Source code for act.utils.data_utils

Module containing utilities for the data.


import importlib
import warnings

import json
import metpy
import numpy as np
import pint
import scipy.stats as stats
import xarray as xr
from pathlib import Path
import re
import requests
from os import PathLike

spec = importlib.util.find_spec('pyart')
if spec is not None:

[docs]@xr.register_dataset_accessor('utils') class ChangeUnits: """ Class for updating units in the dataset. Data values and units attribute are updated in place. Coordinate variables can not be updated in place. Must use new returned dataset when updating coordinage varibles. """ def __init__(self, ds): self._ds = ds
[docs] def change_units( self, variables=None, desired_unit=None, skip_variables=None, skip_standard=True, verbose=False, raise_error=False, ): """ Parameters ---------- variables : None, str or list of str Variable names to attempt to change units. desired_unit : str Desired udunits unit string. skip_variables : None, str or list of str Variable names to skip. Works well when not providing a variables keyword. skip_standard : boolean Flag indicating the QC variables that will not need changing are skipped. Makes the processing faster when processing all variables in dataset. verbose : boolean Option to print statement when an attempted conversion fails. Set to False as default because many units strings are not udunits complient and when trying to convert all varialbes of a type of units (eg temperature) the code can print a lot of unecessary information. raise_error : boolean Raise an error if conversion is not successful. Returns ------- dataset : xarray.dataset A new dataset if the coordinate variables are updated. Required to use returned dataset if coordinage variabels are updated, otherwise the dataset is updated in place. """ if variables is not None and isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] if skip_variables is not None and isinstance(skip_variables, str): skip_variables = [skip_variables] if desired_unit is None: raise ValueError("Need to provide 'desired_unit' keyword for .change_units() method") if variables is None: variables = list(self._ds.data_vars) if skip_variables is not None: variables = list(set(variables) - set(skip_variables)) for var_name in variables: try: if self._ds[var_name].attrs['standard_name'] == 'quality_flag': continue except KeyError: pass try: data = convert_units( self._ds[var_name].values, self._ds[var_name].attrs['units'], desired_unit, ) try: self._ds[var_name].values = data self._ds[var_name].attrs['units'] = desired_unit except ValueError: attrs = self._ds[var_name].attrs self._ds = self._ds.assign_coords({var_name: data}) attrs['units'] = desired_unit self._ds[var_name].attrs = attrs except ( KeyError, pint.errors.DimensionalityError, pint.errors.UndefinedUnitError, np.core._exceptions.UFuncTypeError, ): if raise_error: raise ValueError( f"Unable to convert '{var_name}' to units of '{desired_unit}'." ) elif verbose: print( f"\n Unable to convert '{var_name}' to units of '{desired_unit}'. " f"Skipping unit converstion for '{var_name}'.\n" ) return self._ds
# @xr.register_dataset_accessor('utils')
[docs]class DatastreamParserARM: ''' Class to parse ARM datastream names or filenames into its components. Will return None for each attribute if not extracted from the filename. Attributes ---------- site : str or None The site code extracted from the filename. datastream_class : str The datastream class extracted from the filename. facility : str or None The datastream facility code extracted from the filename. level : str or None The datastream level code extracted from the filename. datastream : str or None The datastram extracted from the filename. date : str or None The date extracted from the filename. time : str or None The time extracted from the filename. ext : str or None The file extension extracted from the filename. Example ------- >>> from act.utils.data_utils import DatastreamParserARM >>> file = '' >>> fn_obj = DatastreamParserARM(file) >>> 'sgp' >>> fn_obj.datastream_class 'met' ''' def __init__(self, ds=''): ''' Constructor that initializes datastream data member and runs parse_datastream class method. Also converts datastream name to lower case before parsing. ds : str The datastream or filename to parse ''' if isinstance(ds, (str, PathLike)): self.__datastream = Path(ds).name else: raise ValueError('Datastream or filename name must be a string or pathlib.PosixPath.') try: self.__parse_datastream() except ValueError: self.__site = None self.__class = None self.__facility = None self.__datastream = None self.__level = None self.__date = None self.__time = None self.