Source code for act.retrievals.sonde

Functions for radiosonde related calculations.


import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import groupby
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
from metpy.units import units

from act.utils.data_utils import convert_to_potential_temp

[docs]def calculate_precipitable_water(ds, temp_name='tdry', rh_name='rh', pres_name='pres'): """ Function to calculate precipitable water vapor from ARM sondewnpn b1 data. Will first calculate saturation vapor pressure of all data using Arden-Buck equations, then calculate specific humidity and integrate over all pressure levels to give us a precipitable water value in centimeters. ds : xarray.Dataset Xarray dataset as read in by the ACT netCDF reader. temp_name : str Name of temperature field to use. Defaults to 'tdry' for sondewnpn b1 level data. rh_name : str Name of relative humidity field to use. Defaults to 'rh' for sondewnpn b1 level data. pres_name : str Name of atmospheric pressure field to use. Defaults to 'pres' for sondewnpn b1 level data. """ temp = ds[temp_name].values rh = ds[rh_name].values pres = ds[pres_name].values # Get list of temperature values for saturation vapor pressure calc temperature = [] for t in np.nditer(temp): temperature.append(t) # Apply Arden-Buck equation to get saturation vapor pressure sat_vap_pres = [] for t in temperature: # Over liquid water, above freezing if t >= 0: sat_vap_pres.append(0.61121 * np.exp((18.678 - (t / 234.5)) * (t / (257.14 + t)))) # Over ice, below freezing else: sat_vap_pres.append(0.61115 * np.exp((23.036 - (t / 333.7)) * (t / (279.82 + t)))) # convert rh from % to decimal rel_hum = [] for r in np.nditer(rh): rel_hum.append(r / 100.0) # get vapor pressure from rh and saturation vapor pressure vap_pres = [] for i in range(0, len(sat_vap_pres)): es = rel_hum[i] * sat_vap_pres[i] vap_pres.append(es) # Get list of pressure values for mixing ratio calc pressure = [] for p in np.nditer(pres): pressure.append(p) # Mixing ratio calc mix_rat = [] for i in range(0, len(vap_pres)): mix_rat.append(0.622 * vap_pres[i] / (pressure[i] - vap_pres[i])) # Specific humidity spec_hum = [] for rat in mix_rat: spec_hum.append(rat / (1 + rat)) # Integrate specific humidity pwv = 0.0 for i in range(1, len(pressure) - 1): pwv = pwv + 0.5 * (spec_hum[i] + spec_hum[i - 1]) * (pressure[i - 1] - pressure[i]) pwv = pwv / 0.098 return pwv
[docs]def calculate_stability_indicies( ds, temp_name='temperature', td_name='dewpoint_temperature', p_name='pressure', moving_ave_window=0, ): """ Function for calculating stability indices from sounding data. Parameters ---------- ds : ACT dataset The dataset to compute the stability indicies of. Must have temperature, dewpoint, and pressure in vertical coordinates. temp_name : str The name of the temperature field. td_name : str The name of the dewpoint field. p_name : str The name of the pressure field. moving_ave_window : int Number of points to do a moving average on sounding data to reduce noise. This is useful if noise in the sounding is preventing parcel ascent. Returns ------- ds : ACT dataset An ACT dataset with additional stability indicies added. """ t = ds[temp_name] td = ds[td_name] p = ds[p_name] if not hasattr(t, 'units'): raise AttributeError('Temperature field must have units' + ' for ACT to discern!') if not hasattr(td, 'units'): raise AttributeError('Dewpoint field must have units' + ' for ACT to discern!') if not hasattr(p, 'units'): raise AttributeError('Pressure field must have units' + ' for ACT to discern!') if t.units == 'C': t_units = units.degC else: t_units = getattr(units, t.units) if td.units == 'C': td_units = units.degC else: td_units = getattr(units, td.units) p_units = getattr(units, p.units) # Sort all values by decreasing pressure t_sorted = np.array(t.values) td_sorted = np.array(td.values) p_sorted = np.array(p.values) ind_sort = np.argsort(p_sorted) t_sorted = t_sorted[ind_sort[-1:0:-1]] td_sorted = td_sorted[ind_sort[-1:0:-1]] p_sorted = p_sorted[ind_sort[-1:0:-1]] if moving_ave_window > 