Source code for act.plotting.skewtdisplay

Stores the class for SkewTDisplay.


from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Import third party libraries
import metpy
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
import numpy as np
import scipy
from metpy.plots import Hodograph, SkewT
from metpy.units import units

from ..retrievals import calculate_stability_indicies

# Import Local Libs
from ..utils import datetime_utils as dt_utils
from .plot import Display

[docs]class SkewTDisplay(Display): """ A class for making Skew-T plots. This is inherited from the :func:`act.plotting.Display` class and has therefore has the same attributes as that class. See :func:`act.plotting.Display` for more information. There are no additional attributes or parameters to this class. In order to create Skew-T plots, ACT needs the MetPy package to be installed on your system. More information about MetPy go here: Examples -------- Here is an example of how to make a Skew-T plot using ACT: .. code-block :: python sonde_ds = act.tests.sample_files.EXAMPLE_SONDE1) skewt = act.plotting.SkewTDisplay(sonde_ds) skewt.plot_from_u_and_v('u_wind', 'v_wind', 'pres', 'tdry', 'dp') """ def __init__(self, ds, subplot_shape=(1,), subplot=None, ds_name=None, set_fig=None, **kwargs): # We want to use our routine to handle subplot adding, not the main # one new_kwargs = kwargs.copy() super().__init__(ds, None, ds_name, subplot_kw=dict(projection='skewx'), **new_kwargs) # Make a SkewT object for each subplot self.add_subplots(subplot_shape, set_fig=set_fig, subplot=subplot, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_subplots(self, subplot_shape=(1,), set_fig=None, subplot=None, **kwargs): """ Adds subplots to the Display object. The current figure in the object will be deleted and overwritten. Parameters ---------- subplot_shape : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The structure of the subplots in (rows, cols). subplot_kw : dict, optional The kwargs to pass into fig.subplots. set_fig : matplotlib figure, optional Figure to pass to SkewT **kwargs : keyword arguments Any other keyword arguments that will be passed into :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.figure` when the figure is made. The figure is only made if the *fig* property is None. See the matplotlib documentation for further details on what keyword arguments are available. """ del self.axes if self.fig is None and set_fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) if set_fig is not None: self.fig = set_fig self.SkewT = np.empty(shape=subplot_shape, dtype=SkewT) self.axes = np.empty(shape=subplot_shape, dtype=plt.Axes) if len(subplot_shape) == 1: for i in range(subplot_shape[0]): if subplot is None: subplot_tuple = (subplot_shape[0], 1, i + 1) else: subplot_tuple = subplot self.SkewT[i] = SkewT(fig=self.fig, subplot=subplot_tuple) self.axes[i] = self.SkewT[i].ax elif len(subplot_shape) == 2: for i in range(subplot_shape[0]): for j in range(subplot_shape[1]): subplot_tuple = ( subplot_shape[0], subplot_shape[1], i * subplot_shape[1] + j + 1, ) self.SkewT[i, j] = SkewT(fig=self.fig, subplot=subplot_tuple) self.axes[i, j] = self.SkewT[i, j].ax else: raise ValueError('Subplot shape must be 1 or 2D!')