__ext = None def __parse_datastream(self): ''' Private method to parse datastream name into its various components (site, class, facility, and data level. Is called automatically by constructor when object of class is instantiated and when the set_datastream method is called to reset the object. ''' # Import the built-in match function from regular expression library # self.__datastream = self.__datastream tempstring = self.__datastream.split('.') # Check to see if ARM-standard filename was passed self.__ext = None self.__time = None self.__date = None self.__level = None self.__site = None self.__class = None self.__facility = None if len(tempstring) >= 5: self.__ext = tempstring[4] if len(tempstring) >= 4: self.__time = tempstring[3] if len(tempstring) >= 3: self.__date = tempstring[2] if len(tempstring) >= 2: m = re.match('[abcs0][0123456789]', tempstring[1]) if m is not None: self.__level = match = False m ='(^[a-z]{3})(\w+)([A-Z]{1}\d{1,2})$', tempstring[0]) if m is not None: self.__site = self.__class = self.__facility = match = True if not match: m ='(^[a-z]{3})([^A-Z]+)$', tempstring[0]) if m is not None: self.__site = self.__class = match = True if not match and len(tempstring[0]) == 3: m ='(^[a-z]{3})', tempstring[0]) if m is not None: self.__site = match = True if not match: raise ValueError(self.__datastream)
[docs] def set_datastream(self, ds): ''' Method used to set or reset object by passing a new datastream name. ''' self.__init__(ds)
@property def datastream(self): ''' Property returning current datastream name stored in object in standard lower case. Will return the datastrem with no level if unavailable. ''' try: return ''.join((self.__site, self.__class, self.__facility, '.', self.__level)) except TypeError: return None @property def site(self): ''' Property returning current site name stored in object in standard lower case. ''' return self.__site @property def datastream_class(self): ''' Property returning current datastream class name stored in object in standard lower case. Could not use class as attribute name since it is a reserved word in Python ''' return self.__class @property def facility(self): ''' Property returning current facility name stored in object in standard upper case. ''' try: return self.__facility.upper() except AttributeError: return self.__facility @property def level(self): ''' Property returning current data level stored in object in standard lower case. ''' return self.__level @property def datastream_standard(self): ''' Property returning datastream name in ARM-standard format with facility in caps. Will return the datastream name with no level if unavailable. ''' try: return ''.join((, self.datastream_class, self.facility, '.', self.level)) except TypeError: return None @property def date(self): ''' Property returning date from filename. ''' return self.__date @property def time(self): ''' Property returning time from filename. ''' return self.__time @property def ext(self): ''' Property returning file extension from filename. ''' return self.__ext
[docs]def assign_coordinates(ds, coord_list): """ This procedure will create a new ACT dataset whose coordinates are designated to be the variables in a given list. This helps make data slicing via xarray and visualization easier. Parameters ---------- ds : ACT Dataset The ACT Dataset to modify the coordinates of. coord_list : dict The list of variables to assign as coordinates, given as a dictionary whose keys are the variable name and values are the dimension name. Returns ------- new_ds : ACT Dataset The new ACT Dataset with the coordinates assigned to be the given variables. """ # Check to make sure that user assigned valid entries for coordinates for coord in coord_list.keys(): if coord not in ds.variables.keys(): raise KeyError(coord + ' is not a variable in the Dataset.') if ds.sizes[coord_list[coord]] != len(ds.variables[coord]): raise IndexError( coord + ' must have the same ' + 'value as length of ' + coord_list[coord] ) new_ds_dict = {} for variable in ds.variables.keys(): my_coord_dict = {} dataarray = ds[variable] if len(dataarray.dims) > 0: for coord in coord_list.keys(): if coord_list[coord] in dataarray.dims: my_coord_dict[coord_list[coord]] = ds[coord] if variable not in my_coord_dict.keys() and variable not in ds.dims: the_dataarray = xr.DataArray(, coords=my_coord_dict, dims=dataarray.dims) new_ds_dict[variable] = the_dataarray new_ds = xr.Dataset(new_ds_dict, coords=my_coord_dict) return new_ds
