Source code for act.utils.io_utils

from pathlib import Path
import tarfile
from os import PathLike
from shutil import rmtree
import gzip
import shutil
import tempfile
import types

    import moviepy.editor as moviepy_editor

except (ImportError, RuntimeError):

[docs]def pack_tar(filenames, write_filename=None, write_directory=None, remove=False): """ Creates TAR file from list of filenames provided. Currently only works with all files existing in the same directory. ... Parameters ---------- filenames : str or list Filenames to be placed in TAR file write_filename : str, pathlib.Path, None TAR output filename. If not provided will use file name 'created_tarfile.tar' write_directory : str, pathlib.Path, None Path to directory to write TAR file. If the directory does not exist will be created. remove : boolean Delete provided filenames after making TAR file Returns ------- list List of files extracted from the TAR file or full path to created direcotry containing extracted files. """ if write_filename is None: write_filename = 'created_tarfile.tar' if isinstance(filenames, (str, PathLike)): filenames = [filenames] if write_directory is not None: write_directory = Path(write_directory) write_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) write_filename = Path(write_filename).name elif Path(write_filename).parent != Path('.'): write_directory = Path(write_filename).parent else: write_directory = Path('.') if not str(write_filename).endswith('.tar'): write_filename = str(write_filename) + '.tar' write_filename = Path(write_directory, write_filename) tar_file_handle =, "w") for filename in filenames: tar_file_handle.add(filename, arcname=Path(filename).name) tar_file_handle.close() if remove: for filename in filenames: Path(filename).unlink() return str(write_filename)
[docs]def unpack_tar( tar_files, write_directory=None, temp_dir=False, randomize=True, return_files=True, remove=False ): """ Unpacks TAR file contents into provided base directory ... Parameters ---------- tar_files : str or list path to TAR file to be unpacked write_directory : str or pathlib.Path base path to extract contents of TAR files or create a new randomized directory to extract contents of TAR file. temp_dir : boolean Should a temporary directory be created and TAR files extracted to the new directory. write_directory and randomize are ignored if this option is used. randomize : boolean Create a new randomized directory to extract TAR files into. return_files : boolean When set will return a list of full path filenames to the extracted files. When set to False will return full path to directory containing extracted files. remove : boolean Delete provided TAR files after extracting files. Returns ------- files : list or str List of full path files extracted from the TAR file or full path to direcotry containing extracted files. """ files = [] if isinstance(tar_files, (str, PathLike)): tar_files = [tar_files] out_dir = Path.cwd() if temp_dir is True: out_dir = Path(tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name) else: if write_directory is not None: out_dir = Path(write_directory) else: out_dir = Path(Path(tar_files[0]).parent) if out_dir.is_dir() is False: out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if randomize: out_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=out_dir)) for tar_file in tar_files: try: tar = tar.extractall(path=out_dir) result = [str(Path(out_dir, for ii in tar.getmembers()] files.extend(result) tar.close() except tarfile.ReadError: print("Could not extract files from the tar_file") if return_files is False: files = str(out_dir) else: files.sort() if remove: for tar_file in tar_files: Path(tar_file).unlink() return files
[docs]def cleanup_files(dirname=None, files=None): """ Cleans up files and directory possibly created from unpacking TAR files with unpack_tar() ... Parameters ---------- dirname : str, pathlib.Path, None Path to directory of extracted files which will be removed. files : str, pahtlib.Path, list, None Full path file name(s) from extracted TAR file. Assumes the directory this file exists in should be removed. """ if isinstance(files, (str, PathLike)): files = [str(files)] try: if dirname is not None: rmtree(dirname) if files is not None and len(files) > 0 and Path(files[0]).is_file(): out_dir = Path(files[0]).parent rmtree(out_dir) except Exception as error: print("\nError removing files:", error)
[docs]def is_gunzip_file(filepath): """ Function to test if file is a gunzip file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str or pathlib.Path to file to test Returns ------- test : boolean Result from testing if file is a gunzip file """ try: with open(str(filepath), 'rb') as test_f: return == b'\x1f\x8b' except Exception: return False
