

This module contains procedures for exploring and downloading data from a variety of web services


download_arm_data(username, token, ...[, ...])

This tool will help users utilize the ARM Live Data Webservice to download ARM data.

download_neon_data(site_code, product_code, ...)

Returns a list of data products available for a NEON site.

download_noaa_psl_data([site, instrument, ...])

Function to download data from the NOAA PSL Profiler Network Data Library

download_surfrad_data([site, startdate, ...])

Function to download data from the NOAA Surface Radiation Budget network.

get_airnow_bounded_obs(token, start_date, ...)

Get AQI values or data concentrations for a specific date and time range and set of parameters within a geographic area of intrest

get_airnow_forecast(token, date[, zipcode, ...])

This tool will get current or historical AQI values and categories for a reporting area by either Zip code or Lat/Lon coordinate.

get_airnow_obs(token[, date, zipcode, ...])

This tool will get current or historical observed AQI values and categories for a reporting area by either Zip code or Lat/Lon coordinate.

get_arm_doi(datastream, startdate, enddate)

This function will return a citation with DOI, if available, for specified datastream and date range

get_asos_data(time_window[, lat_range, ...])

Returns all of the station observations from the Iowa Mesonet from either a given latitude and longitude window or a given station code.

get_crop_type([lat, lon, year])

Function for working with the CropScape API to get a crop type based on the lat,lon, and year entered.

get_improve_data([site_id, parameter_id, ...])

Retrieve IMPROVE data for the given site and variable ids and store it in an xarray dataset.

get_neon_product_avail(site_code, product_code)

Returns a list of data products available for a NEON site NEON sites can be found through the NEON website

get_neon_site_products(site_code[, ...])

Returns a list of data products available for a NEON site NEON sites can be found through the NEON website