[docs]def add_in_nan(time, data): """ This procedure adds in NaNs when there is a larger than expected time step. This is useful for timeseries where there is a gap in data and need a NaN value to stop plotting from connecting data over the large data gap. Parameters ---------- time : 1D array of numpy datetime64 or Xarray DataArray of datetime64 Times in the timeseries. data : 1D or 2D numpy array or Xarray DataArray Array containing the data. The 0 axis corresponds to time. Returns ------- time : numpy array or Xarray DataArray The array containing the new times including a NaN filled sampe or slice if multi-dimensional. The intervals are determined by the mode of the timestep in *time*. data : numpy array or Xarray DataArray The array containing the NaN-indserted data. """ time_is_DataArray = False data_is_DataArray = False if isinstance(time, xr.core.dataarray.DataArray): time_is_DataArray = True time_attributes = time.attrs time_dims = time.dims if isinstance(data, xr.core.dataarray.DataArray): data_is_DataArray = True data_attributes = data.attrs data_dims = data.dims # Return if time dimension is only size one since we can't do differences. if time.size > 2: data = np.asarray(data) time = np.asarray(time) # Not sure if we need to set to second data type to make it work better. # Leaving code in here in case we need to update. # diff = np.diff(time.astype('datetime64[s]'), 1) diff = np.diff(time, 1) # Wrapping in a try to catch error while switching between numpy 1.10 to 1.11 try: mode = stats.mode(diff, keepdims=True).mode[0] except TypeError: mode = stats.mode(diff).mode[0] index = np.where(diff > (2.0 * mode)) # If the data is not float time and we try to insert a NaN it will # not auto upconvert the data. Need to convert before inserting NaN. if len(index) > 0 and np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.integer): data = data.astype('float32') offset = 0 for i in index[0]: corr_i = i + offset if len(data.shape) == 1: # For line plotting adding a NaN will stop the connection of the line # between points. So we just need to add a NaN anywhere between the points. corr_i = i + offset time_added = time[corr_i] + (time[corr_i + 1] - time[corr_i]) / 2.0 time = np.insert(time, corr_i + 1, time_added) data = np.insert(data, corr_i + 1, np.nan, axis=0) offset += 1 else: # For 2D plots need to add a NaN right after and right before the data # to correctly mitigate streaking with pcolormesh. time_added_1 = time[corr_i] + 1 # One time step after time_added_2 = time[corr_i + 1] - 1 # One time step before time = np.insert(time, corr_i + 1, [time_added_1, time_added_2]) data = np.insert(data, corr_i + 1, np.nan, axis=0) data = np.insert(data, corr_i + 2, np.nan, axis=0) offset += 2 if time_is_DataArray: time = xr.DataArray(time, attrs=time_attributes, dims=time_dims) if data_is_DataArray: data = xr.DataArray(data, attrs=data_attributes, dims=data_dims) return time, data
[docs]def get_missing_value( ds, variable, default=-9999, add_if_missing_in_ds=False, use_FillValue=False, nodefault=False, ): """ Function to get missing value from missing_value or _FillValue attribute. Works well with catching errors and allows for a default value when a missing value is not listed in the dataset. You may get strange results becaus xarray will automatically convert all missing_value or _FillValue to NaN and then remove the missing_value and _FillValue variable attribute when reading data with default settings. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Xarray dataset containing data variable. variable : str Variable name to use for getting missing value. default : int or float Default value to use if missing value attribute is not in dataset. add_if_missing_in_ds : bool Boolean to add to the dataset if does not exist. Default is False. use_FillValue : bool Boolean to use _FillValue instead of missing_value. If missing_value does exist and _FillValue does not will add _FillValue set to missing_value value. nodefault : bool Option to use this to check if the varible has a missing value set and do not want to get default as return. If the missing value is found will return, else will return None. Returns ------- missing : scalar int or float (or None) Value used to indicate missing value matching type of data or None if nodefault keyword set to True. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from act.utils import get_missing_value missing = get_missing_value(dq_ds, "temp_mean") print(missing) -9999.0 """ in_ds = False if use_FillValue: missing_atts = ['_FillValue', 'missing_value'] else: missing_atts = ['missing_value', '_FillValue'] for att in missing_atts: try: missing = ds[variable].attrs[att] in_ds = True break except (AttributeError, KeyError): missing = default # Check if do not want a default value retured and a value # was not fund. if nodefault is True and in_ds is False: missing = None return missing # Check data type and try to match missing_value to the data type of data try: missing = ds[variable].data.dtype.type(missing) except KeyError: pass except AttributeError: print( ('--- AttributeError: Issue trying to get data type ' + 'from "{}" data ---').format( variable ) ) # If requested add missing value to the dataset if add_if_missing_in_ds and not in_ds: try: ds[variable].attrs[missing_atts[0]] = missing except KeyError: print( ('--- KeyError: Issue trying to add "{}" ' + 'attribute to "{}" ---').format( missing_atts[0], variable ) ) return missing