[docs] def set_xrng(self, xrng, subplot_index=(0,)): """ Sets the x range of the plot. Parameters ---------- xrng : 2 number array. The x limits of the plot. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. """ if self.axes is None: raise RuntimeError('set_xrng requires the plot to be displayed.') if not hasattr(self, 'xrng') or np.all(self.xrng == 0): if len(self.axes.shape) == 2: self.xrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], self.axes.shape[1], 2)) else: self.xrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], 2)) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(xrng) self.xrng[subplot_index, :] = np.array(xrng)
[docs] def set_yrng(self, yrng, subplot_index=(0,)): """ Sets the y range of the plot. Parameters ---------- yrng : 2 number array The y limits of the plot. subplot_index : 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array The index of the subplot to set the x range of. """ if self.axes is None: raise RuntimeError('set_yrng requires the plot to be displayed.') if not hasattr(self, 'yrng') or np.all(self.yrng == 0): if len(self.axes.shape) == 2: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], self.axes.shape[1], 2)) else: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], 2)) if not hasattr(self, 'yrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 2: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], self.axes.shape[1], 2)) elif not hasattr(self, 'yrng') and len(self.axes.shape) == 1: self.yrng = np.zeros((self.axes.shape[0], 2)) if yrng[0] == yrng[1]: yrng[1] = yrng[1] + 1 self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(yrng) self.yrng[subplot_index, :] = yrng
[docs] def plot_from_spd_and_dir( self, spd_field, dir_field, p_field, t_field, td_field, dsname=None, **kwargs ): """ This plot will make a sounding plot from wind data that is given in speed and direction. Parameters ---------- spd_field : str The name of the field corresponding to the wind speed. dir_field : str The name of the field corresponding to the wind direction in degrees from North. p_field : str The name of the field containing the atmospheric pressure. t_field : str The name of the field containing the atmospheric temperature. td_field : str The name of the field containing the dewpoint. dsname : str or None The name of the datastream to plot. Set to None to make ACT attempt to automatically determine this. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments will be passed into :func:`act.plotting.SkewTDisplay.plot_from_u_and_v` Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The matplotlib axis handle corresponding to the plot. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Make temporary field called tempu, tempv spd = self._ds[dsname][spd_field].values * units(self._ds[dsname][spd_field].attrs['units']) dir = self._ds[dsname][dir_field].values * units(self._ds[dsname][dir_field].attrs['units']) tempu, tempv = mpcalc.wind_components(spd, dir) self._ds[dsname]['temp_u'] = deepcopy(self._ds[dsname][spd_field]) self._ds[dsname]['temp_v'] = deepcopy(self._ds[dsname][spd_field]) self._ds[dsname]['temp_u'].values = tempu self._ds[dsname]['temp_v'].values = tempv the_ax = self.plot_from_u_and_v( 'temp_u', 'temp_v', p_field, t_field, td_field, dsname, **kwargs ) del self._ds[dsname]['temp_u'], self._ds[dsname]['temp_v'] return the_ax
[docs] def plot_from_u_and_v( self, u_field, v_field, p_field, t_field, td_field, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), p_levels_to_plot=None, show_parcel=True, shade_cape=True, shade_cin=True, set_title=None, smooth_p=3, plot_dry_adiabats=False, plot_moist_adiabats=False, plot_mixing_lines=False, plot_barbs_kwargs=dict(), plot_kwargs=dict(), dry_adiabats_kwargs=dict(), moist_adiabats_kwargs=dict(), mixing_lines_kwargs=dict(), ): """ This function will plot a Skew-T from a sounding dataset. The wind data must be given in u and v. Parameters ---------- u_field : str The name of the field containing the u component of the wind. v_field : str The name of the field containing the v component of the wind. p_field : str The name of the field containing the pressure. t_field : str The name of the field containing the temperature. td_field : str The name of the field containing the dewpoint temperature. dsname : str or None The name of the datastream to plot. Set to None to make ACT attempt to automatically determine this. subplot_index : tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot on. p_levels_to_plot : 1D array The pressure levels to plot the wind barbs on. Set to None to have ACT to use neatly spaced defaults of 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, and 1000 hPa. show_parcel : bool Set to true to calculate the profile a parcel takes through the atmosphere using the metpy.calc.parcel_profile function. From their