
pyart.retrieve.create_cappi(radar, fields=None, height=2000, gatefilter=None, vel_field='velocity', same_nyquist=True, nyquist_vector_idx=0)[source]#

Create a Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator (CAPPI) from radar data.

  • radar (Radar) – Py-ART Radar object containing the radar data.

  • fields (list of str, optional) – List of radar fields to be used for creating the CAPPI. If None, all available fields will be used. Default is None.

  • height (float, optional) – The altitude at which to create the CAPPI. Default is 2000 meters.

  • gatefilter (GateFilter, optional) – A GateFilter object to apply masking/filtering to the radar data. Default is None.

  • vel_field (str, optional) – The name of the velocity field to be used for determining the Nyquist velocity. Default is ‘velocity’.

  • same_nyquist (bool, optional) – Whether to only stack sweeps with the same Nyquist velocity. Default is True.

  • nyquist_vector_idx (int, optional) – Index for the Nyquist velocity vector if same_nyquist is True. Default is 0.


Radar – A Py-ART Radar object containing the CAPPI at the specified height.


CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) is a radar visualization technique that provides a horizontal view of meteorological data at a fixed altitude. Reference:


Hamid Ali Syed (@syedhamidali)