Functions for working radar instances.
import copy
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from netCDF4 import date2num
from ..config import get_fillvalue
from . import datetime_utils
[docs]def is_vpt(radar, offset=0.5):
Determine if a Radar appears to be a vertical pointing scan.
This function only verifies that the object is a vertical pointing scan,
use the :py:func:`to_vpt` function to convert the radar to a vpt scan
if this function returns True.
radar : Radar
Radar object to determine if.
offset : float, optional
Maximum offset of the elevation from 90 degrees to still consider
to be vertically pointing.
flag : bool
True if the radar appear to be verticle pointing, False if not.
# check that the elevation is within offset of 90 degrees.
elev = radar.elevation["data"]
return np.all((elev < 90.0 + offset) & (elev > 90.0 - offset))
[docs]def to_vpt(radar, single_scan=True):
Convert an existing Radar object to represent a vertical pointing scan.
This function does not verify that the Radar object contains a vertical
pointing scan. To perform such a check use :py:func:`is_vpt`.
radar : Radar
Mislabeled vertical pointing scan Radar object to convert to be
properly labeled. This object is converted in place, no copy of
the existing data is made.
single_scan : bool, optional
True to convert the volume to a single scan, any azimuth angle data
is lost. False will convert the scan to contain the same number of
scans as rays, azimuth angles are retained.
if single_scan:
nsweeps = 1
radar.azimuth["data"][:] = 0.0
seri = np.array([radar.nrays - 1], dtype="int32")
radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = seri
nsweeps = radar.nrays
# radar.azimuth not adjusted
radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype="int32")
radar.scan_type = "vpt"
radar.nsweeps = nsweeps
radar.target_scan_rate = None # no scanning
radar.elevation["data"][:] = 90.0
radar.sweep_number["data"] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype="int32")
radar.sweep_mode["data"] = np.array(["vertical_pointing"] * nsweeps)
radar.fixed_angle["data"] = np.ones(nsweeps, dtype="float32") * 90.0
radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = np.arange(nsweeps, dtype="int32")
if radar.instrument_parameters is not None:
for key in ["prt_mode", "follow_mode", "polarization_mode"]:
if key in radar.instrument_parameters:
ip_dic = radar.instrument_parameters[key]
ip_dic["data"] = np.array([ip_dic["data"][0]] * nsweeps)
# Attributes that do not need any changes
# radar.altitude
# radar.altitude_agl
# radar.latitude
# radar.longitude
# radar.range
# radar.ngates
# radar.nrays
# radar.metadata
# radar.radar_calibration
# radar.time
# radar.fields
# radar.antenna_transition
# radar.scan_rate
[docs]def determine_sweeps(
deg_rng=(-5.0, 360.0),
Determine the number of sweeps using elevation data (PPI scans) or azimuth
data (RHI scans) and update the input radar object
radar : Radar object
The radar object containing the data.
max_offset : float
Maximum elevation offset (if is_ppi is True) or azimuth offset (if
is_ppi is False) allowed to determine sweeps.
running_win_dt: float
running window period (in seconds) used to determine elevation or
azimuth shifts.
Note: set wisely: the method assumes that a single sweep is longer than this
deg_rng: float
angle range (azimuth or elevation) to consider for calculations.
Assuming azimuths between 0 to 360, this should be equal to (0., 360.), but
given that there could be ppi scan strategies at negative elevations,
one might consider a negative values (current default), or , for example,
-180 to 180 if the azimuth range goes from -180 to 180.
consider_2pi_jump: bool
if True and radar scan type is 'rhi', overwriting deg_rng to (0., 360.), and
merging the first and last azimuth bins (to have shots just below 360 and
just above 0 to be considered part of the same sweep).
