #348 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: add label, title etc. to gridmapdisplay #346 (@gamaanderson)
ENH: Default limits and colormap #336 (@gamaanderson)
ENH: grid creation function accept a single Radar object. #330 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: GateFilter available for 4DD #308 (@kirknorth)
Bugs fixed#
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MAINT: Remove unnecessary InMemoryFile alias #365 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Move GateFilter related code to filters sub-package #359 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Change default value of mask_outside to False #354 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: _rsl_interface.pyx can be compiled with Cython 0.22 #342 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Have Travis-CI use latest version of TRMM RSL on #337 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Depreciate file based Display classes #317 (@jjhelmus)
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
TST: Use most up-to-date version of h5py and HDF5 on Travis CI #340 (@jjhelmus)
externalise methods from display #339 (@gamaanderson)
Handle SQI in Sigmet reader #332 (@deeplycloudy)
TST: Use TRMM RSL version 1.47 build 0 on binstar on Travis CI #324 (@jjhelmus)
TST: Fix failing documentation build on Travis CI #323 (@jjhelmus)
Read KAZR ingest #271 (@kirknorth)
Binarize #266 (@gamaanderson)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@coveralls | @deeplycloudy | @gamaanderson | @hhuangwx | @jjhelmus | @josephhardinee | @kirknorth | @nguy | @Rumpkie | @scollis | @tjlang | @zssherman
PyART v1.4.0#
Enhancements made#
ENH: Run length encoding support when reading MDV files #313 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Read NEXRAD level 3 files from file like object #312 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Delayed loading of field data from radar files. #286 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: inclusive kwarg to filters #280 (@kirknorth)
ENH: Addition optimization of the region based dealiasing algorithm #273 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Support for reading NEXRAD level 3 products. #261 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Added check for uniform range bin locations #256 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Added skip_checks parameter to dealias_phase_unwrap function. #255 (@jjhelmus)
ENH: Enable option of not plotting features on basemap for radarmapdispl… #249 (@scollis)
Bugs fixed#
BUG: Issue with sigmet module when detecting discontinity #315 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Better handling of scalar NetCDF variables across netCDF versions #303 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: ODIM H5 without a how Group can be read. #288 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Fixed bug which causes segmentation fault in dealias_region_based. #276 (@jjhelmus)
BUG: Support for dealiasing vpt scans with dealias_unwrap_phase. #275 (@jjhelmus)
FIX: Partial reading of corrupt sigmet files. #269 (@jjhelmus)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements#
MAINT: various dealias related enhancement and fixes #283 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Fixed inconsistency in grid shape ordering #274 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Changes required to get Py-ART to work with netcdf4-python version 1.1.6 #254 (@jjhelmus)
MAINT: Added fallback ppi scan type for CfRadial files #245 (@jjhelmus)
Documentation improvements#
Other merged PRs#
PY3: Python 3 support in nexrad_level2 and nexrad_level3 #309 (@jjhelmus)
Fixed issue reading sigmet 1byte datatype files. Added test. #305 (@WeatherGod)
Write grid mdv #292 (@gamaanderson)
Clean up of PR #289 and minor documentation maintainance #291 (@jjhelmus)
Initial version of CSU D3R radar reader #289 (@swnesbitt)
solve issue #138 #284 (@gamaanderson)
Write mdv #277 (@gamaanderson)
alteration in grid_io #267 (@gamaanderson)
Latlon for points in grid #264 (@gamaanderson)
Contributors to this release#
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@coveralls | @deeplycloudy | @gamaanderson | @jjhelmus | @josephhardinee | @kirknorth | @meteoswiss-mdr | @nguy | @scollis | @swnesbitt | @tjlang | @WeatherGod