[docs]def convert_units(data, in_units, out_units): """ Wrapper function around library to convert data using unit strings. Currently using pint units library. Will attempt to preserve numpy data type, but will upconvert to numpy float64 if need to change data type for converted values. Parameters ---------- data : list, tuple or numpy array Data array to be modified. in_units : str Units scalar string of input data array. out_units : str Units scalar string of desired output data array. Returns ------- data : numpy array Data array converted into new units. Examples -------- > data = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6]) > data = convert_units(data, 'cm', 'm') > data array([0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06]) """ # Fix historical and current incorrect usage of units. convert_dict = { 'C': 'degC', 'F': 'degF', '%': 'percent', # Pint does not like this symbol with .to('%') '1': 'unitless', # Pint does not like a number } if in_units in convert_dict: in_units = convert_dict[in_units] if out_units in convert_dict: out_units = convert_dict[out_units] if in_units == out_units: return data # Instantiate the registry ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit=True) # Add missing units and conversions ureg.define('fraction = []') ureg.define('unitless = []') if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) data_type = data.dtype data_type_kind = data.dtype.kind # Do the conversion magic data = (data * ureg(in_units)).to(out_units) data = data.magnitude # The data type may be changed by pint. This is a side effect # of pint changing the datatype to float. Check if the converted values # need float precision. If so leave, if not change back to orginal # precision after checking if the precsion is not lost with the orginal # data type. if ( data_type_kind == 'i' and np.nanmin(data) >= np.iinfo(data_type).min and np.nanmax(data) <= np.iinfo(data_type).max and np.all(np.mod(data, 1) == 0) ): data = data.astype(data_type) return data
[docs]def ts_weighted_average(ts_dict): """ Program to take in multiple difference time-series and average them using the weights provided. This assumes that the variables passed in all have the same units. Please see example gallery for an example. NOTE: All weights should add up to 1 Parameters ---------- ts_dict : dict Dictionary containing datastream, variable, weight, and datasets .. code-block:: python t_dict = { "sgpvdisC1.b1": { "variable": "rain_rate", "weight": 0.05, "ds": ds, }, "sgpmetE13.b1": { "variable": [ "tbrg_precip_total", "org_precip_rate_mean", "pwd_precip_rate_mean_1min", ], "weight": [0.25, 0.05, 0.0125], }, } Returns ------- data : numpy array Variable of time-series averaged data """ # Run through each datastream/variable and get data da_array = [] data = 0.0 for d in ts_dict: for i, v in enumerate(ts_dict[d]['variable']): new_name = '_'.join([d, v]) # Since many variables may have same name, rename with datastream da = ts_dict[d]['ds'][v].rename(new_name) # Apply Weights to Data da.values = da.values * ts_dict[d]['weight'][i] da_array.append(da) da = xr.merge(da_array) # Stack all the data into a 2D time series data = None for i, d in enumerate(da): if i == 0: data = da[d].values else: data = np.vstack((data, da[d].values)) # Sum data across each time sample data = np.nansum(data, 0) # Add data to data array and return dims = ts_dict[list(ts_dict.keys())[0]]['ds'].dims da_xr = xr.DataArray( data, dims=dims, coords={'time': ts_dict[list(ts_dict.keys())[0]]['ds']['time']}, ) da_xr.attrs['long_name'] = 'Weighted average of ' + ', '.join(list(ts_dict.keys())) return da_xr
[docs]def accumulate_precip(ds, variable, time_delta=None): """ Program to accumulate rain rates from an act xarray dataset and insert variable back into an act xarray dataset with "_accumulated" appended to the variable name. Please verify that your units are accurately described in the data. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.DataSet ACT Xarray dataset. variable : string Variable name. time_delta : float Time delta to caculate precip accumulations over. Useful if full time series is not passed in. Returns ------- ds : xarray.DataSet ACT Xarray dataset with variable_accumulated. """ # Get Data, time, and metadat data = ds[variable] time = ds.coords['time'] units = ds[variable].attrs['units'] # Calculate mode of the time samples(i.e. 1 min vs 1 sec) if time_delta is None: diff = np.diff(time.values, 1) / np.timedelta64(1, 's') try: t_delta = stats.mode(diff, keepdims=False).mode except TypeError: t_delta = stats.mode(diff).mode else: t_delta = time_delta # Calculate the accumulation based on the units t_factor = t_delta / 60.0 if units == 'mm/hr': data = data * (t_factor / 60.0) accum = np.nancumsum(data.values) # Add accumulated variable back to the dataset long_name = 'Accumulated precipitation' attrs = {'long_name': long_name, 'units': 'mm'} ds['_'.join([variable, 'accumulated'])] = xr.DataArray( accum, coords=ds[variable].coords, attrs=attrs ) return ds
