Source code for pyart.graph.radardisplay_airborne

Class for creating plots from Airborne Radar objects.


import numpy as np

from ..core import transforms
from ..core.transforms import antenna_to_cartesian, antenna_to_cartesian_track_relative
from . import common
from .radardisplay import RadarDisplay

[docs]class AirborneRadarDisplay(RadarDisplay): """ A display object for creating plots from data in a airborne radar object. Parameters ---------- radar : Radar Radar object to use for creating plots, should be an airborne radar. shift : (float, float) Shifts in km to offset the calculated x and y locations. Attributes ---------- plots : list List of plots created. plot_vars : list List of fields plotted, order matches plot list. cbs : list List of colorbars created. origin : str 'Origin' or 'Radar'. shift : (float, float) Shift in meters. loc : (float, float) Latitude and Longitude of radar in degrees. fields : dict Radar fields. scan_type : str Scan type. ranges : array Gate ranges in meters. azimuths : array Azimuth angle in degrees. elevations : array Elevations in degrees. fixed_angle : array Scan angle in degrees. rotation : array Rotation angle in degrees. roll : array Roll angle in degrees. drift : array Drift angle in degrees. tilt : array Tilt angle in degrees. heading : array Heading angle in degrees. pitch : array Pitch angle in degrees. altitude : array Altitude angle in meters. """ def __init__(self, radar, shift=(0.0, 0.0)): """Initialize the object.""" self.fixed_angle = radar.fixed_angle["data"][0] self.rotation = radar.rotation["data"] self.roll = radar.roll["data"] self.drift = radar.drift["data"] self.tilt = radar.tilt["data"] self.heading = radar.heading["data"] self.pitch = radar.pitch["data"] self.altitude = radar.altitude["data"] super().__init__(radar, shift) # radar location in latitude and longitude middle_lat = int(radar.latitude["data"].shape[0] / 2) middle_lon = int(radar.longitude["data"].shape[0] / 2) lat = float(radar.latitude["data"][middle_lat]) lon = float(radar.longitude["data"][middle_lon]) self.loc = (lat, lon) #################### # Plotting methods # ####################
[docs] def plot(self, field, sweep=0, **kwargs): """ Create a plot appropiate for the radar. This function calls the plotting function corresponding to the scan_type of the radar. Additional keywords can be passed to customize the plot, see the appropiate plot function for the allowed keywords. Parameters ---------- field : str Field to plot. sweep : int Sweep number to plot, not used for VPT scans. See Also -------- plot_ppi : Plot a PPI scan plot_sweep_grid : Plot a RHI or VPT scan """ if self.scan_type == "ppi": self.plot_ppi(field, sweep, **kwargs) elif self.scan_type == "rhi": self.plot_sweep_grid(field, sweep, **kwargs) elif self.scan_type == "vpt": self.plot_sweep_grid(field, sweep, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown scan_type {self.scan_type: }") return
[docs] def plot_sweep_grid( self, field, sweep=0, ignoreTilt=False, mask_tuple=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, norm=None, mask_outside=False, title=None, title_flag=True, axislabels=(None, None), axislabels_flag=True, colorbar_flag=True, colorbar_label=None, colorbar_orient="vertical", edges=True, filter_transitions=True, ax=None, fig=None, gatefilter=None, raster=False, ticks=None, ticklabs=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot a sweep as a grid. Additional arguments are passed to Matplotlib's pcolormesh function. Parameters ---------- field : str Field to plot. sweep : int, optional Sweep number to plot. Other Parameters ---------------- ignoreTilt : bool True to ignore tilt angle when running the antenna_to_cartesian_track_relative coordinate transformation (by setting tilt angle to 0), effectively plotting data relative to slant range (the same plotting method utilized by the NCAR soloii/3 software). False (default) plots relative to the aircraft longitudinal axis. mask_tuple : (str, float) Tuple containing the field name and value below which to mask field prior to plotting, for example to mask all data where NCP < 0.5 set mask_tuple to ['NCP', 0.5]. None performs no masking. vmin : float Luminance minimum value, None for default value. Parameter is ignored is norm is not None. vmax : float Luminance maximum value, None for default value. Parameter is ignored is norm is not None. norm : Normalize or None, optional matplotlib Normalize instance used to scale luminance data. If not None the vmax and vmin parameters are ignored. If None, vmin and vmax are used for luminance scaling. cmap : str or None Matplotlib colormap name. None will use the default colormap for the field being plotted as specified by the Py-ART configuration. mask_outside : bool True to mask data outside of vmin, vmax. False performs no masking. title : str Title to label plot with, None to use default title generated from the field and sweep parameters. Parameter is ignored if title_flag is False. title_flag : bool True to add a title to the plot, False does not add a title. axislabels : (str, str) 2-tuple of x-axis, y-axis labels. None for either label will use the default axis label. Parameter is ignored if axislabels_flag is False. axislabels_flag : bool True to add label the axes, False does not label the axes. colorbar_flag : bool True to add a colorbar with label to the axis. False leaves off the colorbar. colorbar_label : str