This module contains the common procedures used by all modules of the ARM Community Toolkit.
Class for updating units in the dataset. |
Class to parse ARM datastream names or filenames into its components. |
Program to accumulate rain rates from an act xarray dataset and insert variable back into an act xarray dataset with "_accumulated" appended to the variable name. |
This procedure adds in NaNs when there is a larger than expected time step. |
Add variable to the dataset to denote night (0) or sun (1). |
Will adjust the timestamp based on the time_bounds or other information so that the timestamp aligns with user preference. |
ARM Data Validator (ADV) - Checks to ensure that ARM standards are being followed in the files or dataset passed to it. |
This procedure will create a new ACT dataset whose coordinates are designated to be the variables in a given list. |
This function calculates the course and speed over ground of a moving platform using the lat/lon. |
Function to retrieve start and end times of missing or bad data. |
This function calculates percentages of different fields of a dataset. |
Cleans up files and directory possibly created from unpacking TAR files with unpack_tar() |
Function to convert a single 2D variable into multiple 1D variables using the second dimension in the new variable name. |
Converts temperature to potential temperature. |
Wrapper function around library to convert data using unit strings. |
Produces a Py-ART radar object based on data in the ACT Xarray dataset. |
Converts one datetime string to another or to a datetime object. |
Ths procedure returns all of the dates between sdate and edate. |
Given a numpy datetime64 array time series, return datetime (y, m, d, h, m, s) |
This function is to decode codes reported from automatic weather stations such as the PWD22. |
This procedure will calculate a destination lat/lon from an initial lat/lon and azimuth and distance. |
Returns the most likely time step in seconds by analyzing the difference in time steps. |
Creates a movie from a list of images or convert movie to different type |
Function to get missing value from missing_value or _FillValue attribute. |
Calculate solar azimuth, elevation and solar distance. |
Calculate sunrise, sunset and local solar noon times. |
Converts pressure for change in height. |
Converts temperature for change in height. |
Function to test if file is a gunzip file. |
Determine if sun is above horizon at for a list of times. |
Given a numpy datetime64, return an ARM standard date (yyyymmdd). |
Creates a gunzip file from a filename path |
Creates TAR file from list of filenames provided. |
Planck function to convert radiance to temperature or temperature to radiance given a corresponding wavenumber value. |
This procedure is to only be used by the calc_cog_sog function for dask delayed processing. |
Given a time series, this function will return a list of tuples of time ranges representing the contineous times where no data is detected missing. |
Program to take in multiple difference time-series and average them using the weights provided. |
Extracts file from a gunzip file. |
Unpacks TAR file contents into provided base directory |