[docs]def create_pyart_obj( ds, variables=None, sweep=None, azimuth=None, elevation=None, range_var=None, sweep_start=None, sweep_end=None, lat=None, lon=None, alt=None, sweep_mode='ppi', sweep_az_thresh=10.0, sweep_el_thresh=0.5, ): """ Produces a Py-ART radar object based on data in the ACT Xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.DataSet ACT Xarray dataset. variables : list List of variables to add to the radar object, will default to all variables. sweep : string Name of variable that has sweep information. If none, will try and calculate from the azimuth and elevation. azimuth : string Name of azimuth variable. Will try and find one if none given. elevation : string Name of elevation variable. Will try and find one if none given. range_var : string Name of the range variable. Will try and find one if none given. sweep_start : string Name of variable with sweep start indices. sweep_end : string Name of variable with sweep end indices. lat : string Name of latitude variable. Will try and find one if none given. lon : string Name of longitude variable. Will try and find one if none given. alt : string Name of altitude variable. Will try and find one if none given. sweep_mode : string Type of scan. Defaults to PPI. sweep_az_thresh : float If calculating sweep numbers, the maximum change in azimuth before new sweep. sweep_el_thresh : float If calculating sweep numbers, the maximum change in elevation before new sweep. Returns ------- radar : radar.Radar Py-ART Radar Object. """ if not PYART_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError( 'Py-ART needs to be installed on your system to convert to ' 'Py-ART Object.' ) else: import pyart # Get list of variables if none provided if variables is None: variables = list(ds.keys()) # Determine the sweeps if not already in a variable$a if sweep is None: swp = np.zeros(ds.sizes['time']) for key in ds.variables.keys(): if len(ds.variables[key].shape) == 2: total_rays = ds.variables[key].shape[0] break nsweeps = int(total_rays / ds.variables['time'].shape[0]) else: swp = ds[sweep].values nsweeps = ds[sweep].values # Get coordinate variables if lat is None: lat = [s for s in variables if 'latitude' in s] if len(lat) == 0: lat = [s for s in variables if 'lat' in s] if len(lat) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Latitude variable not set and could not be ' 'discerned from the data.' ) else: lat = lat[0] if lon is None: lon = [s for s in variables if 'longitude' in s] if len(lon) == 0: lon = [s for s in variables if 'lon' in s] if len(lon) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Longitude variable not set and could not be ' 'discerned from the data.' ) else: lon = lon[0] if alt is None: alt = [s for s in variables if 'altitude' in s] if len(alt) == 0: alt = [s for s in variables if 'alt' in s] if len(alt) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Altitude variable not set and could not be ' 'discerned from the data.' ) else: alt = alt[0] # Get additional variable names if none provided if azimuth is None: azimuth = [s for s in sorted(variables) if 'azimuth' in s][0] if len(azimuth) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Azimuth variable not set and could not be ' 'discerned from the data.' ) if elevation is None: elevation = [s for s in sorted(variables) if 'elevation' in s][0] if len(elevation) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Elevation variable not set and could not be ' 'discerned from the data.' ) if range_var is None: range_var = [s for s in sorted(variables) if 'range' in s][0] if len(range_var) == 0: raise ValueError('Range variable not set and could not be ' 'discerned from the data.') # Calculate the sweep indices if not passed in if sweep_start is None and sweep_end is None: az_diff = np.abs(np.diff(ds[azimuth].values)) az_idx = az_diff > sweep_az_thresh el_diff = np.abs(np.diff(ds[elevation].values)) el_idx = el_diff > sweep_el_thresh # Create index list az_index = list(np.where(az_idx)[0] + 1) el_index = list(np.where(el_idx)[0] + 1) index = sorted(az_index + el_index) index.insert(0, 0) index += [ds.sizes['time']] sweep_start_index = [] sweep_end_index = [] for i in range(len(index) - 1): sweep_start_index.append(index[i]) sweep_end_index.append(index[i + 1] - 1) swp[index[i] : index[i + 1]] = i else: sweep_start_index = ds[sweep_start].values sweep_end_index = ds[sweep_end].values if sweep is None: for i in range(len(sweep_start_index)): swp[sweep_start_index[i] : sweep_end_index[i]] = i