0: t_sorted = np.convolve(t_sorted, np.ones((moving_ave_window,)) / moving_ave_window) td_sorted = np.convolve(td_sorted, np.ones((moving_ave_window,)) / moving_ave_window) p_sorted = np.convolve(p_sorted, np.ones((moving_ave_window,)) / moving_ave_window) t_sorted = t_sorted * t_units td_sorted = td_sorted * td_units p_sorted = p_sorted * p_units t_profile = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p_sorted, t_sorted[0], td_sorted[0]) # Calculate parcel trajectory ds['parcel_temperature'] = t_profile.magnitude ds['parcel_temperature'].attrs['units'] = t_profile.units # Calculate CAPE, CIN, LCL sbcape, sbcin = mpcalc.surface_based_cape_cin(p_sorted, t_sorted, td_sorted) lcl = mpcalc.lcl(p_sorted[0], t_sorted[0], td_sorted[0]) try: lfc = mpcalc.lfc(p_sorted[0], t_sorted[0], td_sorted[0]) except IndexError: lfc = np.nan * p_sorted.units mucape, mucin = mpcalc.most_unstable_cape_cin(p_sorted, t_sorted, td_sorted) where_500 = np.argmin(np.abs(p_sorted - 500 * units.hPa)) li = t_sorted[where_500] - t_profile[where_500] ds['surface_based_cape'] = sbcape.magnitude ds['surface_based_cape'].attrs['units'] = 'J/kg' ds['surface_based_cape'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Surface-based CAPE' ds['surface_based_cin'] = sbcin.magnitude ds['surface_based_cin'].attrs['units'] = 'J/kg' ds['surface_based_cin'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Surface-based CIN' ds['most_unstable_cape'] = mucape.magnitude ds['most_unstable_cape'].attrs['units'] = 'J/kg' ds['most_unstable_cape'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Most unstable CAPE' ds['most_unstable_cin'] = mucin.magnitude ds['most_unstable_cin'].attrs['units'] = 'J/kg' ds['most_unstable_cin'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Most unstable CIN' ds['lifted_index'] = li.magnitude ds['lifted_index'].attrs['units'] = t_profile.units ds['lifted_index'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Lifted index' ds['level_of_free_convection'] = lfc.magnitude ds['level_of_free_convection'].attrs['units'] = lfc.units ds['level_of_free_convection'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Level of free convection' ds['lifted_condensation_level_temperature'] = lcl[1].magnitude ds['lifted_condensation_level_temperature'].attrs['units'] = lcl[1].units ds['lifted_condensation_level_temperature'].attrs[ 'long_name' ] = 'Lifted condensation level temperature' ds['lifted_condensation_level_pressure'] = lcl[0].magnitude ds['lifted_condensation_level_pressure'].attrs['units'] = lcl[0].units ds['lifted_condensation_level_pressure'].attrs[ 'long_name' ] = 'Lifted condensation level pressure' return ds
[docs]def calculate_pbl_liu_liang( ds, temperature='tdry', pressure='pres', windspeed='wspd', height='alt', smooth_height=3, land_parameter=True, llj_max_alt=1500.0, llj_max_wspd=2.0, ): """ Function for calculating the PBL height from a radiosonde profile using the Liu-Liang 2010 technique. There are some slight descrepencies in the function from the ARM implementation 1.) it imposes a 1500m (keyword) height on the definition of the LLJ and 2.) the interpolation is slightly different using python functions Parameters ---------- ds : xarray Dataset Dataset housing radiosonde profile for calculations temperature : str The name of the temperature field. pressure : str The name of the pressure field. windspeed : str The name of the wind speed field. height : str The name of the height field smooth_height : int Number of points to do a moving average on sounding height data to reduce noise land_parameter : boolean Set to True if retrievals over land or false to retrievals over water llj_max_alt : float Maximum altitude the LLJ 2 m/s difference should be checked against llj_max_wspd : float Maximum wind speed threshold to use to define LLJ Returns ------- ds : xarray Dataset xarray dataset with results stored in pblht_liu_liang variable References ---------- Liu, Shuyan, and Xin-Zhong Liang. "Observed diurnal cycle climatology of planetary boundary layer height." Journal of Climate 23, no. 21 (2010): 