Go to the end to download the full example code.
Calculate and Plot VAD profile#
Calculates a VAD and plots a vertical profile of wind

max height 2682.5470354519784 meters
min height -53.447328651323915 meters
max height 5273.055615736172 meters
min height 1.7533807586878538 meters
max height 7815.51210340485 meters
min height 4.341798234730959 meters
max height 10403.798749463633 meters
min height 6.977668723091483 meters
max height 14259.735154148191 meters
min height 10.905980195850134 meters
max height 18533.70608163625 meters
min height 15.262251073494554 meters
max height 22800.97541932203 meters
min height 19.613871516659856 meters
max height 27060.25919727981 meters
min height 23.959520922973752 meters
max height 31310.269606200978 meters
min height 28.29787217825651 meters
max height 35549.73140401952 meters
min height 32.62760841473937 meters
max height 39777.36820153147 meters
min height 36.94740904122591 meters
max height 43991.90973467566 meters
min height 41.25595719181001 meters
max height 50263.42219179496 meters
min height 47.671291364356875 meters
max height 58621.52730140835 meters
min height 56.22838316485286 meters
max height 71003.14627731778 meters
min height 68.92013945430517 meters
max height 87118.5253265705 meters
min height 85.4666496720165 meters
max height 106741.22752280161 meters
min height 105.65626102685928 meters
max height 125477.00644101389 meters
min height 124.97631322406232 meters
max height 143293.15816160105 meters
min height 143.38701202347875 meters
max height 160000.28993562795 meters
min height 160.68618156574667 meters
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Wind profile obtained from VAD')
# Author: Daniel Wolfensberger (
# License: BSD 3 clause
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from open_radar_data import DATASETS
import pyart
# Read in a sample file
filename = DATASETS.fetch("")
radar =
# Loop on all sweeps and compute VAD
zlevels = np.arange(100, 5000, 100) # height above radar
u_allsweeps = []
v_allsweeps = []
for idx in range(radar.nsweeps):
radar_1sweep = radar.extract_sweeps([idx])
vad = pyart.retrieve.vad_browning(
radar_1sweep, "corrected_velocity", z_want=zlevels
# Average U and V over all sweeps and compute magnitude and angle
u_avg = np.nanmean(np.array(u_allsweeps), axis=0)
v_avg = np.nanmean(np.array(v_allsweeps), axis=0)
orientation = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-u_avg, -v_avg)) % 360
speed = np.sqrt(u_avg**2 + v_avg**2)
# Display vertical profile of wind
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
ax[0].plot(speed * 2, zlevels + radar.altitude["data"])
ax[1].plot(orientation, zlevels + radar.altitude["data"])
ax[0].set_xlabel("Wind speed [m/s]")
ax[1].set_xlabel("Wind direction [deg]")
ax[0].set_ylabel("Altitude [m]")
fig.suptitle("Wind profile obtained from VAD")
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 3.110 seconds)