radar = pyart.testing.make_empty_ppi_radar(ds.sizes[range_var], ds.sizes['time'], nsweeps) radar.time['data'] = np.array(ds['time'].values) # Add lat, lon, and alt radar.latitude['data'] = np.array(ds[lat].values) radar.longitude['data'] = np.array(ds[lon].values) radar.altitude['data'] = np.array(ds[alt].values) # Add sweep information radar.sweep_number['data'] = swp radar.sweep_start_ray_index['data'] = sweep_start_index radar.sweep_end_ray_index['data'] = sweep_end_index radar.sweep_mode['data'] = np.array(sweep_mode) radar.scan_type = sweep_mode # Add elevation, azimuth, etc... radar.azimuth['data'] = np.array(ds[azimuth]) radar.elevation['data'] = np.array(ds[elevation]) radar.fixed_angle['data'] = np.array(ds[elevation].values[0]) radar.range['data'] = np.array(ds[range_var].values) # Calculate radar points in lat/lon radar.init_gate_altitude() radar.init_gate_longitude_latitude() # Add the fields to the radar object fields = {} for v in variables: ref_dict = pyart.config.get_metadata(v) ref_dict['data'] = np.array(ds[v].values) fields[v] = ref_dict radar.fields = fields return radar
[docs]def convert_to_potential_temp( ds=None, temp_var_name=None, press_var_name=None, temperature=None, pressure=None, temp_var_units=None, press_var_units=None, ): """ Converts temperature to potential temperature. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.DataSet ACT Xarray dataset temp_var_name : str Temperature variable name in the ACT Xarray dataset containing temperature data to convert. press_var_name : str Pressure variable name in the ACT Xarray dataset containing the pressure data to use in conversion. If not set or set to None will use values from pressure keyword. pressure : int, float, numpy array Optional pressure values to use instead of using values from xarray dataset. If set must also set press_var_units keyword. temp_var_units : string Pint recognized units string for temperature data. If set to None will use the units attribute under temperature variable in ds. press_var_units : string Pint recognized units string for pressure data. If set to None will use the units attribute under pressure variable in the dataset. If using the pressure keyword this must be set. Returns ------- potential_temperature : None, int, float, numpy array The converted temperature to potential temperature or None if something goes wrong. References ---------- May, R. M., Arms, S. C., Marsh, P., Bruning, E., Leeman, J. R., Goebbert, K., Thielen, J. E., and Bruick, Z., 2021: MetPy: A Python Package for Meteorological Data. Unidata,, doi:10.5065/D6WW7G29. """ potential_temp = None if temp_var_units is None and temp_var_name is not None: temp_var_units = ds[temp_var_name].attrs['units'] if press_var_units is None and press_var_name is not None: press_var_units = ds[press_var_name].attrs['units'] if press_var_units is None: raise ValueError( "Need to provide 'press_var_units' keyword " "when using 'pressure' keyword" ) if temp_var_units is None: raise ValueError( "Need to provide 'temp_var_units' keyword " "when using 'temperature' keyword" ) if temperature is not None: temperature = metpy.units.units.Quantity(temperature, temp_var_units) else: temperature = metpy.units.units.Quantity(ds[temp_var_name].values, temp_var_units) if pressure is not None: pressure = metpy.units.units.Quantity(pressure, press_var_units) else: pressure = metpy.units.units.Quantity(ds[press_var_name].values, press_var_units) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) potential_temp = metpy.calc.potential_temperature(pressure, temperature) potential_temp = return potential_temp
[docs]def height_adjusted_temperature( ds=None, temp_var_name=None, height_difference=0, height_units='m', press_var_name=None, temperature=None, temp_var_units=None, pressure=101.325, press_var_units='kPa', ): """ Converts temperature for change in height. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.DataSet, None Optional Xarray dataset for retrieving pressure and temperature values. Not needed if using temperature keyword. temp_var_name : str, None Optional temperature variable name in the Xarray dataset containing the temperature data to use in conversion. If not set or set to None will use values from temperature keyword. height_difference : int, float Required difference in height to adjust pressure values. Positive values to increase height negative values to decrease height. height_units : str Units of height value. press_var_name : str, None Optional pressure variable name in the Xarray dataset containing the pressure data to use in conversion. If not set or set to None will use values from pressure keyword. temperature : int, float, numpy array, None Optional temperature values to use instead of values in the dataset. temp_var_units : str, None Pint recognized units string