5790-5809. Sivaraman, C., S. McFarlane, E. Chapman, M. Jensen, T. Toto, S. Liu, and M. Fischer. "Planetary boundary layer (PBL) height value added product (VAP): Radiosonde retrievals." Department of Energy Office of Science Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program (United States) (2013). """ # Preprocess the sonde data to ensure the same methods across all retrievals ds2 = preprocess_sonde_data( ds, temperature=temperature, pressure=pressure, height=height, smooth_height=smooth_height, base=5.0, ) pres = ds2[pressure].values wspd = ds2[windspeed].values alt = ds2[height].values theta = ds2['potential_temperature'].values # Calculate the lapse rate theta_gradient = np.diff(theta) / np.diff(alt) # Calculate AGL if np.isnan(alt[0]): idx = np.where(~np.isnan(alt))[0] agl = alt - alt[idx[0]] else: agl = alt - alt[0] theta_diff = theta[4] - theta[1] theta_gradient = np.diff(theta) / np.diff(alt / 1000.0) # Set up threshold values if land_parameter: stability_thresh = 1.0 # K inst_thresh = 0.5 # K overshoot_thresh = 4.0 # K/km else: stability_thresh = 0.2 # K inst_thresh = 0.1 # K overshoot_thresh = 0.5 # K/km # Check Regimes if theta_diff < 0 - stability_thresh: regime = 'CBL' if theta_diff > abs(stability_thresh): regime = 'SBL' if (0 - stability_thresh) <= theta_diff <= abs(stability_thresh): regime = 'NRL' # Calculate for CBL/NRL regimes pbl_stable = np.nan pbl_shear = np.nan if regime == 'CBL' or regime == 'NRL': # Calculate gradient from first level theta_gradient_0 = theta - theta[0] # Only process data above 150m ARM idx = np.where(agl > 150)[0][0] theta_gradient_0[0:idx] = np.nan # Scan upward to find lowest level that meets condition idx = np.where(theta_gradient_0 >= inst_thresh)[0] theta_gradient[0 : idx[0]] = np.nan # Scan upward from previous level to search for overlying inversion layer idx = np.where(theta_gradient >= overshoot_thresh)[0] pbl = alt[idx[0]] else: idx = np.array( [ i for i, t in enumerate(theta_gradient[1:-1]) if theta_gradient[i] < theta_gradient[i - 1] and theta_gradient[i] < theta_gradient[i + 1] ] ) for i in idx: cond1 = (theta_gradient[i] - theta_gradient[i - 1]) < -40.0 cond2 = (theta_gradient[i + 1] < overshoot_thresh) or ( theta_gradient[i + 2] < overshoot_thresh ) if cond1 or cond2: # This gets the ARM answer pbl_stable = (alt[i + 1] + alt[i]) / 2.0 # pbl_stable = alt[i] break # Check for low-level jet # Find the height of the maximum windspeed and look up to find layer 2m/s lower # Stull 1988 indicates LLJ is defined as where there is a relative wind speed # maximum that is more than 2 m/s faster than the wind speeds above it within # the lowest 1500m of the atmosphere. Keywords to adjust are provided idh = np.where(alt <= llj_max_alt)[0] max_wspd_ind = [i for i, w in enumerate(wspd[:-1]) if wspd[i] > wspd[i + 1]][0] diff = wspd[max_wspd_ind] - wspd[max_wspd_ind : idh[-1]] idx = np.where(diff > llj_max_wspd)[0] if len(idx) > 0: wspd_to_surf = np.diff(np.flip(wspd[0:max_wspd_ind])) wspd_monotonic = np.all(wspd_to_surf <= 0.0) if wspd_monotonic: pbl_shear = alt[max_wspd_ind] if ~np.all(np.isnan([pbl_stable, pbl_shear])): pbl = np.nanmin([pbl_stable, pbl_shear]) else: pbl = -9999.0 atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'Planteary Boundary Layer Height Liu-Liang'} da = xr.DataArray(pbl, attrs=atts) ds['pblht_liu_liang'] = da atts = { 'units': '', 'long_name': 'Planteary Boundary Layer Regime Classification Liu-Liang', } da = xr.DataArray(regime, attrs=atts) ds['pblht_regime_liu_liang'] = da atts = {'units': 'mb', 'long_name': 'Gridded pressure'} da = xr.DataArray(pres, coords={'atm_pres_ss': pres}, dims=['atm_pres_ss'], attrs=atts) ds['atm_pres_ss'] = da atts = {'units': 'K', 'long_name': 'Gridded potential temperature'} da = xr.DataArray(theta, coords={'atm_pres_ss': pres}, dims=['atm_pres_ss'], attrs=atts) ds['potential_temperature_ss'] = da atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'Gridded altitude'} da = xr.DataArray(alt, coords={'atm_pres_ss': pres}, dims=['atm_pres_ss'], attrs=atts) ds['alt_ss'] = da atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'PBL Stable Condition 1'} da = xr.DataArray(pbl_stable, attrs=atts) ds['pblht_liu_liang_stable_cond'] = da atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'PBL Shear Condition 2'} da = xr.DataArray(pbl_shear, attrs=atts) ds['pblht_liu_liang_shear_cond'] = da return ds