documentation, the parcel starts at the surface temperature and dewpoint, is lifted up dry adiabatically to the LCL and then moist adiabatically from there. shade_cape : bool Set to True to shade the CAPE red. shade_cin : bool Set to True to shade the CIN blue. set_title : None or str The title of the plot is set to this. Set to None to use a default title. smooth_p : int If pressure is not in descending order, will smooth the data using this many points to try and work around the issue. Default is 3 but inthe pbl retrieval code we have to default to 5 at times plot_barbs_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy's SkewT.plot_barbs. plot_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy's SkewT.plot. dry_adiabats_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy's plot_dry_adiabats function moist_adiabats_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy's plot_moist_adiabats function mixing_lines_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy's plot_mixing_lines function Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis handle The axis handle to the plot. References ---------- May, R. M., Arms, S. C., Marsh, P., Bruning, E., Leeman, J. R., Goebbert, K., Thielen, J. E., Bruick, Z., and Camron, M. D., 2023: MetPy: A Python Package for Meteorological Data. Unidata, Unidata/MetPy, doi:10.5065/D6WW7G29. """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] if p_levels_to_plot is None: p_levels_to_plot = np.array( [ 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0, 850.0, 900.0, 950.0, 1000.0, ] ) * units('hPa') # Get pressure and smooth if not in order p = self._ds[dsname][p_field] if not all(p[i] <= p[i + 1] for i in range(len(p) - 1)): if 'time' in self._ds: self._ds[dsname][p_field] = ( self._ds[dsname][p_field] .rolling(time=smooth_p, min_periods=1, center=True) .mean() ) p = self._ds[dsname][p_field] p_units = self._ds[dsname][p_field].attrs['units'] p = p.values * getattr(units, p_units) if len(np.shape(p)) == 2: p = np.reshape(p, p.shape[0] * p.shape[1]) T = self._ds[dsname][t_field] T_units = self._ds[dsname][t_field].attrs['units'] if T_units == 'C': T_units = 'degC' T = T.values * getattr(units, T_units) if len(np.shape(T)) == 2: T = np.reshape(T, T.shape[0] * T.shape[1]) Td = self._ds[dsname][td_field] Td_units = self._ds[dsname][td_field].attrs['units'] if Td_units == 'C': Td_units = 'degC' Td = Td.values * getattr(units, Td_units) if len(np.shape(Td)) == 2: Td = np.reshape(Td, Td.shape[0] * Td.shape[1]) u = self._ds[dsname][u_field] u_units = self._ds[dsname][u_field].attrs['units'] u = u.values * getattr(units, u_units) if len(np.shape(u)) == 2: u = np.reshape(u, u.shape[0] * u.shape[1]) v = self._ds[dsname][v_field] v_units = self._ds[dsname][v_field].attrs['units'] v = v.values * getattr(units, v_units) if len(np.shape(v)) == 2: v = np.reshape(v, v.shape[0] * v.shape[1]) u_red = np.zeros_like(p_levels_to_plot) * getattr(units, u_units) v_red = np.zeros_like(p_levels_to_plot) * getattr(units, v_units) # Check p_levels_to_plot units, and convert to p units if needed if not hasattr(p_levels_to_plot, 'units'): p_levels_to_plot = p_levels_to_plot * getattr(units, p_units) else: p_levels_to_plot = for i in range(len(p_levels_to_plot)): index = np.argmin(np.abs(p_levels_to_plot[i] - p)) u_red[i] = u[index].magnitude * getattr(units, u_units) v_red[i] = v[index].magnitude * getattr(units, v_units) self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot(p, T, 'r', **plot_kwargs) self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot(p, Td, 'g', **plot_kwargs) self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot_barbs( p_levels_to_plot.magnitude, u_red, v_red, **plot_barbs_kwargs ) # Metpy fix if Pressure does not decrease monotonically in # your sounding. try: prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC') except metpy.calc.exceptions.InvalidSoundingError: p = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(p, 3, output=float) p = metpy.units.units.Quantity(p, p_units) prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC') if show_parcel: # Only plot where prof > T lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature = mpcalc.lcl(p[0], T[0], Td[0]) self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot( lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature, 'ko', markerfacecolor='black', **plot_kwargs ) self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2, **plot_kwargs) if shade_cape: self.SkewT[subplot_index].shade_cape(p, T, prof, linewidth=2) if shade_cin: self.SkewT[subplot_index].shade_cin(p, T, prof, linewidth=2) # Get plot temperatures from x-axis as t0 t0 = self.SkewT[subplot_index].ax.get_xticks() * getattr(units, T_units) # Add minimum pressure to pressure levels to plot if np.nanmin(p.magnitude) < np.nanmin(p_levels_to_plot.magnitude): plp = np.insert(p_levels_to_plot.magnitude, 0, np.nanmin(p.magnitude)) * units('hPa') else: plp = p_levels_to_plot # New options for plotting dry and moist adiabats as well as the mixing lines if plot_dry_adiabats: self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot_dry_adiabats(pressure=plp, t0=t0, **dry_adiabats_kwargs) if plot_moist_adiabats: self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot_moist_adiabats( t0=t0, pressure=plp, **moist_adiabats_kwargs ) if plot_mixing_lines: self.SkewT[subplot_index].plot_mixing_lines(pressure=plp, **mixing_lines_kwargs) # Set Title if set_title is None: if 'time' in self._ds[dsname]: title_time = (dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._ds[dsname].time.values[0]),) elif '_file_dates' in self._ds[dsname].attrs: title_time = self._ds[dsname].attrs['_file_dates'][0] else: title_time = '' set_title = ' '.join([dsname, 'on', title_time[0]]) self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(set_title) # Set Y Limit our_data = p.magnitude if np.isfinite(our_data).any(): yrng = [np.nanmax(our_data), np.nanmin(our_data)] else: yrng = [1000.0, 100.0] self.set_yrng(yrng, subplot_index) # Set X Limit xrng = [np.nanmin(T.magnitude) - 10.0, np.nanmax(T.magnitude) + 10.0] self.set_xrng(xrng, subplot_index) return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_hodograph( self, spd_field, dir_field, color_field=None, set_fig=None, set_axes=None, component_range=80, dsname=None, uv_flag=False, ): """ This will plot a hodograph from the radiosonde wind data using MetPy Parameters ---------- spd_field : str The name of the field corresponding to the wind speed. dir_field : str The name of the field corresponding to the wind direction in degrees from North. color_field : str, optional The name of the field if wanting to shade by another variable set_fig : matplotlib figure, optional The figure to plot on set_axes : matplotlib axes, optional The specific axes to plot on component_range : int Range of the hodograph. Default is 80 dsname : str Name of the datastream to plot if multiple in the plot object uv_flag : boolean If set to True, spd_field and dir_field will be treated as the U and V wind variable names Returns ------- self.axes : matplotlib axes """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Get the current plotting axis if set_fig is not None: self.fig = set_fig if set_axes is not None: self.axes = set_axes if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) # Calculate u/v wind components from speed/direction if uv_flag is False: spd = self._ds[dsname][spd_field].values * units( self._ds[dsname][spd_field].attrs['units'] ) dir = self._ds[dsname][dir_field].values * units( self._ds[dsname][dir_field].attrs['units'] ) u, v = mpcalc.wind_components(spd, dir) else: u = self._ds[dsname][spd_field].values * units( self._ds[dsname][spd_field].attrs['units'] ) v = self._ds[dsname][dir_field].values * units( self._ds[dsname][dir_field].attrs['units'] ) # Plot out the data using the Hodograph method h = Hodograph(self.axes, component_range=component_range) h.add_grid(increment=20) if color_field is None: h.plot(u, v) else: data = self._ds[dsname][color_field].values * units( self._ds[dsname][color_field].attrs['units'] ) h.plot_colormapped(u, v, data) return self.axes
[docs] def add_stability_info( self, temp_name='tdry', td_name='dp', p_name='pres', overwrite_data=None, add_data=None, set_fig=None, set_axes=None, dsname=None, ): """ This plot will make a sounding plot from wind data that is given in speed and direction. Parameters ---------- temp_name : str The name of the temperature field. td_name : str The name of the dewpoint field. p_name : str The name of the pressure field. overwrite_data : dict A disctionary of variables/values to write out instead of the ones calculated by MetPy. Needs to be of the form .. code-block:: python overwrite_data={'LCL': 234, 'CAPE': 25} ... add_data : dict A dictionary of variables and values to write out in addition to the MetPy calculated ones set_fig : matplotlib figure, optional The figure to plot on set_axes : matplotlib axes, optional The specific axes to plot on dsname : str Name of the datastream to plot if multiple in the plot object Returns ------- self.axes : matplotlib axes """ if dsname is None and len(self._ds.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'You must choose a datastream when there are 2 ' 'or more datasets in the TimeSeriesDisplay ' 'object.' ) elif dsname is None: dsname = list(self._ds.keys())[0] # Get the current plotting axis if set_fig is not None: self.fig = set_fig if set_axes is not None: self.axes = set_axes if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() if self.axes is None: self.axes = np.array([plt.axes()]) self.fig.add_axes(self.axes[0]) self.axes.spines['top'].set_visible(False) self.axes.