Source code for act.plotting.timeseriesdisplay

Stores the class for TimeSeriesDisplay.


import datetime as dt
import textwrap
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from re import search, search as re_search

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib import colors as mplcolors
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator

from ..qc.qcfilter import parse_bit
from ..utils import data_utils, datetime_utils as dt_utils
from ..utils.datetime_utils import determine_time_delta, reduce_time_ranges
from ..utils.geo_utils import get_sunrise_sunset_noon
from . import common
from .plot import Display

[docs]class TimeSeriesDisplay(Display): """ This subclass contains routines that are specific to plotting time series plots from data. It is inherited from Display and therefore contains all of Display's attributes and methods. Examples -------- To create a TimeSeriesDisplay with 3 rows, simply do: .. code-block:: python ds = disp = act.plotting.TimeSeriesDisplay(ds, subplot_shape=(3,), figsize=(15, 5)) The TimeSeriesDisplay constructor takes in the same keyword arguments as plt.subplots. For more information on the plt.subplots keyword arguments, see the `matplotlib documentation <>`_. If no subplot_shape is provided, then no figure or axis will be created until add_subplots or plots is called. """ def __init__(self, ds, subplot_shape=(1,), ds_name=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(ds, subplot_shape, ds_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def day_night_background(self, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,)): """ Colorcodes the background according to sunrise/sunset. Parameters ---------- dsname : None or str If there is more than one datastream in the display object the name of the datastream needs to be specified. If set to None and there is only one datastream then ACT will use the sole datastream in the object. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index to the subplot to place the day and night background in. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream to derive the ' + 'information needed for the day and night ' + 'background when 2 or more datasets are in ' + 'the display object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Get File Dates try: file_dates = self._ds[dsname].attrs['_file_dates'] except KeyError: file_dates = [] if len(file_dates) == 0: sdate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]) edate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[-1]) file_dates = [sdate, edate] all_dates = dt_utils.dates_between(file_dates[0], file_dates[-1]) if self.axes is None: raise RuntimeError('day_night_background requires the plot to ' 'be displayed.') ax = self.axes[subplot_index] # Find variable names for latitude and longitude variables = list(self._ds[dsname].data_vars) lat_name = [var for var in ['lat', 'latitude'] if var in variables] lon_name = [var for var in ['lon', 'longitude'] if var in variables] if len(lat_name) == 0: lat_name = None else: lat_name = lat_name[0] if len(lon_name) == 0: lon_name = None else: lon_name = lon_name[0] # Variable name does not match, look for standard_name declaration if lat_name is None or lon_name is None: for var in variables: try: if self._ds[dsname][var].attrs['standard_name'] == 'latitude': lat_name = var except KeyError: pass try: if self._ds[dsname][var].attrs['standard_name'] == 'longitude': lon_name = var except KeyError: pass if lat_name is not None and lon_name is not None: break if lat_name is None or lon_name is None: return # Extract latitude and longitude scalar from variable. If variable is a vector look # for first non-Nan value. lat_lon_list = [np.nan, np.nan] for ii, var_name in enumerate([lat_name, lon_name]): try: values = self._ds[dsname][var_name].values if values.size == 1: lat_lon_list[ii] = float(values) else: # Look for non-NaN values to use for latitude locaiton. If not found use first value. index = np.where(np.isfinite(values))[0] if index.size == 0: lat_lon_list[ii] = float(values[0]) else: lat_lon_list[ii] = float(values[index[0]]) except AttributeError: pass for value, name in zip(lat_lon_list, ['Latitude', 'Longitude']): if not np.isfinite(value): warnings.warn( f"{name} value in dataset equal to '{value}' is not finite. ", RuntimeWarning ) return lat = lat_lon_list[0] lon = lat_lon_list[1] lat_range = [-90, 90] if not (lat_range[0] <= lat <= lat_range[1]): warnings.warn( f"Latitude value in dataset of '{lat}' not within acceptable " f'range of {lat_range[0]} <= latitude <= {lat_range[1]}. ', RuntimeWarning, ) return lon_range = [-180, 180] if not (lon_range[0] <= lon <= lon_range[1]): warnings.warn( f"Longitude value in dataset of '{lon}' not within acceptable " f'range of {lon_range[0]} <= longitude <= {lon_range[1]}. ', RuntimeWarning, ) return # Initialize the plot to a gray background for total darkness rect = ax.patch rect.set_facecolor('0.85') # Get date ranges to plot plot_dates = [] for f in all_dates: for ii in [-1, 0, 1]: plot_dates.append(f + dt.timedelta(days=ii)) # Get sunrise, sunset and noon times sunrise, sunset, noon = get_sunrise_sunset_noon(lat, lon, plot_dates) # Plot daylight for ii in range(0, len(sunrise)): ax.axvspan(sunrise[ii], sunset[ii], facecolor='#FFFFCC', zorder=0) # Plot noon line for ii in noon: ax.axvline(x=ii, linestyle='--', color='y', zorder=1)
[docs] def set_xrng(self, xrng, subplot_index=(0,)): """ Sets the x range of the plot. Parameters ---------- xrng : 2 number array The x limits of the plot. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. """ if self.axes is None: raise RuntimeError('set_xrng requires the plot to be displayed.') # If the xlim is set to the same value for range it will throw a warning # This is to catch that and expand the range so we avoid the warning. if xrng[0] == xrng[1]: if isinstance(xrng[0], np.datetime64): print( f'\nAttempting to set xlim range to single value {xrng[0]}. ' 'Expanding range by 2 seconds.\n' ) xrng[0] -= np.timedelta64(1, 's') xrng[1] += np.timedelta64(1, 's') elif isinstance(xrng[0], dt.datetime): print( f'\nAttempting to set xlim range to single value {xrng[0]}. ' 'Expanding range by 2 seconds.\n' ) xrng[0] -= dt.timedelta(seconds=1) xrng[1] += dt.timedelta(seconds=1) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(xrng) # Make sure that the xrng value is a numpy array not pandas if isinstance(xrng[0], pd.Timestamp): xrng = [x.to_numpy() for x in xrng if isinstance(x, pd.Timestamp)] # Make sure that the xrng value is a numpy array not datetime.datetime if isinstance(xrng[0], dt.datetime): xrng = [np.datetime64(x) for x in xrng if isinstance(x, dt.datetime)] if len(subplot_index) < 2: self.xrng[subplot_index, 0] = xrng[0].astype('datetime64[D]').astype(float) self.xrng[subplot_index, 1] = xrng[1].astype('datetime64[D]').astype(float) else: self.xrng[subplot_index][0] = xrng[0].astype('datetime64[D]').astype(float) self.xrng[subplot_index][1] = xrng[1].astype('datetime64[D]').astype(float)
