
class act.plotting.ContourDisplay(ds, subplot_shape=(1,), ds_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

This subclass contains routines that are specific to plotting contour plots from data. It is inherited from Display and therefore contains all of Display’s attributes and methods.

add_colorbar(mappable[, title, ...])

Adds a colorbar to the plot.

add_subplots([subplot_shape, secondary_y, ...])

Adds subplots to the Display object.

assign_to_figure_axis(fig, ax)

This assigns the Display to a specific figure and axis.

barbs(x, y, u, v[, subplot_index])

Base function for wind barbs.

contour(x, y, z[, subplot_index])

Base function for contours if user already has data gridded.

contourf(x, y, z[, subplot_index])

Base function for filled contours if user already has data gridded.

create_contour([fields, time, function, ...])

Extracts, grids, and creates a contour plot.


Group the Display by specific units of time.

plot_station(fields[, time, subplot_index, ...])

Extracts, grids, and creates a contour plot.

plot_vectors_from_spd_dir(fields[, time, ...])

Extracts, grids, and creates a contour plot.

put_display_in_subplot(display, subplot_index)

This will place a Display object into a specific subplot.