Source code for act.retrievals.sp2

    import pysp2

except ImportError:

[docs]def calc_sp2_diams_masses(ds, debug=True, factor=1.0, Globals=None): """ Calculates the scattering and incandescence diameters/BC masses for each particle. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset The ACT xarray dataset containing the processed SP2 data. debug : boolean If true, print out particle rejection statistics factor : float Multiply soot masses by this factor for AquaDag calibation. Use 1.3 for NSA. Globals : act.qc.SP2ParticleCriteria structure or None DMTGlobals structure containing calibration coefficients. Set to None to use default values for MOSAiC. Returns ------- diam_ds : xarray.Dataset The ACT xarray dataset containing the scattering/incadescence diameters. """ if PYSP2_AVAILABLE: return pysp2.util.calc_diams_masses(ds, debug, factor, Globals) else: raise ModuleNotFoundError('PySP2 needs to be installed to use this feature.')
[docs]def process_sp2_psds( particle_ds, hk_ds, config_file, deltaSize=0.005, num_bins=199, avg_interval=10 ): """ Processes the Scattering and BC mass size distributions. Parameters ---------- particle_ds : xarray.Dataset The xarray Dataset containing the particle statistics generated by act.retrievals.calc_sp2_diams_masses. hk_ds : xarray.Dataset The xarray Dataset containing the housekeeping variables config_file : file_name Path to the .INI file. deltaSize : float The size distribution bin width in microns. num_bins : int The number of size bins avg_interval : int The time in seconds to average the concentrations into. Returns ------- psd_ds: xarray.Dataset The xarray Dataset containing the time-averaged particle statistics. """ if PYSP2_AVAILABLE: config = return pysp2.util.process_psds( particle_ds, hk_ds, config, deltaSize, num_bins, avg_interval ) else: raise ModuleNotFoundError('PySP2 needs to be installed to use this feature.')