[docs]def calculate_pbl_heffter( ds, temperature='tdry', pressure='pres', height='alt', smooth_height=3, base=5.0, ): """ Function for calculating the PBL height from a radiosonde profile using the Heffter technique. There are differences from the ARM VAP at times due to different averaging schemes. Larger differences do occur at times and are unknown as to the cause but it is being investigated and is potential a code issue with the VAP. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray Dataset Dataset housing radiosonde profile for calculations temperature : str The name of the temperature field. pressure : str The name of the pressure field. height : str The name of the height field smooth_height : int Number of points to do a moving average on sounding height data to reduce noise base : int Interval for pressure gridding. In testing, 5 mb was found to produce results with the lowest RMS Returns ------- ds : xarray Dataset xarray dataset with results stored in pblht_liu_liang variable References ---------- Heffter JL. 1980. “Transport Layer Depth Calculations.” Second Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, New Orleans, Louisiana. Sivaraman, C., S. McFarlane, E. Chapman, M. Jensen, T. Toto, S. Liu, and M. Fischer. "Planetary boundary layer (PBL) height value added product (VAP): Radiosonde retrievals." Department of Energy Office of Science Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program (United States) (2013). """ # Preprocess the sonde data to ensure the same methods across all retrievals ds2 = preprocess_sonde_data( ds, temperature=temperature, pressure=pressure, height=height, smooth_height=smooth_height, base=base, ) # Get data pres = ds2[pressure].values alt = ds2[height].values theta = ds2['potential_temperature'].values # Calculate the lapse rate theta_gradient = np.diff(theta) / np.diff(alt) # Calculate AGL if np.isnan(alt[0]): idx = np.where(~np.isnan(alt))[0] agl = alt - alt[idx[0]] else: agl = alt - alt[0] # Find where the lapse rate is greater than 0.005 K/m idx = np.where(theta_gradient >= 0.005)[0] # Find the consistent layers by grouping the indices together # Does not include a single height as a layer ranges = [] for key, group in groupby(enumerate(idx), lambda i: i[0] - i[1]): group = list(map(itemgetter(1), group)) if group[-1] - group[0] > 0: ranges.append((group[0], group[-1])) # Subset ranges to lowest 5 if len(ranges) > 5: ranges = ranges[0:5] # For each layer, calculate the difference in theta from # top and bottom of the layer. The lowest layer where the # difference is > 2 K is set as the PBL. pbl = 0.0 theta_diff_layer = [] bottom_inversion = [] top_inversion = [] for r in ranges: if agl[r[1]] > 4000.0: continue theta_diff = theta[r[1]] - theta[r[0]] theta_diff_layer.append(theta_diff) bottom_inversion.append(alt[r[0]]) top_inversion.append(alt[r[1]]) if pbl == 0.0 and theta_diff > 2.0: pbl = alt[r[0]] if len(theta_diff_layer) == 0: pbl = -9999.0 # If PBL is not set, set it to the layer with the max theta diff if pbl == 0.0: idx = np.argmax(theta_diff_layer) pbl = bottom_inversion[idx] # Add variables to the dataset atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'Planteary Boundary Layer Height Heffter'} da = xr.DataArray(pbl, attrs=atts) ds['pblht_heffter'] = da atts = {'units': 'mb', 'long_name': 'Gridded pressure'} da = xr.DataArray(pres, coords={'atm_pres_ss': pres}, dims=['atm_pres_ss'], attrs=atts) ds['atm_pres_ss'] = da atts = {'units': 'K', 'long_name': 'Gridded potential temperature'} da = xr.DataArray(theta, coords={'atm_pres_ss': pres}, dims=['atm_pres_ss'], attrs=atts) ds['potential_temperature_ss'] = da atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'Gridded altitude'} da = xr.DataArray(alt, coords={'atm_pres_ss': pres}, dims=['atm_pres_ss'], attrs=atts) ds['alt_ss'] = da atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'Bottom height of inversion layers'} da = xr.DataArray( bottom_inversion, coords={'layers': list(range(len(bottom_inversion)))}, dims=['layers'], attrs=atts, ) ds['bottom_inversion'] = da atts = {'units': 'm', 'long_name': 'Top height of inversion layers'} da = xr.DataArray( top_inversion, coords={'layers': list(range(len(top_inversion)))}, dims=['layers'], attrs=atts, ) ds['top_inversion'] = da return ds