[docs] def set_yrng(self, yrng, subplot_index=(0,), match_axes_ylimits=False): """ Sets the y range of the plot. Parameters ---------- yrng : 2 number array The y limits of the plot. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the y range of. This is ignored if match_axes_ylimits is True. match_axes_ylimits : boolean If True, all axes in the display object will have matching provided ylims. Default is False. This is especially useful when utilizing a groupby display with many axes. """ if self.axes is None: raise RuntimeError('set_yrng requires the plot to be displayed.') if not hasattr(self, 'yrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 2: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], self.axes.shape[1], 2)) elif not hasattr(self, 'yrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 1: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], 2)) if yrng[0] == yrng[1]: yrng[1] = yrng[1] + 1 # Sets all axes ylims to the same values. if match_axes_ylimits: for i in range(self.axes.shape[0]): for j in range(self.axes.shape[1]): self.axes[i, j].set_ylim(yrng) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(yrng) try: self.yrng[subplot_index, :] = yrng except IndexError: self.yrng[subplot_index] = yrng
[docs] def plot( self, field, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), cmap=None, set_title=None, add_nan=False, day_night_background=False, invert_y_axis=False, abs_limits=(None, None), time_rng=None, y_rng=None, ylabel=None, use_var_for_y=None, set_shading='auto', assessment_overplot=False, overplot_marker='.', overplot_behind=False, overplot_markersize=6, assessment_overplot_category={ 'Incorrect': ['Bad', 'Incorrect'], 'Suspect': ['Indeterminate', 'Suspect'], }, assessment_overplot_category_color={'Incorrect': 'red', 'Suspect': 'orange'}, force_line_plot=False, labels=False, y_axis_flag_meanings=False, cbar_label=None, cbar_h_adjust=None, cbar_labelpad=5, cbar_labelsize=10, colorbar_labels=None, cvd_friendly=False, match_line_label_color=False, **kwargs, ): """ Makes a timeseries plot. If subplots have not been added yet, an axis will be created assuming that there is only going to be one plot. If plotting a high data volume 2D dataset, it may take some time to plot. In order to speed up your plot creation, please resample your data to a lower resolution dataset. Parameters ---------- field : str The name of the field to plot. dsname : None or str If there is more than one datastream in the display object the name of the datastream needs to be specified. If set to None and there is only one datastream ACT will use the sole datastream in the object. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. cmap : matplotlib colormap The colormap to use. set_title : str The title for the plot. add_nan : bool Set to True to fill in data gaps with NaNs. day_night_background : bool Set to True to fill in a color coded background. according to the time of day. abs_limits : tuple or list Sets the bounds on plot limits even if data values exceed those limits. Set to (ymin,ymax). Use None if only setting minimum or maximum limit, i.e. (22., None). time_rng : tuple or list List or tuple with (min, max) values to set the x-axis range limits. y_rng : tuple or list List or tuple with (min, max) values to set the y-axis range ylabel : str Label for the y-axis of the plot. This will take the place of the default which is to get the variable name or units. use_var_for_y : str Set this to the name of a data variable in the Dataset to use as the y-axis variable instead of the default dimension. Useful for instances where data has an index-based dimension instead of a height-based dimension. If shapes of arrays do not match it will automatically revert back to the original ydata. set_shading : string Option to to set the matplotlib.pcolormesh shading parameter. Default to 'auto' assessment_overplot : boolean Option to overplot quality control colored symbols over plotted data using flag_assessment categories. overplot_marker : str Marker to use for overplot symbol. overplot_behind : bool Place the overplot marker behind the data point. overplot_markersize : float or int Size of overplot marker. If overplot_behind or force_line_plot are set the marker size will be double overplot_markersize so the color is visible. assessment_overplot_category : dict Lookup to categorize assessments into groups. This allows using multiple terms for the same quality control level of failure. Also allows adding more to the defaults. assessment_overplot_category_color : dict Lookup to match overplot category color to assessment grouping. force_line_plot : boolean Option to plot 2D data as 1D line plots. labels : boolean or list Option to overwrite the legend labels. Must have same dimensions as number of lines plotted. y_axis_flag_meanings : boolean or int When set to True and plotting state variable with flag_values and flag_meanings attributes will replace y axis numerical values with flag_meanings value. Set to a positive number larger than 1 to indicate maximum word length to use. If text is longer that the value and has space characters will split text over multiple lines. cbar_label : str Option to overwrite default colorbar label. cbar_h_adjust : float Option to adjust location of colorbar horizontally. Positive values move to right negative values move to left. cbar_labelpad : int Adjusts the location of the colorbar title. Default is 5. cbar_labelsize : int Adjusts the fontsize of the colorbar title. Default is 10. colorbar_labels : dict A dictionary containing values for plotting a 2D array of state variables. The dictionary uses data values as keys and a dictionary containing keys 'text' and 'color' for each data value to plot. Example: {0: {'text': 'Clear sky', 'color': 'white'}, 1: {'text': 'Liquid', 'color': 'green'}, 2: {'text': 'Ice', 'color': 'blue'}, 3: {'text': 'Mixed phase', 'color': 'purple'}} cvd_friendly : boolean Set to true if you want to use the integrated color vision deficiency (CVD) friendly colors for green/red based on the Homeyer colormap. match_line_label_color : boolean Will set the y label to match the line color in the plot. This will only work if the time series plot is a line plot. **kwargs : keyword arguments The keyword arguments for :func:`plt.plot` (1D timeseries) or :func:`plt.pcolormesh` (2D timeseries). Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle of the plot. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] if y_axis_flag_meanings: kwargs['linestyle'] = '' if cvd_friendly: cmap = 'HomeyerRainbow' assessment_overplot_category_color['Bad'] = ( 0.9285714285714286, 0.7130901016453677, 0.7130901016453677, ) assessment_overplot_category_color['Incorrect'] = ( 0.9285714285714286, 0.7130901016453677, 0.7130901016453677, ) assessment_overplot_category_color['Not Failing'] = ( (0.0, 0.4240129715562796, 0.4240129715562796), ) assessment_overplot_category_color['Acceptable'] = ( (0.0, 0.4240129715562796, 0.4240129715562796), ) # Get data and dimensions data = self._ds[dsname][field] dim = list(self._ds[dsname][field].dims) xdata = self._ds[dsname][dim[0]] if 'units' in data.attrs: ytitle = ''.join(['(', data.attrs['units'], ')']) else: ytitle = field if cbar_label is None: cbar_default = ytitle if len(dim) > 1: if use_var_for_y is None: ydata = self._ds[dsname][dim[1]] else: ydata = self._ds[dsname][use_var_for_y] ydata_dim1 = self._ds[dsname][dim[1]] if np.shape(ydata) != np.shape(ydata_dim1): ydata = ydata_dim1 units = ytitle if 'units' in ydata.attrs.keys(): units = ydata.attrs['units'] ytitle = ''.join(['(', units, ')']) else: units = '' ytitle = dim[1] # Create labels if 2d as 1d if force_line_plot is True: if labels is True: labels = [' '.join([str(d), units]) for d in ydata.values] if 'units' in data.attrs.keys(): units = data.attrs['units'] ytitle = ''.join(['(', units, ')']) else: units = '' ytitle = dim[1] ydata = None else: ydata = None # Set ylabel after previous default titles if ylabel is set if ylabel is not None: ytitle = ylabel # Get the current plotting axis if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) ax = self.axes[subplot_index] if colorbar_labels is not None: flag_values = list(colorbar_labels.keys()) flag_meanings = [value['text'] for key, value in colorbar_labels.items()] cbar_colors = [value['color'] for key, value in colorbar_labels.items()] cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(cbar_colors) for ii, flag_meaning in enumerate(flag_meanings): if len(flag_meaning) > 20: flag_meaning = textwrap.fill(flag_meaning, width=20) flag_meanings[ii] = flag_meaning else: flag_values = None flag_meanings = None cbar_colors = None if ydata is None: # Add in nans to ensure the data does not connect the line. if add_nan is True: xdata, data = data_utils.add_in_nan(xdata, data) if day_night_background is True: self.day_night_background(subplot_index=subplot_index, dsname=dsname) # If limiting data being plotted use masked arrays # Need to do it this way because of autoscale() method if abs_limits[0] is not None and abs_limits[1] is not None: data =, abs_limits[0], abs_limits[1]) elif abs_limits[0] is not None and abs_limits[1] is None: data =, abs_limits[0]) elif abs_limits[0] is None and abs_limits[1] is not None: data =, abs_limits[1]) # Plot the data if 'marker' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['marker'] = '.' lines = ax.plot(xdata, data, **kwargs) # Check if we need to call legend method after plotting. This is only # called when no assessment overplot is called. add_legend = False if 'label' in kwargs.keys(): add_legend = True # Overplot failing data if requested if assessment_overplot: # If we are doing forced line plot from 2D data need to manage # legend lables. Will make arrays to hold labels of QC failing # because not set when labels not set. if not isinstance(labels, list) and add_legend is False: labels = [] lines = [] # For forced line plot need to plot QC behind point instead of # on top of point. zorder = None if force_line_plot or overplot_behind: zorder = 0 overplot_markersize *= 2.0 for assessment, categories in assessment_overplot_category.items(): flag_data = self._ds[dsname].qcfilter.get_masked_data( field, rm_assessments=categories, return_inverse=True ) if np.invert(flag_data.mask).any() and np.isfinite(flag_data).any(): try: flag_data.mask = np.logical_or(data.mask, flag_data.mask) except AttributeError: pass qc_ax = ax.plot( xdata, flag_data, marker=overplot_marker, linestyle='', markersize=overplot_markersize, color=assessment_overplot_category_color[assessment], label=assessment, zorder=zorder, ) # If labels keyword is set need to add labels for calling legend if isinstance(labels, list): # If plotting forced_line_plot need to subset the Line2D object # so we don't have more than one added to legend. if len(qc_ax) > 1: lines.extend(qc_ax[:1]) else: lines.extend(qc_ax) labels.append(assessment) add_legend = True # Add legend if labels are available if isinstance(labels, list): ax.legend(lines, labels) elif add_legend: ax.legend() # Change y axis to text from flag_meanings if requested. if y_axis_flag_meanings: flag_meanings = self._ds[dsname][field].attrs['flag_meanings'] flag_values = self._ds[dsname][field].attrs['flag_values'] # If keyword is larger than 1 assume this is the maximum character length # desired and insert returns to wrap text. if y_axis_flag_meanings > 1: for ii, flag_meaning in enumerate(flag_meanings): if len(flag_meaning) > y_axis_flag_meanings: flag_meaning = textwrap.fill(flag_meaning, width=y_axis_flag_meanings) flag_meanings[ii] = flag_meaning ax.set_yticks(flag_values) ax.set_yticklabels(flag_meanings) else: # Add in nans to ensure the data are not streaking if add_nan is True: xdata, data = data_utils.add_in_nan(xdata, data) # Sets shading parameter to auto. Matplotlib will check deminsions. # If X,Y and C are same deminsions shading is set to nearest. # If X and Y deminsions are 1 greater than C shading is set to flat. if 'edgecolors' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['edgecolors'] = 'face' mesh = ax.pcolormesh( np.asarray(xdata), ydata, data.transpose(), shading=set_shading, cmap=cmap, **kwargs, ) # Set Title if set_title is None: if isinstance(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0], np.datetime64): set_title = ' '.join( [ dsname, field, 'on', dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]), ] ) else: date_result = search(r'\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}', self._ds[dsname].time.attrs['units']) if date_result is not None: set_title = ' '.join([dsname, field, 'on',]) else: set_title = ' '.join([dsname, field]) ax.set_title(set_title) # Set YTitle if not y_axis_flag_meanings: if match_line_label_color and len(ax.get_lines()) > 0: ax.set_ylabel(ytitle, color=ax.get_lines()[0].get_color()) else: ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) # Set X Limit - We want the same time axes for all subplots if not hasattr(self, 'time_rng'): if time_rng is not None: self.time_rng = list(time_rng) else: self.time_rng = [xdata.min().values, xdata.max().values] self.set_xrng(self.time_rng, subplot_index) # Set Y Limit if y_rng is not None: self.set_yrng(y_rng) if hasattr(self, 'yrng'): # Make sure that the yrng is not just the default if ydata is None: if abs_limits[0] is not None or abs_limits[1] is not None: our_data = data else: our_data = data.values else: our_data = ydata finite = np.isfinite(our_data) # If finite is returned as DataArray or Dask array extract values. try: finite = finite.values except AttributeError: pass if