# set fixed and variable coordinates depending on scan type
# ======================
if "rhi" in radar.scan_type.lower():
var_array = radar.elevation["data"]
fix_array = radar.azimuth["data"]
if consider_2pi_jump:
deg_rng = (0.0, 360.0)
else: # ppi or vpt
var_array = radar.azimuth["data"]
fix_array = radar.elevation["data"]
# set bins and parameters and allocate lists
# ======================
angle_bins = np.arange(
deg_rng[0] - max_offset, deg_rng[1] + max_offset + 1e-10, max_offset * 2.0
sample_dt = np.nanmean(np.diff(radar.time["data"]))
win_size = int(np.ceil(running_win_dt / sample_dt))
if win_size < 2:
raise ValueError(
"Window size <= 1; consider decreasing the value of running_win_dt"
sweep_start_index, sweep_end_index = [], []
in_sweep = False # determine if sweep is underway in current index
# Loop through coordinate data and detect sweep edges
# ======================
t = 0
while t < radar.time["data"].size - win_size + 1:
var_win = var_array[t : t + win_size]
fix_win = fix_array[t : t + win_size]
idle_sweep = np.diff(var_win) == 0
if idle_sweep[0]: # sweep did not start
t += 1
bincounts, _ = np.histogram(fix_win, bins=angle_bins)
if ("rhi" in radar.scan_type.lower()) & consider_2pi_jump:
bincounts[0] += bincounts[-1]
bincounts = bincounts[:-1]
moving_radar = np.sum(bincounts > 0) > 1 # radar transition to a new sweep
if in_sweep:
if t == radar.time["data"].size - win_size:
sweep_end_index.append(radar.time["data"].size - 1)
elif moving_radar:
in_sweep = False
sweep_end_index.append(t + win_size - 2)
t += win_size - 2
elif np.all(~idle_sweep) & ~moving_radar:
in_sweep = True
t += 1
sweep_number = np.arange(len(sweep_start_index))
# Update radar object
# ======================
radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = ma.array(sweep_start_index, dtype="int32")
radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = ma.array(sweep_end_index, dtype="int32")
radar.sweep_number["data"] = ma.array(sweep_number, dtype="int32")
fixed_angle = [
np.mean(fix_array[si : ei + 1])
for si, ei in zip(
radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"], radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"]
radar.fixed_angle["data"] = ma.array(fixed_angle, dtype="float32")
radar.nsweeps = len(sweep_number)
transition = np.zeros(radar.nrays)
for i in range(radar.nsweeps):
if i == 0:
transition[: sweep_start_index[i]] = 1
transition[sweep_end_index[i - 1] : sweep_start_index[i]] = 1
radar.antenna_transition["data"] = ma.array(transition, dtype="int32")
bstr_entry = np.array([x for x in f"{radar.scan_type:<22}"], dtype="|S1")
radar.sweep_mode = ma.array(np.tile(bstr_entry[np.newaxis, :], (radar.nsweeps, 1)))
[docs]def subset_radar(
Creates a subset of the radar object along new dimensions.
radar : radar object
The radar object containing the data.
field_names : str or None
The fields to keep in the new radar.
rng_min, rng_max : float
The range limits [m]. If None the entire coverage of the radar is
going to be used.
ele_min, ele_max, azi_min, azi_max : float or None
The limits of the grid [deg]. If None the limits will be the limits
of the radar volume.
radar : radar object
The radar object containing only the desired data.
radar_aux = copy.deepcopy(radar)
if (
rng_min is None
and rng_max is None
and ele_min is None
and ele_max is None
and azi_min is None
and azi_max is None
return radar_aux
if rng_min is None:
rng_min = 0.0
if rng_max is None:
rng_max = np.max(radar_aux.range["data"])
ind_rng = np.where(
radar_aux.range["data"] >= rng_min, radar_aux.range["data"] <= rng_max
if ind_rng.size == 0:
print("No range bins between " + str(rng_min) + " and " + str(rng_max) + " m")
return None
# Determine angle limits
if radar_aux.scan_type == "ppi":
if ele_min is None:
ele_min = np.min(radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"])
if ele_max is None:
ele_max = np.max(radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"])
if azi_min is None:
azi_min = np.min(radar_aux.azimuth["data"])
if azi_max is None:
azi_max = np.max(radar_aux.azimuth["data"])
if ele_min is None:
ele_min = np.min(radar_aux.elevation["data"])
if ele_max is None:
ele_max = np.max(radar_aux.elevation["data"])
if azi_min is None:
azi_min = np.min(radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"])
if azi_max is None:
azi_max = np.max(radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"])