for temperature data. If set to None will use the units attribute under temperature variable in the dataset. If using the temperature keyword this must be set. pressure : int, float, numpy array, None Optional pressure values to use instead of values in the dataset. Default value of sea level pressure is set for ease of use. press_var_units : str, None Pint recognized units string for pressure data. If set to None will use the units attribute under pressure variable in the dataset. If using the pressure keyword this must be set. Default value of sea level pressure is set for ease of use. Returns ------- adjusted_temperature : None, int, float, numpy array The height adjusted temperature or None if something goes wrong. References ---------- May, R. M., Arms, S. C., Marsh, P., Bruning, E., Leeman, J. R., Goebbert, K., Thielen, J. E., and Bruick, Z., 2021: MetPy: A Python Package for Meteorological Data. Unidata,, doi:10.5065/D6WW7G29. """ adjusted_temperature = None if temp_var_units is None and temperature is None: temp_var_units = ds[temp_var_name].attrs['units'] if temp_var_units is None: raise ValueError( "Need to provide 'temp_var_units' keyword when " 'providing temperature keyword values.' ) if temperature is not None: temperature = metpy.units.units.Quantity(temperature, temp_var_units) else: temperature = metpy.units.units.Quantity(ds[temp_var_name].values, temp_var_units) if press_var_name is not None: pressure = metpy.units.units.Quantity(ds[press_var_name].values, press_var_units) else: pressure = metpy.units.units.Quantity(pressure, press_var_units) adjusted_pressure = height_adjusted_pressure( height_difference=height_difference, height_units=height_units, pressure=pressure.magnitude, press_var_units=press_var_units, ) adjusted_pressure = metpy.units.units.Quantity(adjusted_pressure, press_var_units) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) adjusted_temperature = metpy.calc.dry_lapse(adjusted_pressure, temperature, pressure) adjusted_temperature = return adjusted_temperature
[docs]def height_adjusted_pressure( ds=None, press_var_name=None, height_difference=0, height_units='m', pressure=None, press_var_units=None, ): """ Converts pressure for change in height. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.DataSet, None Optional Xarray dataset for retrieving pressure values. Not needed if using pressure keyword. press_var_name : str, None Optional pressure variable name in the Xarray dataset containing the pressure data to use in conversion. If not set or set to None will use values from pressure keyword. height_difference : int, float Required difference in height to adjust pressure values. Positive values to increase height negative values to decrease height. height_units : str Units of height value. pressure : int, float, numpy array, None Optional pressure values to use instead of values in the dataset. press_var_units : str, None Pint recognized units string for pressure data. If set to None will use the units attribute under pressure variable in the dataset. If using the pressure keyword this must be set. Returns ------- adjusted_pressure : None, int, float, numpy array The height adjusted pressure or None if something goes wrong. References ---------- May, R. M., Arms, S. C., Marsh, P., Bruning, E., Leeman, J. R., Goebbert, K., Thielen, J. E., and Bruick, Z., 2021: MetPy: A Python Package for Meteorological Data. Unidata,, doi:10.5065/D6WW7G29. """ adjusted_pressure = None if press_var_units is None and pressure is None: press_var_units = ds[press_var_name].attrs['units'] if press_var_units is None: raise ValueError( "Need to provide 'press_var_units' keyword when " 'providing pressure keyword values.' ) if pressure is not None: pressure = metpy.units.units.Quantity(pressure, press_var_units) else: pressure = metpy.units.units.Quantity(ds[press_var_name].values, press_var_units) height_difference = metpy.units.units.Quantity(height_difference, height_units) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) adjusted_pressure = metpy.calc.add_height_to_pressure(pressure, height_difference) adjusted_pressure = return adjusted_pressure