finite.any(): our_data = our_data[finite] if invert_y_axis is False: yrng = [np.min(our_data), np.max(our_data)] else: yrng = [np.max(our_data), np.min(our_data)] else: yrng = [0, 1] # Check if current range is outside of new range an only set # values that work for all data plotted. if isinstance(yrng[0], np.datetime64): yrng = mdates.datestr2num([str(yrng[0]), str(yrng[1])]) current_yrng = ax.get_ylim() if invert_y_axis is False: if yrng[0] > current_yrng[0]: yrng[0] = current_yrng[0] if yrng[1] < current_yrng[1]: yrng[1] = current_yrng[1] else: if yrng[0] < current_yrng[0]: yrng[0] = current_yrng[0] if yrng[1] > current_yrng[1]: yrng[1] = current_yrng[1] self.set_yrng(yrng, subplot_index) # Set X Format if len(subplot_index) == 1: days = self.xrng[subplot_index, 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index, 0] else: days = self.xrng[subplot_index][1] - self.xrng[subplot_index][0] myFmt = common.get_date_format(days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) # Set X format - We want the same time axes for all subplots if not hasattr(self, 'time_fmt'): self.time_fmt = myFmt # Put on an xlabel, but only if we are making the bottom-most plot if subplot_index[0] == self.axes.shape[0] - 1: ax.set_xlabel('Time [UTC]') if ydata is not None: if cbar_label is None: cbar_title = cbar_default else: cbar_title = cbar_label if colorbar_labels is not None: cbar_title = None cbar = self.add_colorbar( mesh, subplot_index=subplot_index, values=flag_values, pad=cbar_h_adjust, ) cbar.set_label(cbar_title, labelpad=cbar_labelpad, fontsize=cbar_labelsize) cbar.set_ticks(flag_values) cbar.set_ticklabels(flag_meanings) else: cbar = self.add_colorbar(mesh, subplot_index=subplot_index, pad=cbar_h_adjust) cbar.set_label(cbar_title, labelpad=cbar_labelpad, fontsize=cbar_labelsize) return ax
[docs] def plot_barbs_from_spd_dir( self, speed_field, direction_field, pres_field=None, dsname=None, **kwargs ): """ This procedure will make a wind barb plot timeseries. If a pressure field is given and the wind fields are 1D, which, for example, would occur if one wants to plot a timeseries of rawinsonde data, then a time-height cross section of winds will be made. Note: This procedure calls plot_barbs_from_u_v and will take in the same keyword arguments as that procedure. Parameters ---------- speed_field : str The name of the field specifying the wind speed in m/s. direction_field : str The name of the field specifying the wind direction in degrees. 0 degrees is defined to be north and increases clockwise like what is used in standard meteorological notation. pres_field : str The name of the field specifying pressure or height. If using height coordinates, then we recommend setting invert_y_axis to False. dsname : str The name of the datastream to plot. Setting to None will make ACT attempt to autodetect this. kwargs : dict Any additional keyword arguments will be passed into :func:`act.plotting.TimeSeriesDisplay.plot_barbs_from_u_and_v`. Returns ------- the_ax : matplotlib axis handle The handle to the axis where the plot was made on. Examples -------- ..code-block :: python sonde_ds = act.tests.sample_files.EXAMPLE_TWP_SONDE_WILDCARD) BarbDisplay = act.plotting.TimeSeriesDisplay( {'sonde_darwin': sonde_ds}, figsize=(10,5)) BarbDisplay.plot_barbs_from_spd_dir('deg', 'wspd', 'pres', num_barbs_x=20) """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Make temporary field called tempu, tempv spd = self._ds[dsname][speed_field] dir = self._ds[dsname][direction_field] tempu = -np.sin(np.deg2rad(dir)) * spd tempv = -np.cos(np.deg2rad(dir)) * spd self._ds[dsname]['temp_u'] = deepcopy(self._ds[dsname][speed_field]) self._ds[dsname]['temp_v'] = deepcopy(self._ds[dsname][speed_field]) self._ds[dsname]['temp_u'].values = tempu self._ds[dsname]['temp_v'].values = tempv the_ax = self.plot_barbs_from_u_v('temp_u', 'temp_v', pres_field, dsname, **kwargs) del self._ds[dsname]['temp_u'], self._ds[dsname]['temp_v'] return the_ax
[docs] def plot_barbs_from_u_v( self, u_field, v_field, pres_field=None, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), set_title=None, day_night_background=False, invert_y_axis=True, num_barbs_x=20, num_barbs_y=20, barb_step_x=None, barb_step_y=None, use_var_for_y=None, **kwargs, ): """ This function will plot a wind barb timeseries from u and v wind data. If pres_field is given, a time-height series will be plotted from 1-D wind data. Parameters ---------- u_field : str The name of the field containing the U component of the wind. v_field : str The name of the field containing the V component of the wind. pres_field : str or None The name of the field containing the pressure or height. Set to None to not use this. dsname : str or None The name of the datastream to plot. Setting to None will make ACT automatically try to determine this. subplot_index : 2-tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot on. set_title : str or None The title of the plot. day_night_background : bool Set to True to plot a day/night background. invert_y_axis : bool Set to True to invert the y axis (i.e. for plotting pressure as the height coordinate). num_barbs_x : int The number of wind barbs to plot in the x axis. num_barbs_y : int The number of wind barbs to plot in the y axis. barb_step_x : int Step between each wind barb to plot. If set, will override values given for num_barbs_x barb_step_y : int Step between each wind barb to plot. If set, will override values given for num_barbs_y cmap : matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap A color map to use with wind barbs. If this is set the plt.barbs routine will be passed the C parameter scaled as sqrt of sum of the squares and used with the passed in color map. A colorbar will also be added. Setting the limits of the colorbar can be done with 'clim'. Setting this changes the wind barbs from black to colors. use_var_for_y : str Set this to the name of a data variable in the Dataset to use as the y-axis variable instead of the default dimension. Useful for instances where data has an index-based dimension instead of a height-based dimension. If shapes of arrays do not match it will automatically revert back to the original ydata. **kwargs : keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments will be passed into plt.barbs. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The axis handle that contains the reference to the constructed plot. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Get data and dimensions u = self._ds[dsname][u_field].values v = self._ds[dsname][v_field].values dim = list(self._ds[dsname][u_field].dims) xdata = self._ds[dsname][dim[0]].values if barb_step_x is None: num_x = xdata.shape[-1] barb_step_x = round(num_x / num_barbs_x) if barb_step_x == 0: barb_step_x = 1 if len(dim) > 1 and pres_field is None: if use_var_for_y is None: ydata = self._ds[dsname][dim[1]] else: ydata = self._ds[dsname][use_var_for_y] ydata_dim1 = self._ds[dsname][dim[1]] if np.shape(ydata) != np.shape(ydata_dim1): ydata = ydata_dim1 if 'units' in ydata.attrs: units = ydata.attrs['units'] else: units = '' ytitle = ''.join(['(', units, ')']) if barb_step_y is None: num_y = ydata.shape[0] barb_step_y = round(num_y / num_barbs_y) if barb_step_y == 0: barb_step_y = 1 xdata, ydata = np.meshgrid(xdata, ydata, indexing='ij') elif pres_field is not None: # What we will do here is do a nearest-neighbor interpolation # for each member of the series. Coordinates are time, pressure pres = self._ds[dsname][pres_field] u_interp = NearestNDInterpolator((xdata, pres.values), u, rescale=True) v_interp = NearestNDInterpolator((xdata, pres.values), v, rescale=True) barb_step_x = 1 barb_step_y = 1 x_times = pd.date_range(xdata.min(), xdata.max(), periods=num_barbs_x) if num_barbs_y == 1: y_levels = pres.mean() else: y_levels = np.linspace(np.nanmin(pres), np.nanmax(pres), num_barbs_y) xdata, ydata = np.meshgrid(x_times, y_levels, indexing='ij') u = u_interp(xdata, ydata) v = v_interp(xdata, ydata) if 'units' in pres.attrs: units = pres.attrs['units'] else: units = '' ytitle = ''.join(['(', units, ')']) else: ydata = None # Get the current plotting axis, add day/night background and plot data if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() # Set up or get current axes if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) ax = self.axes[subplot_index] if ydata is None: ydata = np.ones(xdata.shape) if 'cmap' in kwargs.keys(): map_color = np.sqrt(np.power(u[::barb_step_x], 2) + np.power(v[::barb_step_x], 2)) map_color[np.isnan(map_color)] = 0 barbs = ax.barbs( xdata[::barb_step_x], ydata[::barb_step_x], u[::barb_step_x], v[::barb_step_x], map_color, **kwargs, ) plt.colorbar( barbs, ax=[ax], label='Wind Speed (' + self._ds[dsname][u_field].attrs['units'] + ')', ) else: ax.barbs( xdata[::barb_step_x], ydata[::barb_step_x], u[::barb_step_x], v[::barb_step_x], **kwargs, ) ax.set_yticks([]) else: if 'cmap' in kwargs.keys(): map_color = np.sqrt( np.power(u[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], 2) + np.power(v[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], 2) ) map_color[np.isnan(map_color)] = 0 barbs = ax.barbs( xdata[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], ydata[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], u[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], v[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], map_color, **kwargs, ) plt.colorbar( barbs, ax=[ax], label='Wind Speed (' + self._ds[dsname][u_field].attrs['units'] + ')', ) else: barbs = ax.barbs( xdata[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], ydata[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], u[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], v[::barb_step_x, ::barb_step_y], **kwargs, ) if day_night_background is True: self.day_night_background(subplot_index=subplot_index, dsname=dsname) # Set Title if set_title is None: set_title = ' '.join( [ dsname, 'on', dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]), ] ) ax.set_title(set_title) # Set YTitle if 'ytitle' in locals(): ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) # Set X Limit - We want the same time axes for all subplots time_rng = [xdata.min(), xdata.max()] self.set_xrng(time_rng, subplot_index) # Set Y Limit if hasattr(self, 'yrng'): # Make sure that the yrng is not just the default if not np.all(self.yrng[subplot_index] == 0): self.set_yrng(self.yrng[subplot_index], subplot_index) else: if ydata is None: our_data = xdata else: our_data = ydata if np.isfinite(our_data).any(): if invert_y_axis is False: yrng = [np.nanmin(our_data), np.nanmax(our_data)] else: yrng = [np.nanmax(our_data), np.nanmin(our_data)] else: yrng = [0, 1] self.set_yrng(yrng, subplot_index) # Set X Format if len(subplot_index) == 1: days = self.xrng[subplot_index, 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index, 0] else: days = ( self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 0] ) # Put on an xlabel, but only if we are making the bottom-most plot if subplot_index[0] == self.axes.shape[0] - 1: ax.set_xlabel('Time [UTC]') myFmt = common.get_date_format(days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) self.axes[subplot_index] = ax return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_time_height_xsection_from_1d_data( self, data_field, pres_field, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), set_title=None, day_night_background=False, num_time_periods=20, num_y_levels=20, invert_y_axis=True, cbar_label=None, set_shading='auto', **kwargs, ): """ This will plot a time-height cross section from 1D datasets using nearest neighbor interpolation on a regular time by height grid. All that is needed are a data variable and a height variable. Parameters ---------- data_field : str The name of the field to plot. pres_field : str The name of the height or pressure field to plot. dsname : str or None The name of the datastream to plot subplot_index : 2-tuple The index of the subplot to create the plot on. set_title : str or None The title of the plot. day_night_background : bool Set to true to plot the day/night background. num_time_periods : int Set to determine how many time periods. Setting to None will do one time period per day. num_y_levels : int The number of levels in the y axis to use. invert_y_axis : bool Set to true to invert the y-axis (recommended for pressure coordinates). cbar_label : str Option to overwrite default colorbar label. set_shading : string Option to to set the matplotlib.pcolormesh shading parameter. Default to 'auto' **kwargs : keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments will be passed into :func:`plt.pcolormesh` Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle pointing to the plot. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] dim = list(self._ds[dsname][data_field].dims) if len(dim) > 1: raise ValueError( 'plot_time_height_xsection_from_1d_data only ' 'supports 1-D datasets. For datasets with 2 or ' 'more dimensions use plot().' ) # Get data and dimensions data = self._ds[dsname][data_field].values xdata = self._ds[dsname][dim[0]].values # What we will do here is do a nearest-neighbor interpolation for each # member of the series. Coordinates are time, pressure pres = self._ds[dsname][pres_field] u_interp = NearestNDInterpolator((xdata, pres.values), data, rescale=True) # Mask points where we have no data # Count number of unique days x_times = pd.date_range(xdata.min(), xdata.max(), periods=num_time_periods) y_levels = np.linspace(np.nanmin(pres), np.nanmax(pres), num_y_levels) tdata, ydata = np.meshgrid(x_times, y_levels, indexing='ij') data = u_interp(tdata, ydata) ytitle = ''.join(['(', pres.attrs['units'], ')']) units = data_field + ' (' + self._ds[dsname][data_field].attrs['units'] + ')' # Get the current plotting axis, add day/night background and plot data if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() # Set up or get current axes if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) ax = self.axes[subplot_index] mesh = ax.pcolormesh(x_times, y_levels, np.transpose(data), shading=set_shading, **kwargs) if day_night_background is True: self.day_night_background(subplot_index=subplot_index, dsname=dsname) # Set Title if set_title is None: set_title = ' '.join( [ dsname, 'on', dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]), ] ) ax.set_title(set_title) # Set YTitle if 'ytitle' in locals(): ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) # Set X Limit - We want the same time axes for all subplots time_rng = [x_times[0], x_times[-1]] self.set_xrng(time_rng, subplot_index) # Set Y Limit if hasattr(self, 'yrng'): # Make sure that the yrng is not just the default if not np.all(self.yrng[subplot_index] == 0): self.set_yrng(self.yrng[subplot_index], subplot_index) else: if ydata is None: our_data = data.values else: our_data = ydata if np.isfinite(our_data).any(): if invert_y_axis is False: yrng = [np.nanmin(our_data), np.nanmax(our_data)] else: yrng = [np.nanmax(our_data), np.nanmin(our_data)] else: yrng = [0, 1] self.set_yrng(yrng, subplot_index) # Set X Format if len(subplot_index) == 1: days = self.xrng[subplot_index, 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index, 0] else: days = ( self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 0] ) # Put on an xlabel, but only if we are making the bottom-most plot if subplot_index[0] == self.axes.shape[0] - 1: ax.set_xlabel('Time [UTC]') if ydata is not None: if cbar_label is None: self.add_colorbar(mesh, title=units, subplot_index=subplot_index) else: self.add_colorbar(mesh, title=cbar_label, subplot_index=subplot_index) myFmt = common.get_date_format(days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def time_height_scatter( self, data_field=None, alt_field='alt', dsname=None, cmap='rainbow', alt_label=None, cb_label=None, subplot_index=(0,), plot_alt_field=False, cvd_friendly=False, day_night_background=False, set_title=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create a time series plot of altitude and data variable with color also indicating value with a color bar. The Color bar is positioned to serve both as the indicator of the color intensity and the second y-axis. Parameters ---------- data_field : str Name of data field in the dataset to plot on second y-axis. alt_field : str Variable to use for y-axis. dsname : str or None The name of the datastream to plot. cmap : str Colorbar color map to use. alt_label : str Altitude first y-axis label to use. If None, will try to use long_name and units. cb_label : str Colorbar label to use. If not set will try to use long_name and units. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. plot_alt_field : boolean Set to true to plot the altitude field on the secondary y-axis cvd_friendly : boolean If set to True will use the Homeyer colormap day_night_background : boolean If set to True will plot the day_night_background set_title : str Title to set on the plot **kwargs : keyword arguments Any other keyword arguments that will be passed into TimeSeriesDisplay.plot module when the figure is made. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Set up or get current plot figure if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() # Set up or get current axes if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) if cvd_friendly: cmap = 'HomeyerRainbow' ax = self.axes[subplot_index] # Get data and dimensions data = self._ds[dsname][data_field] altitude = self._ds[dsname][alt_field] dim = list(self._ds[dsname][data_field].dims) xdata = self._ds[dsname][dim[0]] if alt_label is None: try: alt_label = altitude.attrs['long_name'] + ''.join( [' (', altitude.attrs['units'], ')'] ) except KeyError: alt_label = alt_field if cb_label is None: try: cb_label = data.attrs['long_name'] + ''.join([' (', data.attrs['units'], ')']) except KeyError: cb_label = data_field if 'units' in data.attrs: ytitle = ''.join(['(', data.attrs['units'], ')']) else: ytitle = data_field # Set Title if set_title is None: if isinstance(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0], np.datetime64): set_title = ' '.join( [ dsname, data_field, 'on', dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]), ] ) else: date_result = search(r'\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}', self._ds[dsname].time.attrs['units']) if date_result is not None: set_title = ' '.join([dsname, data_field, 'on',]) else: set_title = ' '.join([dsname, data_field]) # Plot scatter data sc = ax.scatter(xdata.values, data.values, c=data.values, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.set_title(set_title) if plot_alt_field: self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.8, bottom=0.15, top=0.925) pad = 0.02 + (0.02 * len(str(int(np.nanmax(altitude.values))))) cbar = self.fig.colorbar(sc, pad=pad, cmap=cmap) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(alt_label) ax2.scatter(xdata.values, altitude.values, color='black') else: cbar = self.fig.colorbar(sc, cmap=cmap) if day_night_background is True: self.day_night_background(subplot_index=subplot_index, dsname=dsname) # Set X Limit - We want the same time axes for all subplots self.time_rng = [xdata.min().values, xdata.max().values] self.set_xrng(self.time_rng, subplot_index) # Set X Format if len(subplot_index) == 1: days = self.xrng[subplot_index, 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index, 0] else: days = ( self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 0] ) myFmt = common.get_date_format(days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) ax.set_xlabel('Time (UTC)') ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) self.axes[subplot_index] = ax return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def qc_flag_block_plot( self, data_field=None, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), time_rng=None, assessment_color=None, edgecolor='face', set_shading='auto', cvd_friendly=False, **kwargs, ): """ Create a time series plot of embedded quality control values using broken barh plotting. Parameters ---------- data_field : str Name of data field in the dataset to plot corresponding quality control. dsname : None or str If there is more than one datastream in the display object the name of the datastream needs to be specified. If set to None and there is only one datastream ACT will use the sole datastream in the object. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. time_rng : tuple or list List or tuple with (min, max) values to set the x-axis range limits. assessment_color : dict Dictionary lookup to override default assessment to color. Make sure assessment work is correctly set with case syntax. edgecolor : str or list Color name, list of color names or 'face' as defined in matplotlib.axes.Axes.broken_barh set_shading : string Option to to set the matplotlib.pcolormesh shading parameter. Default to 'auto' cvd_friendly : boolean Set to true if you want to use the integrated color vision deficiency (CVD) friendly colors for green/red based on the Homeyer colormap **kwargs : keyword arguments The keyword arguments for :func:`plt.broken_barh`. """ # Color to plot associated with assessment. color_lookup = { 'Bad': 'red', 'Incorrect': 'red', 'Indeterminate': 'orange', 'Suspect': 'orange', 'Missing': 'darkgray', 'Not Failing': 'green', 'Acceptable': 'green', } if cvd_friendly: color_lookup['Bad'] = (0.9285714285714286, 0.7130901016453677, 0.7130901016453677) color_lookup['Incorrect'] = (0.9285714285714286, 0.7130901016453677, 0.7130901016453677) color_lookup['Not Failing'] = (0.0, 0.4240129715562796, 0.4240129715562796) color_lookup['Acceptable'] = (0.0, 0.4240129715562796, 0.4240129715562796) color_lookup['Indeterminate'] = (1.0, 0.6470588235294118, 0.0) color_lookup['Suspect'] = (1.0, 0.6470588235294118, 0.0) color_lookup['Missing'] = (0.6627450980392157, 0.6627450980392157, 0.6627450980392157) if assessment_color is not None: for asses, color in assessment_color.items(): color_lookup[asses] = color if asses == 'Incorrect': color_lookup['Bad'] = color if asses == 'Suspect': color_lookup['Indeterminate'] = color # Set up list of test names to use for missing values missing_val_long_names = [ 'Value equal to missing_value*', 'Value set to missing_value*', 'Value is equal to missing_value*', 'Value is set to missing_value*', ] if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Set up or get current plot figure if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() # Set up or get current axes if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) ax = self.axes[subplot_index] # Set X Limit - We want the same time axes for all subplots data = self._ds[dsname][data_field] dim = list(self._ds[dsname][data_field].dims) xdata = self._ds[dsname][dim[0]] # Get data and attributes qc_data_field = self._ds[dsname].qcfilter.check_for_ancillary_qc( data_field, add_if_missing=False, cleanup=False ) if qc_data_field is None: raise ValueError(f'No quality control ancillary variable in Dataset for {data_field}') flag_masks = self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].attrs['flag_masks'] flag_meanings = self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].attrs['flag_meanings'] flag_assessments = self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].attrs['flag_assessments'] # Get time ranges for green blocks time_delta = determine_time_delta(xdata.values) barh_list_green = reduce_time_ranges(xdata.values, time_delta=time_delta, broken_barh=True) # Set background to gray indicating not available data ax.set_facecolor('dimgray') # Check if plotting 2D data vs 1D data. 2D data will be summarized by # assessment category instead of showing each test. data_shape = self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].shape if len(data_shape) > 1: cur_assessments = list(set(flag_assessments)) cur_assessments.sort() cur_assessments.reverse() qc_data = np.full(data_shape, -1, dtype=np.int16) plot_colors = [] tick_names = [] index = self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].values == 0 if index.any(): qc_data[index] = 0 plot_colors.append(color_lookup['Not Failing']) tick_names.append('Not Failing') for ii, assess in enumerate(cur_assessments): if assess not in color_lookup: color_lookup[assess] = list(mplcolors.CSS4_COLORS.keys())[ii] ii += 1 assess_data = self._ds[dsname].qcfilter.get_masked_data( data_field, rm_assessments=assess ) if assess_data.mask.any(): qc_data[assess_data.mask] = ii plot_colors.append(color_lookup[assess]) tick_names.append(assess) # Overwrite missing data. Not sure if we want to do this because VAPs set # the value to missing but the test is set to Bad. This tries to overcome that # by looking for correct test description that would only indicate the values # are missing not that they are set to missing by a test... most likely. missing_test_nums = [] for ii, flag_meaning in enumerate(flag_meanings): # Check if the bit set is indicating missing data. for val in missing_val_long_names: if re_search(val, flag_meaning): test_num = parse_bit(flag_masks[ii])[0] missing_test_nums.append(test_num) assess_data = self._ds[dsname].qcfilter.get_masked_data( data_field, rm_tests=missing_test_nums ) if assess_data.mask.any(): qc_data[assess_data.mask] = -1 plot_colors.append(color_lookup['Missing']) tick_names.append('Missing') # Create a masked array to allow not plotting where values are missing qc_data =, -1) dims = self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].dims xvalues = self._ds[dsname][dims[0]].values yvalues = self._ds[dsname][dims[1]].values cMap = mplcolors.ListedColormap(plot_colors) mesh = ax.pcolormesh( xvalues, yvalues, np.transpose(qc_data), cmap=cMap, vmin=0, shading=set_shading, ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # Determine correct placement of words on colorbar tick_nums = ( np.arange(0, len(tick_names) * 2 + 1) / (len(tick_names) * 2) * np.nanmax(qc_data) )[1::2] cax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='5%', pad=0.3) cbar = self.fig.colorbar( mesh, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', spacing='uniform', ticks=tick_nums, shrink=0.5, ) # Set YTitle dim_name = list(set(self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].dims) - {'time'}) try: ytitle = f"{dim_name[0]} ({self._ds[dsname][dim_name[0]].attrs['units']})" ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) except KeyError: pass # Add which tests were set as text to the plot unique_values = [] for ii in np.unique(self._ds[dsname][qc_data_field].values): unique_values.extend(parse_bit(ii)) if len(unique_values) > 0: unique_values = list(set(unique_values)) unique_values.sort() unique_values = [str(ii) for ii in unique_values] self.fig.text( 0.5, -0.35, f"QC Tests Tripped: {', '.join(unique_values)}", transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontweight='bold', ) else: test_nums = [] for ii, assess in enumerate(flag_assessments): if assess not in color_lookup: color_lookup[assess] = list(mplcolors.CSS4_COLORS.keys())[ii] # Plot green data first. ax.broken_barh( barh_list_green, (ii, ii + 1), facecolors=color_lookup['Not Failing'], edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs, ) # Get test number from flag_mask bitpacked number test_nums.append(parse_bit(flag_masks[ii])) # Get masked array data to use mask for finding if/where test is set data = self._ds[dsname].qcfilter.get_masked_data(data_field, rm_tests=test_nums[-1]) if np.any(data.mask): # Get time ranges from time