Read and Plot Cfradial2/FM301 data Using Xradar and Py-ART#

An example which uses xradar and Py-ART to read and plot Cfradial2/FM301 data.

SPOLRVP8 0.5 Deg. 2008-06-04T00:15:34Z  Equivalent reflectivity factor
# Author: Max Grover (
# License: BSD 3 clause

import xarray as xr
from open_radar_data import DATASETS

import pyart

# Locate the test data and read in using xradar
filename = DATASETS.fetch("")
tree = xr.open_datatree(filename)

# Give the tree Py-ART radar methods
radar = tree.pyart.to_radar()

# Plot the Reflectivity Field (corrected_reflectivity_horizontal)
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar)
display.plot_ppi("DBZ", cmap="pyart_ChaseSpectral", vmin=-20, vmax=70)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.359 seconds)

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