if radar_aux.scan_type == "ppi":
# Get radar elevation angles within limits
ele_vec = np.sort(radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"])
ele_vec = ele_vec[np.logical_and(ele_vec >= ele_min, ele_vec <= ele_max)]
if ele_vec.size == 0:
"No elevation angles between " + str(ele_min) + " and " + str(ele_max)
return None
# get sweeps corresponding to the desired elevation angles
ind_sweeps = []
for ele in ele_vec:
ind_sweeps.append(np.where(radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"] == ele)[0][0])
radar_aux = radar_aux.extract_sweeps(ind_sweeps)
# Get indices of rays within limits
if azi_min < azi_max:
ind_rays = np.where(
radar_aux.azimuth["data"] >= azi_min,
radar_aux.azimuth["data"] <= azi_max,
ind_rays = np.where(
radar_aux.azimuth["data"] >= azi_min,
radar_aux.azimuth["data"] <= azi_max,
# Get radar azimuth angles within limits
azi_vec = radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"]
if azi_min < azi_max:
azi_vec = np.sort(
azi_vec[np.logical_and(azi_vec >= azi_min, azi_vec <= azi_max)]
azi_vec = azi_vec[np.logical_or(azi_vec >= azi_min, azi_vec <= azi_max)]
if azi_vec.size == 0:
print("No azimuth angles between " + str(azi_min) + " and " + str(azi_max))
return None
# get sweeps corresponding to the desired azimuth angles
ind_sweeps = []
for azi in azi_vec:
ind_sweeps.append(np.where(radar_aux.fixed_angle["data"] == azi)[0][0])
radar_aux = radar_aux.extract_sweeps(ind_sweeps)
# Get indices of rays within limits
ind_rays = np.where(
radar_aux.elevation["data"] >= ele_min,
radar_aux.elevation["data"] <= ele_max,
# get new sweep start index and stop index
sweep_start_inds = copy.deepcopy(radar_aux.sweep_start_ray_index["data"])
sweep_end_inds = copy.deepcopy(radar_aux.sweep_end_ray_index["data"])
nrays = 0
ind_rays_aux = []
for j in range(radar_aux.nsweeps):
# get ray indices for this sweep
ind_rays_sweep = ind_rays[
ind_rays >= sweep_start_inds[j], ind_rays <= sweep_end_inds[j]
# order rays
if radar_aux.scan_type == "ppi":
ind = np.argsort(radar_aux.azimuth["data"][ind_rays_sweep])
ind_rays_sweep = ind_rays_sweep[ind]
# avoid large gaps in data
azimuths = radar_aux.azimuth["data"][ind_rays_sweep]
azi_steps = azimuths[1:] - azimuths[:-1]
ind_gap = np.where(azi_steps > 2 * np.median(azi_steps))[0]
if ind_gap.size > 0:
ind_rays_sweep = np.append(
ind_rays_sweep[ind_gap[0] + 1 :], ind_rays_sweep[: ind_gap[0] + 1]
ind = np.argsort(radar_aux.elevation["data"][ind_rays_sweep])
rays_in_sweep = ind_rays_sweep.size
radar_aux.rays_per_sweep["data"][j] = rays_in_sweep
if j == 0:
radar_aux.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][j] = 0
radar_aux.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][j] = int(
radar_aux.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][j - 1] + 1
radar_aux.sweep_end_ray_index["data"][j] = (
radar_aux.sweep_start_ray_index["data"][j] + rays_in_sweep - 1
nrays += rays_in_sweep
ind_rays = np.array(ind_rays_aux)
# Update metadata
radar_aux.range["data"] = radar_aux.range["data"][ind_rng]
radar_aux.time["data"] = radar_aux.time["data"][ind_rays]
radar_aux.azimuth["data"] = radar_aux.azimuth["data"][ind_rays]
radar_aux.elevation["data"] = radar_aux.elevation["data"][ind_rays]
radar_aux.nrays = nrays
radar_aux.ngates = ind_rng.size
if radar_aux.instrument_parameters is not None:
if "nyquist_velocity" in radar_aux.instrument_parameters:
] = radar_aux.instrument_parameters["nyquist_velocity"]["data"][ind_rays]
if "pulse_width" in radar_aux.instrument_parameters:
] = radar_aux.instrument_parameters["pulse_width"]["data"][ind_rays]
if "number_of_pulses" in radar_aux.instrument_parameters:
] = radar_aux.instrument_parameters["number_of_pulses"]["data"][ind_rays]
# Get new fields
if field_names is None:
radar_aux.fields = dict()
fields_aux = copy.deepcopy(radar_aux.fields)
radar_aux.fields = dict()
for field_name in field_names:
if field_name not in fields_aux:
print("Field " + field_name + " not available")
fields_aux[field_name]["data"] = fields_aux[field_name]["data"][:, ind_rng]
fields_aux[field_name]["data"] = fields_aux[field_name]["data"][ind_rays, :]
radar_aux.add_field(field_name, fields_aux[field_name])
return radar_aux
[docs]def join_radar(radar1, radar2):
Combine two radar instances into one.
radar1 : Radar
Radar object.
radar2 : Radar
Radar object.