[docs]def calculate_percentages(ds, fields, time=None, time_slice=None, threshold=None, fill_value=0.0): """ This function calculates percentages of different fields of a dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : ACT Dataset The ACT dataset to calculate the percentages on. fields : list A list of all the fields to use in the percentage calculations. time : datetime A single datetime to calculate percentages on if desired. Default is None and all data will be included. time_slice : tuple A tuple of two datetimes to grab all data between those two datatimes. Default is None and all data will be included. threshold : float Threshold in which anything below will be considered invalid. Default is None. fill_value : float Fill value for invalid data. Only used if a threshold is provided. Returns ------- percentages : dict A dictionary containing the fields provided and their corresponding percentage that was calculated. """ # Copy Dataset so we are not overriding the data. ds_percent = ds.copy() # Check if any incorrect values based on a threshold and replace with a fill # value. if threshold is not None: for field in fields: ds_percent[field] = ds_percent[field].where(ds_percent[field] > threshold, fill_value) # Raise warning if negative values present in a field. if threshold is None: for field in fields: res = np.all(ds_percent[field].values >= 0.0) if not res: warnings.warn( f"{field} contains negatives values, consider using a threshold.", UserWarning, ) # Select the data based on time, multiple times within a slice, or # a sample of times per a timestep. if time is not None: ds_percent = ds_percent.sel(time=time) elif time_slice is not None: ds_percent = ds_percent.sel(time=slice(time_slice[0], time_slice[1])) else: warnings.warn( "No time parameter used, calculating a mean for each field for the whole dataset.", UserWarning, ) # Calculate concentration percentage of each field in the air. values = [ds_percent[field].mean(skipna=True).values for field in fields] total = sum(values) percent_values = [(value / total) * 100 for value in values] # Create a dictionary of the fields and their percentages. percentages = {} for i, j in zip(fields, percent_values): percentages[i] = j ds_percent.close() return percentages
[docs]def convert_2d_to_1d( ds, parse=None, variables=None, keep_name_if_one=False, use_dim_value_in_name=False, dim_labels=None, ): """ Function to convert a single 2D variable into multiple 1D variables using the second dimension in the new variable name. Parameters ---------- ds: xarray.dataset Object containing 2D variable to be converted parse: str or None Coordinate dimension name to parse along. If set to None will guess the non-time dimension is the parse dimension. variables: str or list of str Variable name or names to parse. If not provided will attempt to parse all two dimensional variables with the parse coordinate dimension. keep_name_if_one: boolean Option to not modify the variable name if the coordinate dimension has only one value. Essentially converting a 2D (i.e. (100,1) variable into a 1D variable (i.e. (100)). use_dim_value_in_name: boolean Option to use value from the coordinate dimension in new variable name instead of indexing number. Will use the value prepended to the units of the dimension. dim_labels: str or list of str Allows for use of custom label to append to end of variable names Returns ------- A new object copied from input object with the multi-dimensional variable split into multiple single-dimensional variables. Example ------- # This will get the name of the coordinate dimension so it does not need to # be hard coded. >>> parse_dim = (list(set(list(ds.dims)) - set(['time'])))[0] # Now use the parse_dim name to parse the variable and return new object. >>> new_ds = convert_2d_to_1d(ds, parse=parse_dim) """ # If no parse dimension name given assume it is the one not equal to 'time' if parse is None: parse = (list(set(list(ds.dims)) - {'time'}))[0] new_ds = ds.copy() if variables is not None and isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] if variables is None: variables = list(new_ds.variables) if dim_labels is not None and isinstance(dim_labels, (str,)): dim_labels = [dim_labels] # Check if we want to keep the names the same if the second dimension # is of size one. num_dims = 1 if keep_name_if_one: num_dims = 2 parse_values = ds[parse].values for var in variables: if var == parse: continue # Check if the parse dimension is in the dimension tuple if parse in new_ds[var].dims: if len(new_ds[parse]) >= num_dims: for i in range(0, new_ds.sizes[parse]): if dim_labels is not None: new_var_name = '_'.join([var, dim_labels[i]]) elif use_dim_value_in_name: level = str(parse_values[i]) + ds[parse].attrs['units'] new_var_name = '_'.join([var, parse, level]) else: new_var_name = '_'.join([var, parse, str(i)]) new_var = new_ds[var].copy() new_ds[new_var_name] = new_var.isel(indexers={parse: i}) try: ancillary_variables = new_ds[new_var_name].attrs['ancillary_variables'] current_qc_var_name = ds.qcfilter.check_for_ancillary_qc( var, add_if_missing=False ) if current_qc_var_name is not None: ancillary_variables = ancillary_variables.replace( current_qc_var_name, 'qc_' + new_var_name ) new_ds[new_var_name].attrs['ancillary_variables'] = ancillary_variables except KeyError: pass # Remove the old 2D variable after extracting del new_ds[var] else: # Keep the same name but remove the dimension equal to size 1 new_ds[var] = new_ds[var].squeeze(dim=parse) return new_ds