and masked data barh_list = reduce_time_ranges( xdata.values[data.mask], time_delta=time_delta, broken_barh=True ) # Check if the bit set is indicating missing data. If so change # to different plotting color than what is in flag_assessments. for val in missing_val_long_names: if re_search(val, flag_meanings[ii]): assess = 'Missing' break # Lay down blocks of tripped tests using correct color ax.broken_barh( barh_list, (ii, ii + 1), facecolors=color_lookup[assess], edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs, ) # Add test description to plot. ax.text(xdata.values[0], ii + 0.5, ' ' + flag_meanings[ii], va='center') # Change y ticks to test number plt.yticks( [ii + 0.5 for ii in range(0, len(test_nums))], labels=['Test ' + str(ii[0]) for ii in test_nums], ) # Set ylimit to number of tests plotted ax.set_ylim(0, len(flag_assessments)) # Set X Limit - We want the same time axes for all subplots if not hasattr(self, 'time_rng'): if time_rng is not None: self.time_rng = list(time_rng) else: self.time_rng = [xdata.min().values, xdata.max().values] self.set_xrng(self.time_rng, subplot_index) # Get X format - We want the same time axes for all subplots if hasattr(self, 'time_fmt'): ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(self.time_fmt) else: # Set X Format if len(subplot_index) == 1: days = self.xrng[subplot_index, 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index, 0] else: days = ( self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 0] ) myFmt = common.get_date_format(days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) self.time_fmt = myFmt return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def fill_between( self, field, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), set_title=None, **kwargs, ): """ Makes a fill_between plot, based on matplotlib Parameters ---------- field : str The name of the field to plot. dsname : None or str If there is more than one datastream in the display object the name of the datastream needs to be specified. If set to None and there is only one datastream ACT will use the sole datastream in the object. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. set_title : str The title for the plot. **kwargs : keyword arguments The keyword arguments for :func:`plt.plot` (1D timeseries) or :func:`plt.pcolormesh` (2D timeseries). Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle of the plot. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Get data and dimensions data = self._ds[dsname][field] dim = list(self._ds[dsname][field].dims) xdata = self._ds[dsname][dim[0]] if 'units' in data.attrs: ytitle = ''.join(['(', data.attrs['units'], ')']) else: ytitle = field # Get the current plotting axis, add day/night background and plot data if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) # Set ax to appropriate axis ax = self.axes[subplot_index] ax.fill_between(xdata.values, data, **kwargs) # Set X Format if len(subplot_index) == 1: days = self.xrng[subplot_index, 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index, 0] else: days = ( self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 1] - self.xrng[subplot_index[0], subplot_index[1], 0] ) myFmt = common.get_date_format(days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) # Set X format - We want the same time axes for all subplots if not hasattr(self, 'time_fmt'): self.time_fmt = myFmt # Put on an xlabel, but only if we are making the bottom-most plot if subplot_index[0] == self.axes.shape[0] - 1: ax.set_xlabel('Time [UTC]') # Set YTitle ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) # Set Title if set_title is None: set_title = ' '.join( [ dsname, field, 'on', dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]), ] ) ax.set_title(set_title) self.axes[subplot_index] = ax return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_stripes( self, field, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), set_title=None, reference_period=None, cmap='bwr', cbar_label=None, colorbar=True, **kwargs, ): """ Makes a climate stripe plot with or without a baseline period specified Parameters ---------- field : str The name of the field to plot. dsname : None or str If there is more than one datastream in the display object the name of the datastream needs to be specified. If set to None and there is only one datastream ACT will use the sole datastream in the object. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. set_title : str The title for the plot. reference_period : list List of a start and end date for a reference period ['2020-01-01', '2020-04-01'] If this is set, the plot will subtract the mean of the reference period from the field to create an anomaly calculation. cmap : string Colormap to use for plotting. Defaults to bwr cbar_label : str Option to overwrite default colorbar label. colorbar : boolean Option to not plot the colorbar. Default is to plot it **kwargs : keyword arguments The keyword arguments for :func:`plt.plot` (1D timeseries) or :func:`plt.pcolormesh` (2D timeseries). Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle of the plot. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Get data and dimensions data = self._ds[dsname][field] dim = list(self._ds[dsname][field].dims) xdata = self._ds[dsname][dim[0]] start = int(mdates.date2num(xdata.values[0])) end = int(mdates.date2num(xdata.values[-1])) delta = stats.mode(xdata.diff('time').values)[0] / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') # Calculate mean for reference period and subtract from the data if reference_period is not None: reference = data.sel(time=slice(reference_period[0], reference_period[1])).mean('time') data.values = data.values - reference.values # Get the current plotting axis, add day/night background and plot data if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) # Set ax to appropriate axis ax = self.axes[subplot_index] # Plot up data using rectangles col = PatchCollection( [Rectangle((y, 0), delta, 1) for y in np.arange(start, end + 1, delta)] ) col.set_array(data) col.set_cmap(cmap) col.set_clim(np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data)) ax.add_collection(col) locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=3) formatter = mdates.AutoDateFormatter(locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim(start, end + 1) # Set Title if set_title is None: set_title = ' '.join( [ dsname, field, 'Stripes on', dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]), ] ) ax.set_title(set_title) # Set Colorbar if colorbar: if 'units' in data.attrs: ytitle = ''.join(['(', data.attrs['units'], ')']) else: ytitle = field if cbar_label is None: cbar_title = ytitle else: cbar_title = ''.join(['(', cbar_label, ')']) self.add_colorbar(col, title=cbar_title, subplot_index=subplot_index) self.axes[subplot_index] = ax return self.axes[subplot_index]