

This module contains classes for displaying data. act.plotting.Display() is the base class on which all other Display classes are inherited from. If you are making a new Display object, please make it inherited from this class.

act.plotting.ContourDisplay() handles the plotting of contour plots.
act.plotting.DistributionDisplay() handles the plotting of distribution-related plots.
act.plotting.GeographicPlotDisplay() handles the plotting of lat-lon plots.
act.plotting.SkewTDisplay() handles the plotting of Skew-T diagrams.
act.plotting.TimeSeriesDisplay() handles the plotting of timeseries.
act.plotting.WindRoseDisplay() handles the plotting of wind rose plots.
act.plotting.XSectionDisplay() handles the plotting of cross sections.


ContourDisplay(ds[, subplot_shape, ds_name])

This subclass contains routines that are specific to plotting contour plots from data.

Display(ds[, subplot_shape, ds_name, subplot_kw])

This class is the base class for all of the other Display object types in ACT.

DistributionDisplay(ds[, subplot_shape, ds_name])

This class is used to make distribution related plots.

GeographicPlotDisplay(ds[, ds_name])

A class for making geographic tracer plot of aircraft, ship or other moving platform plot.

SkewTDisplay(ds[, subplot_shape, subplot, ...])

A class for making Skew-T plots.

TimeSeriesDisplay(ds[, subplot_shape, ds_name])

This subclass contains routines that are specific to plotting time series plots from data.

WindRoseDisplay(ds[, subplot_shape, ds_name])

A class for handing wind rose plots.

XSectionDisplay(ds[, subplot_shape, ds_name])

Plots cross sections of multidimensional datasets.