
act.discovery.get_airnow_bounded_obs(token, start_date, end_date, latlon_bnds, parameters='OZONE,PM25', data_type='B', mon_type=0)[source]

Get AQI values or data concentrations for a specific date and time range and set of parameters within a geographic area of intrest

  • token (str) – The access token for accesing the AirNowAPI web server

  • start_date (str) – The start date and hour (in UTC) of the data request. Format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH

  • end_date (str) – The end date and hour (in UTC) of the data request. Format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH

  • latlon_bnds (str) – Lat/Lon bounding box of the area of intrest. Format is ‘minX,minY,maxX,maxY’

  • parameters (str) – Parameters to return data for. Options are: Ozone, PM25, PM10, CO, NO2, SO2 Format is ‘PM25,PM10’

  • mon_type (int) – The type of monitor to be returned. Default is 0 0-Permanent, 1-Mobile onlt, 2-Permanent & Mobile

  • data_type (char) – The type of data to be returned. A-AQI, C-Concentrations, B-AQI & Concentrations


ds (xarray.Dataset) – Returns an xarray dataset object