Colorbar label, None will use a default label generated from the field information. colorbar_orient : 'vertical' or 'horizontal' Colorbar orientation. edges : bool True will interpolate and extrapolate the gate edges from the range, azimuth and elevations in the radar, treating these as specifying the center of each gate. False treats these coordinates themselved as the gate edges, resulting in a plot in which the last gate in each ray and the entire last ray are not plotted. gatefilter : GateFilter GateFilter instance. None will result in no gatefilter mask being applied to data. filter_transitions : bool True to remove rays where the antenna was in transition between sweeps from the plot. False will include these rays in the plot. No rays are filtered when the antenna_transition attribute of the underlying radar is not present. ax : Axis Axis to plot on. None will use the current axis. fig : Figure Figure to add the colorbar to. None will use the current figure. raster : bool False by default. Set to true to render the display as a raster rather than a vector in call to pcolormesh. Saves time in plotting high resolution data over large areas. Be sure to set the dpi of the plot for your application if you save it as a vector format (i.e., pdf, eps, svg). ticks : array Colorbar custom tick label locations. ticklabs : array Colorbar custom tick labels. """ # parse parameters ax, fig = common.parse_ax_fig(ax, fig) vmin, vmax = common.parse_vmin_vmax(self._radar, field, vmin, vmax) cmap = common.parse_cmap(cmap, field) # get data for the plot data = self._get_data(field, sweep, mask_tuple, filter_transitions, gatefilter) x, z = self._get_x_z(sweep, edges, filter_transitions, ignoreTilt=ignoreTilt) # mask the data where outside the limits if mask_outside: data = data =, vmin, vmax) # plot the data if norm is not None: # if norm is set do not override with vmin/vmax vmin = vmax = None pm = ax.pcolormesh( x, z, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs ) if raster: pm.set_rasterized(True) if title_flag: self._set_title(field, sweep, title, ax) if axislabels_flag: self._label_axes_rhi(axislabels, ax) # add plot and field to lists self.plots.append(pm) self.plot_vars.append(field) # colorbar options if colorbar_flag: self.plot_colorbar( mappable=pm, label=colorbar_label, orient=colorbar_orient, field=field, ax=ax, fig=fig, ticks=ticks, ticklabs=ticklabs, )
[docs] def label_xaxis_x(self, ax=None): """Label the xaxis with the default label for x units.""" ax = common.parse_ax(ax) ax.set_xlabel("Horizontal distance from " + self.origin + " (km)")
[docs] def label_yaxis_y(self, ax=None): """Label the yaxis with the default label for y units.""" ax = common.parse_ax(ax) ax.set_ylabel("Horizontal distance from " + self.origin + " (km)")
[docs] def label_yaxis_z(self, ax=None): """Label the yaxis with the default label for z units.""" ax = common.parse_ax(ax) ax.set_ylabel("Distance Above " + self.origin + " (km)")
def _get_x_z(self, sweep, edges, filter_transitions, ignoreTilt=False): """Retrieve and return x and z coordinate in km.""" x, _, z = self._get_x_y_z( sweep, edges, filter_transitions, ignoreTilt=ignoreTilt ) return x, z def _get_x_y_z(self, sweep, edges, filter_transitions, ignoreTilt=False): """Retrieve and return x, y, and z coordinate in km.""" sweep_slice = self._radar.get_slice(sweep) if self._radar.metadata["platform_type"] == "aircraft_belly": if filter_transitions and self.antenna_transition is not None: in_trans = self.antenna_transition[sweep_slice] ranges = self.ranges azimuths = self.azimuths[in_trans == 0] elevations = self.elevations[in_trans == 0] else: ranges = self.ranges azimuths = self.azimuths[sweep_slice] elevations = self.elevations[sweep_slice] if edges: if len(ranges) != 1: ranges = transforms._interpolate_range_edges(ranges) if len(elevations) != 1: elevations = transforms._interpolate_elevation_edges(elevations) if len(azimuths) != 1: azimuths = transforms._interpolate_azimuth_edges(azimuths) rg, azg = np.meshgrid(ranges, azimuths) rg, eleg = np.meshgrid(ranges, elevations) x, y, z = antenna_to_cartesian(rg / 1000.0, azg, eleg) else: if filter_transitions and self.antenna_transition is not None: in_trans = self.antenna_transition[sweep_slice] ranges = self.ranges rotation = self.rotation[in_trans == 0] roll = self.roll[in_trans == 0] drift = self.drift[in_trans == 0] tilt = self.tilt[in_trans == 0] pitch = self.pitch[in_trans == 0] else: ranges = self.ranges rotation = self.rotation[sweep_slice] roll = self.roll[sweep_slice] drift = self.drift[sweep_slice] tilt = self.tilt[sweep_slice] pitch = self.pitch[sweep_slice] if ignoreTilt: tilt = tilt * 0.0 if edges: if len(ranges) != 1: ranges = transforms._interpolate_range_edges(ranges) if len(rotation) != 1: rotation = transforms._interpolate_azimuth_edges(rotation) roll = transforms._interpolate_azimuth_edges(roll) drift = transforms._interpolate_azimuth_edges(drift) tilt = transforms._interpolate_azimuth_edges(tilt) pitch = transforms._interpolate_azimuth_edges(pitch) rg, rotg = np.meshgrid(ranges, rotation) rg, rollg = np.meshgrid(ranges, roll) rg, driftg = np.meshgrid(ranges, drift) rg, tiltg = np.meshgrid(ranges, tilt) rg, pitchg = np.meshgrid(ranges, pitch) x, y, z = antenna_to_cartesian_track_relative( rg / 1000.0, rotg, rollg, driftg, tiltg, pitchg ) x = (x + self.shift[0]) / 1000.0 y = (y + self.shift[1]) / 1000.0 z = z / 1000.0 return x, y, z