- GeographicPlotDisplay.geoplot(data_field=None, lat_field='lat', lon_field='lon', dsname=None, cbar_label=None, title=None, projection=None, plot_buffer=0.08, img_tile=None, img_tile_args={}, tile=8, cartopy_feature=None, cmap='rainbow', text=None, gridlines=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Creates a latitude and longitude plot of a time series data set with data values indicated by color and described with a colorbar. Latitude values must be in degree north (-90 to 90) and longitude must be in degree east (-180 to 180).
- Parameters:
data_field (str) – Name of data field in the dataset to plot.
lat_field (str) – Name of latitude field in the dataset to use.
lon_field (str) – Name of longitude field in the dataset to use.
dsname (str or None) – The name of the datastream to plot. Set to None to make ACT attempt to automatically determine this.
cbar_label (str) – Label to use with colorbar. If set to None will attempt to create label from long_name and units.
title (str) – Plot title.
projection ( object) – Project to use on plot. See
plot_buffer (float) – Buffer to add around data on plot in lat and lon dimension.
img_tile (str) – Image to use for the plot background. Set to None to not use background image. For all image background types, see: Default is None.
img_tile_args (dict) – Keyword arguments for the chosen img_tile. These arguments can be found for the corresponding img_tile here: Default is an empty dictionary.
tile (int) – Tile zoom to use with background image. Higher number indicates more resolution. A value of 8 is typical for a normal sonde plot.
cartopy_feature (list of str or str) – Cartopy feature to add to plot.
cmap (str) – Color map to use for colorbar.
text (dictionary) – Dictionary of {text:[lon,lat]} to add to plot. Can have more than one set of text to add.
gridlines (boolean) – Use latitude and longitude gridlines.
**kwargs (keyword arguments) – Any other keyword arguments that will be passed into
when the figure is made. See the matplotlib documentation for further details on what keyword arguments are available.
- Returns:
ax (matplotlib axis handle) – The matplotlib axis handle of the plot.