- class act.qc.QCFilter(ds)[source]¶
A class for building quality control variables containing arrays for filtering data based on a set of test condition typically based on the values in the data fields. These filters can be used in various algorithms and calculations within ACT.
Method to perform a limit test on atmospheric pressure data using pressure derived from altitude value. |
Method to perform a difference test on adjacent values in time series. |
Method to perform a comparison test on time series data. |
Method to perform an equal test and add result to ancillary quality control variable. |
Method to perform generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate test to detect one or more outliers in a univariate data set that follows an approximately normal distribution. |
Method to perform a greater than or equal to test (i.e. |
Method to perform a greater than test (i.e. |
Method to perform a greater than or less than test (i.e. |
Method to perform an interquartile range outliers test on 1D data. |
Method to perform a less than or equal to test (i.e. |
Method to perform a less than test (i.e. |
Method to add indication in quality control variable where data value is set to missing value. |
Method to perform a not equal to test and add result to ancillary quality control variable. |
Method to perform a less than or greater than test (i.e. |
Method to perform a persistence test over 1-D data.. |
Method to add a new test/filter to a quality control variable. |
Method to determine next available bit or flag to use with a QC test. |
Method to apply BSRN comparison tests and add results to ancillary quality control variable. |
Method to apply BSRN limits test and add results to ancillary quality control variable. |
Method to check if a quality control variable exist in the dataset and return the quality control varible name. |
Method to perform a time series comparison test between two Xarray Datasets to detect a shift in time based on two similar variables. |
Method to convert embedded quality control to summary QC that utilzes flag values instead of flag masks and summarizes the assessments to only a few states. |
Method to create a quality control variable in the dataset. |
Method to apply quality control variables to data variables by changing the data values in the dataset using quality control variables. |
Returns a numpy masked array containing data and mask or a numpy float array with masked values set to NaN. |
Returns a numpy array of False or True where a particular flag or bit is set in a numpy array. |
Method to remove a test/filter from a quality control variable. |
Method to set a test/filter in a quality control variable. |
Method to unset a test/filter from a quality control variable. |
Method to check if ancillary_variables variable attribute is set with quality control variable name. |