[docs]def pack_gzip(filename, write_directory=None, remove=False): """ Creates a gunzip file from a filename path ... Parameters ---------- filename : str, pathlib.Path Filename to use in creation of gunzip version. write_directory : str, pahtlib.Path, list, None Path to directory to place newly created gunzip file. remove : boolean Remove provided filename after creating gunzip file Returns ------- write_filename : str Full path name of created gunzip file """ write_filename = Path(filename).name + '.gz' if write_directory is not None: write_filename = Path(write_directory, write_filename) Path(write_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: write_filename = Path(Path(filename).parent, write_filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as f_in: with, 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) if remove: Path(filename).unlink() return str(write_filename)
[docs]def unpack_gzip(filename, write_directory=None, remove=False): """ Extracts file from a gunzip file. ... Parameters ---------- filename : str, pathlib.Path Filename to use in extraction of gunzip file. write_directory : str, pahtlib.Path, list, None Path to directory to place newly created gunzip file. remove : boolean Remove provided filename after creating gunzip file Returns ------- write_filename : str Full path name of created gunzip file """ if write_directory is None: write_directory = Path(filename).parent write_filename = Path(filename).name if write_filename.endswith('.gz'): write_filename = write_filename.replace(".gz", "") write_filename = Path(write_directory, write_filename) with, "rb") as f_in: with open(write_filename, "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) if remove: Path(filename).unlink() return str(write_filename)
[docs]def generate_movie(images, write_filename=None, fps=10, **kwargs): """ Creates a movie from a list of images or convert movie to different type ... Parameters ---------- images : list, PosixPath generator, path to a directory, single string/PosixPath to movie List of images in the correct order to make into a movie or a generator from a pathlib.Path.glob() search. If a path to directory will create movie from all files in that directory in alpanumeric order. If a single file to a movie will allow for converting to new format defined by file extension of write_filename. write_filename : str, pathlib.Path, None Movie output filename. Default is 'movie.mp4' in current directory. If a path to a directory that does not exist, will create the directory path. fps: int Frames per second. Passed into moviepy->ImageSequenceClip() method **kwargs: dict Optional keywords passed into moviepy->write_videofile() method Returns ------- write_filename : str Full path name of created movie file """ if not MOVIEPY_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError('MoviePy needs to be installed on your system to make movies.') # Set default movie name if write_filename is None: write_filename = Path(Path().cwd(), 'movie.mp4') # Check if images is pointing to a directory. If so ensure is a string not PosixPath IS_MOVIE = False if isinstance(images, (types.GeneratorType, list, tuple)): images = [str(image) for image in images] images.sort() elif isinstance(images, (PathLike, str)) and Path(images).is_file(): IS_MOVIE = True images = str(images) elif isinstance(images, (PathLike, str)) and Path(images).is_dir(): images = str(images) # Ensure full path to filename exists write_directory = Path(write_filename).parent write_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if IS_MOVIE: with moviepy_editor.VideoFileClip(images) as clip: # There can be an issue converting mpeg to other movie format because the # duration parameter in the movie file is not set. So moviepy guesses and # can get the duration wrong. This will find the correct duration (correct to 0.2 seconds) # and set before writing. if Path(images).suffix == '.mpg': import numpy as np import warnings from collections import deque with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning) desired_len = 3 frame_sums = deque() duration = 0.0 # Duration of movie in seconds while True: result = clip.get_frame(duration) frame_sums.append(np.sum(result)) if len(frame_sums) > desired_len: frame_sums.popleft() if len(set(frame_sums)) == 1: break duration += 0.1 clip = clip.set_start(0) clip = clip.set_duration(duration) clip = clip.set_end(duration) clip.write_videofile(str(write_filename), **kwargs) else: clip.write_videofile(str(write_filename), **kwargs) else: clip =, fps=fps) clip.write_videofile(str(write_filename), **kwargs) return str(write_filename)