# must have same gate spacing
new_radar = copy.deepcopy(radar1)
new_radar.azimuth["data"] = np.append(
radar1.azimuth["data"], radar2.azimuth["data"]
new_radar.elevation["data"] = np.append(
radar1.elevation["data"], radar2.elevation["data"]
new_radar.fixed_angle["data"] = np.append(
radar1.fixed_angle["data"], radar2.fixed_angle["data"]
new_radar.sweep_number["data"] = np.append(
radar1.sweep_number["data"], radar2.sweep_number["data"]
new_radar.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] = np.append(
radar2.sweep_start_ray_index["data"] + radar1.nrays,
new_radar.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] = np.append(
radar2.sweep_end_ray_index["data"] + radar1.nrays,
new_radar.nsweeps += radar2.nsweeps
new_radar.sweep_mode["data"] = np.append(
radar1.sweep_mode["data"], radar2.sweep_mode["data"]
if (radar1.rays_are_indexed is not None) and (radar2.rays_are_indexed is not None):
new_radar.rays_are_indexed["data"] = np.append(
radar1.rays_are_indexed["data"], radar2.rays_are_indexed["data"]
new_radar.rays_are_indexed = None
if new_radar.instrument_parameters is not None:
if "nyquist_velocity" in new_radar.instrument_parameters:
new_radar.instrument_parameters["nyquist_velocity"]["data"] = np.append(
if "pulse_width" in new_radar.instrument_parameters:
new_radar.instrument_parameters["pulse_width"]["data"] = np.append(
if "number_of_pulses" in new_radar.instrument_parameters:
new_radar.instrument_parameters["number_of_pulses"]["data"] = np.append(
if "prt" in new_radar.instrument_parameters:
new_radar.instrument_parameters["prt"]["data"] = np.append(
if (radar1.ray_angle_res is not None) and (radar2.ray_angle_res is not None):
new_radar.ray_angle_res["data"] = np.append(
radar1.ray_angle_res["data"], radar2.ray_angle_res["data"]
new_radar.ray_angle_res = None
if len(radar1.range["data"]) >= len(radar2.range["data"]):
new_radar.range["data"] = radar1.range["data"]
new_radar.range["data"] = radar2.range["data"]
new_radar.ngates = len(new_radar.range["data"])
if (radar1.target_scan_rate is not None) and (radar2.target_scan_rate is not None):
new_radar.target_scan_rate["data"] = np.append(
radar1.target_scan_rate["data"], radar2.target_scan_rate["data"]
new_radar.target_scan_rate = None
# to combine times we need to reference them to a standard
# for this we'll use epoch time
r1num = datetime_utils.datetimes_from_radar(radar1, epoch=True)
r2num = datetime_utils.datetimes_from_radar(radar2, epoch=True)
new_radar.time["data"] = date2num(
np.append(r1num, r2num), datetime_utils.EPOCH_UNITS
new_radar.time["units"] = datetime_utils.EPOCH_UNITS
new_radar.nrays = len(new_radar.time["data"])
fields_to_remove = []
for var in new_radar.fields.keys():
# if the field is present in both radars combine both fields
# otherwise remove it from new radar
if var in radar1.fields and var in radar2.fields:
sh1 = radar1.fields[var]["data"].shape
sh2 = radar2.fields[var]["data"].shape
new_field_shape = (sh1[0] + sh2[0], max(sh1[1], sh2[1]))
new_field = np.ma.masked_all(new_field_shape)
new_field[0 : sh1[0], 0 : sh1[1]] = radar1.fields[var]["data"]
new_field[sh1[0] :, 0 : sh2[1]] = radar2.fields[var]["data"]
new_radar.fields[var]["data"] = new_field
print("Field " + var + " not present in both radars")
if fields_to_remove:
for field_name in fields_to_remove:
new_radar.fields.pop(field_name, None)