def preprocess_sonde_data( ds, temperature='tdry', pressure='pres', height='alt', smooth_height=3, base=5.0, ): """ Function for processing the SONDE data for the PBL calculations. This is to ensure consistency and also applies some QC to the processing. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray Dataset Dataset housing radiosonde profile for calculations temperature : str The name of the temperature field. pressure : str The name of the pressure field. height : str The name of the height field smooth_height : int Number of points to do a moving average on sounding height data to reduce noise base : int Interval for pressure gridding. In testing, 5 mb was found to produce results with the lowest RMS Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset Xarray dataset containing processed sonde data. References ---------- Sivaraman, C., S. McFarlane, E. Chapman, M. Jensen, T. Toto, S. Liu, and M. Fischer. "Planetary boundary layer (PBL) height value added product (VAP): Radiosonde retrievals." Department of Energy Office of Science Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program (United States) (2013). """ # Get the initial time and temp values time_0 = ds['time'].values temp_0 = ds[temperature].values # Apply a rolling average to smooth the pressure out ds[pressure] = ds[pressure].rolling(time=smooth_height, min_periods=1, center=True).mean() # Swap time and pressure for doing the appropriate gridding ds2 = ds.swap_dims(dims_dict={'time': pressure}) for var in ds2: ds2[var].attrs = ds2[var].attrs # Set up the pressure grid starting_pres = base * np.ceil(float(ds2[pressure].values[2]) / base) p_grid = np.flip(np.arange(100.0, starting_pres + base, base)) # Pull out the data that's nearest to the pressure grid. If it errors # it will smooth the data more. This tends to happen if there are multiple # values of pressure that are the same try: ds2 = ds2.sel({pressure: p_grid}, method='nearest') except Exception: ds[pressure] = ( ds[pressure].rolling(time=smooth_height + 4, min_periods=2, center=True).mean() ) ds2 = ds.swap_dims(dims_dict={'time': pressure}) for var in ds2: ds2[var].attrs = ds[var].attrs try: ds2 = ds2.sel({pressure: p_grid}, method='nearest') except Exception: raise ValueError('Sonde profile does not have unique pressures after smoothing') # Get data alt = ds2[height].values pres = ds2[pressure].values temp = ds2[temperature].values # Perform Pre-processing checks if len(temp) == 0.0: raise ValueError('No data in profile') if np.nanmax(alt) < 1000.0: raise ValueError('Max altitude < 1000m') if np.nanmax(pres) <= 200.0: raise ValueError('Max pressure <= 200 hPa') # Check temperature delta t1 = time_0[0] t2 = t1 + np.timedelta64(10, 's') idx = np.where((time_0 >= t1) & (time_0 <= t2))[0] t_delta = abs(temp_0[idx[-1]] - temp_0[idx[0]]) if t_delta > 30.0: raise ValueError('Temperature changes by >30º in first 10 seconds') # Check min/max if np.nanmax(temp) > 50.0 or np.nanmin(temp) < -90: raise ValueError('Temperature outside acceptable range (-90, 50)') if np.isnan(pres[0]) or np.isnan(pres[1]): raise ValueError('First two pressure values bad') # Calculate potential temperature and subsequent gradients theta = ( convert_to_potential_temp(ds=ds2, temp_var_name=temperature, press_var_name=pressure) + 273.15 ) # Set variables to return atts = {'units': 'K', 'long_name': 'Potential temperature'} da = xr.DataArray(theta, coords=ds2['tdry'].coords, dims=ds2[temperature].dims, attrs=atts) ds2['potential_temperature'] = da return ds2