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self.axes.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) self.axes.spines['left'].set_visible(False) self.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) self.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ct = 0 if overwrite_data is None: # Calculate stability indicies ds_sonde = calculate_stability_indicies( self._ds[dsname], temp_name=temp_name, td_name=td_name, p_name=p_name, ) # Add MetPy calculated variables to the list variables = { 'lifted_index': 'Lifted Index', 'surface_based_cape': 'SBCAPE', 'surface_based_cin': 'SBCIN', 'most_unstable_cape': 'MUCAPE', 'most_unstable_cin': 'MUCIN', 'lifted_condensation_level_temperature': 'LCL Temp', 'lifted_condensation_level_pressure': 'LCL Pres', } for i, v in enumerate(variables): var_string = str(np.round(ds_sonde[v].values, 2)) self.axes.text( -0.05, (0.98 - (0.1 * i)), variables[v] + ': ', transform=self.axes.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', ) self.axes.text( 0.95, (0.98 - (0.1 * i)), var_string, transform=self.axes.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right', ) ct += 1 else: # If overwrite_data is set, the user passes in their own dictionary for i, v in enumerate(overwrite_data): var_string = str(np.round(overwrite_data[v], 2)) self.axes.text( -0.05, (0.98 - (0.1 * i)), v + ': ', transform=self.axes.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', ) self.axes.text( 0.95, (0.98 - (0.1 * i)), var_string, transform=self.axes.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right', ) # User can also add variables to the existing ones calculated by MetPy if add_data is not None: for i, v in enumerate(add_data): var_string = str(np.round(add_data[v], 2)) self.axes.text( -0.05, (0.98 - (0.1 * (i + ct))), v + ': ', transform=self.axes.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', ) self.axes.text( 0.95, (0.98 - (0.1 * (i + ct))), var_string, transform=self.axes.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right', ) return self.axes
[docs] def plot_enhanced_skewt( self, spd_name='wspd', dir_name='deg', temp_name='tdry', td_name='dp', p_name='pres', overwrite_data=None, add_data=None, color_field=None, component_range=80, uv_flag=False, dsname=None, figsize=(14, 10), layout='constrained', ): """ This will plot an enhanced Skew-T plot with a Hodograph on the top right and the stability parameters on the lower right. This will create a new figure so that one does not need to be defined through subplot_shape. Requires Matplotlib v 3.7 and higher Parameters ---------- spd_name : str The name of the field corresponding to the wind speed. dir_name : str The name of the field corresponding to the wind direction in degrees from North. temp_name : str The name of the temperature field. td_name : str The name of the dewpoint field. p_name : str The name of the pressure field. overwrite_data : dict A disctionary of variables/values to write out instead of the ones calculated by MetPy. Needs to be of the form .. code-block:: python overwrite_data={'LCL': 234, 'CAPE': 25} ... add_data : dict A dictionary of variables and values to write out in addition to the MetPy calculated ones color_field : str, optional The name of the field if wanting to shade by another variable component_range : int Range of the hodograph. Default is 80 uv_flag : boolean If set to True, spd_field and dir_field will be treated as the U and V wind variable names dsname : str Name of the datastream to plot if multiple in the plot object figsize : tuple Figure size for the plot layout : str String to pass to matplotlib.figure.Figure object layout keyword argument. Choice of 'constrained,' 'compressed,' 'tight,' or None. Default is 'constrained'. Returns ------- self.axes : matplotlib axes """ # Set up the figure and axes # Close existing figure as a new one will be created plt.close('all') subplot_kw = {'a': {'projection': 'skewx'}} fig, axs = plt.subplot_mosaic( [['a', 'a', 'b'], ['a', 'a', 'b'], ['a', 'a', 'c'], ['a', 'a', 'c']], layout=layout, per_subplot_kw=subplot_kw, ) self.fig = fig self.axes = axs # Plot out the Skew-T display = SkewTDisplay(self._ds, set_fig=fig, subplot=axs['a'], figsize=figsize) if uv_flag is True: display.plot_from_u_and_v(spd_name, dir_name, p_name, temp_name, td_name) else: display.plot_from_spd_and_dir(spd_name, dir_name, p_name, temp_name, td_name) # Plot the hodograph display.plot_hodograph( spd_name, dir_name, set_axes=axs['b'], color_field=color_field, component_range=component_range, dsname=dsname, uv_flag=uv_flag, ) # Add Stability information display.add_stability_info( set_axes=axs['c'], temp_name=temp_name, td_name=td_name, p_name=p_name, overwrite_data=overwrite_data, add_data=add_data, dsname=dsname, ) return self.axes