# radar locations
# TODO moving platforms - any more?
if (
== 1 & len(radar2.latitude["data"])
== 1 & len(radar1.longitude["data"])
== 1 & len(radar2.longitude["data"])
== 1 & len(radar1.altitude["data"])
== 1 & len(radar2.altitude["data"])
== 1
lat1 = float(radar1.latitude["data"].item())
lon1 = float(radar1.longitude["data"].item())
alt1 = float(radar1.altitude["data"].item())
lat2 = float(radar2.latitude["data"].item())
lon2 = float(radar2.longitude["data"].item())
alt2 = float(radar2.altitude["data"].item())
if (lat1 != lat2) or (lon1 != lon2) or (alt1 != alt2):
ones1 = np.ones(len(radar1.time["data"]), dtype="float32")
ones2 = np.ones(len(radar2.time["data"]), dtype="float32")
new_radar.latitude["data"] = np.append(ones1 * lat1, ones2 * lat2)
new_radar.longitude["data"] = np.append(ones1 * lon1, ones2 * lon2)
new_radar.latitude["data"] = np.append(ones1 * alt1, ones2 * alt2)
new_radar.latitude["data"] = radar1.latitude["data"]
new_radar.longitude["data"] = radar1.longitude["data"]
new_radar.altitude["data"] = radar1.altitude["data"]
new_radar.latitude["data"] = np.append(
radar1.latitude["data"], radar2.latitude["data"]
new_radar.longitude["data"] = np.append(
radar1.longitude["data"], radar2.longitude["data"]
new_radar.altitude["data"] = np.append(
radar1.altitude["data"], radar2.altitude["data"]
return new_radar
[docs]def image_mute_radar(radar, field, mute_field, mute_threshold, field_threshold=None):
This function will split a field based on thresholds from another field.
Specifically, it was designed to separate areas of reflectivity where
the correlation coefficient is less than a certain threshold to discern
melting precipitation.
Author: Laura Tomkins (lauramtomkins@gmail.com)
radar : Radar
Radar instance which provides the fields for muting.
field : str
Name of field to image mute.
mute_field : str
Name of field to image mute by.
mute_threshold : float
Threshold value to mute by.
field_threshold : float
Additional threshold to mask.
radar : Radar
Radar object with 2 new fields from input field, one muted and one not muted.
Tomkins, L. M., Yuter, S. E., Miller, M. A., and Allen, L. R., 2022:
Image muting of mixed precipitation to improve identification of regions
of heavy snow in radar data. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 5515–5525,
# add checks for field availability
if field not in radar.fields.keys():
raise KeyError("Failed - ", field, " field to mute not found in Radar object.")
if mute_field not in radar.fields.keys():
raise KeyError(
"Failed - ", mute_field, " field to mute by not found in Radar object."
# get data from fields
data_to_mute = radar.fields[field]["data"]
data_mute_by = radar.fields[mute_field]["data"]
# create filters
# field_filter is used if user wants to use additional criteria in the
# original field
if field_threshold is not None:
field_filter = data_to_mute >= field_threshold
field_filter = None
# mute_filter will be the primary filter for determining muted regions
mute_filter = data_mute_by <= mute_threshold
# mute_mask is the combined filter
if field_filter is None:
mute_mask = mute_filter
mute_mask = mute_filter & field_filter
# break up the field into muted regions and non muted regions
non_muted_field = np.ma.masked_where(mute_mask, data_to_mute)
non_muted_field = np.ma.masked_invalid(non_muted_field)
muted_field = np.ma.masked_where(~mute_mask, data_to_mute)
muted_field = np.ma.masked_invalid(muted_field)
# add fields to a dictionary and save to radar object
non_muted_dict = radar.fields[field].copy()
non_muted_dict["data"] = non_muted_field
non_muted_dict["long_name"] = "Non-muted " + field
radar.add_field("nonmuted_" + field, non_muted_dict)
muted_dict = radar.fields[field].copy()
muted_dict["data"] = muted_field
muted_dict["long_name"] = "Muted " + field
radar.add_field("muted_" + field, muted_dict)
return radar
[docs]def ma_broadcast_to(array, tup):
Is used to guarantee that a masked array can be broadcasted without
loosing the mask
array : Numpy masked array or normal array
tup : shape as tuple
The broadcasted numpy array including its mask if available
otherwise only the broadcasted array is returned
broadcasted_array = np.broadcast_to(array, tup)
if np.ma.is_masked(array):
initial_mask = np.ma.getmask(array)
initial_fill_value = array.fill_value
broadcasted_mask = np.broadcast_to(initial_mask, tup)
return np.ma.array(
broadcasted_array, mask=broadcasted_mask, fill_value=initial_fill_value
return broadcasted_array