- SkewTDisplay.plot_from_u_and_v(u_field, v_field, p_field, t_field, td_field, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0,), p_levels_to_plot=None, show_parcel=True, shade_cape=True, shade_cin=True, set_title=None, smooth_p=3, plot_dry_adiabats=False, plot_moist_adiabats=False, plot_mixing_lines=False, plot_barbs_kwargs={}, plot_kwargs={}, dry_adiabats_kwargs={}, moist_adiabats_kwargs={}, mixing_lines_kwargs={})[source]¶
This function will plot a Skew-T from a sounding dataset. The wind data must be given in u and v.
- Parameters:
u_field (str) – The name of the field containing the u component of the wind.
v_field (str) – The name of the field containing the v component of the wind.
p_field (str) – The name of the field containing the pressure.
t_field (str) – The name of the field containing the temperature.
td_field (str) – The name of the field containing the dewpoint temperature.
dsname (str or None) – The name of the datastream to plot. Set to None to make ACT attempt to automatically determine this.
subplot_index (tuple) – The index of the subplot to make the plot on.
p_levels_to_plot (1D array) – The pressure levels to plot the wind barbs on. Set to None to have ACT to use neatly spaced defaults of 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, and 1000 hPa.
show_parcel (bool) – Set to true to calculate the profile a parcel takes through the atmosphere using the metpy.calc.parcel_profile function. From their documentation, the parcel starts at the surface temperature and dewpoint, is lifted up dry adiabatically to the LCL and then moist adiabatically from there.
shade_cape (bool) – Set to True to shade the CAPE red.
shade_cin (bool) – Set to True to shade the CIN blue.
set_title (None or str) – The title of the plot is set to this. Set to None to use a default title.
smooth_p (int) – If pressure is not in descending order, will smooth the data using this many points to try and work around the issue. Default is 3 but inthe pbl retrieval code we have to default to 5 at times
plot_barbs_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy’s SkewT.plot_barbs.
plot_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy’s SkewT.plot.
dry_adiabats_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy’s plot_dry_adiabats function
moist_adiabats_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy’s plot_moist_adiabats function
mixing_lines_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to pass into MetPy’s plot_mixing_lines function
- Returns:
ax (matplotlib axis handle) – The axis handle to the plot.
- May, R. M., Arms, S. C., Marsh, P., Bruning, E., Leeman, J. R., Goebbert, K., Thielen, J. E.,
Bruick, Z., and Camron, M. D., 2023: MetPy: A Python Package for Meteorological Data. Unidata, Unidata/MetPy, doi:10.5065/D6WW7G29.